Oh Soarin'

by ParrishVanity

The Beginning


We're so in love..
We did all the drugs..
Fell down in the clubs,
Our hearts just raised up.

Rainbow Dash was standing on her balcony, looking down from her cloud home, remembering all that was left of her and Soarin'. It wasn't much to remember, but it was something at least, Rainbow couldn't stop thinking about him. He was so wonderful, but at the same time, a horrible person.

We kissed the dark,
In the back of your car,
We cuddled in the park,
You shine like Noah's ark.

Its not like Rainbow hates him for what he did. Oh no, the exact opposite, she missed him. It seemed like too much to bare for the young mare. But, at the same time, she hated for what he did, it was unforgettable, it was downright horrible. But, what could she do? He did it anyways, without a care for what he did to her.

Pain inside, crashes and glides,
I can't decide, your heart was my guide.
It's been too long, you were my perfect drug,
Now the worlds all wrong, I hope you sing along..

Soarin' cheated on her, behind her back for a month. And who was the mare that caused all the pain? The answer was easy...
Spitfire. The ungrateful, mare. Rainbow couldn't BELIEVE it was Spitfire, how could he choose Spitfire over her? Rainbow has the looks, the rainbow like personality, and she creates a Sonic Rainboom! What could Spitfire do? Nothing... nothing at all. Not compared to the one and only Rainbow Dash. Rainbow smiled at the thought of it all, she knew she was better. But Soarin' thought otherwise.

Wherever you are, you'll be my star,
near or far, you'll always be my one..
Kiss me goodnight, say its alright,
This can't be goodbye, my heart just dies..

Soarin' had always been her favorite out of all the Wonderbolts, but, Spitfire, she always had a wrong emotion towards her. Spitfire and Soarin' were like best friends, Rainbow should've saw this coming. But, alas, she didn't, and her world has collasped on her. It was like a tragic novel Twilight was egg her on about, saying she should give more real books than Daring Doo.But, this was real life, not a book. So, it hurt twice as much as it would in a sappy novel.

Earth is dying, kids are crying,
The plans we've made, just rot away,
Your angel wings, will shine on me,
Like the blood on the strings, my hearts just falls and sinks,
You fall in front of me, as we cast away in the sea,
I'll be your dream machine, a life full of luxary,
You died in that crashsite, just like our love life,
I'm blinded by headlights, we fell in front of bright lights,
Like Jack and Sally, on top of Death Valley,
Or below in southern Cali, we lived out our grand finale.

Rainbow stopped being herself, It took days for Fluttershy to get her to eat, everything just seemed stale and hopeless. She usually stayed inside and sulked in bed, Fluttershy would always check up on her. Its been 3 weeks since Rainbow found out what Soarin' had done. She wasn't ready for anything, not even life. She just layed in bed, drew circles in the ground, and thought for what seemed like minutes. She would think for hours upon hours about how naive she was for thinking Soarin' loved her. How he wished for them to be together forever, what a bunch of lies. But, she could never forget that goofy smile, those amazing emerald eyes, and his creepy love for pie. She wished to get him back.. Hay, she'd LOVE to have him back. But one part of her, screamed destroy him. Take him for all he has. Make him suffer. She couldn't be able to do it, she couldn't really do anything anymore.

Wherever you are, you've stolen my heart,
Near or far, you'll always be star,
So kiss me goodnight, say its alright.
This can't be goodbye my heart just dies..

She had to do something. But she had no idea what. She could swear she was going insane from the depression that she has been going through, but she wasn't quite sure on what she was thinking, and she needed to do it, before anybody could even try to stop her or when her thoughts and failures stop her.

Earth is dying, kids are crying,
The plans we've made just rot away,
Wherever you are, you've stolen my heart,
Near or far, you'll always be my star..

She thought up all that she could muster, she knew Soarin' still lived in Cloudsdale and she knew exactly where. She had to do something, she couldn't be what she is right now. A depressed rainbow. Her rainbow mane has lost some of its color since she found out. But, she didn't care how she looked, she was determined to get the colt that shattered her world and crushed her dreams..

Like Jack and Sally, on top of Death Valley,
Or below in southern Cali,
We lived out our grand finale..

She bolted out the window, to Cloudsdale, she had no idea what she was doing. but she knew it felt right.

"Soarin, here I come."