Arcane Illness

by Mocha Star

Dinner with Luna

The evening arrived faster than Sun had anticipated and being teased by White was enough to make him run home and hide in his closet. "How many ponies get invited to have dinner with a princess, much less Luna? This is amazing Sun. Tell me everything when it's over, I'll be in my room." White was teasing him even as they were led to the dining room by the guards. As they parted she winked at him just right to make him stumble.

"Welcome Sun Struck. I pray thee had a, fun, time until now. Did you have a good tour of the castle?"

"Um, yes Princess Luna."

"Call me Luna," she replied leaning forward onto the table as he took his seat. "I notice thy have a cutie mark of blank paper, why?"

"Well, I always thought it was because I lead a life off the books and make my own path. But I don't really get it because I got it when I was on a foal in an orphanage almost twelve years ago while eating lunch. It was a great moment for me and everypony was ecstatic along with me but I never figured out what it meant, really." He was looking at his flank then looked up to see Luna glancing over the table to try to see it before she sat back into her seat.

"Thy are certainly a complicated stallion. Wise, tactical, thoughtful and thy flirt with the skill of a hundred years of skill in your twenty two years of life."

"How do you know how old I am?"

"I am a Princess of Equestria, there is little I do not know or cannot find out."

"So, you've been checking up on me? Luna, I'm thinking I'm not the only flatterer here. Have you had many colt friends?" Oh Celestia I just asked that... What is wrong with me? Turn it off Sun before you get yourself in trouble.

Luna almost blushed at the question. "I have had several over my years yet, none since I returned from the moon."

Is, is she blushing? Okay, change the topic. NOW Sun.

"What's it like moving the moon. Do you control the stars too?"

"That is a common misconception, Sun. While I raise and lower the moon with Celestia the stars are, for the most part, stationary and I simply make them appear brighter through our atmosphere using refraction through the water in the air. You seem confused, Sun."

Sun was listening intently but had lost track of the princesses explanation after atmosphere. "I understand most of what you're saying but I don't know much about science. I mean when I was a colt I loved reading books and trying to learn fun spells but I have an affinity to heat and fire and light so, I just kind of went with that except for a few of the more common spells we all learn. I remember when I was little I had a window by my bed and I tried to count every star each night.

I named new constellations and made up ones that were completely silly and others that I knew I named wrong," he chuckled, "The Big Dipper was the dippler. Orions Belt was Onions Burnt, you know. The stars and the mare in the moon were the only things that got me through most nights when despair seemed a step away. Heh heh," he chuckled again drinking his wine, "I guess that was you though getting me through all that."

"Yeah," Luna said looking at him over her glass of wine.

Dinner continued with a lot of idle chatter and they bid each other a good night.

"So? How was dinner with Luna?" White sang as she joined him in his room.

"Fine, I kept the talk on the stars and moon and away from anything flirty or anything. I even kept my eyes on hers the whole time and didn't look at her anywhere else."

"Oh. My."

"What? I didn't do or say anything wrong at all. So no harm done. Just a casual dinner with another mare."

White giggled as she looked at him. "You know she can dream walk, right?"

"Yes, everypony knows that. Why do you ask?"

"Well, after what it sounds dinner was like I think you should try to keep your dreams very professional. Try a common day at the shop."

"What? Why? I can't control my dreams any more than I can control my mouth around pretty mares like you," he shut his eyes tight again, "I mean like you are in a cool way."

"Nice recovery, Romeo. I'm gonna go to my room across the hall. If I hear screams should I come over?" She giggled into her hoof as he looked at her very confused.

"Is she going to give me a nightmare? Oh no! Did I insult her somehow? Tell me, please," he was almost begging as she walked out the door and closed it with her magic. Crap, what could I have done? Dream walking into my dreams, but why? I didn't do anything special. We just talked about her and ate! I must admit she does have pretty eyes, but that's all I looked at. What could I have done?

He pondered that thought all evening until he went to bed. I was so sure we'd be leaving tonight but Luna insisted we stay the night. Please, let tomorrow go well.