//------------------------------// // Faerie Sylva // Story: Faerie // by Eathlome //------------------------------// The woods are full of fairies! The trees are alive: The river overflows with them. See how they dip and dive! What funny little fellows! What dainty little dears! They dance and leap, and prance and peep, And utter fairy cheers! " Unknown Faerie Sylva So there I was. A brand new land, full of new possibilities, abounding with endless potential, and I had jack. Well I had some, but not much. After a quick inventory, resulting in: two silver daggers, one carving knife (also silver), one small bag made of spider silk, one dried strawberry, a bowstring (also spider silk), and the clothes on my back (yet again spider silk, but died bright red and green); I decided to do ... something. Honestly, I was still pretty furious, and needed to calm down. I decided that a bowstring without a bow is pretty useless, so I should get to work on one of those soon. I also decided to look out for twigs and stones that I could use to make arrows. I also kept my eye out for anything I could eat (just for the record all Fay are herbivorous, regardless of any myths you may have heard), cause a strawberry won't last forever. After a quick survey of my surroundings, I deduced that I was in ... a forest. With no real point of reference, and the fact that it wouldn't be any fun if I just flew above the canopy to see how big this place was, I headed off in a random direction. After a few hours, with several berries, newly made arrows, and a soon-to-be bow, I sat back on a tree branch and began carving. Shortly after finishing the bow, stringing, and testing it, I heard a quiet voice, and some heavy footsteps. 'Excellent! There's someone out in this forest! Should I lead them away from the trail? Or maybe have them walk around in circles for a few hours? Maybe I should give them a nice big scare...' Contemplating on my possible trickery, I flitted over to where the voice was coming from. "Oh my... I really wish that Zecora didn't live so deep in the Everfree. It's so dark and scary here. Not that there's anything wrong with that." I was shocked. It was a yellow horse. With wings. Which would mean it's a pegasus. Now the reason I was so surprised is that the last pegasus where I'm from died just over four-thousand years ago, I should know, I was there. But seeing a real live pegasus was just so amazing, not even including it could talk. I was torn, I really was. On one hand this was a pegasus, the first I've seen in over four-thousand years, and since it was more intelligent than my pegasi, that probably meant there were more of them, and I personally love horses, no matter the kind. On the other hand it was intelligent, which meant it was one of the Big Folk, and the Fay have always played tricks on the Big Folk (For the sake of you knowledge seekers out there, tricking and pulling pranks on the Big Folk originally started out as a survival mechanism, because the Fay aren't big enough to fight properly, over time it eventually became a sort of sport, like how many of the Big Folk will go hunting for fun). I was tempted to go with the tricks, after all the pegasus would get back home eventually, and I would have some fun. But then I felt a chilling force, like thousands of voices thundering out, "IF YOU EVEN TOUCH HER I WILL END YOU!" And that ended that line of thought. Following the yellow pegasus, we eventually came out of the forest. I put that in to my mental map of the place, which I'll be putting down on paper ... eventually. She traveled to a quaint cottage, which was a bit outside a small town. There were a lot of animals in the cottage, all of which could see me (the more sentient a creature is, the harder it is for them to see a Faerie if the Faerie wills it). I decided that my time could be much better spent exploring the nearby town. The town was full of horses. Horses with tattoos. I found it hilarious, don't ask why. But my assumption was correct. Not only are there more pegasi here, but there are also unicorns! I mean, unicorns left our world ages ago, just before the Faerie War. I guess that they came here. Looking around the town one building in particular caught my eye. It was a tree. A tree, with a house inside it. It's a tree, I'm a faerie. Do the math. Inside the tree I could see where all the wood had gone. It was a library, I hope, cause one person owning that many books, is a bit nutty. The occupants of the librar-tree, were one lavender unicorn, and a, I'm guessing dragon. The unicorn was magicking (I assume it was magic, 'cause her horn was glowing, and so was the dragon), the dragon into a little cot. "But Twilight, I'm not tired." *yawn* "Oh Spike. You still need to take naps, you are only a baby dragon." Called it. "Spike, I'm going out. Fluttershy said she wanted me to help with some sick animals. If you take any books of the shelves, be sure to put them back wherever you found them, and don't forget to catalog which ones you read." "Mnrphf" This gave me a brilliant idea. Library full of books? Check. The only witness around is sleeping? Check. The apparent librarian, "Twilight" is a complete nut-job when it comes to being organized? Check. This was going to be good. About two hours and several hundred books later, the library was completely tidy. But the books were all organized alphabetically. By the first letter. Of the third chapter. I had actually read a few of the books. mostly just a few history books, and information on the surrounding area. Turns out I was in a place called "Equestria" which was mainly inhabited by...not horses, but ponies. Well I was close. I had just cut off a slab of the tree to carve into a fiddle, when "Twilight" came back in. She was deep in thought, and walked about five feet inside, before she looked at the books. She looked back to what she was doing then looked at the books again. And again. And again. Then her eye gave a slight twitch, her entire body spasmed, then she promptly fell over, unconscious. The thud of her fall woke up the sleeping dragon, who quickly rushed over to her, calling her name. The he noticed the books. He closed his eyes, and murmured what could have been a prayer, then peeked back at the books. He let out a long sigh, hauled the unicorn up to her bed, than came back down and started to reorganize the books. I was howling with laughter at this point. Man I needed that. I figured that I would mess around with the dragon at a later time, as he was apparently just a baby, and reorganizing the whole library would probably be very stressful for him. I'm not evil, I just enjoy a good prank. I figured that this tree is a good a place as any to make a house, so I started on carving myself out a few rooms in the upper level of the trunk, where nothing had been carved yet. It gave me plenty of room. Enough for a bedroom, a sitting room, a kitchen, a workroom, and a study. Then I needed some furniture, so I flew out and found a few mushrooms I could use as chairs and a larger one I could use as a bed, I picked them up, and brought them back to my new abode, using my magic to prevent them from deteriorating. After a few more trips around, I gathered some materials that I would need, and began to work throughout the night, making a few tables, a loom, a few chests, and a cold box, as well as spinning some spider web into silk, for some finery, like bedsheets, and curtains. 'I think I'm going to like it here.' A/N Alright, that was chapter two of Faerie. I hope you all let me know how I'm doing, via the comments, and if you have any suggestions, corrections, or constructive criticism, I would love to hear it. That's all folks. -Eathlome