//------------------------------// // 27 A Simple Truth By Star Swirl The Bearded // Story: Poetry From Equestria And Beyond // by LyraAlluse //------------------------------// A Simple Truth By Star Swirl The Bearded The one thing I have discovered about life, Is that I know nothing. This might seem shocking, As I have lived for many years, But I regret to inform you that it is true. Well I suppose there is one more thing That I have learned about life; One hundred years Down the road I will still know nothing, And as shocking As this may seem; it is a universal truth. You think Knowledge is power? Question these things; Question the years That you have been put in your place By the trials of life… Question your existence, Your concept of truth, Your government, Your friends, Your family, And you too will be shocked To discover that you know nothing. In this thing Called life, I am shocked That I can still accomplish everything in truth Knowing as little as I do. Just imagine how turning nothing Into something could shape me If I worked on this principle The rest of my years! I can seek frivolous things And come up with empty truths, But looking within my inner most self Can open years of knowledge. Though I still know nothing, At least that nothing is one step above the shocking Ignorance found in fleeting mortal life. I seek universal things Beyond mortal comprehension. The problem is that my Mortal shell-shocked mind cannot comprehend it. Therefore all I can do is live With the truth, That after all these years… I still know nothing. Living with the shock that I really know nothing at all, These years of wisdom have humbled me, And oddly comforted me too; Look within your own life, And you may find this simple truth.