A New World, a Fearful Way

by Votederpycausemufins

ch. 44 plot

“Tag! You’re it!” Kya yelled as she tagged her mom.
“Well now Sparks is it!” Lea said when she tagged him.
“Tags!” Sparks called when he found himself on Matrix.
Matrix was looking around for someone else to tag, but couldn’t decide between Ziggs or Linoone.
“Why aren’t you joining them Angela?” Citrus asked the Absol.
Before everyone had gone to sleep the night before, Angela had gone to try and talk to Grumpig. She had waited until the psychic woke up. Angela got as much information from Grumpig as she possibly could before she had enough and tried to control Angela again, at which point Blissey put them both to sleep and pulled Angela out of the room.
“I’m not in the mood. I’ll join later.”
Lea had started to run from Ziggs who had been tagged by Matrix. In trying to dodge him, she slipped on a blanket someone had left on the ground. The next thing she knew, Lea was sliding across the room until she slid into a walrein.
“Sorry about that!” Lea told the pokemon as she dizzily stood up.
“Pryce! You’re back! Wanna join us?” Kya came up asking.
“Wait, Pryce?” Lea looked at Pryce quizzically. “When did you get here?”
“I was actually traveling with Kya and Sparks trying to help them find you. I was hoping that maybe if I found you, you might have found your dad again.”
“Not yet. But wait… If you got here with Kya and Sparks, why haven’t I seen you already?”
“I’ve been going around town trying to see if maybe I could get some clues on where some of the other people I know have ended up. I heard about a fair amount of well known people trying to arrest a trainer claimed to be abusing his pokemon.”
“Abusing how?”
“Are you kidding me?” Lea’s eye twitched. “They’re not going to listen to what Arceus said? And what does it matter now? We’re all pokemon! Decades from now, no one will remember what humans looked like! Why can’t they just stop annoying people with all these false claims and leave us alone?!”
Lea stopped yelling when a table crashed into the wall near her. She looked around to figure out what had happened, and her first clue was that Kya looked scared. That probably meant a psychic, but the strange thing was that Kya seemed to be scared of Lea.
“Listen, I know you’ve had some problems with people like that before.” Pryce tried to calm Lea. “But don’t worry. It was settled easily and the problem’s gone now.”
Lea hesitated at Pryce’s answer, and in the end, she just left the room to be alone. Upon leaving, Lea bumped into Ben, who had just been coming to join them.
“Alright? Who did what to make her sad? Or mad. Or whatever that was.”
“Pryce brought up pokephilia.”
“Can I get some context? Because last I knew, you guys were just a family and there was nothing... intimate… going on.”
“That would be my story to tell.” Linoone started. “After retiring from his old carrier, Lea’s father Samuel decided to be somewhat of an activist for pokephilia, for the main reason that it was something both he and his wife supported. You see, Lea’s mom’s sister was in a relationship with her pokemon.”
“What was that?”
“I forget. We only met once and it was years ago. Anyway, after Samuel disappeared, some police came to take Lea for two reasons. The first was that she was now living on her own, the second being they wanted her to learn about how her father had been wrong with the subject of pokemon and human relationships like that. Lea didn’t want to go with them and decided to stay in her home. A couple of her father’s friends took care of her, and she eventually sort of started to show her pro-pokephilia side.”
“Then what happened?” Ben asked.
“Well, seeing as how she was a girl, not yet considered an adult living on her own, a police officer would come about once a month to check on her. It wouldn’t be as bad if she weren’t living only with pokemon she called family and being pro-pokephilia. Because of that, there would be the occasional officer who would try to force their way in to make sure she wasn’t abusing any of us.”
“I can see why she has trouble trusting the law all the time if she group up with that.”
“I never really liked it either.” Matrix spoke up. “With Linoone always out, apparently with his own mate, and Sparks being the only other male than me in the house, I was always picked on most.”
“Would that be why the younger pokemon calling you Lea’s mate ticked you off so much when they first mentioned it?” Caddi asked.
“Yeah, that’s why.”
“But anyway,” Linoone continued. “The day Arceus moved us all here, a few officers appeared at the door saying they had some sort of proof she was a pokephile. I’m kind of glad we got sent here when we did, or else Lea would have been devistated to lose her family again.”
“Nice lady save us.” Sparks spoke up.
“What nice lady?” Kya asked.
“Out window!”
Kya looked out the nearest window. “Where? I don’t see anyone.”
It took a second for anyone to realize what Sparks meant.
“Wait, you saw a woman coming to the house when all the police officers were there?” Matrix asked.
“Yep! Alazam too!”
“She had an alakazam?!” Kya asked, her voice higher than usual.
“What did she look like?” Matrix asked.
After describing the person to the group, Kya translated what little words he had said into a description they could all understand.
“It was someone, about Lea’s age with long blonde hair in a ponytail that was partially dyed a light purple. She had a band-aid across her nose and wearing mainly green colored clothes. And of course, she also had an alakazam with her.”
“You got all that from what he said?” Ben asked.
“I’m his mom. It’s what I do.”
“I would say I know who that is if it weren’t for the hair color.” Matrix said.
“Really?” Angela asked. “Tell me, because I’ve got no clue.”
“Well, you wouldn’t. Before you came around, Lea had a friend named Alexia. She liked to wear green like this person did, and just before she moved to the Kanto region, her kadabra finally evolved into Alakazam.”
“It’s been long enough that she may have bleached her hair and dyed part of it purple.” Linoone suggested. “So there’s still the chance it was her. Maybe she was coming to visit, and when she saw what was going on, she came to help.”
“Good thing too. If Arceus hadn’t been released, she would have been able to help.” Matrix stated.
“Y’know, we should make a list of all the people we want to find when we’re on our trip.” Kya suggested.
“Of course you’ll want to find Samuel,” Pryce remarked. “And as you just said, you’ll want to find Lea’s friend Alexia.”
“Blissey mentioned someone named Jessie that she was friends with.” Angela brought up. “We should probably look for them too.”
“Fessor?” Sparks suggested.
“That’s right! Lea might like to see Professor Elm again. Anybody else?”
The group paused, trying to think of anyone they might want to find, but they came up with a blank.
“We really need to get more friends.” Matrix mentioned. “That’s a really short list.”
“Yeah, well I bet we’ll think of more.” Angela replied, gazing to the side where Cacturne was showing off for some young grass types. “You never know who we might remember.”