//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: The Magic Cup // by El Poni Duelist //------------------------------// Spike ran towards the castle. He ran in the hallway and up the long stairs that go up. He opens the door. In the room which is in front of him was Princess Celestia using her spell to have a piece of paper to be placed in front of her that had letters and in front of her was a desk. The letters that are printed on a piece of paper was about her assignments during morning. The desk is made out of wood and its color was brown. The height of the room is the same as a giraffe and the length of the room is the same as a big door which is in the castle. The sides of the room had shelves that had books. She looked at Spike from the letter that was in front of her. "Yes?" Asked Princess Celestia. She puts the letter down on the desk. Spike spoke while walking in the room. "Princess Celestia, you have to help me. I'm late for seeing a movie and my buddy Rarity's in there without me. The guards wouldn't let me in so please?" Asked Spike. Spike gets on his knees and puts his hands together. "Will you help me?" Asked Spike. Princess Celestia rolled her eyes as she thinks. She then looks at Spike as she speaks. "Alright son, I will help you," Said Princess Celestia. Spike starts to feel happy. Reason for Princess Celestia to call Spike son is because to let him know that she cares about him. "Really?" Asked Spike. "But first you must help me," Said Princess Celestia. Spike then looked confused. "Help you? With what?" Asked Spike. Princess Celestia gets up and walks to left side and points her horn down on the ground and uses a spell that causes stairs to appear that goes down. Princess Celestia then looked at Spike. "You must help me get the Magic Cup," Said Princess Celestia. Spike still looked confused and didn't understand of what she said. "The Magic Cup? What's that?" Asked Spike. "The Magic Cup has magic like no other." Said Princess Celestia. Spike then became curious. "What does it do?" Asked Spike. "No one knows. Now lets go down and get it?" Said Princess Celestia. "Ah-ok," Said Spike. Spike and Princess Celestia walked down the stairs. The area was dark but Princess Celestia used a spell to cause her horn to glow which gave them light. Few minutes later, the light was fainting. Spike starts to get scared. "Princess Celestia, it's starting to get dark," Said Spike. Princess Celestia looked at Spike from her right side. "Don't worry son, we're almost there. The Magic Cup will soon be ours," Said Princess Celestia. They reached the bottom of the stairs. They then saw far in front of them a small room that was made out of glass. The room that they were in is the same length size as a blue whale. They couldn't see the walls but only the room that's far in front of them. In the middle of the room was a cup that was made out of glass and had diamonds all around it. It stands on a table that's made out of glass. The glass in the room were glowing bright and the color of the bright was light-blue. The height of the room is the same as a giraffe. Princess Celestia starts to get excited and raised up her voice volume. "The Magic Cup, there it is!" Shouted Princess Celestia. "Lets get it," Said Spike. He ran towards it and was about to touch it with his right hand until Princess Celestia raised her voice volume even louder. "No!" Shouted Princess Celestia. Spike stopped and looked at Princess Celestia who was far behind him. While Princess Celestia was walking up towards him, he looked confused. "What?" Asked Spike. Princess Celestia lowered her voice volume. "There could be booby traps. Lets get it safety," Said Princess Celestia. "But how?" Asked Spike. "By using my magic to cause the cup to come towards us safety and when it's near us, you grab it," Said Princess Celestia. "Alright, lets get it," Said Spike. Princess Celestia used her spell from her horn to cause the cup to float from the table to come towards them. Spike lifts up his hands and grabbed it. Then Princess Celestia's spell stopped working. But then it slipped out of his hand and is about to fall on the ground. Princess Celestia raised her voice volume. "No, it must not touch the ground!" Shouted Princess Celestia. She quickly used her spell to cause the cup to stop its movement. Princess Celestia took a deep breath and lowered her voice volume. "That was close," Said Princess Celestia. A portal appeared in the air above them and then Changelings came out. They were everywhere and then Spike raised up his voice volume. "Princess Celestia, look out!" Shouted Spike. Princess Celestia looked behind and saw them. She then felt surprised. "Oh no," Said Princess Celestia. She stopped her magic and faced towards them. She open her wings and flied up. Then charged at them. She used her magic from her horn to blast at the Changelings. Spike splits out green flames as they fly by him. Then a Changeling grabbed him and pulled him down on the ground. Another Changeling flied in front of him and he raised up his voice. "Princess Celestia help!" Shouted Spike. He yelled even louder. "Princess Celestia!" Shouted Spike. But she was flying around and blasting a blue beam at the Changelings that were flying around. Princess Celestia used a spell which caused a rainbow to appear in the air which is above Princess Celestia. It went from her horn down to near the room that's made out of glass. It caused the Changelings to banish. The rainbow then vanished. Spike got up and Princess Celestia came down on the ground. She closed her wings and stood in front of him. He then looked surprised and worried. "Princess Celestia, your mane's on fire," Said Spike. She noticed that her hair was on fire and she used a spell from her horn to put it out. Her mane looked burned. "By the way, thanks," Said Spike Princess Celestia then smiled. "No problem son," Princess Celestia. She starts to feel excited. "Now lets get the Magic Cup," Said Princess Celestia. Her and Spike noticed that the cup went back on the table and same position before she used her magic to cause it to float. She walked and was next to Spike on his left side. She used her spell from her horn to cause the cup to float up in the air. Then towards between Princess Celestia and Spike. "The Magic Cup, it'll soon be in our grasp," Said Princess Celestia. "Will you share it?" Asked Spike. "Of course son, once we get our hands on the Magic Cup," Said Princess Celestia. Spike lift up his hands to try to grab the cup while Princess Celestia lift up her left hoof to try to grab the cup as well. A portal appeared up in the air behind them and a lot more Changelings came out. They were everywhere. Princess Celestia and Spike looked behind them. Princess Celestia raised up her voice. "Oh no," Said Princess Celestia. She put the cup in Spikes hands. She open her wings and charged towards them while flying. She starts to shoot lightning at them. Spike starts to split out green flames at them. Then a Changeling pushed him down on the ground and then the cup went flying into the air. It then landed on the ground. Two Changelings grabbed Spike and then the third one went up towards Spike. Spike raised up his voice volume. "Princess Celestia!" Shouted Spike. He yelled even louder. "Help!" Shouted Spike. He then closed his eyes and fainted. He woke up and noticed that he feels wearied. He goes in the room that's made out of glass and looked down on the table. He saw his reflection and then became shocked. In the reflection, he saw himself as an Earth Pony who had purple skin and his eyes are green including his hair. Spike said to himself. "I'm an Earth Pony?" Asked Spike. He starts to feel pain and his head starts to grow a horn. He then ends up looking like Twilight Sparkle except his mane and eyes are green. He no longer feels pain and then Princess Celestia walks up in front of him. As she looks from left to right as she speaks. "I think they're gone for now," Said Princess Celestia. She noticed Spike but thinks that it's Twilight Sparkle and then looked curious. "Twilight, what are you going down here?" Asked Princess Celestia. "I'm not Twilight. Some how, the Changelings turned from me an Earth Pony into looking like Twilight Sparkle," Said Spike. Princess Celestia then looked surprised. "Oh dear," Said Princess Celestia. "What do we do Princess Celestia?" Asked Spike. "Only the Magic Cup can help you," Said Spike. She then looked curious and looks around her. "The Magic Cup, where is it?" Asked Princess Celestia. Spike rolled his eyes as he thinks. "Ah-Princess Celestia, I think it's gone," Said Spike. Princess Celestia starts to look shock and raised up her voice volume. "What? No, the Magic Cup. It must be found!" Shouted Princess Celestia. She runs in the room that's made out of glass and looks everywhere. She puts her hoofs all around the glass floor because she thinks that there's a hidden button that would open. "I think the Changelings took them," Said Spike. Princess Celestia didn't hear a word that he said and starts to get even more worried. She raised up her voice volume. "The Magic Cup, where is it?" Shouted Princess Celestia. She open her wings and flied out the room. Then up the stairs. Spike ran after her and raised up his voice volume. "Princess Celestia wait!" Shouted Spike. Spike started to run up to the stairs. He got to the top of the stairs and in the same room where he saw Princess Celestia by her desk. In the room were a dark-blue skin Alicorn and light-green skin Earth Pony. The Alicorn's name was Princess Luna and the Earth Pony's name was Granny Smith. They saw him and thought that he was Twilight Sparkle. Then Princess Luna looked curious. "Twilight, what were you down there?" Asked Princess Luna. Spike then starts to get a little frustrated. "I'm not Twilight Sparkle. It's me Spike. I've been turned into looking like Twilight Sparkle," Said Spike. Princess Luna and Granny Smith became surprised. "Oh dear," Said Princess Luna. "What do we do Princess Luna? Is there a way to change me back?" Asked Spike. "I'm afraid there isn't," Said Princess Luna. Spike was surprised. "So why were you down there?" Asked Princess Luna. "Because I was down there with Princess Celestia to try to get the Magic Cup," Said Spike. Princess Luna and Granny Smith looked shocked. They gasped and then Princess Luna put her right hoof near her mouth. She whispered. "The Magic Cup," Said Princess Luna. Spike looked confused. "What about it?" Asked Spike. Princess Luna lowered her right hoof as she speaks. "The Magic Cup has magic like no other in the whole universe," Said Princess Luna. Spike was still confused. "So what does it do?" Asked Spike. "No one knows," Princess Luna. Princess Luna thinks and became curious once again. "So where's my sister?" Asked Princess Luna. "She's gone to look for the Magic Cup and I can't find her," Said Spike. Princess Luna became worried. "No, she must not get the Magic Cup," Said Princess Luna. Spike became worried. "Why?" Asked Spike. "Because if she does, she'll be in great danger. We must find her," Said Princess Luna. Spike then felt brave. "I'll go with you," Said Spike.