A Helpless Love

by Quite Quaint

I can get used to this.

It was a beautiful sunny day in the Ponyville Park, Celestia’s sun was high in the midday sky giving off a warm glow to as the breeze gently wadded pass ponies as they convers and took care of chores and other such business. Children roamed free flying kites and giggling in the distance, having fun with friends. Yes, today was perfect, perfect enough for a picnic; which is why Twilight Sparkle suggested it. Her friends gathered at a perfect spot under a tree, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash gently laid down the white and red checkered cloth on the cool shaded grass while Pinkie and Applejack put their baskets in the center of said cloth and Rarity… well she brought her sofa. Yes it was perfect; the smell of assorted baked goods filled the nearby area with their tantalizing aroma.

“MMMMM, that smells good!” Rainbow took a big bite out of a piece of apple pie.

“And it tastes simply divine.” Rarity added taking “lady like” bites out of a cupcake

“Thankies! Me and Applejack worked super hard to make these for everypony!” Pinkie giddily informed with a mouth full of, well everything sweet tasting the picnic had to offer, gulping it all down has she finished her sentence.

“Well thank you Applejack, Pinkie” Twilight thanked gesturing to the two as she spoke their names.

“Thanks!” everypony added in unison. The mane six spent the rest of the beautiful sunny day eating and playing out in Celestia’s glorious sun, but as Luna’s beautiful moon made its way towards the center of the sky the six separated, each one going home one by one; Dash, to her cloud home, Rarity to the boutique, Fluttershy to her cottage, Pinkie to Sugar Cube Corners, Applejack to Sweet Apple Acres, and finally Twilight Sparkle to her tree library.

Twilight took one last look into the forest brush, Which moved like waves to the wind, and shrugged.

"Wierd." She happily trotted her way across Ponyville square but couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being followed; It was a strange sensation that bordered paranoia. She stopped briefly and looked about the empty moonlit plaza, nothing, nothing nothing and more nothing, her face scrunched up in an effort to get rid of the strange sensation. Twilight turned around and was met face to face with a rather sickly looking grey sooty wolf; she did the most sensible thing ever.
“Hu-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” She screamed at the top of her lungs as she made a mad dash to the library

The wolf did nothing, except collapse onto its side and let out a low cry. Twilight Stopped Thoughts running trough her head. ‘Oh my gosh! A wolf! What if it wants to hurt me!? Run Twilight, RUN!’ and on the other side of the brain. ‘Poor thing! It's probably cold and hungry; I just can’t leave it here. Should i dare turn around?.’ then both sides fought a cataclysmic war no pony has ever seen since the Nightmare Moon incident. Twilight’s face contorted in concentration until one side was the victor. ‘Ok, Twilight, slowly turn around... Don't scare it.’ Yes, though she may not be Fluttershy she still couldn’t let the poor thing die right there, even if she did she would hold it against herself for not doing anything at all, so she carefully trotted up to the ‘lifeless’ body and cautiously nudged it with a hoof.

“Are you ok, umm… wolfy?” His eyes flicked open to reveal deep blue eyes. She recoiled slightly, not sure if she's making the right choice. “Hey, it’s ok, umm what happened? Wait never mind you can’t understand me, how about we get you to my house and get you cleaned up?”

Twilight Sparkle let a sincere smile grow on her face, the wolf examined her, scanning his eyes across her face. She grew nervous, sweat forming on her forehead not sure what it's doing. Slowly, it got up on all fours, gazed into her eyes and gave a solid exploratory lick across her face forcing her to close her mouth and eyes. He waited a bit, as if processing information that the lick gathered, smacking his tongue around in his mouth. He playfully tackled Twilight and showered her in playful licks all across her face, Twilight was strtled abit but slowly started warming up to him.

“Wow, you must be hungry, I bet you could taste that pie I ate… huh, weird you like apple pie?” her questioning quickly turned to giggles as she got up and wiped the excess saliva off her face. “C’mon lets go and get you cleaned and fed, hope you like anything I have.”

Twilight Sparkle led the wolf to the front door of the library, but turned around and faced him. “Hold on a sec, gotta make sure my number one assistant doesn’t flip out when he sees you.” She chuckled nervously acting out a "Stay" command the wolf knew what she was talking about and seemed to roll his eyes at the guestures. She slowly opened the door and entered, shutting the door behind her; though nothing was audible. Wolfy pressed his ear against the door to try to listen in but all he could make out was some arguing and one raised voice, then silence.

The door opened up knocking him off balance but he quickly regained his composure and played "innocent". Twilight's head popped out from behind the door.

“Ok, so my assistant is a baby dragon, can I trust you to be good around him?” she spoke with all seriousness staring intently at him, that would be the last thing she wants, a wolf she found in the streets to tear Spike apart, that is if he could get past the thick scales. But, the wolf let out a playful bark as if to say ‘sure thing!’ She let out a nervous sigh and opened the door; at the top of the spiraling stairs was a nervous baby dragon twiddling his claws. Almost immediately his posture changed.

“Ok Spike, I’ll get the bath started so you and… well let’s call him wolfy, so you and wolfy can get better acquainted.” Twilight left the room entering and closing a door to, which the wolf presumed to be, the bathroom; the faintest sounds of running water escaping from the crack at the bottom of the door. He looked back at spike who was now glaring at him.
“You… You’re not normal are you? Well I won’t let you harm Twilight.” He threatened, approaching the now terrified wolf.

“W-wait, you can s-sense ME?” It spoke cautiously, although it wasn’t necessary since Twilight Sparkle wouldn’t be able to hear the conversation with the door closed.

“No, I can’t sense you, changeling. I can smell it on you.” Indeed the wolf was very much a changeling, he was cold, tired, afraid, filthy and upright gave up his previous past has a servant for his Queen Chrysalis after her tremendous failure at Canterlot. No he was done with all of them, he wasn’t like the rest, he was half breed. The product of his mother falling in love with her host. That is highly frowned upon in the changeling culture, his body structure was that of a normal stallion, but he had the eyes and horn similar to the changeling queen herself. He grew up being put down, beat up and ignored by the rest, but he couldn’t just up and leave… no they would have tracked him down and killed him, so he was forced to stay with the hive. But now, he’s free!


He awoke sometime in the Everfree forest, dazed, confused and in a tremendous amount of pain, he was too weak to fly so he had to transvers the forest Earth Pony way… walk. He wandered for a good several days, slowly withering away as he absorbed the last of his backup energy his shimmering black coat turning into a dull gray every day he used his energy, although he was half breed eating would only give him half of the energy and sustenance than feeding off the love of somepony would have. And although he had that advantage over other changelings and ponies, food was scarce, only small bitter tasting berries scattered around bushes. That’s what he fed on for days, he was sick and tired of it; but it was this or death and he was close to the latter.

He took shelter in a hollowed out tree stump and felt his eyelids grow heavier with each passing second. he drifted off to sleep, finally succumbing to his exaustion. He dreamed of nothing, only a harsh blackness that seemed to suck away at his life. He abruptly opened his eyes, taking in the full on realization of his situation.

"I'm going to die." He made out, he closed his eyes and took in several deep breaths, trying to calm himself. He had never been this close to death, though he was always beat by the other changelings they would at least stop when he passed out. The other changelings... A weak smile flashed on his face as he opened his eyes.

"Not without a fight."

As he stumbled along the forest floor, It was growing darker by the minute, making him paranoid at every little sound around him; he even found himself believing he was hearing the faintest noises of children playing, he shook his head, but the voices continued to persist, laughing and giggling at him. He sat back and held his head desparately trying to make it stop.

"I-I've gone insane, h-haven't I?" he struggled under his breath. "Leave me alone!" He cried out, ears splaying backwards and forcing back tears, his breathing bacame erratic as he mumbled to himself looking off in every direction. He closed his eyes and began taking in deep steady breaths, he listened as he slowly shifted his ears to a normal position. He opened his eyes again and pointed his hoof in a direction.


As he struggled closer the voices grew ever more louder, hope, or at least he wishes it is, he arrived at the edge of the tree line, hiding within bushes, observing as children went inside for the night. A false sense of relief filled his soul, he wanted to just run out there and belong. But he knew that was impossible. He was an abomination, a changeling, no! He was an abominationed abomination! Accepted by neither side, on top of that they were most likely still looking for any changeling survivors; going out in the open would be suicide, but shape-shifting may also mean death with what little energy he had left.

He continued to scan the park, looking for anypony he could try to get close to, leech off of for a few days untill he was back up to strength then he could catch the next train out of Equestria. If there was another benefit of being a half breed, was that even the love from friends could satisfy him with the help of food… not that he had much friends. Another problem, to shape-shift into a complex creature such as a pony would most likely kill him.

“M-maybe I can befriend that mare.” He made out, trying to stand upright; he spotted Twilight Sparkle all alone just staring up at the ever darkening sky. The risk of changing into a pony would be too much strain on his weak body and he would die, so he had to think of an animal less sentient but still capable of receiving love.

‘Quickly, She’s walking away!’ he put all of his effort into this transformation, his face contorted and he broke out in sweat. ‘C’mon, change! Go go!’ Twilight heard the slight rustling of the bushes.
“Hmmm.” She peered into the forest but shrugged it off, and began to trot away. ‘Oh Chrysalis, she is so... Pretty.’ The way her eyes shined in the now moonlight sky, her mane flowing ever so slightly in the wind, the way she peered into his eyes from afar just made him feel so…


After a quick flash of light the Halfy transformed into the first animal that he could potentially think of, a wolf. He owned several before, feeding off their love for him to survive, of course i say several because they would sadly wither away and die within a few months. It was the only animal he could think of at the moment. And it’ll have to do, no going back now.


“P-please, I mean no harm.” The wolfy pleaded to the baby dragon, all he needed to do was tell Twilight, and his life was over. Spike was now standing right in front of him with the same glare posted on his face

“I’ve seen what you all do, I was at the wedding! I saw everything that happened and I don’t trust you one bit!” Spike flared his nostrils at him. This small baby dragon had the life of the halfy in his hands.

“Chrysalis was a fool, okay, I HATE her! I wanted nothing to do with the assault. but you have the right not to trust me… but I ask one question, is it better to be born good? Or become good through study and hard work?” He peered into spikes eyes, they stood there for a minute, the sounds of running water still in the background. The halfy let out a sigh and headed for the door.

“Wait.” He stopped, hesitated but turned around to meet the unsure gaze of Spike. “Look, you have a point, but don’t think I trust you completely, I’ll give you a chance but don’t blow it.” Wolfy’s eyes lit up as he pounced on Spike and began licking him across the face over and over again.

“Don’t worry! I promise I will not harm her!”

“Okay okay! Just stop liking me… It’s weird.”

“Oops, sorry.” They stood there in an awkward silence untill the bathroom door slid open and Twilight came out of the already steaming room.

“Okay, I got the bath water ready. C’mon Wolfy, let’s get you cleaned up, then we can give you something to eat.” Wolfy happily panted as he approached Twilight in the bathroom, there was something about her that just catches his interest.

“Hey Twilight, need my help?” Spike asked, wanting to keep his eyes on the halfy.

“Oh, no Spike, that won’t be necessary but thanks for asking!” Twilight reassured closing the door behind her. She was surprised to see Wolfy already sitting in the warm steaming tub panting happily.

“Wow, for a wolf you seem to like baths.” She approached the tub and pulled out some shampoo out of the cabinets with her magic. She pooped the lid open and began pouring it into the tub, creating pink foamy bubbles. She giggled at how calm the wolf was to the bath. And the fact that she accidentally overfilled it with bubbles so it leaked out over the edge.

“*Giggle* Oops, well I’ll get Spike to clean that up later. Now let’s get to the scrubbing.” She leaned over the edge of the tub and began scrubbing Wolfy, lathering the suds deep into his coat. She giggled at the strange noise and movements Wolfy was making when she scrubbed him right behind the ears.

“Haha, You seem to REALLY enjoy this- WHAAA!” In her fit of laughter she lost her balance and fell into the tub splashing water everywhere. She seemed to be lost in the water but her head popped out, mane soaking wet and once again giggling.

“Oops! Now I made an even bigger mess.” She looked into Wolfy’s eyes. Her wet mane, the smile she had on her face, it was exhilarating! If he could in this form he would be crimson red, Wolfy made his way to Twilight and licked her all across the face, getting a taste of her. And something else he didn’t want to taste... ‘Hggh! Soap tastes BAD!’ Twilight’s giggles went to outright bursts of laughter as she looked at the poor wolf gag at the soapy taste.

“Ok, let’s get ourselves rinsed and dried off.”


‘She... Wait what was her name... Twilight! Yeah Twilight dried us off, She was really fascinated by how brilliantly white my coat was underneath all that dirt and soot, she mentioned something about a lady name Rarity would like a coat like mine’s, which kinda made me proud of it. White isn't as appealing to me as black, but if Twilight likes it, then i do!'

"Spike! Do you know if we have an animal food?" Twilight called out looking through her kitchen cabinet. Wolfy was sitting down on the floor staring at those delicious looking apples she had on the table. His mouth watered as he slowly licked his lips. 'Dare I?' He aprroched the table and stretched his body out so he could reach for an apple. 'Yes I do!'


Twilight Sparkle turned around to find the source of the crunch, She began giggling at the sight of Wolfy desperately trying to fit a whole apple into his mouth.

"*Giggle* Wow, you eat fruit? I don't remember anypony telling me wolves at fruit. Let me help you with that." She levitated a knife out of one of the drawers. She tried to yank the apple out of his mouth, but he was holding on with everything he has.

"O...k, i'll just cut another one for you when you're done with that one..."

'That... Was... Delicious! Oh man i can get used to this! Oh Chrysalis they were so juicy and moist, I never ate anything as good as that when I was with my changeling "Family". *Yawn* Oh man, I'm just watching Twilight study right now and I am spent; I haven't gotten a good nights sleep for like... ever!'

“Tired Wolfy? Well… I guess you can sleep on my bed… I’m getting tired too so I’ll meet you up there.” Wolfy stood up and headed up the spiraling stairs of the library and up to the bed ‘room’. ‘I say that because there really isn’t a door so it isn’t much of a room, but I digress.’ Wolfy saw two bed’s but it was relatively easy to know that the bigger bed was, most likely, hers. He laid down at the foot of the bed, his eyes widened.

‘Oh. My. Chrysalis! This bed is COMFORTABLE!’ Wolfy began rolling on the bed laughing on the inside, so much comfort! SO SOFT. He could feel days- no YEARS of stress fading away as he laid there.

“*Giggle* I guess you really like my bed. It’s not perfect, but I guess it’s better than what you probably slept on. Speaking of which, Spike! Are you coming to bed?” Wolfy could not make out the rest of the rest of the conversation, so much bliss! ‘Oh man! This is way comfortable than sleeping on rocks! Aahhh~.’

He stopped rolling on the bed and took a deep breath in. ‘That Smell.’ His attention turned to under the sheets, where he started burrowing under. ‘It’s so… Feminine.’ The intoxicating aroma of Twilights sheets made him forget about the world, until the sheets where lifted off of him.

“Well aren’t you getting comfortable?” Wolfy recoiled to the sudden ‘intrusion’ of his ecstasy, but settled down instantly when he saw the cutest grin he has ever seen on Twilight’s face, once again, of he could blush in this form, CRIMSON RED.

“*Giggle* Scoot over so I can slide in.” Wolfy nervously corrected his body as Twilight slid into bed, levitating the sheets and comforter over them. He hesitated a bit, but he slowly scooted towards her. She smiled at him and gave him a lazy embrace pulling him into her. She blew out the candles, in a moonlight room with a beautiful mare holding you, her body heat warming you and vice versa, a full belly? Yeah ‘I can get used to this~.’