The Return of a Fallen Ally

by Autumn Lightsky

Epilogue: A new start with old memories


~three months later~
It had been awhile since he had first arrived in Ponyville, and the ponies were starting to warm up to him. Sure there were a few who still didn't like him (such as Diamond Tiara and her dad) and those who weren't from Ponyville. But all in all, he started to like living here. He had made five new friends, and they were great friends to say the least. He had a dragon that he considered somewhat of a son. He even found love, and her name was Twilight Sparkle. Gosh she was beautiful. Her lavender coat, purple mane. It was just so adorable. And the way she almost always had her nose in a book when he would find her in the library, that was dorky and adorable, adorkable. He decided her nickname would be Sparky, both after her name and her cutie mark.

Rainbow dash was still a little skeptical of him, but they had started getting along well the past week or two. Applejack and Rarity both trusted him at first glance, which he appreciated. Fluttershy was so excited to see a different species she almost fainted for over excitement. And Pinkie Pie was always nice to him. Everyone said that it was strange she hadn't thrown a party for him however. He didn't think much of it, but he was a little curious as to why it was she hadn't thrown him a party.

"Ryuko? Are you okay?" A familiar voice asked. Ryuko turned his head to see that Twilight had looked up from her book, only to find it was Ryuko's turn for his mind to wander.

He smiled lightly, "Yeah. I'm good Sparky." Twilight smiled back and scooted closer. She rested her head on Ryuko's chest, giving him the chance to kiss her forehead. She blushed a little at the warm contact of his lips on her forehead. "Still reading that spell book?" Ryuko asked.

"Yeah. I'm still curious about the side affects of your condition. We don't kno-" she was silenced by a pair of lips kissing her own. She blushed a bright red and slowly closed her eyes.

"It's been three months. I think I'm fine Sparky" Ryuko said, pulling away. She was still worried about his resurrection. Even more than he was.

"I guess you're right Ryuko." She said smiling. "Hey, my friends and I were planning on going to a picnic, would you like to join?" She said a little shyly. Ryuko simply answered with one word and another kiss.


"Great, I'll tell rarity." She said, her face full of happiness. Ryuko smiled at this new joy. Just as Twilight was about to head out, Spike came in.

"Twilight! Ryuko! Diamond tiara has been at it again!" He said, out of breath.


Spike shook his head, "no, it's Silver Spoon this time". Both looked at spike in shock. Silver Spoon was Tiara's best friend. Why would she do anything to her?

"What happened?" Twilight inquired.

"Diamond Tiara... S-she made Silver Spoon... No one found her until it was too late..." Ryuko's eyes widened as spike finished. He started to grit his teeth. Just then he saw Spike back away. "Y-you have that sword again..." Spike said, still out of breath. Ryuko looked at his hand and sighed. He dropped the blade after taking a look at the inscription. It seemed as though it was linked to his anger.

"Let me talk to Silver Spoon's parents. Maybe I can help calm their nerves." Ryuko responded.

Both spike and twilight looked at each other and then to Ryuko. "You're really taking a liking to this therapy thing, aren't you?" Spike said. Ryuko had almost forgotten that Mayor Mare had chosen him to be the town therapist. It was tough, due to the fact that almost everyone hated him, but he was glad to do it.

"The one who has experienced the most, gives the best advice." Ryuko said, quoting the mayor. "Mayor Mare chose me, and although it's not my favorite job, someone has to do it." He said, opening the door. He turned around and asked, "Where are they now?"

"The morgue. And if they're not there go to their house. Here's the address." Twilight said, levitating a pice of parchment to him.

"Thanks Sparky. I'll see you soon." He said blowing her a kiss. He headed out the door and to the morgue.

~At Silver Spoon's (former) residence~

Ryuko knocked on the door and waited. After a few minutes a distraught stallion answered. "H-hello. You must be Mr Matoi. Please, come in." The stallion said, a large sense of sadness in his voice. Ryuko followed him into what looked to be a large living room, with a fireplace off to the side. On the sofa opposite to the one he sat in was the stallion's wife, who was joined by her husband.

"I assume you're here to tell us that she deserved it, for doing mean things to other kids... So just out with it and leave." The mare said, obviously about to cry.

"Actually, that's not why I'm here. I came so you could talk to me. Remember that Mayor Mare asked me to be a therapist, and she gave me no real guidelines on how I should pursue that. So, let's cut all the showy crap and let's talk about what happened." Ryuko said, an unusual serious tone overtaking his voice. The couple was shocked to hear him say this.

"I'll admit that I wasn't fond of Silver Spoon. But she was driven to the point of suicide, which no one should have to do. Even though she did a lot of things that I don't think were right, she was your daughter. So I'm here to help."

"I-if you say so..." The mare said, once again holding back tears. "Silver spoon had been unusually distant in the past week. We thought it was just a part of growing up, I had gone through a phase like that." She said, looking intently at Ryuko.

"But then she started isolating herself. She kept coming back at late hours and having restless nights. We asked if anything was wrong and she said everything was fine. But when we saw her after class one day she was getting yelled at by Diamond Tiara. We don't know why, we questioned her about it but..." The mare began to sob on her husbands shoulder. Ryuko placed a hand on his chin to think about what she said.

"Do you have the note? The one she left, you know, before she," Ryuko moved his thumb across his throat. She made sure the wife wasn't watching because he knew the father would understand. The stallion levitated a pice of parchment to Ryuko. "Would you mind if I take this with me. I'll need some time to read it over and figure a few things out."

"Y-yes. Of course." The stallion said. Ryuko stood up and said his goodbyes. As he opened the door the stallion asked him, "Ryuko, do you know what it's like to have a child?" Ryuko froze. He couldn't remember. He couldn't remember if he had a child or not. He didn't respond, which the stallion reacted to nicer that he expected. "Touchy subject, huh? Well I guess my mind was wandering. Goodby Ryuko, please stay in touch. I think we may need a few more sessions with you." Ryuko have the stallion a smile as he flew off.

As he reached the door to the library Twilight opened the door. "Did it go well?" Ryuko nodded in response.

"It went better than expected. But they want a few more sessions, which is understandable. But I have to ask the Princesses something. I'll be right back." He said kissing her. Ryuko grabbed a paper and quill then headed to the loft. He began writing.

"Dear Princess Luna and Celestia,

As you can probably guess my mind isn't completely clear. However, a recent event got me thinking about something. You should know a few things about my past. Such as, did I leave anyone behind? And I ask you to answer me this simple question, did I ever have or adopt a child?

You're friend/knight
Ryuko Matoi"