EXTERMINA- No! Bad Dalek!

by Down with Chrysalis


I stare out through from the open panel of this terribly heavy, and incredibly hot suit at the bar booth where two more of my friends sit with me, they themselves dressed up in costumes and sweating profusely as well. The suits are actually pretty neat considering they were made on a nearly zero dollar budget. Jeremy is a Scarecrow, with hay hanging from beneath his dark blue clothes and a menacing burlap sack for a face. Dani is dressed as a Cyberman, and she looks darn good for being encased in a rigid suit of spray-painted cardboard and plastic.

And finally there’s me. I’m a man in an electric wheelchair with a garbage bin pulled over him with a whisk and a plunger attached. Ahem. I mean… I am a Dalek, the most dangerous lifeform in the universe. Whooo-oo-ooo fear me. But if you haven’t guessed, yeah, we’re all cosplaying as Doctor Who villains.

“Oh come on Eli, it’s not that bad.” Jeremy tells me as I shift back and forth to get comfortable, knocking in to the table a few times as I do so.

Oh it’s easy for him to say that, he’s wearing normal clothes. But me, I’ve been sitting in a chair in an incubator all day! He probably has no idea how hot it gets in these things.

“Guys!” I hear a voice yell as the door near the front of the bar swings open.

And would you look just “Who” it is, heh. The man of the hour and the whole reason I’m even here. Seriously, screw you Matt.

“Check it out you guys!” he yells excitedly and slams a box down on the table.

“Excuse me?” Dani says indignantly.

“And Dani.” Matt corrects himself with a sigh before continuing “We won first place!” he says with all the fanboy giddiness I've come to expect from him.

I listen to my friends make shouts of surprise and glee, thanking god that I didn't sit in this suit thirteen hours for nothing.

“And check out all this cool stuff we got!” Matt says as he opens the box “Limited edition DVDs, a set of Doctor Who playing cards, tickets for the concert tomorrow night, *gasp* a sonic screwdriver replica! Aw mah GAWD!”

His face lights up and he immediately runs around “Scanning” things with it, earning him more than a few scandalous looks from the other patrons of the bar.

“Huh, what’s this? A Dalek laser?” Dani picks up the metal rod that was sitting next to the prize box.

“Oh yeah. Some guy in a cloak sold that to me for a dollar, called himself the Merchant, or something.” Matt calls from across the room before going back to changing the music on the jukebox using his new toy.

“Dude, you should totally put it on your costume.” Jeremy tells me.

“Why?” I ask “The contest is over, we won.”

“C’mon Eli, we can still go around scaring people with it. Heck, we could charge people for photos if we’re lucky.”

I see that look in Jeremy’s eye that says there’s no dissuading him, so begrudgingly, I relent and wheel myself backwards so they can put it on.

“Alright, now hold still.” Jeremy says as he pulls off the fake laser and positions the better fake laser.

“He’s in a chair doofus, and I’m holding onto him. The only moving he’s doing is because of your clumsy hands.” Dani tells him.

Suddenly the laser lights up; bright. I have to pull the face panel shut to shield my eyes.

“What the heck man?!” I yell.

“Hey no worries, I probably just hit the on button or somethin’.” Jeremy says and continues to fiddle with my death laser, heh-heh. I just wish he’d hurry up so I can turn it off; that light is shining into my costume, and for some reason I’m feeling tingly, probably just the beers.

“Almost… almost.” Jeremy mutters.

“Slipping. Slipping. Slipping! FALLING!” I hear Matt’s panicked voice cry out, followed swiftly by a huge crash.

“Mah milkshake!” a gruff biker sounding voice yells.

After something hits the metal walls of my costume and knocks me over, I try to open the thing and see what’s happened, only to find that I can’t. And then… everything fades to white.

As I slowly regain consciousness and my brain starts to slowly turn back on, I realize I feel sore all over my body. It feels like I was hit by a... a… actually I can't feel anything at all! Normally I’d panic at this point, but I shrug it off as the usual feelings that come with a severe hangover. Still it does seem a bit strange.

Ugh, how bad does a hangover get that I can't even feel my arms… or my legs… or my torso, or any of me. I must have gotten seriously messed up. I swear this is the last time I drink alcohol again. Ever.

I groan at my current predicament, and my breath sounds oddly...robotic for some reason. I try to open my eyes, but it hurts too much. Deciding that I'll just deal with laying down for now, my hearing starts to come back, and I notice… murmuring?

"What...th...m...my?" it says.



More voices join in. Deciding that I've had enough of not knowing what's going on, I force my eyes open and see-


What...what happened to my eyes!? Why is everything to blue?! It feels like I'm looking through a telescope underwater or something. Wait a second...why did my voice sound so...metallic? Am I in a hospital?! Did they hook me up to something? Did they cut off my arms and legs!?

Before I could freak out even more, or even wonder what's going on, I hear a small frightened voice ask,

"Who...what are you?"

I turn around, or at least I think I did. It was more like only my head moved… or swiveled atop my body. But I ignore this when I see what I can only describe as a little pony staring up at me. It looks like a pony at least, but its proportions are all wrong, and its coat is all... shiny for some reason, like dull glass.

Behind it I could see a bunch of other ponies that are looking at me with trepidation, just like the one in front of me. But what's strange is that when I tried to focus on some of the farther ponies, it was like my vision zoomed in or something. It’s hard to explain, but that must have been what I did because I can suddenly see them much closer and clearer.

I start to look around for whoever called me, but all I can see is more and more ponies.

What...what the heck is going on? I think as I can't help but stare at all these ponies in confusion, Where's the guy who was talking to me?

I look back down at the pony; it’s small, I think it's a foal...or maybe it's a colt. I don't know the terms very well. But before I could get closer to see if she or he had some sort of owner tag or something, the little fillyspeaks!

"Uh...what are you m-mister?"


What? Did the little pony just talk? What....WHAT THE HECK! How is that even, that shouldn't even be- My brain tries in vain to comprehend what in gods name just happened.

How can a little pony talk. That should be physically impossible. Ugh, I wish someone would just explain what’s going o-. Wait a minute...explain…


I suddenly get this strange feeling. Like...like something is calling out to me. Like...


Like my brain is telling me to demand something. Too...too...

"Ex..plain. Ex...plain."

I suddenly loose myself to the feeling as I shout,


The little filly and the other ponies jump back from my outburst, but I don't notice as I stare down the little filly and shout,


“Ahh, mommy help!” the little pony shrieks and bolts away from me as I continue yelling uncontrollably.

“WAIT! STOP! CEASE! NO! COME BACK! RETURN!” I yelled after the little pony as I ran (or… rolled I guess) as fast as I could.

But it was as I was chasing it that I happened across a piece of reflective wall; it was like a mirror, and the only bit of it for quite a ways that wasn’t chipped or scratched beyond use. Looking at it I saw my reflection, and surprisingly (or perhaps unsurprisingly) my Dalek costume.

“Huh, I thought someone would have taken that off.” I idly stated to myself.“I just have to find a way to take it off… if I could move my arms.”

We interrupt your reading experience to give you this announcement:

Eli speaking is always in the Dalek shouting voice, but for the sake of easy reading it is not written in full caps. When it is, it is when he is shouting louder then a normal Dalek.

Now, back to the episode!

“Hey!” I called to some of the nearby ponies that hadn’t run off “Can one of you help me out of this suit?” If they were smart enough to talk, they were smart enough to open a tin can, right?

I tried to approach them, but each time they backed away in fear or flat out ran away screaming. And after several minutes of this, I finally got fed up and screamed,


“What’s going on here?!” I hear a deep, rasping voice echo around, and the ponies quickly back away, cowering in fear.

I turn around (Swivel? I don’t know.) to see an even stranger and far more horrific sight.

Hovering across the ground towards me is a vaguely humanoid creature, but grotesquely disfigured. Its head was upside down, and it had had bare, empty sockets where its eyes should have been. What little skin wasn’t covered in bandages and shreds of cloak was pale and scabby. And where its hands and feet should have been, there were only stubs that revealed the cut of flesh and bone.

“Get back to work!” it hissed at the ponies, who quickly fled from its path. The thing then turned towards me and gave me the creepiest stare ever as it said in it's raspy voice,

“What is it?”

I backed away from the thing as it examined me up and down, it’s long jagged fangs nearly scraping my face (Face right?).

“What… is… it?” it rasped again, apparently questioning what I was, rather than asking what I wanted.

“Um, I- I’m…” I stuttered in my metallic voice.

Before I could get actual words out, the horrifying thing suddenly grabbed me, using the chains wrapped around its arms to grapple me. It had a surprising amount of control over them, like it was controlling them telepathically or with magic. But was that possible? Maybe it was magnets.

“WRRAAAHHH!” it snarled in my face “You hold no substance! Filthy metal thing.”

What did it mean I had no substance? What was it trying to- Whoa hey, no!

It began lifting me off the ground, and I could feel its chains tightening around me, trying to crush me. I would have wiggled to try and get free, but without the use of my arms and legs it was useless. And as the thing shook and snarled at me, I could feel my mind start to take on a life of its own again.

“Ex… Exter…Exterminate. EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!” I yelled, and a bright blast of light fired from that laser Matt bought, and the thing dropped me to the ground as it fell, and I landed on my tracks with a clunk.

I looked over to it, and saw it was no longer moving. Had I… I had! I had actually killed that monster with my Dalek laser! That’s so awesome! Matt, I owe you an apology man!

My triumph was short-lived it would seem, as not a minute after I’d killed the first monster, a half dozen more descended from the sky or sprung from the darkened alleyways and rooftops, shrieking that ear-splitting shriek and whipping their chains around them.

“Bring it on you freaks!” I yelled at the top of my robotic voice and pointed my laser at the nearest one, “Suck death ray!”

Eli holds back a grimace as he thinks,

I need better battle cries. That one was terri-bad.

And it would seem my laser wound agree, as it refused to fire despite my continued insistence. I look around in panic as the monsters get closer and closer to me, and there's only one logical thing I need to say to sum up my situation, and that is,

“Oh crud.”

And with that I swiveled on my wheels and hightailed it anywhere but here with six of the bloody things chasing after me! I rounded a corner and kept going, weaving through and around broken carts and crates full of rocks that the monsters were able to simply vault or fly over, slowly but surely losing me ground.

I try to shake them off by going through what looked like a market, but it only seems to slow me down as I have to keep dodging stalls and ponies. I'm about to get out of the market when I get blind sided by a tomato smashing into my eye. I can't see anything at all and I start shouting,


I start to widely move around the area, and I feel something smash into the metal. I soon hear someone shout out,


Well that explains what I ran into, but I really wish that I could get this STUPID TOMATO OUT OF MY EYE THING!

And as if there was some other worldly being answering my call, I feel my eye...sizzle for a second. Suddenly the tomato is gone and I can see again! But before I can question what the sizzling feeling was I have to make a quick turn before I could crash into some ponies. I look behind me to see...that those monster's are even closer then before! I give a annoyed robotic sigh as I think

This is ridiculous! I’m in a working Dalek suit for crying out loud! I’m pretty sure R2-D2 would have kicked more ass than me right now.

It finally came to a breaking point when one of them used its chains to try and trip me up. It didn't work of course, but it managed to get me tethered to the spot long enough for the rest to catch up and lift me off the ground like the first monster did.

They flung me hard, and this time I landed on an empty crate. My wheels off the ground, leaving me to sit there and swivel helplessly as three more of the monsters hefted up a massive metal gear with their chains and got ready to drop it on me.

“No. No no no, come on!” I shouted in frustration as my doom approached, “Do something! Fire! Kill them! EXTERMINATE!”

My laser fired, hitting one of the monsters holding the gear. As one of their number fell limp, it offset the balance of the mass of metal, causing them to drop it and crush another. They snarled at me and rushed forward, but now I knew how to fight back.

“EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!” I yelled as the urge to kill these things, these inferior, wretched life forms took over.

The death ray's hit spot on as three of the creatures fall limp. Another one of them tries to charge at me form the air, but I don't give it a chance as I aim the Dalek laser upwards and shout,


The death ray shouts out and hits the creature dead in the head. It's head read back and it crashed down into another one of the monsters. I gain a feeling of blood lust as I shout,


Another death beam hits one of the monsters, taking it out. At last, only one was floating and it dodged my last shot, hovering over me to get behind and out of my range as I lay there, still immobile on the broken box. It wrapped its chains around me like the first monster, detaining my movement further.

And then it flew up into the air with me in its clutches. It flew far higher than the last times, high enough for me to see the city below us. I saw the little houses laying in disrepair, the black crystals that jutted out of the barren ground, the entrances into the earth below that could only have lead to mines… or dungeons.

I also see how the whole city is made out of crystals! Every building, every street, even the stinking trees were made of crystal. But something about them was...off. Beside's the fact that crystal's shouldn't even be able to be used as building material, alot of them had smaller black cystal's sticking out of them. Like a zit's, and it almost looked like they were...draining something from the buildings. But before I could ponder anything else, I see something disturbing.

It was the most frightening of all the bullring's here. It was a towering spire of pure regal crystal in the distance that was absolutely plagued by the black crystals like the land surrounding it. That was where the floating monster was pulling me towards.

When we got to the top, a dark pony coated in cold steel with a crown of dark thorns upon it head stared at me as I hung there.

Wow...someone went a little to far with the goth look. And his horn looks like one of those bad weapons Matt draws up.

Interest was held in his sickly green eyes as for a mere moment before he scoffed, and motioned to his minion with a chuckle. And then the chains holding me up broke loose and I fell back to the earth.

“AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!” I screamed in pure terror as I watched the ground get closer and closer.

There was a thud, a jolt, and the sound of shattering rock. But I was still alive. I think...couldn't feel anything before, so for all I know I've cracked in two.

I hesitantly opened my eye… camera… thing, and looked around. Sure enough I was embedded in the ground with a host of glass ponies timidly gathering around.

“Uh… a little help here?” I tried to say as gently as possible in hope that I wouldn't scare them away, not an easy feat considering I scream everything in a robotic screech.

But to my delight, a few of them actually came to pull me out of my indent.

“Thank you.” I tell them, causing them to flinch a bit, but they do nod in acknowledgement. Good, at least they're only half-terrified of me.

“That’s the one!” I heard a small voice yell, “That’s the creature who defeated Sombra’s dementor ghasts. It’ll save us all!”

A small round of whispers went through the small group of ponies, and I could see their coats begin to brighten and gain a sparkling sheen.

So… they’re like mood rings then. I observed.

Before their talk of hope could spread any further though, an ominous laugh traveled down from the top of the spire, and the ground grew dark with the approach of the dark armored pony. I now notice he has purple smoke coming out of his eyes like ghostly makeup. Not the weirdest thing I've seen so far, but it is definitely creepy.

“So… construct. You believe you have the power to defeat me, Sombra, The one true King of the Crystal Empire?” he chuckled before his confident smirk was replaced with a frown,

“Fool. Nopony is a match to my power.”

The horn in the center of his crown flared up for a mere second and I found myself being hurdled backwards by a pillar of crystal that had shot out from the ground in front of me. Ignoring the fact that he said 'somepony' instead of 'someone' I yell in anger,


My death beam shoots straight towards him, but he just laughs as he summons a wall of crystal to block the beam, its surface rippling with the light from the lazer for a short few seconds before he broke it down again.

“What are you?” Sombra asked as he strode forth, his voice deep and cold “An animated pile of scrap metal? Perhaps a soul trapped within a metal body? Or maybe this form is merely a shell to protect your true, frail body. It matters not, something so pathetically clumsy is of no use to me. Die!”

With another flare from his horn and a swing of his head another pillar rose from the ground, throwing me into the air where a salvo of crystal spears hit my metal sides.

They did not skewer me, but I bet they left some dents, and they sent me spinning and tumbling across the ground to the point where I thought I’d lose my lunch. Thank goodness I couldn't feel my stomach right now, or I’d be hurling inside my faceplate.

The King stomped over to me and lifted me up to face him while the ponies around us cowered in fear as they watched, what little color was in them had drained away in his presence. Seeing them this way… I don’t know why, but it just made me mad. Not just mad, no, more like...enraged!

“EXTERMINATE!” I fired my laser into his chest and he grunted on the impact, but glared back up at me as the smoldering wound healed over in a cloud of smoke.

“RRRRAAAGH!” He roared and flung me back towards the spire where his crystal pinned me against the wall by summoning crystals around my body.

“I will end you, pitiful construct.” He said as he leveled the tip of a massive crystal sword at my eye stalk. I don'y know how he's lifting that thing without using his hooves, but right now I really don't want to find out. With a evil chuckle he launches the sword at me. In that moment of imminent doom I felt my mind once again being taken over by thoughts of destruction. But not my own destruction… his. His and any that would try to harm me. Any that would bring suffering to others!

“Negative. I am not a mere construct. I am a Dalek! I AM A DALEK! AND I… WILL… EXTERMINATE… YOU!” I yelled as my mind was filled with uncontrollable anger towards the horse in front of me, and fired my death laser straight at him.

Sombra’s eyes went wide and he quickly summons back the sword and he blocks the beam with the flat end of his crystal sword. But I kept on pouring on the juice, and his sword starts glowing with the energy of destruction being thrown into it.

Finally it could take no more and exploded in a shower of light that bathed the crazy king in its cleansing rays, turning him to dust and smoke as he yelled out in defiance like a cheap cartoon villain on Saturday morning. The crystals holding me against the wall are sucked back into the earth and I'm freed form them.

“You have been exterminated.” I say as I rolled over and stood over his non-existent remains.

I breathe a sigh as I stand on the ashes of the crazy King, and a few moments pass in silence. But with my Dalek vision I can see the ponies looking out from their hiding places behind wooden crates and mining equipment. Slowly and surely they emerge, walking over to where I stand. Shock covers their faces as they stare between me and the ashes slowly melting away beneath my wheels.

One is actually brave enough to come within a few inches of the charred ground, and I can see his mouth wobble a bit as he tries to say something.

“H… h-he’s dead?” he asks unsurely

I nod my head (or my eye stock, not too sure) before I say,

"Yes...Sombra has been exterminated."

A look of pure happiness sparks in his eyes as a smile breaks across his face as he yells,

“He’s dead. Sombra’s dead!”

“We're free!”

“It killed him! Sombra’s finally gone!”

“King Sombra is dead, the wicked King Sombra is dead!” the ponies began chanting and singing.

There were smiles and laughter all around, relief and hope could be seen filling the ponies eyes. Their coats began to shimmer and glow with the oppression of their evil King fading away. It made me feel warm and fuzzy inside seeing them like this. But for some reason, a tiny part of me is raging over the fact that they weren't killed along with Sombra, but it was probably nothing.

“Thank you Dalek! You've freed us all!” One of them told me as she gave my metal shell a hug. “Let’s hear it for Dalek!”

“Heh, actually my name’s E-“

"Dalek, Dalek, Dalek!" they chanted before I could finish.

I chuckle a bit; it sounds weird in my robot voice, but the thought of something living cheering for a Dalek and calling it a hero is just too silly not to laugh at.

But the kind of laughter that suddenly rings out throughout the air in the city is hardly the kind I want to hear. It sounds just like the King I just burnt to ashes, but that’s impossible right? I mean he’s dead… right? Nothing gets up from a Dalek laser. Well, besides Jack Harkness, but he doesn't count because he can't die.

Black smoke starts to pour out of the black crystals covering the ground, and it starts to consume everything wherever it spreads, houses, the trees, everything! I look around as the ponies frantically try to get away from it, but there’s nowhere to run.

When the black smoke touches them, it sticks to them like ink, and they meet the same fate as the city around them, dissolving into smoke and drifting away on the wind.

“What do I do? What do I do!? What can I do?!” I scream and try to keep it back by knocking over crates in its path, but it bubbles up right through them.

Seconds later the world is covered in the black smoke, and I can’t see a thing. But I hear a clunk to my right and turn to see a crystal mare standing next to me, her coat is dull again and she looks terrified.

“Save us Dalek!” She shouts and clings to me as the lower half of her body dissolves. “Please save u-“ is all she manages to say before she’s gone, and there was nothing I could do.

I sit there on my wheels as the smoke reaches me, resigned in my sadness to the fate of those I came so close to saving. Even through I only fought those things to save my hide, it still felt pretty cool to save them.

A moment passes and I hear the wind whipping around me. When I open my eye, I find that I’m still here. But nothing remains of the crystal city, save for a buttload of scattered mining equipment and displaced earth.

"The...the whole city. It's...it' gone. They… they’re all gone." I say sadly as the snow outside begins to fall, covering the ground in a white powder.

I just stand there, trying to comprehend what just happened. One minute the pony things were happy and cheering, and the next there's black smoke and terror and then they just...gone. Like they didn't even exist in the first place. I give a robotic sigh before I say,

"Great...now what am I gonna do. Not only did a whole civilization just disappear in front of me after I just saved them. But now I have no clue as to where I am, how I got here, or what happened to me. This day just can't get any wor-"


I am interrupted mid sentence at the very loud voice from behind me. Turning around I see...

Two ponies in armor approached, they were much taller and more slender than the ones I'd seen before, even the King.

Each wore a suit of armor that contoured to their bodies and complimented the colors of their fur and their flowing manes. It looked to be some sort of medieval-ish knight armor, only adapted for horses; plate armor with open-faced helmets and the like. The white one was dressed in gold with a sun emblem, while the blue on had black armor bearing a white crescent moon.

They were quite an imposing sight to behold, and even as they closed the distance I could sense the power radiating off them. Oh, and they were glaring at me with the hatred of a thousand burning suns.

They land a few feet away from me, and while I ignore the fact that they have wings and horns, the purple one shouts,


Deciding that I probably shouldn't cooperate with two pony things that look like they want to tear me a new one, I respond by shouting,


The purple one glares harder at me and is about to say something, but the white one sticks her hoof out in front of her. The purple one looks at her in confusion, but the white one just shakes her head before she looks at back at me with a stern look and says,

"As you wish creature. I am Princess Celestia, and this is my sister Princess Luna. We rule over Equestria in peace and harmony. Now we've given you our names, now isn't common courtesy to give your own?"

She sends me a smug look, too which I ignore. I debate over whether or not I should give my name. But considering how they are royalty, and seeing how they gave me the name to where we are, I decide to give my name.

"My name is Eli Minute. I am a hu-"

I am interrupted when the purple one, Luna, shoots a freaking laser at me! I roll out of the way just before it hits me. The ground where I used to be is destroyed, and I give a sigh of relief of it missing me. I then turn my eye stock towards them and shout in anger,


Celestia and Luna glare at me as Celestia says,

"Instead of giving us your name, you threatened to eliminate us! Just as you did to the Crystal Empire!"

My eye stock goes up in confusion as I think,

The Crystal Empire? Does she mean the city that just vanished. But I didn't do that, it was Sombra! That's it, they must think I'm Sombra.

“No!” I yell in my defence “I saved them! I was the one who killed Sombra and freed them!”

They stare at me in shock for a moment.

“You… you did WHAT!?” Luna yells and fires another beam at me, which I barely manage to dodge “Fool! You’ve done this!”

“What are you talking about!? EXPLAIN!” I demand.

“King Sombra had a curse in place that would take the crystal empire with him should he ever perish!” Celestia tells me, looking absolutely furious

“We were going to detain him alive so that wouldn't happen, and you've wasted our chance! All those innocent lives, gone!”

“I didn't kno-“

Before I can finish that sentence, Celestia and her sister shoot more lasers at me. Seeing as how I don't want to find out if they can blast me to pieces or not, I quickly try to get out of the way. I manage to dodge a few of them before one of them hits me in the side. I don't feel anything, so I can assume that their laser's can't hurt me. But before I can act on this information, I get hit again at the bottom of my container. I ignore it and try to move, but to my horror I'm frozen in place.

I look over to Celestia and Luna, and suddenly they take these six weird gems out of their saddle bags. Before I could wonder what's going on, Luna and Celestia's eyes glow white and they begin to lift into the air. The gems begin to spin around them at super speeds, and the next thing I know a freaking rainbow is being shot at me! With a way to avoid it, I can only say one thing...



But nothing happens.

“What? No. Negative! EXTERMINATE! Come on! EXTERMINATE!” I yell, but my laser only spits out a few measly sparks. I must have used up its power when I blasted Sombra, and that’s bad news for me right now.

A massive rainbow of light comes rushing towards me like a tidal wave from the two sisters.

“NEGATIVE! I DO NOT WISH TO TASTE THE RAINBOW!” I scream as I hear a crackling sound and my metal body is turned to stone.

The two of them slowly descend to the ground and look me over.

“It is done sister.” Luna says “But it appears we were too late to save the crystal empire from this monster’s stupidity. Regrettable, but what shall we do with it now?”

Oh I wish I could yell at them right now; I’d have quite a few nasty things to say. How was I supposed to know what would happen if I killed that crazy king?

Then in the distance I can hear a strange sound. Could it be? If only I could see over… my god, is it? It is. It’s the 9th Doctor! Or at least a pony who looks just like him, leather jacket and everything too. He’ll get me out of this mess for sure!

“Princess Celestia, Princess Luna. Fan-tastic job with this one. I’m glad you were able to handle it on your own, we’ve had enough trouble with these damned things.” He says as he looks resentfully at my stoned from.

Uh-oh. Please tell me this version of the Doctor wasn't just after the Time War!

“I’m sorry sir, but who are you? And what do you know of this machine?” Celestia asks.

“I’m the Doctor.” He says in his usual cryptic way, “I can’t tell you everything, you’re not ready to know I’m afraid. But what I can tell you is that you’re better off smashing that thing into pieces before it destroys everything you hold dear.”

…Well there goes that idea.

“Well, I must be off. But I hope you take my advice.” The Doctor says before returning to the TARDIS, “Oh and Luna, work on your evil laugh. Just trust me on this.”

The two sisters look to each other with confused expressions.

“Sister, doth thou believe what he said. How could this machine destroy us now that we’ve defeated it?” Luna asked her elder sister.

“I don’t know Luna, but we should keep an eye on it at the very least.” Celestia tells her grimly “Come, we will bring it back with us and lock it away somewhere safe. And we still must deliver the bad news to our subjects.” She says that last part while throwing a frown my way.

And so that's how I ended up here, more or less.

A lot of things happened in the last thousand years or so, it's hard to keep track when you're trapped in the same position and unable to sleep. The first few weeks and months were the hardest by far; it was maddening being stuck in that dank underground vault with nothing to do, or see, or anyone to talk to. I even counted the number of beads on a chandelier to pass the time once (four-hundred thousand, six-hundred and ninety).

I must have fluctuated in and out of being utterly and completely insane more than a dozen times that year alone. My mind was so wracked with madness and regret over everything that had happened. I was convinced I was in some sort of hell.

And after a while even that lost its charm, and so I finally just accepted my new existence when finally... at long last I was to be moved to a new place. Imagine my joy!

I overheard from the ponies loading me onto the cart that carried me up the mountain that the sisters who imprisoned me got into a little fight, and now one's gone forever. Banished by the same elements that they used against me. Normally I'm not one for irony, but it just seems so deserving from my stony point of view.

I have to say, the new locale is absolutely lovely. I'm currently living in a garden within a city on the side of a mountain. Now that's something most people can't say. And the flowers are in bloom this time of year, I can hear the birds singing, the gardeners are generous enough to give me a good scrubbing every week, and things are just awesome.

"Oh yoo hoo!"

Oh right... except for him.

"What do you want now Discord?" I ask through the telepathic link he was so kind to set up. And yes that was sarcasm. The guy is annoying beyond belief.

At first it was great being able to talk to someone for once, and in my own voice nonetheless. He even filled me in on the history of Equestria and how things worked there, albeit in his own snide and often condescending way, making the excuse that he wanted me to at least know what he was talking about. But after a few weeks of his non-stop praddling my curiosity started to wear thin in favor of some peace and quiet, peace and quiet he was under no obligation to give.

"Oh I just wanted to throw you a bit of a personal question... if it's not too much to ask." he says almost innocently. I still know better though.

"What?" I ask with a groan.

"Knock knock." he says with a snicker.

I imagine myself face-palming right about now. I just hope I'm not stuck with this guy for long.

End of episode 1!