Lost Twins

by PhoelynFabulous

The Hospital

All four princesses arrived at different, yet, similar times. It took Cadence the longest to get there, but she made it in one quick flight.

Celestia and Luna got there first. Twilight flew in just in time to see the end of Luna's tail as she entered the door. Twilight landed and entered. Cadence, though a bit out of practice with her flying like Twilight, made it a few minutes afterwards. The three princesses sat in the waiting room until the fourth arrived. "Cadence!" Twilight said happily. Together, they did their cute little greeting.

"Sunshine sunshine, lady bugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" They said together.

Cadence's tone suddenly changed from happy to worried. "Were... you guys getting the letters too?"

They all nodded. "About hurt alicorns flying into Canterlot? Spike nearly got too sick to walk again!" said Twilight.

A nurse walked in. She nearly had a heart attack seeing all the royalty. She bowed, and said "You... you don't need to tell me who you're visiting, Princesses. I... I saw all the ponies writing letters. I hope you weren't overwhelmed with them."

Twilight was so tempted to go outside and tell all of Canterlot to never send her that many letters again. Cadence seemed to notice how close Twilight was to doing this, so she said "It's fine. I can deal with letters, especially important ones. Can you show us their rooms?"

The nurse trotted over to a door, and opened it. Inside two alicorns lay unconscious in the beds, many magical and non-magical machines hooked up to their bodies. They were orange, with white manes and a stripe of orange mixed in. Their wings were mostly orange, but faded to white at the ends of their feathers, like Cadence's wings. However, there were a few things they noticed before they even saw the colors of the alicorns. One was that they were as tall as Cadence: maybe taller by an inch or two. The second thing, was their injuries.

"Oh... my..." said Twilight, terrified that they hadn't died from whatever they had gone through. Twilight wasn't used to blood and bad wounds. Not even the villains they defeated shed any blood. But this...

This was awful. Terrible.

The alicorn on the left had a broken wing. But it was so terrible, that no amount of magic seemed to be able to fix it. The wing was bent the wrong way, and it seemed like it would never fold without horrifyingly bad pain. It had cuts and bruises and lost feathers. The alicorn on the right seemed just as bad, but had no wing injuries. Instead, she had small cuts and bruises on her that seemed like they wouldn't go away without healing magic. But, there were two worse injuries. One of them was a long cut on her cheek, that was almost deep enough to see the inside of her mouth. The other, was a wound that would've killed her, if it didn't miss by less-than-an-inch. It was a slash across her chest, and it barely missed her heart.

Suddenly, the alicorn on the left started to wake up.


Sizzle groaned, and began to open her eyes. She was laying on a white bed, with many machines attached to her. She saw her sister in the bed next to her, asleep. The walls were white, the floors were white, the ceiling was white. She had a feeling this was a hospital. There was a pony wearing hospital equipment next to her, and four other ponies. She noticed something similar about these four ponies. They all had wings and horns. The four alicorns. "Hello?" she said, worried that they might freak out about her health and trying to speak while injured like this.

"Hello!" the purple alicorn said with a bit of a gasp. She said it about as worriedly as Sizzle had said it. She kept on glancing at her wounded wing and back to her face. Sizzle noticed how she was the shortest there. Most likely the youngest. Though she would have said it would be impossible if she was younger than Sizzle was, she knew that turning ponies into alicorns existed. She even remembered - barely - that her father said he was originally a pegasus, and was turned into an alicorn.

"Are you the four alicorns we heard about?" Sizzle said painfully. She knew the answer must be yes, but it hurt her heart to say that these few ponies were the last of her kind.

The tallest one nodded. She was white, with a magically-flowing multi-color mane. Sizzle noticed how she was wearing a crown, and royal slippers, while the purple one wasn't.

"What's your name?" The pink alicorn asked.

"I'm Sizzling Ember, but you can call me Sizzle." Sizzle said, then she added "What were your names again? I can't remember what that other pony said they were."

"I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, but you can call me Twilight." said the purple one. She still seemed a bit worried about her injuries, glancing at them repeatedly.

"I am Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, but you can call me Cadence. Nice to meet you, Sizzle!" said the pink alicorn. Sizzle quickly translated the name in her head.

"Princess I Love Cadence?" she asked.

Cadence blushed. "My parents named me that as a joke. They really loved the name Cadence, so they called me I love Cadence."

"I am Princess Luna." said the dark alicorn. She had a beautiful night-sky mane, that Sizzle would never forget.

"And I am Princess Celestia." said the tall white alicorn. Her voice sounded the most royal.

"Hello!" Sizzle said to all of them happily. She was hoping that she would get to be their friends. Friends. A word that Sizzle liked the meaning of. Her sister was good company, but she really needed a good friend.

She quickly noticed her sister make a noise. She was waking up.

Shimmer woke up quickly, and was introduced to everypony. Everypony seemed truly friendly to both of them. Sizzle smiled. For the first time in over a thousand years, Shimmer and Sizzle truly felt safe and happy.