Kamen Rider: Great Illusionist

by Azure Sandora

Trick 2: Hexagon vs Changelings

It only took a little under an hour to get back to the tunnel she departed from. Octavia hadn't said anything to her at all since they left the warehouse, probably because she was still shaken up. Either that, or felt odd talking to Trixie while she was still in her armor.

Understandable, considering how messed up she got last time she donned this mask.

The Illusionist stood by her motorcycle while Octavia called her grandmother. Thankfully Octavia had calmed down, so she was able to give an excuse that sounded believable.

“Yes, Trixie is with me,” Octavia said to her grandmother, “It took a little longer helping her catch up, so I'm spending the night at her place. Um... I don't...” Octavia turned to the Illusionist and walked over to her, “Uh... my grandmother wants to...”

The Illusionist nodded and took the phone, “Hello? Yes, sorry Trixie held her so long. Trixie was having trouble with a math problem so Octavia...” Octavia's grandmother spoke, “Oh good. Thank you. Yes, I'll give Octavia back the phone,” the Illusionist gave the phone back to Octavia, who took it back slowly.

“So, it's okay then?” Octavia asked turning her back to the Illusionist, “Thanks. I love you too.”

Octavia hung up her cellphone and just stood there with her back turned. She was breathing heavily, and it was beginning to worry the Illusionist. She walked over to Octavia and put a hand on her shoulder.

“Tavi, talk to me,” the Illusionist said, “What are you thinking right now?”

The second her hand touched Octavia's shoulder, she flinched.

“C-could you change back...?” Octavia asked, “Seeing you like this... it's...”

The Illusionist sighed, stepped back, and flipped a switch on her belt. The golden pentagram came up around her, changing her back into Trixie, who spun around smiling.

“There, that's better, right?” Trixie asked. Her smile faded as Octavia didn't turn around, “Tavi? You're scaring Trixie. What's-”

“Why are you wearing that... thing again?” Octavia asked.

“That... thing?” Trixie asked. Octavia finally turned around, tears in her eyes.

“The morpher we built! Why are you still wearing that thing?! I thought it had been destroyed! You said that you were done being the Kamen Rider, and that you weren't going to compete with the Power Rangers anymore!”

“Trixie's not competing with the Rangers,” Trixie said looking down, “I know I said I wasn't going to be the Kamen Rider anymore, but something... changed...”

“Trixie...” the way Octavia looked away told Trixie that she was really upset. Trixie walked over to Octavia and hugged her tightly.

“Remember when I said I would explain everything?” Octavia nodded, “Come with me, and we'll tell you everything.”

Trixie took Octavia's hand and led her to the elevator. The ride up to the surface was long and quiet, but Octavia wouldn't let go of Trixie's hand. It was comforting, as it put Trixie at ease a bit. They were always really close, doing things like hugging, holding hands, even kissing. They weren't dating, but Trixie always felt comfortable being affectionate around Octavia.

When they arrived, Octavia looked around in awe. There were agents everywhere, many of them greeting Trixie as they walked by, always calling her either “Illusionist” or “Kamen Rider”.

“Fleur,” Trixie said once they reached her desk, “This is Octavia.”

“Ah, you're the friend she went on about,” Fleur said getting up to greet Octavia, “Fleur de Lis, Fancy Pant's secretary, and the Kamen Rider's navigator.”

“It's... nice to meet you,” Octavia said shaking Fleur's hand.

“Ooh, I love your accent,” Fleur said, “Are you from England?”

“Yes...” Octavia said, “I was born in London, but I moved here to live with my grandmother eight years ago,” Octavia looked at Fleur confused, “Um, did you say Fancy Pants? As in, famous entrepreneur Fancy Pants?”

Fleur giggled, “Come with me.”

Fleur led both Octavia and Trixie inside, where they saw Fancy Pants sitting at his desk drinking a cup of tea.

“Hello ladies,” Fancy Pants said, “Octavia Melody, welcome to Hexagon.”

Kamen Rider Great Illusionist

Kamen Rider is a product made by Toei. Please support the original release.

Trick 2: Hexagon vs Changelings

The room was quiet, and awfully tense. For a few moments Octavia just sat on the couch in Fancy Pant's office looking into her tea cup. Trixie sat down next to her, every so often stealing a glance at her friend before looking down in shame.

Fleur sat down at Octavia's other side, and placed a hand on her leg to comfort her. It seemed to work a bit, but only a little bit.

Fancy Pants, for his part, sat opposite of the three young ladies drinking his tea, perfectly at peace with himself.

“Ahh, Earl Grey, my favorite of all teas,” Fancy Pants said blissfully, “I have tried every tea out there in the world, but none of them really affect my pallet quite like Earl Grey does. Octavia, do you have a favorite tea?”

Octavia looked up in surprise, “Um, my favorite tea?” she questioned, “Well, if I had to say... it would have to be... Mint flavored...”

“Well why didn't you say so? Fleur, please pour the young lady a cup of mint tea.”

“Yes sir,” Fleur said bowing to Fancy Pants. She obediently got up, took Octavia's cup, and walked over to Fancy Pant's counter where he prepared his tea.

“Tea is more relaxing when one is drinking their favorite,” Fancy Pants said holding up his own cup, “There are many different kinds of teas, each one having at least one person that matches it. One can learn a lot about a person based on the tea they drink.”

“I... see...” Octavia said leaning toward Trixie, “He's a bit of a fanatic, isn't he?”

“You have no idea,” Trixie whispered, “I think that's all he ever drinks.”

Fleur returned with a cup of mint tea, and gave it to Octavia, “Thank you,” she said smiling.

Fleur nodded and sat back down, “Sir, I believe it's time we got to the matter at hand.”

“Yes, you're absolutely right,” Fancy Pants said, “Well then, I suppose you have questions Miss Melody?”

“Actually, yes,” Octavia said, “Um, you said this is Hexagon. What exactly does that mean?”

“Ah, I suppose that name wouldn't mean much to you,” Fancy Pants said more so to himself, “Tell me, you're familiar with the Power Rangers, yes?”

“Of course,” Octavia said, “They go to our school for crying out loud. They've been fighting Nightmare Moon for a few months now.”

“What if I told you that Nightmare Moon was just one of the number of issues in this world?” Fancy Pants asked.

“I'm sorry, but I don't follow,” Octavia said, “What do you mean one? Isn't Nightmare Moon the issue?”

Fancy Pants laughed, “If only it were that simple. Alas, she is not. There are many other threats in the world. Threats from the Astral Realm, Outer Space, why, even alternate dimensions or time lines.”

“But if there were threats like that in the world then we'd know about it!” Octavia said, “It would be in the news everyday, just like Nightmare Moon.”

“The reason why it's not in the news is because we insure those issues never reach the public. Had we gotten a hold of the Nightmare Moon issue we'd have done the same to that.”

“So you basically lie to everyone,” Octavia stated.

“We don't lie,” Fleur said, “Our mission is the safety of planet Earth. We deal with issues in secret, enabling people to live their lives comfortably.”

“Sadly, some of those issues refuse to stay in the dark. In fact, just a few hours ago you had a run in with one such issue.”

“You mean... that monster that captured me?”

Fancy Pants nodded, “That, my dear Miss Melody, is called a Changeling.”

“Changeling?” she turned to Trixie, who held her hand tightly, “But... it looked like Lyra.”

“That wasn't Lyra,” Trixie said, “The Changelings capture humans, and use their love to create more Changelings.”

“They are able to take on many forms,” Fancy Pants, “They favor the human that gave birth to them, but they aren't limited to that face alone. Some of the higher ones can even create their own forms from scratch.”

“What would have happened to me if Trixie hadn't saved me?” Octavia asked, now looking down.

“The Changeling would have fed on you, draining you of as much of your love as it could until you became nothing short of a vegetable,” Fancy Pants said venomously, “From there, a new Changeling would be born from your leftover emotions, constantly feeding on your energy for sustenance.”

“Wait... so that means...” Octavia looked horrified, “Lyra... she can't actually be...”

“She's not dead,” Fleur said, “Thankfully the Kamen Rider destroyed Roach, so Lyra should be coming around wherever she is. However, our agents didn't find her cocoon in the warehouse.”

“This means that another Changeling could find her and feed on her, giving birth to another Changeling,” Fancy Pants said gravely.

Elsewhere, the real Lyra was waking up. She didn't remember what happened, or when she fell asleep. The last thing she remembered was that she was running from something.

She tried to move, but she felt her hands were bound behind her back. Fully alert, she looked around and saw that she was tied up with some weird web, and she was trapped inside what looked like a green and black cocoon. She even had some of the web over her mouth gagging her. She tried to scream as best as she could, even kicking the cocoon, but it was too hard. She couldn't get out on her own.

Right when she was about to break down in tears, what looked like a monstrous humanoid wasp walked up to the cocoon and stared into it. The wasp had a female build, her legs were high heeled, and on her head was a queen's crown. She was also holding a scepter.

“So Roach has fallen,” the bee monster said in an uninterested manner, “What a waste.”

“We should have just let him feast on the girl,” another bug monster said walking out. This one was male and wore black knights armor that was sharp, and a long ponytail coming down from his head that was actually a scorpion's tale, “We could have outnumbered The Illusionist, and gotten two new drones for the hive.”

“No no no no, that wouldn't do at all,” a third bug monster said, this one with a sharper head and thinner body that was light green, and wore a long white lab coat over his not as heavily armed body, “Scorpion, you lack vision! We could have exposed The Illusionist!”

“Dragonfly, you're the only one who's obsessed with that magician,” the bee monster said, “All I want is more drones. Good, lustful humans are hard to come by though...”

“You'd have more drones if you worked harder, and broadened your range, Queen Bee,” Scorpion said. Queen Bee folded her arms and turned her nose to the air.

“Says the one who's drones come out as nothing more than brutes obsessed with fighting,” Queen Bee said.

“Well excuse me Princess for seeking drones who actually do more than lust over me!”

Queen Bee's eyes began glowing red and she shot an electric blast out of her scepter at Scorpion, who moved to the side out of the way.

Never call me Princess! I am a Queen!”

“You're more like a spoiled brat to me,” Scorpion said. Queen Bee was about to charge over to Scorpion, but Dragonfly rushed over to both of them.

“Please, calm down, you two. Our Queen is still resting, and she's counting on us to prepare the planet for her arrival. Until then we need to work together, and that means you two.”

Both Queen Bee and Scorpion folded their arms and looked away. Dragonfly sighed wiping his forehead. Clearly this was the norm among those two.

“Queen Bee, perhaps you could create a drone from this one,” Dragonfly said, “She may not make a drone of your preference, but it'll still be stronger than anything I could create.”

Queen Bee sighed, “Since you asked so nicely, why not?” she sauntered over to the cocoon Lyra was trapped in and ran a sharp finger over it opening it. Lyra screamed trying to back away from her, but Queen Bee pulled her up and caressed her cheek.

“You know, this one is still a good human,” Queen Bee said, “I think there's an emotion here I can use.”

“Then hurry up,” Scorpion said, “Before we molt.”

“Hush you!” Queen Bee scolded, “Art takes time,” the way she touched Lyra was sensual yet somewhat maternal. Oddly, Lyra felt more comfortable, as if this on in particular wasn't going to hurt her, “There. See, love? That's not so scary, now is it?”

Queen Bee began stealing green energy from Lyra, who soon fell unconscious again. After setting her down gently, Queen Bee absorbed the green energy, which then shot out of her scepter forming a new cocoon. It grew and exploded, revealing another humanoid bee. This one seemed to have a masculine build, large wings on its back, and a large abdomen like Queen Bee.

“A bumblebee,” Queen Bee said now sauntering her newest child, “May not be fancy, but it'll do its job, right darling?”

The bee Changeling transformed into Lyra and got on one knee bowing to her, “Yes, my Queen. I shall not disappoint you.”

“Then I guess that's my next mission?” Trixie asked Fancy Pants.

“We'll let you know once we've found the real Lyra Heartstrings,” Fancy Pants said, “In the meantime, I want you to be on the lookout for another Changeling using Lyra's face.”

“Got it,” Trixie said.

“Hold on,” Octavia said suddenly, “That's another question I have. Why Trixie? Couldn't you have made someone else your Kamen Rider?”

“Tavi...” Trixie said looking away.

“She almost died the last time she wore that belt! Why are you making her wear it again?”

“We're not making anyone do anything,” Fancy Pants said, “All we required of her was to help in repairing and upgrading it. Trixie volunteered herself to be the operator.”

Octavia turned to Trixie in shock, “Is that true? Did you seriously volunteer?”

“Tavi, I-”

“You promised you weren't going to do anything dangerous again, and that this was behind us!”

“Tavi, I know what I said, but I'm the best candidate to use the Rider System.”

“You're just a teenager! He has trained soldiers, couldn't he have found someone to-”

“Great Illusionist was designed with me in mind,” Trixie stated, “Even if someone more trained used it, they wouldn't be able to bring out it's true power. Besides, I wouldn't want anyone else using this thing anyway. I know what it looks like, but I'm not doing this to get back at the Power Rangers. In fact, the Rangers and I are sort of allies now.”

It looked Like Octavia was still upset about it, so Fleur took Octavia's hand.

“I know you're worried about your friend. She has great support though, so she's not alone,” Fleur said. Octavia sighed and pulled away from Fleur storming out of the room. Trixie tried to run after her, but stopped as the door closed behind her.

“Damn it,” Trixie said looking down, “I knew she'd be upset, but...”

“Take your time with her,” Fancy Pants said to Trixie, “She'll understand eventually. Until then, you must go easy on her.”

“Right,” Trixie said not turning around, “I'll talk to you guys later.”

As she left Fancy Pant's office, Fleur folded her arms looking at Fancy Pants, who was engrossed in his tea once again.

“This is why hiring teenagers isn't a good idea,” Fleur stated, “Neither one of them can handle the strain of-”

“Give them time, Fleur,” Fancy Pants said, “Miss Melody is just scared of losing her friend. Once she calms down, things will work themselves out. You'll see.”

The ride to Trixie's house was quiet. In fact, most of the rest of the night was silent. It wasn't until they were both lying in bed that Octavia finally broke the silence.

“Why did Fancy Pants repair the morpher?” Octavia asked, her back still turned to Trixie.

“They liked the technology,” Trixie said, “They figured that with something like that they could finally begin turning into active players in the battle for planet Earth.”

Octavia closed her eyes seriously, “I wish we had never made that damn thing. Because of that you got hurt.”

“It would have been worse had it not been for the Rangers,” Trixie stated.

“Exactly, the Power Rangers should be handling this! Why should you-”

“The Power Rangers aren't that different,” Trixie retaliated, “They're teenagers, just like you and me. The only difference is that they've dealt with magic before, but take that away and they're just regular kids like us,” Trixie closed her eyes, “I just want to pay them back is all. They saved me, so the least I can do is help them by keeping the Changelings off their case. The less they have to deal with the better.”

“Is that the only reason?” Octavia asked, “To pay the Rangers back for helping you?”

“There is another reason...” Trixie said, “But that's not important right now. Let's get some sleep.”

“Yeah...” Octavia said closing her eyes. After a few seconds, Trixie turned around and wrapped her arms around Octavia. She wanted to still be mad, and she partially still was, but being held by her best friend like that did make her feel a little better.

At school the following day, Trixie tried to stay close to Octavia, probably just in case another of those monsters attacked her. Truth was, Octavia was more concerned about what would happen the next time Trixie transformed. She was actually really happy once the morpher (sorry, Trixie called it a Rider System now) had been destroyed. Trixie became really reckless once she became the Illusionist the first time.

But now Kamen Rider Great Illusionist was back, and with it her friend was back in danger. Even worse was that she decided to willingly put that damned belt back on. Octavia had enough mind to destroy it herself.

She was on her way to lunch, when she saw a sight that made her smile. Walking down the hall to the schoolyard was Lyra! She was with her girlfriend Sweetie Drops. Did Hexagon actually save her?

“I have to tell Trixie!” Octavia said running to her locker. Trixie was taking out her books for her next class when Octavia got to her.

“Trixie! They did it!” Octavia said happily.

“Huh?” Trixie asked raising an eyebrow.

“You know...” she got really close to whisper, “Hexagon.”

“What about Hexagon?” Trixie asked.

“They saved Lyra!”

“Wait, you saw Lyra?” Trixie asked, oddly not looking as happy as Octavia thought she would be.

“She's with Sweetie Drops,” Octavia said, “Trixie, what's wrong?”

“Where are they now?!” Trixie asked urgently.

“T-the schoolyard, but-” Octavia was cut off as Trixie pulled out her backpack and ran to her schoolyard. Octavia was so confused, but she ran after her friend.

Outside she and Trixie saw Lyra and Sweetie Drops lying under a tree making out. God, Octavia knew they were serious, but they weren't the type to make out in public like that.

Octavia turned to Trixie, who opened up her backpack and pulled out the belt putting it on. Octavia was horrified when she saw Trixie pull the switch.

Driver on

“Trixie?! What are you doing?!” Octavia asked in horror as Trixie put the card reader on her wrist.

“I didn't get a call from Hexagon that they located Lyra,” Trixie stated, “That means the one over there isn't Lyra!”

“You don't mean...”

“I do,” Trixie pulled out her first card (which Octavia noticed was a fancy Ace of Spades) and held it to the side of her face, “Transform!” she ran the card over the card reader. The belt played a pretty tune and the golden Pentagram came out of the belt hovering over Trixie. Trixie held her hands out to her side as the pentagram game down around her, changing Trixie into the Illusionist.

Introducing the Great Illusionist

“Trixie wait!” Octavia cried grabbing the Illusionist's hand, “You can't just run over there and attack Lyra!”

“I told you, that isn't Lyra!” the Illusionist said turning to Octavia, “That's a Changeling, and if I don't act now then Sweetie Drops could be in danger!”

The Illusionist pulled her hand free from Octavia's grasp and ran out to the kissing teenagers.

“Lyra, when did you get so frisky?” Sweetie Drops asked smiling.

“Less talking, more kissing,” Lyra said locking lips with Sweetie Drops again. She stopped when a playing card shot at the tree landing next to Lyra's face, “Damn it!” Lyra swore. She stood up and turned to the Illusionist, who had another card in her hand poised to throw it, “I heard you had a habit of interrupting us when we're eating.”

“Leave that student alone,” the Illusionist demanded, “She's not your next meal.”

“Hold on!” Sweetie Drops said standing in the Illusionist's way, “Why are you attacking my girlfriend?!”

“That isn't your girlfriend,” the Illusionist said, “And you were almost turned into a buffet.”

“What are you-” she was cut off as Lyra pushed her to the ground and pointed at the Illusionist.

“I was going to wait until I finished eating so I'd have more power, but since you were so kind to come to me, I'll deal with you now!” Lyra said, engulfed in a green flame. She then turned into a Changeling shaped like a humanoid bee.

Understandably, Sweetie Drops screamed in horror. Octavia covered her mouth in shock, scared at the thought of one of those creatures being in the school and her not knowing.

“Fleur, you see this?” the Illusionist asked.

“Yes, I see it Kamen Rider,” Fleur said to the Illusionist, her voice going right to her ear, “That's a worker type bee Changeling, based off a Bumblebee.”

“Bumblebee, huh?” the Illusionist said, “Here I was expecting another Roach.”

“Never send a roach to do a bee's job,” Bumblebee said, “My beloved Queen wants me to destroy you, and that's what I'm going to do!”

“Sorry, but that's not going to happen,” the Illusionist pulled out her magic wand, “I have to put on my best show for my audience. My death isn't in the script,” the Illusionist ran a finger across the rim of her hat, “Show time.”

The Illusionist and Bumblebee charged to each other and immediately began trading blows. While they fought, Octavia sneaked her way to Sweetie Drops and pulled her aside.

“Octavia?! W-what's-”

“We have to get to safety!” Octavia demanded pulling Sweetie Drops away. When they left, the Illusionist pulled out her fencing sword and slashed at Bumblebee a few times. He grabbed the Illusionist's wrist after the third slash and threw her into the tree. As the Illusionist got to her knees, Bumblebee flew into the air and began shooting his stingers at her and the tree. The shots exploded once they hit the ground, knocking the Illusionist forward and onto the ground. Octavia turned around when she saw that.

“No!!!” she cried out, careful to not scream out Trixie's name.

“Kamen Rider, are you okay?” Fleur asked.

“Barely,” the Illusionist said forcing herself to her knees, “This one is on a different level than Roach.”

“Looks like your show is ending early!” Bumblebee said preparing to fire again. This time the Illusionist was prepared herself as she pulled out playing card.

Next Trick

The shots landed and exploded around the Illusionist, but when the smoke cleared she was nowhere to be seen.

“Huh?” Bumblebee said looking around.

Next Trick

The Illusionist appeared in the air flying past Bumblebee slashing him and knocking him down. Somehow, she kicked off the air, flipped, and kicked Bumblebee in the chest knocking him back.

“I don't know how you did that, but you won't get so luck next time!”

“It's not luck,” the Illusionist said, “It's magic,” she pulled out another card and read it.

Next Trick

The Illusionist held her fencing sword in front of her and charged over to Bumblebee. She slashed at him, but seemed to go through him as he blocked. The second he let his guard down he was hit with what seemed like the delayed slash. She followed up by slashing him in the back, also going through him. It wasn't until he turned around that her slash actually hit him, this time hitting him in the face.

She jumped away from him and pulled out an odd looking card, this one with a picture of Roach on the front.

Monster Skill: Roach

The Illusionist was surrounded by a ghostly image of the Roach Changeling. As Bumblebee continued to fly around shooting his stingers at her, the Illusionist ran around the schoolyard now using Roach's super speed.

“Hey! No fair!” Bumblebee shouted, “How are you using Roach's power?!”

“Oh, you didn't know?” the Illusionist said, somehow on a nearby tree looking at Bumblebee, “I can learn new tricks form my enemies. Even now, I'm getting ideas for my next show watching you fight.”

“So, you're hoping to take my powers too?” Bumblebee said, almost sounding offended.

“My goal is to put on the ultimate show,” the Illusionist said, “A truly great magician learns from everything they see, and draws inspiration from every detail of their life.”

“If you think you're using my powers you're in for a rude awakening!” Bumblebee shouted charging at the Illusionist, “For my Queen, you shall die!”

The Illusionist yawned, “You're like a broken record,” The Illusionist fell back off the branch she was standing on, somehow sticking to the branch upside down. She came back up behind Bumblebee and slashed him in the back.

This time Bumblebee didn't get knocked down. Instead he and the Illusionist traded blows, Bumblebee still in the air and the Illusionist standing on the branch. Bumblebee pointed his abdomen at the Illusionist and fired at her point blank in the chest knocking her off the branch.

“Trixie!” Octavia cried out.

As the Illusionist tried to stand, Bumblebee landed next to her. He kicked her in the stomach knocking her back onto the ground.

“This is the Great Illusionist?” Bumblebee asked leaning close to her, “My Queen was incorrect to worry about you.”

“I have to help her!” Octavia said before running over to the fight, Sweetie Drops holding her hand out to her.

“Octavia! That's dangerous!”

Octavia ran up to Bumblebee and hit him in the back. Bumblebee turned around to her whacking her hard in the face and knocking her to the ground.

“Stupid human!” he shouted.

“Tavi!” the Illusionist cried.

“You're the human that Roach was trying to feast on,” Bumblebee said walking over to Octavia, “Well, you're not my personal flavor, so I'll just finish you off.”

“Like hell you will!!!” the Illusionist shouted forcing herself up and running over to Bumblebee, who flew to the air out of the way. Poised to fire again, Bumblebee shot his stingers at Octavia and the Illusionist, the latter now standing over Octavia taking a majority of the assault.

“Trixie!!!” Octavia shouted as the Illusionist screamed in pain. She then fell to her knees and onto the ground face first unconscious. Octavia was horrified looking at her friend lying on the ground not moving.

Bumblebee flew down to Sweetie Drops, who fell back screaming.

“I'd love to finish what we started later,” he said, using Lyra's voice, “See ya honey bun.”

As Bumblebee flew off, Sweetie Drops fell to her knees, trying to process everything that just happened.

“Wake up!” Octavia pleaded shaking the Illusionist, “Please Trixie, wake up! You're not dead! You can't be dead! Trixie!” Octavia broke down crying over the Illusionist. A few seconds later, a black van rode up to the school and Fleur ran out followed by two Hexagon soldiers.

“Secure the Kamen Rider!” Fleur commanded running up to Sweetie Drops, “Honey, are you alright?”

“T-that monster... it was Lyra, but she-”

“Shh...” Fleur shushed holding Sweetie Drops in a maternal manner, “It's okay now. That monster won't bother you anymore. Your friend will be okay, I'm sure.”

“Miss de Lis,” a Hexagon officer said running up to her, “The Kamen Rider's emergency shut down activated.”

“Good,” Fleur said, “I'll leave this girl to you,” Fleur got up and walked over to Octavia, who was looking into the black van, where Trixie was now lying down on a stretcher.

“Octavia,” Fleur said approaching the teen, “Trixie will be-”


“This is your fault!” Octavia screamed, “Trixie's life was fine before you people forced her to wear that horrible machine again!”

Octavia ran into the van, leaving Fleur standing there holding her cheek. She sighed shaking her head and got in the passenger seat of the van.

“Drive,” she commanded once everyone was inside. As the van drove by, Octavia held Trixie's hand tightly, holding herself back from smashing the Rider System right now.

When Trixie came to, she was in what looked like a medical room. She looked to her side and saw both the belt and card reader on a bed stand.

“Apparently the emergency shut down activated,” Octavia said surprising Trixie, “So they didn't need to repair it.”

“That's good,” Trixie said sighing in relief. She didn't know what she'd do if it broke again. They could of course repair it, but that would take a while and there was still a Changeling loose out there, “Is Sweetie Drops okay?”

Octavia nodded, “She's being checked out by Hexagon now. They said that they needed to make sure the Changeling didn't steal a lot of her energy before they release her.”

“Makes sense,” Trixie sat up, “She could have collapse randomly if she lost a significant amount of energy.”

“Trixie,” Octavia ran up to Trixie and took her hand, “Don't go out there again!”

“Huh? Tavi, what's-”

“You could have died just now!” Octavia said, “I thought I had lost you!”

“Tavi, the armor protects me, so it's going to take more than that for me to-”

Octavia grabbed Trixie's shoulders, “Trixie, you were unconscious! This is dangerous, and unlike the Power Rangers you don't have magic helping you! What would you have done if you had died?!”

“What about you?!” Trixie retaliated, “Running out there like a maniac! I'm the Kamen Rider, but you're a civilian! You're fussing at me but you were the one in danger!”

“I got scared, okay?! That monster had you on the ground! What was I supposed to do, sit there and watch while you died!”

“I could have gotten out of there! You putting yourself at risk was stupid! Damn it, if I lost you-”

“That's exactly how I feel!” Octavia screamed, “You were right there fighting that monster, and I thought you were going to die!”

“So you put yourself in harms way instead?! My armor kept me alive, but if those blasts had hit you, you'd be dead and I have to bury my best friend!”

“Well excuse me for giving a damn about my best friend!”

The two girls glared at each other as the door opened, revealing a Hexagon officer.

“Kamen Rider, Fancy Pants found the location of the real Lyra,” he said, “Um, if you're not well enough then-”

“No, Trixie is fine,” Trixie said still glaring at Octavia, “Tell Fancy Pants that she's on her way.”

The Hexagon officer bowed and exited the room. Trixie grabbed the belt and card reader and got out of her bed.

“You're going back out there?” Octavia asked incredulous, “You not fully recovered yet!”

“Someone has to fight,” Trixie said putting the belt and card reader on, “Hexagon officers aren't equipped to handle high level Changelings alone,” Trixie walked over to the door.

“Why are you so determined to do this?” Octavia asked, “Why does it have to be you?”

“I already told you, I'm the best one to use the Rider System. Even if they found someone else-”

“No, I don't believe that,” Octavia said, “What's the real reason you're doing this?”

Trixie was silent for a while, “I can't keep Fancy Pants waiting.”


“Someone from Hexagon will escort you home,” Trixie said somberly before walking into the hall. Octavia ran out into the hall after her.

“If I leave this base then I'm not coming back!” Octavia called out making Trixie stop, “I'm not going to watch you destroy yourself like this!”

“Do what you want!” Trixie called out, shocking Octavia, “I have a mission to get to.”

With that Trixie walked off. Octavia fell to her knees looking at Trixie walk off, unable to keep her tears from falling.

Unknown to Octavia, Trixie was wiping tears from her eyes as she walked to Fancy Pant's office. She knew that it would come to this eventually, but she had secretly hoped that it wouldn't.

When she got to his office, both he anf Fleur were waiting for her.

“Trixie,” Fleur said walking up to Trixie, “Are you-”

“Fine,” Trixie said curtly, “You said that you found Lyra?”

“Well, we suspect we have,” Fancy Pants said turning his computer around to show Trixie the map of Canterlot, “We followed Bumblebee to an abandoned factory. As he was impersonating Lyra, we have reason to believe that her cocoon is there.”

“Got it,” Trixie said, “I'm heading out now.”

“Trixie wait,” Fleur took Trixie's hand, “About your friend...”

“Make sure Octavia gets home safely,” Trixie said mechanically, “She'll need Hexagon watching her at least until Bumblebee is taken out.”

Trixie pulled away and walked out of the office. Fleur turned to Fancy Pants, who just sighed gravely drinking his tea.

Trixie emerged from the elevator and walked over to her motorcycle. As she got on her motorcycle, her emotions hit a head and she found herself leaning over her motorcycle crying harder than she had in a while.

After spending a few seconds letting her emotions out, she pushed the switch on her belt activating it.

Driver on

She started the motorcycle and pulled out the Ace of Spades card, “Transform...” she said softly, slowly moving the card to the card reader. The Pentagram flew out in front of her, and she drove the motorcycle through it, emerging as the Illusionist on the other side.

Introducing the Great Illusionist

As the Illusionist drove off, her radio turned on, “Be careful Kamen Rider,” Fleur urged, “We're detecting multiple signatures inside that factory.”

“So there's more than one Changeling?” the Illusionist asked.

“It might be the one that made Roach and Bumblebee,” Fleur said, “Your objective is to rescue Lyra Heartstrings. If it's possible to do that without being seen, then do that.”

“Understood,” the Illusionist said, still in that mechanical manner.

“Trixie, if you want to talk-”

“I have a mission to complete,” the Illusionist said, “I'll let you know if I need help.”

She cut the link and focused on the ride before her. She knew that Fleur was trying to help, but there wasn't anything that she could say right now that would make her feel better. She just lost her best friend. This was a wound that would never heal.

The sun was beginning to set when she arrived in the factory. The Illusionist pulled out her fencing sword and slowly walked through the factory, careful to keep an eye out for the Changeling. It would be too easy to get attacked from behind in this place.

When she got to the main area, she saw a green and black cocoon. She ran over to it and saw Lyra lying inside. She was tied up and gagged with a white web like substance, and she appeared to be unconscious.

“Damn it,” the Illusionist swore. She slashed at the cocoon opening it, and began tearing the web off of her, “Hey, wake up,” the Illusionist said shaking her.

Lyra slowly woke up, “Kamen Rider?” Lyra asked. The Illusionist smiled behind her helmet.

“I'm going to get you out of here, okay?” the Illusionist said. She picked up Lyra, but something shot at her catching her attention. She looked up and saw Bumblebee walking up to her.

“Can't let you do that, Illusionist,” Bumblebee said, “I'm still drawing from her love.”

“So that's how you knew about Sweetie Drops,” the Illusionist said setting Lyra down, “You were made from the love she had for her?”

Electricity shot around the Illusionist, who hunched over Lyra holding her to protect her. When she looked up she saw another bee monster sauntering over to them. This one had an hourglass figure, her feet were high heeled, and her entire body looked more like a sexy gown with the front open showing her legs. On her head was a crown, and she was holding a scepter.

“You like that?” the Changeling said, her voice a deep and sensuous drawl, “All of my changelings are made from such emotions. Love, with a hint of lust.”

“Are you the one who made Roach and Bumblebee?” the Illusionist asked pointing her sword at the new Changeling.

“The only one I'm responsible for is the lovely child here,” she said sauntering over to Bumblebee and caressing him, “The Changelings I give birth to are only of the highest caliber. My name is Queen Bee, and I'm one of the Hive Five.”

“Hive Five?” the Illusionist asked, silently reeling at the name.

“We still need the girl, so I'm going to have to ask you to leave,” Queen Bee said.

“I can't do that,” the Illusionist said, “This girl is right now trapped in the darkness, and I am the light in the darkness.”

“Oh hoh! Someone fancies themselves a hero?” Queen Bee said, “Why don't you show me your strength?”

“Don't say I didn't warn you,” the Illusionist said running a finger across the rim of her hat, “Show time.”

The Illusionist charged over to Queen Bee, but she blocked with her scepter. The Illusionist slashed at Queen Bee, but she continued to block all of her attacks. Queen Bee kicked the Illusionist back into Bumblebee, who turned her around and began throwing punches at the Illusionist. She tried to block the attack, but one punch got in and Queen Bee took that opening to kick her to the ground.

“Show's over Illusionist,” Queen Bee said pointing her scepter at the Illusionist. At the same time, Bumblebee pointed his stinger at the Illusionist. Both of them fired at her at the same time, knocking her into the air. As the Illusionist screamed in pain, she realized that she may have just bitten off a little more than she could chew.

And the last thing she ever said to Octavia was “Do what you want”...

To be continued...