//------------------------------// // Chapter 24 - Account for your actions // Story: Shifting Melodies // by Thadius0 //------------------------------// A little after breakfast was done, the trio decided to leave Scope be for now, though Midnight still wondered what she had done that was so cute, it made Ledger of all ponies gush over it. Narrow Gaze turned up soon after, along with Aerial Ace. Midnight asked her mentor why his little marefriend wasn’t with him, and he’d explained that a lot of ponies would need a little boost of happy right now, so she was off doing her thing. Narrow sat at the table, as Cider brought her out some coffee and biscuits. “Thanks,” Narrow replied gratefully, as she took out a notepad and recorder crystal. “Alright, I know that last night is the last thing that you guys want to talk about. But this needs to get done. I’ll need statements from Ledger, Midnight and Scope, seeing as how you three were the most involved. I already have Ace’s statement.” She sipped at her coffee and sighed contently. “So who’s up first?” Ledger looked from himself to Midnight and Scope, wondering if they wanted to start.  Scope would probably be a better choice, as she heard it first... “Fine,” Scope said, taking a seat at the table. “Let’s get this done already. I’ve already sat through one of your interrogations. We’re best friends by now.” Dear Discord, the sarcasm in her voice could choke a Hydra. “Cute,” Narrow replied, unfazed. She tapped the gem and it gave a faint glow. “For the record, state your name, species and occupation please?” “Scope Lens.” She paused for a second and gave a nod. “Female Changeling. Currently employed as an assistant to Midnight Song. Independent Royal Guard.” “Right. Thankyou,” Narrow said. “Now, the events of last night as best you can remember if you will.” Scope frowned as she delved into thought. While it had only been a few hours, so much had happened since, and her recent tirade in the kitchen was still at the forefront. “Well, it started with a buzzing in my head. I am more adept at sensing emotions than...other changelings I know. My range can extend to a little more than a mile or two. Anyway, about ten minutes before, it started as a faint buzz in my head, before I also experienced a full body itch and some minor muscle spasms. I didn’t know what was causing it, as I have never met a Black personally before. Had I known... I’d have made my...friends flee sooner.” “I’m sure you did your best, and everyone is safe because of your actions.” Narrow smiled. “Now, what happened next?” “Well, the sensations got worse, to the point that even Apple Cider was feeling them. It was actually... Secret-Hoarder that recognized the threat, and ordered me to retreat with Apple Cider and Midnight Song, the latter was experiencing severe emotional stress.” “And once the threat showed up?” “The three of us escaped via the study window,” she looked at Ledger and smiled sheepishly. “Though I broke it in my haste. Sorry about that by the way.” “S’all good, and at least you kept it to breaking the glass.  If you had done anything more, it’d have been harder to hide that we were there at the time from the guard that escorted me.”  Ledger casually sipped at his coffee while observing the proceedings. “Anyway, continue?” Narrow said and Scope nodded. “Right, well after we escaped, Midnight wanted to go back, as she was worried about Secret...so Cider there tossed her on her back and we made a break for it. After that, you know the rest. We came to inform you of the incident.” “Yes,” Narrow nodded and tapped the crystal again. “Thank you for that Miss Lens. On another note, how have you been since...” “Since I was hired by a criminal and murderer to try and kill Ledger, was beaten to a pulp by Midnight and arrested, interrogated and then placed in indentured servitude due to my own pride and oaths?” she said calmly, though Cider was staring at Ledger and Midnight with wide eyes. “Yes, that,” Narrow said, still unfazed. She was going to need a drink after all of this. “I’m...better,” Scope said. “I used to think that you ponies were little better than a meal, and that drones were only good for repopulating and a decent meat shield. But...Midnight and my friends have...opened my eyes to the world. I have a name that I can be proud of, instead of-” here she made a few clicks and chirps. “What does that mean?” Narrow asked, though Ledger seemed to have a look of... pity? “It means...” Scope frowned. “Hmm, how would that translate? Perhaps the closest would be...Discarded One. I received no name from the ones that birthed me, I was abandoned due to my small size and low magical ability. I was found and raised by others like me, and they named me that.” “...Were there any way to change history at all, I would have done everything in my power to help you then,” Ledger said with a very soft tone.  “No ‘ling should be abandoned, no matter the reason.” “A noble thought, but don’t pity me Ledger, I don’t want it, nor do I deserve it. I am alive and I am strong, and now...now I have friends, ones that I care for and...they care for me. So my life isn’t so bad.” Narrow sipped her drink and smiled. “So you’re doing well for yourself. I am glad to hear it. Though, you will have my pity in about three seconds...just fyi.” “Why...oh?” Scope braced herself as Midnight tackled her, pulling her into a tight hug as she nuzzled her. “So, who’s next?” Narrow shrugged, wondering if that hug was breaking bones... it sounded like it was. “Well seeing as how Scope said how she managed to hear it long before me, and you know how they escaped, perhaps I should pick up my tale around when I noticed the disturbance?” Ledger said. Narrow tapped the crystal again and nodded. “Right. So you are... Secret-Hoarder correct? A changeling under the Princesses watch?” “Technically correct,” Ledger said with a smile.  “But you know my preferred name.” “I do,” Narrow nodded. “So, from where Miss Lens left, if you would?” “Hmm, how about...from when I noticed the disturbance instead?” “That would be good. Scope Lens stated she sensed it about...ten minutes before the incident.” “I only sensed it about two and a half minutes beforehoof,” Ledger admitted.  “My ability to sense emotion is a bit...stunted, as most circles would describe it.  But once I did notice it...I recognized what it was almost instantly.” “So you have encountered these creatures before then?” Narrow asked. “Was that also how you knew the spell to defeat it?” “I...encountered a few creatures like them before, yes,” Ledger admitted.  “They were always showing up, trying to ply mother’s favor...and even when they’ve just barely started down the path they’re on, you can tell that there’s something...wrong with them.  That thing that showed up the other day?”  Ledger shook his head.  “Fully corrupted.  Not a chance of saving him.  Black magic had replaced...everything.  I’m not even sure decapitation would have stopped him.” “Well, given that Chief Instructor Aerial Ace...destroyed it’s head...and yet it still got back up.” Narrow shuddered, what if more than one of these things showed up? “So, you sensed it, and ordered the retreat of Scope Lens, Midnight Song and Apple Cider. What happened after that?” “After that, the Black destroyed the door...and a good bit of the wall, once I told it I wasn’t going to let it have what it was after.  I got his attention with a gamma-level heat beam...that bounced off his chitin.  I reminded him that I was in his way and he was going to get Midnight and the others, since that seemed to be who he was after, over my dead body, and he said ‘I could use a snack.’  Fearful for what he might do next, I cast a barrier over my body to keep my emotions sealed in, and then things got...interesting.” “So you taunted it to keep its attention on you?” Narrow sighed and put a hoof to the space between her eyes. “I don’t know if I should applaud your bravery, or be appalled at your stupidity and rashness.” She sipped at her coffee and rubbed her temple. “So, interesting?” “I ripped one of its legs off with TK,” Ledger said.  “It ripped it back and reattached it.  That’s when I knew things weren’t going to be simple.” “Its regeneration powers are astounding,” Narrow muttered as she wrote that down. “And the fact you can dismember with telekinesis is worrisome as well, but that will be addressed later. So I assume it did not take that very well.” “It fired what I can only describe as ‘disintegration beams’ at me, but I felt the power building and redirected them from hitting me directly...though the couch and the kitchen and the living room in general suffered for it,” Ledger said.  “That was when I pinned it to a wall and grabbed ahold of a knife with TK before trying to kill it by piercing its heart...only for it to reveal it didn’t have one.” “It had...no heart?” Narrow blinked, but Midnight interjected with a much more pressing concern. “Our couch!?” she yelled. “It disintegrated... Our freaking couch? As in, the very first thing we bought as a couple?” “Is that truly something to be upset about Midnight?” Narrow said, pausing the crystal. “It was the last one on the floor, so I can kinda see where she’s coming from,” Ledger said with a nod.  “It was truly comfortable and there will never be another like it.” “I wish you hadn’t killed it,” Midnight said. “Because I want to tear of its freaking head, use it as a chamber pot and re-attach it, so for the rest of it’s life it can eat my shi-” “Okay!” Narrow said, derailing that rant. “It was a nice couch, I will see about getting you recompense. Now,” she turned back to Ledger. “please continue?” “Right, I figured I’d simply missed at first, but when it pulled the knife out and showed off the void within, I’d already pulled out more knives to scout its chest with.  And then it performed that dark blast, and I barely survived that by upgrading my barrier and by my natural armor.  Had I been a fraction of a second slower, I would have taken that blast with nothing but my armor.” “And given the damage to the building, we would not be having this conversation,” Narrow was getting very concerned about the level of power at play here. And the raw magic that Ledger seemed to possess. “So then the battle became public, and we know the rest from here.” She tapped the crystal and sighed. “Right, thank you for that. I believe I am getting the whole picture now, and seeing what a miracle it was that nopony was seriously hurt.” “I’m just grateful I remembered my book’s spell in time,” Ledger said as he cracked his neck.  “...And that my uncle’s cryptic warning applied to the situation.” “We are grateful that you were able to defeat that demon,” Narrow said. “I also know that you are to receive a Commendation for your actions. So that should be a novel experience for you.” “...You mean you want me to attend a ceremony...in public...like this?” Ledger said, gesturing to himself. “While the general consensus about Changelings is still the same,” Narrow said with a wave of her hoof. “The fact remains that half the city saw a silver Changeling beat the tar out of a monster, protecting innocent ponies. They are curious, on whether this is the start of a second invasion, or if perhaps, just perhaps, not all ‘lings are the monsters that Queen Chrysalis made them out to be.” She placed a hoof on Ledger’s more chitinous one. “So tell me. Do you think you’re up for taking that first step towards acceptance?” “I can try,” Ledger said with a groan as he rubbed his forehead with a hoof.  “Owch...hey, Scope, remember how you acted after having to save Midnight?” “When I became a dragon? What about it?” she asked. “I’m starting to get that sized of a headache,” Ledger said as he moaned and put his head on the table.  “I don’t think I could manage a spell beyond shifting and TK right now.  I felt those flames burn away my reserves for every second they were burning him.” “You have my sympathy,” she hummed. “But that’s about all you get.” She was still mad that he’d watched her before. “Maybe you’ll forget certain things.” “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Ledger said with a wink.  “...though if you could bring me my book, I’d be happy.  I left it in my bag and I forget where it is right now.” “You’d better forget, or maybe some blunt force trauma would help you along,” Scope muttered as she pulled his bag out from under the couch, before handing it to him. “Here.” “Thankyou,” Ledger said as he put the bags on.  “Okay, seriously, ow.  Cider, I need something for a magically-induced headache.  Do you have anything like that hanging around?” “Ah’ll be back in a moment,” she said. “Ah have jus the thing actually... you should know about it already.” “...Is there anything that drink doesn’t work on?” Ledger asked after a moment of contemplation. “Not that ah’ve found,” Cider giggled as she brewed it up, spicing it with a drop of cider and a pinch of manaweed, a plant that helped with restoring mana reserves. She soon brought the bubbling liquid out. The drink looking more viscous than Ledger recalled. “Do I want to know why it looks different?” Ledger asked as he observed the vile thing. “Y’all want the magic variety. This version is supposed ta do the trick, invented by mah great uncle Applebark. We don’t have a lot of Unicorns in the family. So...ah hope you survive mkay?” Ledger sighed and lit his horn up with a flinch before his form shimmered and he became his unicorn self.  “It might work better on a ‘pony’, and from what I read, taste and smell are connected, so…”  He put one hoof to his nose in an attempt to block out the smell of the thing and opened his mouth, taking a few deep breaths.  With his free hoof, Ledger grabbed ahold of the cup and knocked as much of it back as he could in one gulp. Everyone sat in silenced awe as he downed the concoction, wondering what his reaction was going to be.  He just sat there for a minute before slowly lowering the hoof covering his nose and laying his head back down on the table.  “Okay, Cider, for future reference, it worked.  But you are going to look into finding some way to mask that taste that doesn’t interfere with the healing properties.” “No pain, no gain Ledger,” Cider nodded and gave him a half-lidded stare, licking her lips. “But ah’ll make it up to you once you feel better. Perhaps a nice shower might help you hmm?” “Oh, that reminds me, the shower died as well,” Ledger remarked.  “The floor went out after I got my book back, and the study was next to the bathroom.” “Oh, COME ON!” Midnight yelled. “Seriously?” “Y’all know ah have a shower here right?” Cider deadpanned so hard it caused genocide among the pan community. “But...I’d just broken that shower in,” Midnight pouted. “On that topic,” Narrow interjected. “I have news about your apartment.” “I’d be surprised if it wasn’t condemned, because I can tell you right now, Real Estates has probably fled the city,” Ledger said. “You may be right, we can find no trace of the pony known as Real Estates. But that aside, the dark magic used had some sort of necrotic effect. It’s slow, but effective, nearly half the building eroded away before we contained and purified it. So... you will have to find new residence. We’re setting up a government-based fund to assist those that need new homes. Do you require aid?” “Hmm,” Ledger said as he looked around.  “I dunno.  Cider?  Do you need any help housing our flanks?” “Oh, y’all jus’ assume that ya can stay here now huh?” she replied. “I dunno, I’m head of Pegasus Air still, and I haven’t heard about Midnight being fired from her position as Celestia’s agent,” Ledger said with a cheeky grin.  “I’m certain we can persuade you to allow us to stay.  Either with bits or other resources.” “Ledger, whut kind of mare do y’all take me for?” she said with a smile. “Y’all can stay here as long as you like. All three of you. We’re family, and family means that nopony get’s left behind!” “I still think that we should offer to help out around here if you need it,” Ledger pointed out.  “Now that we’re living under the same roof, we can more easily pool our bits to get things that’d make living together a lot easier.  Like a bigger bed.” “That might work,” Midnight nodded. “The bits should go to those that need them. We'll be fine Captain.” “Very well,” Narrow nodded. “Also, I still need your report Midnight...” The Thestral’s smile fell and she sighed deeply. “Yeah...thought you might.” She looked around and then motioned with a wing to the stairs. “Can we...do this privately?” “That...might not be the best idea, but if you want to,” Ledger said as he gave Midnight a quick kiss on the cheek.  “Just remember we’re here for you.” “Yeah, but give me this much. I’m prolly gonna cry and stuff, and I really don’t wanna be seen like that. It’ll make me look uncool.” “I have seen you in various states of uncoolness before,” Ledger reminded the mare.  “But fine, be all private and stuff.  I’ll just prepare for a really big hug when you’re done.” Narrow and Midnight disappeared upstairs, as Scope and cider watched them. The petite pegasus was the first to speak up. “You think she’ll be okay? I mean, in the long run?” “On her own, no,” Ledger said.  “But that’s why we’re here.  To take care of and look after one another.” “Well, I suppose I can try to keep you lot out of trouble,” Scope said. She looked at Ledger, then to Apple Cider. “Also, I have made a decision,” she chittered in Changeish. “Oh?” he replied in the same tongue.  “Do I get to know what it is?” Cider blinked, what the heck were they saying? “I...look, I’m going to come out and say it. Perhaps...just perhaps, I have a small infatuation with you. But, I don’t know, maybe it’s just a fleeting feeling. I want to see... where it goes, and if I should pursue it further. But, if you are uncomfortable with this... I’ll leave. We’ll still be friends, but I’ll look for something on my own.” “You’re welcome to try,” Ledger said with a nod.  “But remember, if you want to try this, there’s more than just me in this relationship.  And...while the thought of doing...other things with you is probably going to induce panic...if that’s what you want, then I’ll push past the fear.” “Ledger?” Apple Cider asked, as a thought had occurred. “Do you remember when Ace showed up?” “Yup,” Ledger said with a nod. “Well, wasn’t Middy supposed to fetch a certain potion for me?” Ledger blinked a few times before the possible ramifications of a failed delivery struck him, and in seconds, the drone was out like a light. “Did...he faint?” Scope poked at him with a wing. “Ah think so,” Cider hummed. “An here ah was, about to tell him ah went and got one mahself when Middy never showed up.” “You are an evil mare...” Scope shuddered. “I never knew you could have so much fun in somepony else’s shower before!” Cherry chirped to his griffon friend as said griffon friend escorted the red pegasus around on his lunch break. Though if somepony observed the griffon carefully, they would be able to see that Ace was walking...oddly. “Indeed, you were...quite enthusiastic about it,” Ace winced. The look on Fredricks face though...that was priceless. “It seems you have your work cut out for you today,” he said, noting the events from earlier today. “Not a single foal left without a smile though. You truly are a master of your craft.” “Mmhmm,” Cherry said as he munched on his hastily-purchased salad.  Once his mouth was clear, the stallion explained.  “It’s not just about giving the foals ice-cream.  It’s not even about giving them a unique treat.  It’s about putting on a show as well.  They need to see it happening in a fun way.  Then they’ll start to have fun as well.” “I couldn’t agree more,” Ace replied, eating some jerky he grabbed from the Chop Shop. He suddenly winced as a burst of sunset flames flashed in his face and a scroll landed on his lap. “Well now, what have we here?” he mused, undoing the binding and reading it. With each flick of his eyes, his smile grew. “Looks like somebirdy has a job offer,” Cherry sing-songed. Ace looked at him and grinned. “Why don’t you see for yourself?” he grinned. This was going to be fantastic. Cherry blinked as he took the scroll and began to read. Chief Instructor Aerial Ace. I apologise that I could not assist in time with the crisis you faced last night, though I am relieved that it was resolved without incident. But, your letter asking for a transfer to Las Pegasus? I seem to be losing all of my best to that city. Next thing you know, Luna will want to move there. (She has been going on and on about a stallion she met though. It’s adorable~) Anyway, while your assistance at the Academy is still needed, I don’t see the harm in an extended vacation. Your reasons bring me great joy, and I wish you the very best. Just be sure to swing by from time to time, I do miss our little sparring sessions. Now, as for you little Changeling. Amethyst Cream/Cherry Scoop I believe? I see you were able to tame my best and most boisterous warrior. Kudos for that. Though you have my pity, as he never, ever shuts up. I trust you will take care of him, and I know that he will take care of you. He will cause you endless headaches, but he means well. Perhaps I shall meet you personally sometime soon. I should meet the changeling that can tame the Beast of the Skies. With all my love Princess Sol Celestia Cherry blinked a few times as he read over the latter half of the letter, then read it again.  Eventually, he looked over to the Griffon sitting next to him with a half-lidded gaze of irritation.  “You told Princess Celestia you were dating me?” he questioned with a tone that was drier than the desert. “Tia is one of my best friends and somepony I have known nearly all my life,” Ace replied, hoping he hadn’t upset Cherry. “We hide nothing from one another, and I couldn’t lie when I requested a transfer so I could spend more time with you.” Cherry sighed, but gave the griffon a peck on his cheek.  “Fine, but you are going to look for a place where you can put those magic talons of yours to work, mister,” the pegasus told the griffon sternly.  “Or else I’ll get creative when trying to shut you up tonight.” “About that, somepony has offered me a job. A mare named Sugar Darling runs a small bar called ‘The Love Shack’ She said that she knows you and would like my services... she seemed quite adamant about it.” “And that would be the place the Violets own,” Cherry said with a sigh.  “I don’t know how they learned about your magic touch.  But I can tell you right now, their interest in you is probably purely carnal.” “Ah, well...guess I won’t be taking that job then,” he smiled, running a claw down Cherry’s back. “And I am sorry about telling Tia. I should have asked you first.” He leaned over, nipping at his shoulders and neck. “Can. You. Forgive me~?” Each word punctuated by another nibble. “Maaaaaybe,” Cherry said in a voice that was half-moan.  “Just promise me you’ll look for work today, and you might see Amy instead of me in bed.” “You know that I love all of you,” he purred. “And yet, I have yet to sample...you~” he purred, tracing a circle around his Cutie Mark. “And yes, I promise.” “Then be a good birdy tonight, and maybe you’ll see me as well,” Cherry purred back.  “Now, lunch is nearly over, so I hafta go.  You’d best go looking as well, loverbird.” “Fine,” Ace groaned, getting up. Seems he had a mission now. Well, challenge accepted! While it hadn’t been easy, Aerial Ace found some work at a place called ‘The Twisted Pony’ and while the name was a tad strange, the atmosphere was nice and the spa offered a wide variety of services. He had to demonstrate his techniques to secure employment, as ‘Supreme bird of Asskickery’ wasn’t a valid qualification. He bounded up towards the ice-cream store to tell his mare/coltfriend, when he saw a foal leaving the window, only to trip and drop his ice-cream all over the pavement. The colt started to cry when Ace stepped forward, smiling softly. “Hey now, no need for tears,’ he said. “B-But...that..was all my pocket money,” he sniffed. “A-And now... I can’t get more....” “That is a terrible predicament,” Ace nodded. “But I have it on good authority that Cherry over there is a pretty nice pony. Why don’t you come with me?” “O-Okay,” he sniffed, as Ace picked him up and walked over to the window. “Oh Cherry? We have a case of the dropsies, which resulted in a rather sad case of the sniffles. As the resident prescriber of Happiness, do you happen to have a cure?” Cherry let out a very dramatic gasp before nodding firmly.  “In this case,” the stallion said, “The best cure is a straight-up replacement, but better.  Hey kid, remind me of what you ordered please, I need something to work with.” “Um, it was a Cherry Harmony Swirl. The one with three kinds of ice-cream.” “Hmm, I’ve got a few variations on that,” Cherry said as he pulled a few scoops out.  “Remember which one you ordered?” “Vanilla, chocolate and mint,” he said. Ace licked his beak at that thought. He loved mint ice-cream.  Cherry nodded, looked at the scoops he’d picked out, then put them back...and picked up larger ones. “Let’s get delicious,” he said, before blurring into a series of motions that Ace had seen before.  It wasn’t long before three scoops of cream had been pulled out and twirled into one really large scoop of combined ice-cream.  After which, it was plunked into a bowl, had chocolate syrup and whipped cream added, before sprinkles and a cherry also found their way atop the monument to all things creamy and cold. “One replacement Cherry Harmony Swirl, with all the fixings!” Cherry said happily.  “Now just sit down and eat this one slowly, okay?” “Wow! Thanks Mr. Cherry!” the colt could not have smiled any wider as he sat down at one of the outdoor tables, Ace carrying the ice-cream over to him. “Mm, quite the handsome waiter you have today Cherry,” one mare spoke up, several other mothers agreeing. “Sorry ladies, he’s taken,” Cherry said with a smile. “As are we, but having a little eye candy to add your buffet of candy never hurt,” one winked. “I must say, you could bounce a Bit off that flank.” “Wouldn’t know about that,” Cherry said, his smile never fading.  “I just know I could hear what he and Amy got up the other night.” “Oh?” Ace walked over, having heard the last part of that conversation. “Do you think I’d really leave you out dear Scoopy,” he whispered, leaning in to nuzzle his ear and eliciting a blush from all the mothers. One colt looked over to see their parents blushing and giggling, before sighing. “Moms are weird...” “Acey~” Scoop whined, batting limply at the griffon with a hoof.  “Not in front of the kids.” “As you wish,” he smiled, before stealing some mint ice-cream and returning to his impromptu waiting duties. “Oh? As for what you asked earlier?” he spoke up, before giving the stallion a thumbs up. “Goodie!” Scoop chirped.  “I’ve got like...two hours left here.  I oughta be home for dinner with time to spare.” “Fair enough,” he turned and gave the group of mares a bow, causing them to swoon again, before taking wing and flying off. The mares soon turned to Scoop, a gleam in their eyes that screamed. ‘Details. Now dear.’ “Ladies, I am perfectly willing to share any details...over a nice bowl of ice cream,” Scoop grinned, already reaching for a clean scoop. The bits couldn’t fall on his counter fast enough. A few days later, the reports and paperwork had finally been processed, and the day arrived for Level Ledger to receive his award for saving Las Pegasus. Midnight Song and Apple Cider sat behind the curtain, as Narrow Gaze gave her spiel about what had happened. “Well, it’s now or never Levvy,” Midnight said as the changeling paced around. “You sure you want to go through with this?” “Nope, not at all,” Ledger said completely honestly.  “I barely managed my paperwork spell today.  If things turn ugly out there, I only have my words to fall back on.” “Narrow and myself will ensure that nopony will harm you,” Midnight said. “As will-” she paused as she realised that Ledger hadn’t been told who would be presenting his award. “Look, I will guarantee that nopony will harm you. Okay?” “Still, this sort of situation is exactly the sort of thing Changelings have been trying to avoid,” Ledger sighed.  “Just a normal life, where I could blend into the background.  That’s all I needed.  Instead, all this drama cropped up around me, and things are happening that I’m sure the Lands won’t like at all.” “Look, if you wanna back out, then quit whining and do it,” Scope sighed. “I’m sure all these lovely ponies have better things to do. Or, you can grow a fucking pair, screw what the Lands think and pave the path for the rest of us here in Equestria!” “Scopey...your motivational speeches are...” Midnight sighed. “I...I’m not sure what’s going to happen after today,” Ledger admitted.  “And the thought of that actually scares me.  Because if today is as big as I think it’s going to be, it could go either way.  Either it’ll go wonderfully, and everything will work out for every ‘ling.  Or it’ll go terribly, and I’ll have to sleep with one eye open.” “They’d have to get past me first,” Midnight said with tone. “As much as that speech sucked-” “Hey!” “Look, she has a point. This is a crossroad and you need to pick a path Levvy. Just remember, no matter which way you go. We’ll support you and love you, mmkay?” Ledger nodded and seemed to recall something before laughing.  “Heh.  This isn’t about what I want to do.  This is about what I need to do.  Yes, I’m scared...but what matters is how I deal with it and do what must be done.”  The drone took a few deep breaths and nodded.  “Right.  I’m still as scared as all get-out, but I think I’ll be able to hold it together for this ceremony now.” “Good,” Midnight said, giving him a hug and kiss. “But there's something you should know-” “And now, please welcome the one to present Secret-Hoarder with his accolade. Princess Celestia!” The sounds of hooves stomping in applause was almost deafening.  Ledger’s pupils visibly contracted as his breathing noticeably hitched.  “Did...did she just say…” “Uh, yeah...she’s gonna give you your award,” Midnight chuckled.   Ledger just locked up, letting out something that sounded very much like a ‘meep’ as he considered the situation.  If somepony looked real close, they might see smoke pouring out of his ears as he started to think way too hard about things. “Okay...um, good luck?” Midnight said as she gave his flank a shove, sending the changeling stumbling towards the curtain. “And now, may I present. Secret-Hoarder!” Narrow stated as Ledger stumbled out onto the stage. In front of everypony. Undisguised. He gulped, hard, before giving the crowd his best, non-toothy smile. Ponies seemed to find fangs upsetting for some reason.  Best not to display them. The crowd was dead quiet. Even the noisy reporters had fallen into a stunned silence. This was the first time many of them had ever seen a Changeling. “This, mares and gentlestallions,” Narrow’s voice pervaded the quiet. “Is the Changeling that saved us from that monstrosity. The Changeling that saved the lives of your friends and family.” “And one that has great bravery to step forward today,” Celestia smiled as she stepped forward. “One, that despite the stigmatism that Queen Chrysalis inflicted upon her kind, has stepped forward today to meet you all. I will admit to you all right now, that not all Changelings are like the ones you think you know. Secret here is just one of many. And it is my deepest wish, that we all take a step forward today, to help build new bridges. You all have that power, my little ponies. You just need the courage to take that first step.” She leaned down, and in front of everyone, in front of flashing cameras and scribbling notes, gave Ledger a light nuzzle and smiled. “I welcome you. Secret-Hoarder of the Changeling race.” Ledger gulped and smiled at the Princess, before looking at the crowd.  “Do you think I should say a few words?” he asked the diarch in front of him. “If you wish,” Celestia smiled. “They may have questions as well.” Ledger nodded and took a step forward, to stand in front of the crowd.  He raised a hoof for silence, something that the ponies granted him...for now. “I did not ask for this award,” he opened with.  “No Changeling would.  I did what I had to do to stop my fallen kin from destroying anything else.  He...could not be saved from the corruption that had claimed him by any other means.  I would have preferred to save him, to purge him of his dark magic...but it had already claimed his heart.  No Changeling would find joy in ending the life of another.  Be they pony, Changeling, or anything else.  I merely did what I had to do...to save many, at the expense of one.”  His little speech done, Ledger nodded again, lowered his hoof, and waited for the questions to roll in. They came in a torrent at first, all at once. But Celestia raised a hoof and the crowd fell into silence once more. She nodded at one and he started, holding up a recording crystal. “Quick Snap, from the Las Pegasus Daily. Tell me, is this part of a secret invasion?” “No,” Ledger said with a shake of his head.  “The monster he had become...the dark magics drove him insane.  It is the duty of any and every one of us to find such anomalies and...remove them, before they harm you or make our existence known.  Clearly, we failed in this instance.”  Ledger finished by bowing his head to the reporter.  “My deepest apologies it took us so long to stop him.” Celestia nodded to another as he stepped forward. “Solid Box, from Equestria Daily. Tell us, is what the Princess said true? Are there more Changelings here?” A trio of Violet-eyed triplets and an elderly silver-maned Unicorn stood at the back of the crowd, curious as to his answer. “Permit me to answer your question with a series of observations and a question,” Ledger said, all smiles.  “Changelings feed on emotions.  We can’t really feed on each other without harming each other.  Equestria’s one of the most prosperous nations on Equus.  And quite a number of us are very creative when coming up with our aliases.  The question you should be asking yourself is...when have there not been Changelings in Equestria?” That started a murmur through the crowd as the triplets facehooved. Blunt Ledger was Blunt. And apparently loved messing with ponies heads. One mare raised a hoof and Celestia nodded, allowing her to step up on stage. She gulped and took a step closer to Ledger. It took him a moment, but he recognised her as a tenant at his old building. “You...probably don’t know me,” she said. “But I was close when that thing attacked. You...you saved a lot of lives, including mine and my little filly.” She took a step closer and held out a shaking hoof.  Slowly, so as not to scare her off, Ledger raised his own hoof and gently met hers with his, something that took a minute to do. At least until a little filly poked her head out from behind her mother, and with a wide grin, leapt at Ledger, hugging his chest as the crowd gasped.  Ledger slowly stroked the filly’s mane with his raised hoof as he smiled down at her. “And what’s your name, little one?” Ledger asked as he felt her affection pour off in waves. “I’m Happy-Go-Lucky!” she giggled. “You’re funny looking~” “Well to me, you’re the funny one,” Ledger said as he gently beeped her muzzle.  “Where’s your carapace, or your holes, or your shell to keep your wings safe?  To Changelings, ponies are the silly-looking ones.” “Nu-uh!” she shook her head. “My wings are fluffy. You’re the silly one Mr. Cheese legs!” Everypony just sweatdropped as they watched the banter. Even Celestia chuckled lightly at the scene. “Whelp, guess I’m silly, funny, and cheesy,” Ledger said to the crowd at large.  “Can’t argue with the filly.” “Nup! I’m always right!” she giggled and kissed Level on the cheek. “Thanks for saving everypony.” She wiggled out of his grasp and ran back to her mother, relieved her child was in one piece. But the event had a vast effect on the room. Within moments, almost everypony lined up to shake Ledger’s hoof, introduce themselves and just talk with him. “This is surprisingly easier than I thought it would be,” Ledger whispered to Princess Celestia between hoofshakes. “It can be at times,” she whispered back, glad she wasn’t the centre of attention for once. After the brief session, Celestia eventually presented his award. A gold medal with her Cutie mark on it. “The Sun’s Grace. For going beyond the call of duty, and saving so many lives. “ Celestia said as the crowd cheered. Not everypony had been accepting, but those ones held their tongues as long as Celestia was around. “Just doing what I could, your Highness,” Ledger said as he bowed his head, every inch the perfect servant. “And I pray that you never have to do it again,” she said, as the Changeling rose. “This was a good step though. It will take some time, but I think that ponies will come to accept you soon enough.” Her point made as Happy waved from the crowd. “Indeed, I think you might find yourself host to the Seven soon,” Ledger said with a smile.  “If you’re really lucky, the elusive eighth might show up.” “So my life gets more interesting hmm?” Celestia chuckled as she escorted Ledger backstage, leaving Narrow to deal with the remaining follow up. Midnight greeted him with a hug as Scope hid behind Cider, hoping Celestia wouldn’t vaporize her.  Ledger just sighed and shifted back to his unicorn form, not wanting to explain why ‘Ledger’s’ mares were hugging ‘Secret-Hoarder’ in case a pony got curious and persistent. “Yeah, Red through Silver have documented royal lines and proper Hives.  In theory, Pink has their own nobility and royalty, but...they prefer to drift.  They never built their own Hive.  Rumors abound as to where the royal Pink of the generation is, but nobuggy ever found them more than once.” “That’s quite interesting,” Celestia hummed. Even after a thousand years, it never got old learning something new. Her eyes widened slightly as a plan came together, a real lightbulb moment as she smiled to herself. “Ack!” Ledger said as he held his stomach.  “Too much!  Too much!” Celestia raised an eyebrow and tilted her head. “Hm? Are you alright Secret?” “Silvers like the feeling of somepony learning, specifically that ‘Aha, I’ve got it!’ moment.  You just...the amount of energy you give off?  I don’t dare to think what might have happened if I had tried to contain it all,” Ledger said as he rubbed his stomach. Celestia couldn’t help herself, the moment was just too good as she leaned down. “So my little Changeling, you like feasting on your Princess hmm~ Was I...satisfactory~?” “Aaand now I’m wondering why the Violets aren’t showing up,” Ledger deadpanned.  “Seriously, though, once word of this gets back to the Lands, I would expect the Seven to show up as a group during your day court one day...just to prove they can.” “So, explain this Seven if you will,” Celestia said, swearing that somepony was watching her. Though the three sets of Violet eyes remained well hidden. “The current Royal of each Color with a proper Hive,” Ledger said, shrugging.  “Pretty straightforward.  For something like this, they might come themselves, rather than send their representatives.  I...sent a message once it happened that they would need to consider opening diplomatic relations with you.  Something like that, so much publicity?  I’m surprised they haven’t showed up already.” “I can imagine this might force their hooves,” Celestia nodded. “I shall keep my eyes out for them in any case. Also...” She lowered her voice as she leant down. “I do not suppose you know of Chrysalis’ location?” “No, and not for a lack of trying,” Ledger moaned.  “We know now where she landed - the Badlands - but she wasn’t a moron, the invasion notwithstanding.  She managed to walk out from her impact crater, so she had enough magic to absorb the blow.  We saw her hoofprints.  But it’s bad news, I’m afraid.  Once she stopped staggering around, she was headed in one direction.  Back the way she came from.” “Back towards Canterlot?” Celestia questioned. “Why in Equus would she be going back?” “She was a crazy noble denied her chance to shine,” Ledger sighed.  “She either wants revenge, which isn’t uncommon, or she’ll be trying her plan again, only slower this time.  I just hope we can find her before she arrives at any place with ponies.” “I shall redouble my efforts to find her,” Celestia sighed. It would be tragic if Chrysalis tried something again. The ponies might not be so forgiving a second time. “Well, today was still a good day, let’s not mar it with such talk.” “Yup, Ledgie was awesome,” Midnight giggled, kissing his cheek. “I am riding him so hard tonight~” “...The Princess didn’t need to know that,” Level said with a furious blush. “Canterlot has been far too quiet without you Midnight,” Celestia tittered. “And now you changelings stole my best instructor as well.” She smiled and looked at Ledger. “On that note, where may I find Amethyst Cream?” “Iiiii think it’s her day off today?” Ledger said as he rubbed his chin.  “She gets one day off between her two forms, I think it’s either today or tomorrow...Can’t recall.” “No matter, I shall locate her...or him, which ever it may be.” Celestia smiled and gave one last look at the group. “Take care of this one ladies, he’s quite special.” “I will,” Midnight replied, nuzzling Ledger. As Celestia left, Apple Cider finally collapsed. “Ah...Ah met...the Princess!” she whispered. “Mmhmm, and you’re still here,” Ledger said for both her and Scope.  “Still...I vote we go back home and just relax.  Today has played all sorts of Tartarus with my nerves.” “Yup, snuggles await,” Midnight replied, as Scope tried to stuff herself in Cider’s saddlebag. First Luna, and then Celestia. Hives Above, was Cadence going to appear and ship her with Ledger next?