Knight of Bone

by nihilis3

A Druids Dream My Nightmare

Jeric awoke staring at a thatch roof wherever he was it was vibrant but otherwise normal. He felt a stir in his conscienceness letting him know Skully was also alive but not fine she was hurting almost as much as he was. He sat up letting the thick blanket on him slide down. He notice that there was a bandage wrapped around his armor and Skully since she was still attached. 'Probably couldn't get it off me.' Thought wigling his toes. Feeling and seeing his toes move under the blanket he felt relieved. Skully he noted was badly damaged. She was missing some of her self. Namely toes and fingers she would need bones to heal. But first he need to undress and see the damage to himself.

Fluttershy was in her living room tending her animals. It was her join in life especially since she was scarded of almost everything. Many including her friend Rainbow Dash said she was scared of her own shadow. 'And why should I be.' She that indignant,' Shadows a scary they are unknown the hide things.' She felt that the others just didn't know what that small constant darkness next to them meant. She sighed and brushed a lock of her long pink mane outof her face. Now that she was done tending her usual patients she could turn her attention to her special guest. She had found it wounded in the everfree forest on her way back from getting some poultices from her zebra friend Zecora. It had been laying in the path on he way home. She had been scared at first. After all there was this big bone pile in the middle of the dark forest. Flutttershy had heen about to take flight when she noticed the smaell of flames and blood. when the creature groaned in pain she immediately brought it home. She looked over at an object she had found nearby. It was long almost as long as she was had a handle of ivory with a small ball of onyx on one end and what looked like a very long double edged knife on the other. The blade looked to be made of two flat pieces of obsidion over a core of silver whitch held the cutting edge. Along the obsidion was glowing red letters she didn't recognize. Thinking of the strange creature made her want to check on the poor thing.

jeric found that taking off his armor was a chore and a half. Skully was catatonic after being hit by the brunt of the explosion. Her wings were the only thing that kept the explosion from turning his armors steel scale into deadly shrapnel. 'Thanks girl he thought and an was surprised when she flared up. 'Gods it hurts!' She exclaimed regaining subconsciousness. 'is it alright if I hang out here.' Jeric nodded as he took stock of his current possessions. ' Not good my sword is missing.' He thought grimly. He continued to check his clothes and gear for damages foe the next minute or so till he heard some soft steps on the stairs.
Wincing he shrugged back into his armor. ' Welp found some bruised ribs.' He thought as the door opened.

Fluttershy opened her door to find her guest was awake and checking himself over. She was a little intimidated by its size. 'He's as tall as Celestia.' She thought as she warily walked into the room.

"I'm glad your up you had me worried with how hurt you were." She said smiling.

Jeric turned to look at his host and to his surprise found himself looking at a yellow coated pink haired pony with three butterflies on her rump. He was also pleased to know that it spoke common not unheard of.

"Well miss druid I appreciate the aid but I have to go." He said with a slight nod and turned to leave.

"No you can't leave your still hurt just look at that carapice!" The pony nearly shouted. Jeric looked at her quizzicly. Druids were normally eager to kick out trespassers as soon as they could move. Fluttershy also looked confused. 'Whose this druid I don't know a pony by this name.' She thought trying to get a good look at her patient. His carapice was still heavily damaged. It truly concerned her that he was up and moving around. "Why you lay down I'll make some nice soup and we can chat about what ever is wrong?" She ask with the biggest pair of puppy dog eyes he'd ever seen.

"Uhm I have a serious problem to take care of and time is of the essence." Jaric said sitting on the bed trying not to offend his hostess.

"Oh no you were out for two days!" She exclaimed with worry. Jeric couldn't help but note hiw quite she was. He fell back on the bed. Servoth had escaped and now he was in the caee of a stranger and in a strang land.

"I guess my schedule just freed up." He said watching her resume her normal timid form.
" how ever if you can include as many bones as possible Skully needs them to repair her self." He said had he been looking at Fluttershy he would have seen the look of disgust on her face.

"Why would anypony eat bones?" She said nearly wanting to cry at the thought of it. In answer Jeric sat up and hit the sternum of the skeleton that made up his armor. He watched the little pony's eyes widen as what she thought was a piece of him break off and form something else, something scary.

"That's how I thought you'd react eont worry though she only eats non sentients." He laughed a little ad he stood up again. Fluttershy looked him over again feom head to toe. She now saw that what she thought wash skin under a carapice was actually clothes and armor. She also realized he hadn't been treated properly at all. "I'll go ahead and head out now." He said standing to leave.

"No you won't you still need treatment mister. Now let Dr. Fluttershy look at the damage." She nearly demanded.

"Really your letting a pony push you around." Skully laughed.

"Pony she obviously a druid in wildshape." He said only ro have Skully shale her head no. "Wait your a real pony?!" He said shocked.

" every pony I know is a reall pony." She said confused. "Though that does raise the question as to what you are?" She asked quizzically.

"What me I'm human and Skully over there is my construct familiar." He said in introduction to the pony. "Oh and my name is Jeric." He said with a smile putting the little pony at ease.

"Pleased to meet you Jeric I'm Fluttershy my friends call me Flutters." She said with a slight curtsey. "But I will repeat I really should give you proper treatment. " she said confidently.

"Sure and while you're doing that why not explain exactly where we are." He said still smile. Inside he was worried if little Flutters was and indicator his nightmare was near very near.