//------------------------------// // Blood and feathers! // Story: The tour of Trixie's magical magic train! // by Sir lightning blade //------------------------------// Golden Shield&Spike Shield” Password?” They said to guards that were walking towards the crystal heart, direction was standing right behind them. Which thankfully changelings are stupid as can be because they didn't realize that the two guards were asking them for password so they just instantly change to reveal that they were changelings! Changeling one”Another nice female, care to start a hive together?” Doing so flirting with miss direction before the battle! Golden Shield, slamming hooves upon the ground as two small crystal towers popped up in front no taller than his legs, as a small arc of lightning shot from his hooves when he punch the crystal, shooting out beam of light like he was a machine gunner! As the changelings would normally dodge from this barrage, but since they were cut from surprise they took the flow of the attack, which was barely noticeable as the guards were useless! Spike Shield” Behold your doom, strong crystal guards!” As the changelings started reforming their actions, on changed into a Buffalo & charge directly at Spike Shield! But slamming into the powerful soldier was not a great idea, the soldier did get injured it and compared to the flow chart was slammed so hard De transformed, and breaking several limbs! Direction also added her own style of destruction! She pushed Golden Shield out of the way and took his place, using her own energy blasts to charge through the crystals, and well it's just say that changeling was left to be looking too nasty! Direction walked over to the remaining changeling that was bleeding profusely, broken wings, crack skull a shattered left eye, and calmly said”Now tell me where your friends are! I will show friendly hospitality that the have here.” Eager to learn new crystal techniques from the guards now! Meanwhile at Gilda's door: The guards come in to see Gilda, lad in gold and red armor, as her bright golden talons grasping a mysterious figure with, gleaming blue eyes, precedes to teleport away just pick a time of the guards! Gilda”you Lemos are Perdants!"Her glowing talons, with flashing colors trying to Oaks fear into her enemies, which at this time is not what thing more than what she perceives as the ponies! Thankfully they were trained by shining armor, and while armor is constantly shown up by his wife, the fact that he trains a hell hound proves that he teaches his stallions and mares that the fear of your enemy is a mere suggestion. The guard replies”know it really impact we know the meaning.” in a relax tones as they return back to their post. Meanwhile back with Queen Chrysalis: Drone”you're Majesty why didn't you pretend to be the Griffin, in stead revealing blueblood?” Queen replied”simple cadence can see through my disguise, why do you think I went with shining armor instead of the actual Princess! Although the force field was another reason to take down the shining armor.” With her evil smile, as she was eager to try out the new delicacy! Even though she start trying out some different emotions, during her imprisonment! Even if love was better, she knew she would have to find a better source if she can't claim the crystal heart, which the two changelings that she sent earlier or have not returned yet. Several hours later: ”Direction you really haven't tried to use the transformations yet?” ”Actually I did do one morph when she said two transformations I thought she meant, want to go and then one to change back!” Looking a bit grumpy. But now she has sporting around her 4 gorgeous gemstones! Golden Shield”direction don't be so sad, I'm sure it's a complement to be called fat when you're Buffalo.” Trying to reassure her as Spike Shield was using his healing techniques to recover from being beaten to up to a blood he bag by a Buffalo at least! Ghost merely shook her head, as the other guards were passing around their passwords. Meanwhile clear across the kingdom: guard”. He here he, announcing Griffin representative Gilda Stoneheart, announcing Dragon representative king Arthur Pendragon, announcing representative of the northern diamond dogs packs, Alpha Geordie Laforge. And of course representing the equestrian Empire king shining armor!” As the four sat down at their tables! A lantern placed in front of the group to make sure that they were they were! After the basic check, Gilda makes a statement” I thought blueblood was going to be here? Or is the rumor is true about that prissy pony being a traitor?” Knowing full well the answer. First off Geordie”Yes I saw the video myself, there's an investigation going on now see what his actions were in the past.” Pendragon”This could explain what happened to the chains, Cerberus is tied to the gates he is not just let roaming, that's for the jobs of the hell hounds.” Now being suspicious that blueblood might've cut the chains that set the three headed dog on a slight rampage, long enough for the big evil to escape. Shining”Yes well, let's move on my wife is currently hunting for him. As well as the changelings.” But before the meeting to continue Gilda made another statement. “Then why should we trust you? You were rescued not only by your wife who is practically a godlike being, but your life had to be rescued by your sister baby dragon, a lame old reptile.” As Pendragon left the room, and the Wilhelm screen could be heard in the background. Geordie”Are lucky young bird, is through a massive insult right in front of practically a God.” Pointing out that Gilda just called Spike a racial slur, and not the simple racial slur that can't be thrown out there say no offense! Gilda”yeah right you Lemos puppy, what's so scary about it Dragon! After all every hero slays a dragon!” And the gigantic dragon claw burst straight through the wall ready to grab the Griffin, but Gilda managed to fly back up just to avoid it barely! Geordie”I will quell the rage of Arthur, shining you will deal with the youngling!” As the old diamond dogs step out to deal with the rain paging Godzilla like creature! Shining”Gilda stand down or I will make you stand down!” As his armor began to glow! (Normally I would not be showing you the stats on this particular subject matter but this is going to bring up some impact to the knowledge of how shining armor works in combat! Def: 80 basic now adding the effect: Daylight shine(Paladin of Celestia techniques!) Defense goes up times D10!) Gilda flew into the battlefield, slamming her talons straight across Shining, and plowing him straight through the crystal Wall into the courtyard! Shining armor climbed back up to his feet without a simple injury! (Okay this is Gilda's attack, that did nothing to shining: ST: 45 + Raging heart(D20=13) VS S.A.:Def: IS 90= -32) Gilda climbing back onto her feet, and flexing and ignoring the pain in her talons, letting her rage fueled her! And even underneath the Imperial curse that was placed on her, she was still very lucidly in control well loose enough as a raging rampaging monster! Shining's horn was glowing a bright pink, and shooting out beams that were heart-shaped, but Gilda flew around and dodged him like it was nothing because well griffons are faster than most targets! But instead of the energy trails leaving damages around the area every pony that was hit in the facility was just acting normal, as if nothing was going on when in the background there was a raging Godzilla beast being defeated by a dog(for example picture Master splinter defeating Godzilla!PS: I want to see that on a comic book cover!) Gilda tries to take a page from the Pegasus combat style and shoot some feathers, once again doing nothing, proceeds to try to do some slam attacks does nothing, slashing her talons trying to go across shining armor face once again does nothing, the pony doesn't even bother putting on stone armor or any other type of techniques that he's learned over the year! And then shining armor proceeds to smack her! [St:55-G.Def:31=24 damage!) As Gilda would normally spit out a tooth, if she had teeth as a small trickle of blood came from her mouth, and then shining armor proceeds to get ready to fire a point-blank shot of quelling love into Gilda's face, but she manages to barely dodge it! But she didn't know that she dodged right into the fire of the goddess herself! Because obviously a raging Godzilla beast in the middle of your city would be noticeable! Gilda was placed in chains, and thrown into the sale of the dungeons to cool off, along with Arthur next door! Mr. Laforge drops off a small bottle of gin next to the Dragon. Shining”I don't think it's a good idea to give the region creature alcohol.” Laforge”Is the closest thing I have access to Dragon's milk, first I would prefer giving him some of the Apple family cider, and I don't have any on hand and it's very expensive to get off season.” Meanwhile with Trixie and Direction! Direction, used temporary changeling abilities to make yourself look like a therapist. “You do realize, changing your hair growing a pair of glasses does not count as a full transformation.” The great unicorn smirked. ” yeah yeah, I'm really curious why you have a the hatred for blueblood, I mean now we know he's still a traitor stick! But what made you think he was one?” As the plushy of Prince blueblood which was still technically alive, add several daggers upon it and it was a normal person death! But considering it plushy it still alive and very much trying to talk, but with a sword down your throat it's kind of difficult thing to do! “Well, I guess else started back in school days” Flashback to Princess Celestia's school for gifted unicorns! In the hallway: Little filly Trixie, was hit with a glue spell on to the ground, as the distinctively blue or was grabbing her unicorn horn and pulling it really really hard! Blueblood”Well I see that superglue of yours is really good, I guess I need to pull harder to get that bake stick off!” As he had to avoid a fireball, dropped by the stables favorite student of Princess Celestia! Sunset Shimmer! Sunset”Stop that right now blueblood! You should not treat the younger students this way!” Standing in the middle of the hallway getting ready to fire another fireball, demonstrating her skills in Pyro Mansi, and it really didn't help matters that her ears were already pumping out smoke! Blueblood”I'm just making sure this school is filled with only unicorns, not someone who's pretending to be one!” As he was placing up a shield barrier! ”I am one!” Through tears and sadness, and willing pain as her neck was starting to hurt! Flashback over: ”After a good brawl, we all received detention! And thankfully the headmaster put this in separate rooms, well at least Me and Sunset were in actually detention, since blood these daddy was in charge! I understand why the Princess can't be in charge of her own school but why did she have to give it to Bowtie!” ”I had no idea, I can see now why you hate blue but if he tried to murder you! And considering fancy is his uncle, it's hard to keep up appearances against that.” ”And it's really hard to do your grades when you're watching your head every single day! That was a regular thing he performed, when finals was coming up even tried to cut off my horn! Lucky for me I was a workaholic, doing five shows at night! Which doubled as my practice sessions for spells in the classes. It must've been really interesting to see the look on his face when you try to figure out what the heck happened to Me when he broke into the girls dormitory! And he still got a slap on the hoof! I would like to shake the the hoof who actually murdered the headmaster!” As she used her telekinesis to finally remove the blade she stabbed inside the plushy. Several hours ago. ”What! He managed to get a slap on the HOOF! For bringing a bone saw in to the girls dormitory! Even my nunnery didn't have that lack set rules! And what about place here that pays you to do everything.” As the Prince blueblood plushy started combing his hair to look more like psych out, and sat down with a chair and began talking still at the many daggers in his body! P blood”Talk more about this nunnery?” Direction proceeded to use her newfound changeling horn to levitate the blade back into the plushy pony. “I'm not the one in therapy Trixie is! But that can't be the only reason why you have a blood feud with blood?” Deflecting her own history to focus on more reasons why she should stop her mindless crush on blueblood! ”Well I guess we could also go back to when I was training!” Flashback to Tartarus! Trixie wearing a medical nurses outfit, with heavy body armor! ”So these are the Thestral, now I can see why there was that class with that Phoenix?” Blueblood”You know for a country hick, that nurses outfit actually makes you look beautiful. For a mud blood.” Wearing his fancy Royal armor, with all the gold trimming all the gold trimming! ”You know if you keep that up you might become a permanent resident here!” As they walked past the three headed dog. Blueblood”Is that a threat to your superior officer, because that could be another court-martial on your list, and you already have two!” ”Yeah Mr. I wouldn't mind accepting one that I actually earned this time around!” She said as she noticed blueblood's horn was glowing bright red. Flashback ended: ”Dammit why didN't I notice it before!” Jumping up and flying into her bookshelf, as books were flying off and three of them hit miss Direction in the face! ”Of course I thought was strange how come that dogs chain was broken so easily, I mean it's made out of dwarf metal, which never rusts unless to cast a rust spell!” As she starts looking through every spell book until the sun starts putting together more pieces to the puzzles. ”Great she's back to being Princess of magic again!” ”I am not Sparker!” As books continued flying off the shelf. Meanwhile: Gilda still in a prison cell”That's it I am declaring war on you ponies, placing me in prison cell for no apparent reason, accusing me of going on a rampage! You Lemos are pushing my buttons for the final straw!” Princess Cadence” I employ you to reconsider Gilda, even if it does take a while for your counsel to agree to go to war with us, which hopefully they are smart enough to realize that's a bad idea.” Shining”There's a hole in the wall that takes away your argument that you don't remember, and I know I didn't Thunk you that hard because you are conscious after I punched you.” Arthur”Birdbrain, should really start these things look at me I'm not starting war and I'm in a cell! And dragons actually have a shot at actually going to to toe with three ponies.” Going through his third bottle of whiskey”still not as good as mom.” Meanwhile: Queen chrysalis” Everything is going according to plan, and when the two sides are too exhausted fighting each other, we will go in for the taking!” With a fiendish smile as she looks at a magically projected screen, of the argument that has been going on with the Griffin's and the ponies! To be continued! Shining armor:GrayWard[6]War Cleric[3]Maglock [4] HP: 640 ST: 55 Def: 80 SP: 30 Mag: 60 MP: 100 Crystal guards: Rock Lord LV: 5 HP: 20 ST: 17 Def: 17 SP: 13 Mag: 11 MP: 45 Changeling warriors: Shape shifter Lv 11 HP:28 ST: 12 Def: 15 SP: 33 Mag: 14 MP: 66