//------------------------------// // It's a girl! // Story: Daddy's Girl // by Party Pop //------------------------------// Spike paced anxiously outside the door of a hospital room, biting his lip a little with worry. Pinkie had gone into labor not long ago, and Rarity had gone in to check on her. It had been an hour, and she hadn't come back. He wondered if Pinkie was ok, or if something had gone wrong. Was Pinkie doing alright? Was the baby ok? What was Rarity doing? If only he could go in... The doctors hadn't let him, because he wasn't the biological father. Rarity had made a fuss about this, since it was still his baby anyway, but to no avail. Suddenly, the door opened, and a white mare with light pink hair in a bun (he was pretty sure she was a nurse) poked her head out. "Mr. Dragon, you can come in now." She said. Spike took a deep breath, knowing that his whole life was about to change. Behind that door was a whole new world, one full of nursing, diapers, first steps, cuddles, boo-boos, responsibilities, joy, pain, first words, growing up, and tiny miracles, a world where he wouldn't be just "Spike" anymore. A world where he was "Daddy" too. Spike walked into the room, slightly nervous at what might be within. Pinkie was laying on the hospital bed, with Rarity by her side, tears of joy sparkling in her sapphire eyes. And in Pinkie's arms, something tiny was wrapped up in a blanket. Spike walked up to Rarity's side, and took a peek. What he saw took his breath away. "Wow..." He said, stunned by how tiny and precious the foal was. It had Rarity's soft white fur, and the same color mane, but Pinkie's bouncy curls. A smile spread across his face as he gazed upon the tiny baby. "Isn't she precious, Spike?" Rarity asked him, not taking her gaze off of the sweet little foal. Spike's eyes lit up. The baby was a girl? He smiled even wider. He hadn't said what gender of child he wanted when others had asked, saying either was fine, but secretly, he had really, really wanted a girl. He could protect and cherish her, much like Rarity. He could be the big, strong, loving daddy who was always there for his little girl, the one who went to every ballet recital, who kissed every boo-boo, who helped her pick out her prom dress, and who would comfort her after a bad date (and methodically destroy whoever had dared to hurt his baby girl). He hugged Rarity gently, feeling a swelling joy and love like nothing he had ever known. "Yes, yes she is, Rarity. She's absolutely perfect." He said, looking at his sweet little baby girl. Pinkie smiled at him, and stroked the baby's mane. "Do you want to hold her, Spike?" She asked, wanting to make sure he got to cuddle with his new baby girl. He looked down at the tiny baby, a small tear of joy in his eye. "Yes, I would love to." He said. Rarity used her magic to carry the baby to him, and he wrapped his arms around her gently. He looked into her tiny, sweet face, and stroked her fluffy purple mane. She opened her eyes and looked up at him, revealing her gorgeous blue eyes. He gasped slightly, breathtaken again by how perfect his new baby was. She smiled, and raised a hoof to touch his cheek, gurgling happily. He kissed her forehead gently, which made her giggle happily. "I already love you so much, my sweet, tiny angel..." He said, hugging her close. Rarity and Pinkie looked at each other with a smile, knowing Spike would be a perfect father for their baby, and the four of them would be a very happy family from now on.