Devil May Cry: A New Battlefield

by Lazy_

Demonic Introductions (Filler)

"So this is it, hmm? Your oh so useful plan to resurrect a power beyond compare!?" Sombra stood his ground as his master swirled around in anger, a blue veil of of stars trailing behind her movements as she spun, floating in it's own magical aura. She stormed away back to her throne in the Dark Palace, stomping up the stair-way until she reached the ornate stone and azure seat of power. Reeling a foreleg back she growled loudly as she slammed her right hoof against the backing of the chair, causing a small crack to appear from the blow.

"What is your game, Sombra?" She rested her hoof back on the ground as her heavy, furious breaths began to slow back down to a normal rate. "I gave all the time in the world, all the resources you needed. And you bring me an ape?" She gestured to the blue clad figure standing silently just outside of the door, looking out over the eternal night that blanketed the region of Hell in which they currently resided. Sombra's face remained stoic as he turned his head to see the fruits of his labour.

"An ape, yes. However that being holds a power that may just be able to help us-"

"I do not care what it may do, only what it can do! You brought me a weakened power, not a full one!" His master cut him off. "You fool! Do you have any idea what all that energy could have been used for if not for your 'little plan'?" Sombra stood silently, awaiting his master's continuation as she stared him down with her evil glowing eyes. "I could have manifested all of us in Equestria before the end of this month given all that power. We could have had our revenge!"

His master turned her attention to the construct of her underling's work. A monkey, just like the ones that had entered Equestria shortly beforehand. She could not see any of it's features other than a sliver of brown boots just below the extremely long three trailed coat and the swept back silver mane on it's head. She had planned to use the introduction of the 'demon hunters' as a distraction to Celestia and her sister, however her spies reported that they planned to have them assist Equestria against her.

"-Perfect.-" She thought to herself. "The one time that bitch decides to be clever... right on my plans. Just perfect.-" She turned her attention to the monkey. Maybe she could have some use of it.

"You! Ape! Come here!" She barked her order. The figure's head turned slowly until the side of it's face was visible, one of it's blue eyes moving to intercept her intense stare. It said nothing, only offering her a cold hard gaze and a blank expression to add to the already tense mood. "Before me, now!" The creature let out a quiet sigh and rotated slowly on it's heels until it was facing directly her way. She kept her stare focused on it as it walked calmly through the doors and across the large, empty room. Apparently completely unfazed by her debilitating demeanor.

She followed it until it came to a stop next to Sombra, were it stood quietly without a single word. The long blue coat had an amber underlining and it had a serpent-like pattern trailing down from halfway up the left breast, around the collar and all the way down to the waist on the right hand side. It hung loosely but was very well fitted, allowing it to be worn without any bagginess whatsoever. It wore a black vest and incredibly dark blue cotton trousers which ended in large brown boots. She looked it up and down. It didn't look very strong, and she could feel that a large portion of it's capacity for power was empty, like it had been drained somehow. Taking that into consideration, she estimated that at full demonic power, it would be very powerful indeed. However the energy it would take to power up the monkey was nowhere near worth the effort. Sombra has wasted enough on it already.

"What is your name, ape?"

"Vergil." It relied in an almost emotionless tone, somewhere between confused, sorrowful and bored. She found it difficult to judge exactly what it was meant to be feeling. She would find out, if she was to make an impact on it. She had let it come into existence, so she would use it.

"What are you?" She asked in patronising voice.

"What does it matter to you?" It replied. She narrowed her eyes at the creature as it blankly stared at her. "Judging by how much you'd rather not have let me be reborn, I'd guess you don't really care." It was correct. She couldn't care less, though she wanted to gather as much from it as she could as it may help her with her demon hunter problem.

"True. However I have asked you a question, and seeing as you have been listening so intently you should know I am not in the mood to be vague right now. So answer my question, ape."

"I have given you my name so you can call me it. I shall not simply be referred to as 'ape'." Vergil said sternly. For a moment, the dark mistress felt a smile creeping up on her face. This 'Vergil' character was going to be quite the deal, something told her. The smile faded just as soon as it appeared when her temper began to rise at the thought of dealing with such a difficult underling.

"Fine then, Vergil. Now answer my question. What are you?"

"I am a demon."

"You think?" The shadow mistress asked sarcastically, her anger beginning to well up again, ready for use once more. "There's more to it than that. Speak up, or do I have to torture it from you?"

"I do not fear pain, nor do I care about death. My plans, my future, have all been taken from me, and I want them back. I am not some puppet to be ordered around by a greater force. You may have resurrected me, but my path is my own." Vergil explained, not an ounce of fear in his voice. "I will plan for myself, and I will do whatever is necessary to succeed for myself."

Her anger was starting to flare up, not just with the demon before her but once more with Sombra as-well. For bringing her such an incompetent being for a tool. Sombra glanced uneasily at his master and back at Vergil.

"Please, Vergil. This is not the time for selfishness, you can at least be respectful to your new master." He explained. Vergil's dead stare turned to Sombra and he looked down into his eyes. Vergil then harrumphed and turned to glance around at the artwork and tapestries around the room. Nearly all depicted his 'master' in some glorious or powerful state and form. "-Humph, Hippocrates.-"

"huh. Master..." He repeated to himself, almost mockingly. "I do not simply work for anyone. Unless there is something in the deal for me." he left his sentence open ended, leaving the implication for the azure being standing in-front of it's damaged throne to fill it in. There was silence for a moment as the master's face contorted into one of walled off rage.

"You- do not- demand pay- from me..." She hissed through clenched teeth. She began to descend the stairs and approach the still Vergil, as Sombra backed away, slowly backpedaling with his head held low. The being stomped down the stairs menacingly, the loud thuds echoing through the room. "No riches- no power- no fame shall be offered for you, you wretch." She got to the bottom of the stairs and flared out her wings, her visage suddenly becoming many times more sinister in her anger. She raised her face to Vergil's and stared into his eyes with an ice cold will. Vergil did not move. He didn't even flinch. In fact after a few seconds of staring each-other down, a smile began to make it's way onto his face.

At this point she wanted absolutely nothing more than to kill Vergil and punish Sombra for his inconvenience. So as Vergil tunred and began to walk away, she could no longer hold her fury. Vergil got no more than ten paces before she exploded into a mass of magical azure blades and midnight black tentacles that extended out from her body, her once glowing blue eyes now completely shaded over white with magic. The tentacles lunged at Vergil, but she jumped back a little in shock as he disappeared in a blue blur, making her attack miss.

She retracted her extended limbs and spun around, her head whipping in every direction. She checked behind her, to her left and right in rapid succession, only to find nothing but shadows and walls. Getting a sudden feeling of verticallity, she looked up to see Vergil descending on her at lightning speed, his legs curled up like a tightly coiled spring ready to deliver a powerful kick. He was wearing some kind of light emitting gauntlets and greaves which were propelling him even faster. She used a teleportation spell of her own to magically cease to exist for a split second as Vergil came crashing down on the spot where she once existed. His Beowulf devil arm caused his attack to smash into the ground and create an small impact crater as a blast-wave of shrapnel was sent flying in all directions. He sprung up once he realised his opponent was no longer where he expected it to be.

In a flash of light, she appeared a few metres away from him to his front charging her horn and reeling back her head, ready to lunge and cast a powerful ranged spell. But Vergil was prepared. Much to his attacker's surprise, a pair of crystaline blue swords appeared at either side of his body and fired forward at a lethal velocity, ready to hit her before she could fully charge her spell. Instead of finishing her offensive approach, she took on a defensive one and cancelled her spell into a shield. The two swords shattered on impact with the shield, shards splintering off in multiple directions.

She gave Vergil a loud smirk and a toothy grin. He only stood perfectly still as her smug expression was wiped clean from her face as a ring of the blue floating swords appeared around her. She glance around in a three-sixty before noticing the small distance they pull back before being thrown. She noted this as she leaped up into the air to avoid the attacks. Back-flipping and landing on the ground as the swords flew underneath her and smashed against the walls of her throne room. She looked back to Vergil to see him preparing more of the ranged sword flinging attacks as they were summoned up at his sides.

She jumped and thrust her mighty wings to gain air-speed as the swords flew by, one after another, missing her by mere inches. The attacks from the blue-coated demon chained up after each-other, making it very difficult for her to stop dodging, less she be hit and injured. Something she could not afford to be when in the late stages of her plans. After a good ten seconds of dodging, she managed to get a good look at Vergil casually strolling in her direction, fists clenched in the gauntlets. His walk sped up slowly until he was in a full sprint, charging her with all his might.

She lowered her head and grinned, getting an idea to down the weakened warrior. He begun the preparations for a Rising Sun, as she coiled herself up in her hinds. Vergil kept coming until he was tantalisingly close to her. As he kicked up, a punch following, she flipped backwards to avoid it altogether. Vergil soared into the air, totally out of reach of the dark mistress. As he finished his attack, he saw his mistake all too late. In his weakened state, he was not able to recover from his attack fast enough to avoid a counter attack. All he could do was watch as a charged bolt of magic was catapulted through the air, sizzling with energy before making contact with his chest.

Vergil was flung backwards in a long arc, falling to the ground quickly and sliding along the floor for a moment. As he came to a stop his body fell back down to the floor with a heavy crash. He then shook himself and began to pick himself up before a magic blade was pressed up close to his throat and he was forced to stop.

"Very impressive, Vergil. Maybe you are just a little more than an ape. But it appears you may have taken quite a trouncing before your rebirth, had you not?" She smirked at him in light amusement.

"Damn you!" He spittingly replied. They remained there, staring each-other down for a brief period of time before they were interrupted by a rasping voice from the doorway to the throne-room.

"Your majesty, The Shadow has successfully made it's move and is awaiting further orders." Vergil looked to the door to see a satyr-like demon cloaked in darkness with burning red eyes standing, awaiting a response. The mistress' amused but hard expression wore away into a satisfied smile.

"Ah. Maybe my plans have not been rendered useless yet." She looked back to Vergil and grinned, showing her fangs and giving herself a scarily mad looking manor. "You have proved yourself capable of self defense even at your weakened state, tough your stubbornness has gotten you defeated. Maybe you are worth investing into. Sombra, I take it back. Your project might not have been so useless." She kept smiling, expecting a response from the king of crystal. But when none came she glanced up to see he had fled the room to escape the fight.

*Sigh*"I'm going to punch that gutless stallion someday."