Mystery Dungeon: Equestrial Plains

by TheDeku

The Ride Back

After the landing of Deoxys and Jirachi, the two Pokemon were brought inside to get their bearings about the new world. Darkrai promised that it'd find a way to get legendary Pokemon a better place than the castle for the time being.
"Nothing against Canterlot, but if Zekrom or even Xerneas or Yveltal arrived, they would be too large to really fit through the doors. There needs to be a better place for them to live, as our usual... homes, we shall say, are not here. I will try to find unoccupied caves or forest clearings for use." Darkrai explained before flying off towards the mountains. Darkrai had expressed worry that some legends were already in Equestria, but went into no more detail, leaving some with a sense of foreboding.
"Well then. Unless there is anything else you want us to stay for we should go back to Ponyville." Blitzer said to Mew and the princesses. "Not that it hasn't been fun here, but I want to go back to the Guild. Lopunny hadn't been near the Guild for some time, and she always has fun stories to tell about Team Charm's adventures."
That had been an hour ago. The Trailblazers, the Elements, Spike and, to everyone's surprise, Keldeo were on the train to Ponyville. It could be a boring trip, so Pinkie pestered the Sword of Justice into telling tales of the Swords of Justice. She didn't pester so much as ask, as Keldeo was more than happy to tell.
"Oh, where to begin..." Keldeo mused. "Perhaps describing the others in more detail. There are three other Swords of Justice, Cobalion, Virizion, and Terrakion. All of us are part Fighting, but Cobalion is part Steel, Virizion is part Grass, and Terrakion is part Rock. Cobalion is the leader, and has the most even mix of attack, speed, and defenses. Virizion is the fastest, and Terrakion is the powerhouse. I'm the new one, and I have the worst actual combat training of us, as I joined much later than they formed. To make up for it, they did everything they could to get me on par. They taught me to use my water shooting hooves to travel quickly, give me large jumps, weapons, and the ability to travel across the surface of water. They drilled me until I knew everything about Pokemon. As I told Twilight-" He points a hoof towards her. "-I know every weakness any Pokemon has, be it from typing, ability, or capabilities. I can easily find weak points, and use my environment and moves to dodge nearly everything. So, with that out of the way, how about the story of how we fought Tornadus and Thundurus?"
"Who are those and why do they sound like weather?" Rainbow asked.
"They are weather. Torandus is the spirit of cyclones, and Thundurus is the bringer of storms. The pair of them love their pranks and mischief. Normally Landorus takes care of them, but it had business elsewhere, so we had to stop them from causing too much destruction. Which was odd, as they don't try to cause too much destruction, snd usually use their powers to mess with others, like using high winds to knock Pokemon over, or lightning to scare. This time, for whatever reason, they went against their normal and tried to destroy a pretty large area. At the time, I was asleep in a cave. Virizion woke me up, telling me we had another mission. We stepped outside and there was a huge tornado in front of the entrance. Virizion's Sacred Sword couldn't break through, so it told me to try my Secret Sword. When that didn't work, Virizion told me to stay put and ran deeper into the cave. When it returned, it had a couple of Graveler, a rock-ground type Pokemon. The Graveler lined up, and rolled into the twister, getting sucked up into it. After about ten seconds, which had me yelling at Virizion, the tornado stopped and the Graveler landed soon after. Virizion explained that it had gotten them to use Rollout up the tornado and into Tornadus. The disruption was enough for us to get out of the cave and over to Cobalion. It warned that we were all at a disadvantage due to being Fighting-type, but we had an advantage due to Terrakion's Rock-type being good against Flying, and Thundurus's Electric attacks being weak to Virizion's Grass. Cobalion had me and Terrakion fight Tornadus, while it and Virizion took on Thundurus."
Rainbow laughed. "Really? You needed to do two on one to fight them? That's pathetic!"
Keldeo began to respond, but Blitzle spoke first. "You try to buck a cloud while you're trapped in a tornado and the cloud can move in any direction at high speeds, or a cloud in a lightning storm aimed for you that can also move at high speeds."
Rainbow couldn't answer, so Keldeo continued. "Terrakion doesn't have ranged attacks, but I do. The plan was to pester Tornadus enough that it forgot the advantage it had by being in the air, and coming into range of Terrakion. I launched my Hydro Pump up, and it caught it in the back."
"How high up was it? I doubt any Pokemon could send a Hydro Pump hundreds of feet." Ponyta asked.
"They were only about 30 feet up, really low for them." Keldeo said. "It turned at the hit just in time to get hit by a second. It must have been really annoyed, as it used Hurricane and flew down at us. I got knocked back by the winds, but Terrakion stood firm and caught Tornadus squarely with Stone Edge, even scoring a critical hit. Unfortunately, Tornadus wasn't done yet and smashed Terrakion with Hammer Arm. I retaliated with Icy Wind, and Terrakion's second Stone Edge knocked Tornadus down. It shook its head and saw the destruction it had caused. It said that it hadn't realized just how bad the destruction was. Thundurus was soon dealt with as well, and apologized similarly to Tornadus." Keldeo grinned, but then looked indifferent. "Come to think of it, they weren't the only Pokemon acting strange, and it was soon before I arrived here. Maybe they're related incidents, or maybe I just can't remember well."
"I hope there isn't that much fighting every time we meet a Pokemon. I just can't stand that much fighting." Fluttershy said. "I understand that it's a central part of your culture and society, but it isn't on Equestria."
Sableye came over and gave her a hug as Blitzle spoke. "Trust me, I don't want to be fighting all the time either. A break from serious fights is a welcome thing."


Diglett had been asked to go check out the Everfree to see if he could find anything useful the others may have missed about an hour ago. Chatot had taken up the post of doorguard, but he did it at the entrance as opposed to being underground. He debated sending someone after Diglett, as he had gone with Bidoof, who returned 15 minutes ago. Just as he was about to send someone, he saw Diglett coming closer at a quick pace. "About time you showed up! We've been waiting for you! Bidoof said you were right behind him!"
Diglett looked down. "Sorry Chatot. I thought I found something, so I followed it for longer than I should have. It turned out to be nothing, though."
Chatot sighed. "At least you're back in one piece. Please take your post as sentry in your underground hole, but don't expect too much for a few hours. All the inhabitants are busy, and most of the Guild here is staying here for a while, as there isn't much to do. Hopefully the Trailblazers are going to be back in a little while, as Mew said they were leaving several hours ago, as well as Twilight and her friends." Chatot went back into the Guild, leaving Diglett alone outside for a little bit.
Diglett chuckled. "Fool. Doesn't even know he's being fooled. Best to keep my cover as long as I can, however. Blowing it too soon would get me in lots of trouble. Oh well, better make use of the information I was told on these Pokemon..."


Deoxys floated aimlessly through Canterlot Castle, wondering how to occupy its time. It could go to the library, but it didn't know if it could read the language. It could play with Jirachi, but Jirachi was nowhere to be found. As it debated the best action, it heard a voice. Deoxys, knowing that the voice was something else speaking to its mind, followed the voice to a garden. Deoxys floated over to a creature strange even by most Pokemon standards.
A castle guard saw Deoxys, and flew in front of it. "Sorry big guy, but I cannot let you go past me."
"Then I will not pass you." Deoxys said. "But I must continue my path." Deoxys then disappeared. The guard looked around and saw Deoxys had teleported past, and was sitting down in Normal Forme in front of the statue.
"Hey! That guy's dangerous! He's-"
"Bored and lonely, as am I. Is h dangerous? The answer is yes. Am I? Possibly more so. I choose to speak with this creature, and that is what I will do. I will not release him, I promise you that. If you will excuse me, I must return to my conversation." Deoxys turned back to the statue and the guard turned back to prevent any others from coming in. Unbeknownst to either, the statue's inhabitant already had plans for his return, and he had been making precautions to make him unbeatable.