An Unwelcome Change

by Night Spark



Dinky knew that scream. She knew it was Night Frost. Every muscle in her body was trying to stay put. Her instincts told her it wasn’t safe to expose herself. Dinky carefully stuck her head out of the bushes she was hiding in. The street despite being littered with broken pieces of nearby homes had been clear. She dared to step out of the bush completely and when she did she saw the burning home at the end of her street. Her end of the street was slightly lower than the end closer to the main road. She began to walk towards the burning home. It was missing its roof and, the bottom floor was on fire and smoke bellowed out from the windows. Dinky’s eyes caught Night Frost. She was standing on what was left of the second story of the home and look petrified.


The lack of response from her friend worried her. Dinky galloped to the entrance of the home. The door was gone and allowed her to see the inferno inside. Every was inside was on fire. The home was groaning as if it could actually feel the pain. Dinky paced back and forth in front of the door. She could feel the heat coming from inside. Thoughts of what her sister would do did not help her as they reminded her that she could not simply fly her friend to safety. Dinky tried putting up a small ward to reflect the heat but her magic was not strong enough. When that failed she tried to brave it but not even half way through the door she turned back.

“It’s too hot! Frost! Frost please!”

One of the support beams collapsed and a wall with it. Dinky could literally see the house move ever so slightly. Tears flowed down her face as she kicked the ground. The filly was furious that she could not help her friend. She was furious that she could not fly and that she could not teleport.

That anger inside you Dinky, is both a blessing and a curse… What you do with that anger will determine who you are…

Night Frost’s words struck a nerve in her. She turned towards the entrance and didn’t bother to channel magic. Dinky moved through the entrance and met the heat head on. She grinned her teeth in pain as she moved towards the stairs. A piece of the ceiling fell but she saw it coming and blasted it with a small bolt. The stair were still intact and were not on fire like the rest of the home. When she reached the second story she saw Night Frost shaking.

“Frosty! Night Frost!”

The filly ran up to her friend and hugged her. Dinky felt the changeling shake in fear. When she looked up she could she Frost’s tear filled eyes.


The home shuddered harder and the wood cracked again, shards of it falling on their heads. Dinky could nearly feel the house crumbling around her. She tried pushing Frost but the larger changeling barely moved. She gritted her teeth and kicked Frost in the flank.

“Move it, Frost!”

The home began to fall in. Dinky charged her horn and channeled more magic than she could handle. The floor gave way and they both began to fall but Dinky lost control of her magic. A small blast sent both her and Night Frost flying in opposite directions. Both of them fell just far enough away from the home to not be harmed. Dinky was out of energy. Her body ached in pain and the only thing she could see was the burning rubble. She crawled for around to the side of the home but eventually found the strength to stand. As the front yard came into view she was filled with both relief and worry. Night Frost was on the floor and she was sobbing. Dinky rushed over to her as fast as she could. She wanted to comfort her friend so she hugged her. The second her hooves touched Frost the changeling sprung up and kicked Dinky away. The filly rolled in the dirt several feet away with the wind knocked out of her. Night Frost was looking at her with the same tear filled gaze she had in the home.

“F-frosty… what are…”

“You are a hallucination. A memory from my mind turned against me. I am fearful… but I am also powerful. I will take back my mind. I will weed out my fears and crush them… starting with you.”

Night Frost formed a single perfect ice blade. It hovered before and was aligned with Dinky’s head. Dinky stared at her friend and sat perfectly still. As she looked at Night Frost’s eyes her jaw quivered.

“Frosty? I’m scared.”

Night Frost stomped a hoof and hissed.

“I have brought down an empire and have only been defeated by an alicorn! Do you truly believe illusions and nightmares can defeat me?!”

Dinky’s horn sparked with whatever magic she could conjure. She took a single step closer. Night Frost’s eyes glowed and she channeled her magic. Dinky cowered down as her words whimpered out.

“You said that I couldn’t leave my sister… you said that I had to be there for her. You promised me that I was gonna learn to stick up for her…”

The ice blade fell to the ground and shattered. Night Frost appeared confused. She saw the filly before her and the broken weapon in between them. A gasp managed to escape her before she rushed to pick up the filly and embrace her. Dinky cringed at the changeling’s touch. Frost cried into her coat.

“Dinky I am sorry. I am sorry. I was not in my right mind. I was… I love you! Please forgive me my friend! I am so sorry!”

Dinky cried too and squeezed her friend.

“I am sorry too, Frosty!”

“No, Dinky none of this was your doing. You have nothing to-“

“I kicked your flank and shot you with magic! The house was on fire and-“

Night Frost’s stomach fell lower than she believed it could. The filly had rushed into a burning home to save her. She had risked her own young life to save her. Night Frost slapped Dinky and then immediately kissed her on the head.

“You stupid bucking filly. I will actually kill you the next time you do something so foolish!”

She kissed Dinky’s head once more and began to check the filly for any injuries. She had minor scrapes and bruises. There were a few burns on her sides but nothing serious. Night Frost sniffled and laughed.

“Your sister is going to murder the both of us I’m afraid. I suppose death by a muffin pony is preferable to fire. Dinky, thank you, my friend. I owe you my life.”

Dinky pointed to the castle.

“You’re welcome, Frosty. I don’t want your life. They killed ponies and then they took my sister to the castle.”

Night Frost scowled.

“Who took her?”

“The guards! But they were scary looking and I don’t think they were trying to make sure she was safe. She told me to hide… so… I did.”

She lowered her chin and sniffled. Frost lifted it back up.

“You have nothing to be ashamed of my brave friend. Your sister thought of your safety as you thought of mine. You are both ponies that I am proud to be friends with. Jump on my back, Dinky. I am going to get your sister back.”

Dinky did as she was told.

“Frost there are a lot of those creepy guards. Do you really think you can get around them?”

Frost flew towards the castle and spoke through her teeth.

“I have no intention to get around any of those vermin. They will release your sister or Celestia may have to live in a castle with red walls.”

Night Spark inhaled the dense air of the cavern. It brought back memories of the hive. He had only been in the cave for several minutes before being surrounded by teal crystals. As he walked he saw his reflections. They seemed to move at a different pace due to the odd angles of the crystals. Unlike when he was outside Night Spark was not greeted with any horrible visions. The cave was silent save for a gentle hum that seemed to come from the crystals themselves. Occasionally he thought he could hear a whimper coming from the dark but, he paid it no attention.

The presence of fear was powerful in the cave. The typical dip he felt in his stomach was amplified and it felt as if water was up to his chest. His walking felt more like wading and as he continued the strange sensation grew stronger. The deeper in he traveled the thicker the feeling became. While being able to breathe he felt like he was fighting to stay afloat. He found himself occasionally holding his breath.

Eventually the small tight path expanded into a large cylindrical chamber with a high ceiling. Sharp crystals ran all along the walls and up to the ceiling were larger crystals threatened to fall. Several guard ponies were shivering on the floor as they mumbled mindlessly. Their eyes were glazed and their minds broken. Night Spark walked passed them slowly but stopped when his eyes saw the gaping black presence in the center of the chamber. It was visually and physically unlike anything he had seen.

A ghostly slit that was impossibly black seemed to float there. Long smoky black tendrils waved from within it. The space around it bent and seemed to fall into the slit. Nothing had ever scared him as much as this black hole. It scared him more than the idea of losing his family and more than his mother. The air in his lungs felt as if it were slowly being pulled out and into the hole. With every ounce of strength in his body Night Spark begged for his hooves to move. The fear made him feel like he was in sand now instead of water. He was scared of the tear in space before him and he was scared of his lack of understanding his own fear.

His right hoof slid slowly forward. The slow moving and smoky tendrils straightened into sharp black lines. They hit every guard pony and Night Spark at near instantaneous speeds. Night Spark’s legs buckled once they hit him.. He let out a yell unlike anything he’s ever done before. Nothing was attacking him, nothing was hurting him and yet he screamed. Rolling to his side he closed his eyes and pulled his hooved in close to him. He could hear guards screaming as well. One of them was spasming so hard his bones were breaking.


The word barely managed to escape his mouth. The black tendril retracted and pulled away from him. Opening his eyes his saw the tendrils back in their wavy form. The guards remained on the ground mumbling. Night Spark waited on his side for several minutes.

“…thank you…”

With great effort he stood up and stared at the slit. Night Spark swallowed his fear and spoke.

“Tell me… are you… Night Tear?”

The slit made no change. Night Spark decided against taking any steps closer. Instead he sat on his haunches and waited. After sometime he placed a hoof on his chest timidly.

“I am Night Spark. If you are Night Tear then I am your brother. Is this your true power or another illusion?”

Once more no change and no response. He looked down.

“I- I am scared of you. I do not understand why… but I am afraid. I do not know what our mother has told you but I have no intentions of seeing you harmed. Will you say nothing to me? Please…”

The tendrils stopped moving. Night Spark closed his eyes in expectation of another attack but it never came. When his eyes opened the slit was gone. What replaced it was more terrible. .

Chained to a massive and bloody crystal was a pale changeling. The bottom legs had been broken and she was tied to the crystal using her front legs. A series of smaller chains and metal bands pressed her head back and against the crystal while forcing her jaw open. Small tubes were inserted above her fangs. Any venom produced would empty into a pony sized barrel where both tubes met. Her wings were crushed and her horn cut in half. There were scars all over her body from older wounds. Dark bruises and lacerations covered her chest and flanks. Fresh blood shined atop the dried blood from previous injuries.

She blurred as his eyes filled with tears. He rushed over to her and was going to shock the chains but stopped fearing he’d harm her.. Using magic he lifted a smaller crystal and slammed it against the chains breaking them. Her body slid off the large rock but he caught her. She cried at his touch from both the pain of her injuries and the fear of what he might do to her. Night Spark saw her front legs attempt to escape his grasp while the rear ones lay limp. He remembered what it felt like after he fought Frost. He cried with her as he held her tight.

“I am sorry. I am so sorry. Please let me carry you from this place. I must see to your wounds. If I am to do that I need you to not make me scared. I need you to stop spreading this fear.”

Night Tear shivered in his arms and cried like a foal. She was extremely pale for a changeling which made the blood on her more shocking for Night Spark. She was darker than Derpy but much lighter than Night Spark. Her mane was very long and had holes in it just like that of her mothers. It was a dark yellow with hints of green.

“Please, sister. Please stop this.”

Her hooves gently hit him as she sobbed. Each hit against his chest felt like something was crushing his heart. Her head shook slowly as it was not used to free motion.

That was when Night Spark leaned in and nuzzled her. He just held her as she cried. He held her close and rocked her gently all while crying silently alongside her. As time passed her crying lessened and so did his fear. Time was the short term remedy and Night Spark took his time with her. Eventually the caverns returned to silence beside the occasional sniffle from Night Tear. Night Spark did not want to hurt her neck so he lowered his head so he could see her eyes. She looked fearfully at him. He smiled at her.

“I am going to pick you up and place you on my back. I want you to hold on to me as tight as you need to ok? I am going to ensure your injuries are seen to and that you get rest. I promise… I swear to you that I will allow no one to harm you. I will kill them before they have the chance. Maker knows I have not been in your life sister but I am here now and I will be the best brother to you. I swear it. I love you.”

Night Tear gently nodded. Night Spark gently lifted her and placed her on his back. Her two front legs wrapped gently around him. While the other two lay limp against him. His thoughts darkened as ideas for revenge tempted him but he pushed them away. There would be time for revenge later. Now all that mattered was the broken changeling clinging to him.

Shining Armor blasted open the door revealing five of his sister’s friends and her dragon.

“Shining Armor? How in the hay did you break through Twi’s magic?”

Shining shot Applejack a glance.

“She’s got a horn and wings but magic is still magic. I taught her nearly all the spells she knows about containment, shields, and everything related. Forget that. I need all of you to help me take on General Midnight. He is out of his bucking mind and ponies are going to get hurt.”

Rainbow Dash cracked her neck and chuckled.

“Oh I am going to beat the snot out of something or somepony. Might as well be the general of the Equestrian military.”

Fluttershy stepped forward and pointed at Shining.

“Um not that I don’t want to help but… Why don’t you fight him? You’re stronger than all of us.”

While Rainbow and Applejack were about to protest Shining held a hoof up and stopped them.

“Fluttershy I am glad you think I am that strong but, sadly I am not. I can’t move as fast as Rainbow and I certainly can’t hit as hard as Miss Applejack can. My skill is magic and more specifically defensive magic. If you play any rpg’s I would be a bucking amazing healer than gives you really good buffs and-“

The confused looks on their faces told him enough. Twilight’s friends were not gamers.

“Oh I get it! Yeah and Applejack and Rainbow would be tanks! Fluttershy would be a rogue and Rarity would be ranged attacks.”

Shining always liked Spike.

“Yes thank you, Spike. You girls need to play more games. Seriously though if we all make it through this Cadence and I will teach you all. Anyhow! I can’t fight the general alone. He may not look like much but he is faster than normal pegasi and stronger than an earth pony. He is also very resistant to magic.”

Shining looked grim for a moment.

“His daughter managed to take out a full sized dragon in combat. He trained her. This is not going to be easy especially with the lack of the elements. As Twilight is still out there its up to us to stop-“

“Look down there! It’s Night Frost!”

Rarity motioned towards the window. They all huddle around and saw the changeling stand before the main entrance of the castle. The first thing Shining noticed despite their distance from the changeling was that she was wearing her ice armor.

“Oh she looks absolutely splendid…er… for a changeling…”

Pinkie stood on Rarity’s head to get a better view.

“Oh shiny… She sure doesn’t look happy… If I had to take a guess she looks…”

Pinkie's ears flopped twice and her stomach hurt. She hopped off Rarity who did not shift as if Pinkie was weightless. The pink and goofy mane deflated. Spike was the first to notice.

“Pinkie Pie, what’s wrong?”

“Two ear flops and a stomach ache. Something really bad is about to happen.”

Pinkie’s postured dropped. Her friends comforted her while Shining watched the changeling approach the gate. He spoke over his shoulder.

“Pinkie Pie? How bad is really bad?”

Night Frost walked towards the gate. She flicked her horn and boulder sized ice spike tore through the metal like paper. She parted the ice and walked through the gate. Dinky held tightly on to her. Several guards stood before the main doors of the inner courtyard. Night Frost stopped. She wiggled her back and Dinky knew to get off. Dinky watched as her friend took a few steps forward. Night Frost yelled towards the castle.

“I am Night Frost! Daughter of Chrysalis! I along with my Sister led the onslaught that crushed your Crystal Empire! You will release the ponies you have captured today! Do you hear me?”

The guards at the gate gave no response. Instead a bat pony with black and gold armor appeared on the main balcony which overlooked the courtyard. He stared down at Night Frost.

“You there! Are you responsible for seizing my friend? I will give you but one chance to release her. If you will not heed me than I shall kill every last one of your ponies. Only when this castle is painted with their blood will I then allow you to die!”

The general scoffed at her and turned around. Night Frost turned to Dinky. She looked Dinky in the eyes.

“I am going to retrieve your sister. You will wait here.”

Frost built a massive cone of ice around Dinky trapping her safely inside. She then began to walk toward the gate. A line of guards entered combat stances. Night Frost shot a white beam at the ground which iced it over. They returned fire with their own beams of energy.. Dodging several magical blasts, she dashed forward and slid into the group of ponies. Releasing her magic with no restraints she targeted the exposed areas on their bodies. The guards were some of the best trained ponies in the Equestrian military but Night Frost was the daughter of the most powerful changeling queen in known history. A flurry of ice blades sliced and stabbed the exposed flesh. Several guards buckled as ice cut through their tendons. Some fell because they no longer had all four legs. Night Frost released a satisfied hiss and proceed to storm the castle.

In the back of her my she found the situation ironic. This was the ultimate goal her mother had trained her four. Slaughter the enemy and storm the castle. She was supposed to kill everypony she saw. Now it was different. This wasn’t a mission or goal for her. This was personal. Derpy had shown her brother a kindness that she did not believe anypony would give to her kind. Frost thought of all the gray mare had done for them and it fueled her desire to save her. She would save her friend no matter the cost.

Maids and servant ponies began to flee as they saw her going through the guards. The castle servant knew General Midnight had taken over and knew he had guards loyal to him. However seeing ponies; brainwashed or not, being dismembered by a changeling was still traumatizing. Frost moved through several large hallways. Some had many guards while others had few. She made it a point to hurt each and every one.

Eventually she found herself before the hallway to the throne room. It was a fairly lengthy and spacious hall. Decorating the walls were the masterfully crafted stained glass windows that told of legendary tales from known pony history. Even changelings who had never left the hive have heard the grandeur of this great hall. Frost paid no attention to those windows. Instead her focus was on regiment of guards blocking her path.

“You would hide like a coward behind your troops?! I don’t know you, pony! Why throw these ponies away? Why have you taken my friend?”

The throne doors were at the other end of the hall but she could see them open. General Black Midnight yelled back at her.

“My daughter. She was my purpose. She was my reason and you; you filthy insects, you took her! So I will return the favor. You took everything from me and I shall now take everything from you. Your friends! Your chance of living normal lives!”

He grinned and Night Frost saw his fangs. The sight was strange as he was the first bat pony she had ever seen. He continued.

“Your sister. Come Changeling don’t take to long. Pegasi burn fairly quick.”

A scream came from inside the throne room. Rarely did something chill Night Frost’s spine but, Derpy’s scream did just that. Her expression darkened. She had purposely aim for the feet and shoulders of the guards. The castle was bloodied but no one was killed. Night Spark hadn’t killed a pony and she wanted to strive to be like him. She wanted to earn her place in pony society by adhering to their rule. The scream had shattered that desire. Night Frost’s eyes flared with white cold energy. Within seconds the temperature of the hallway dropped. This sheets of ice form on the windows and walls. The guard’s began to charge her. When they were close enough all of the ice on the walls shaped into spikes. With a flick of her horn the group of guards became caught in the cross fire. Icicles passed through them like they were made of paper. With another flick the icicles reversed and passed through them again. She flicked her horn again and again. Limbs and bodies riddled with holes were stacked in the hallway. Every window was speckled with blood. She waded through the bloody corpses and blasted open the throne room doors. Derpy was tied to Celestia’s throne along with an unconscious Sugar Sprinkles and, an orange stallion she did not recognize. At the base of the throne was a fire. Frost immediately shot a beam at the flames putting them out.

A gold and black blur slammed into her side. The ice armor around her torso completely shattered upon the impact as she slid across the floor. Standing triumphantly across her was the General.

“You pathetic creature. You are just like any pompous unicorn. Thinking magic will always put you on top. I am the General of Equestria! I am not some lowly guard! Did you think I would falter from your display?”

Night Frost started to get up but once again like a black blur he slammed his hoof into her gut sliding her further away.

“I am faster than you and stronger too. I have killed real dragons! That is how I earned my rank. I drove my wing into it’s face! I survived their fire and their stalkers. What have you changelings managed? You make a few cheap copies of the real thing and feel entitled to take over Equestria. Do you think we haven’t face larger numbers before?”

Once more another blur and crushing blow to her gut.

“We have fought dragons!”

Another blow.

“We have fought the griffin empire!”

Another blow.

“We have conquered Saddle Arabia and brought the entire nation of Zebrica to its knees! What have you done? What have you done to trick yourself into thinking that killing us would be easy?”



“Tell me?!”

He pummeled into her sides with a flurry of precise and powerful kicks. She shot a ice shard at him while at point blank range. With the blur of his wing he slapped it away.

“Stop it!”

The general turned to see Derpy grunted as she wiggled under the ropes.

“Be still and keep silent. Your judgment will come soon enough traitor.”

Night Frost took the opportunity and buck him with her rear legs. He took the blow and slid back a few feet but remained standing. He exhaled sharply and allowed Night Frost to stand. She coughed up enough blood to put a grin on his face. Her voice was raspy and strained.

“Miss Doo… forgive me… you are going to be uncomfortable. I promise it will not be for too long.”

Frost’s eyes instantly illuminated and a white beam shot out towards the general. He dodged it with great ease but the sudden drop in temperature caught him off guard. The room dropped below freezing near instantaneously and continued to drop. The snap freezing moisture in the air formed ice all over the throne. It also formed on the ponies tied to the throne. Their bodies shivered in response. The general felt his body react to the cold.

“The cold general is more unforgiving than both of us. It can turn even the most agile of warriors slow and useless. I however am the exception!”

Night Frost charged forward. The general quickly dodged her blow but found his hoof frozen in ice. As he tripped Frost kicked him right in the face. He fell but instantly jumped up to meet her. The two fought viciously. Night Frost moved with speed not commonly seen from her kind. She utilized her surroundings and even slid on the now icy floor to gain a few hits. The cold slowed the general enough to where she had a chance of hitting him. As their fight prolonged the general adapted to the problem she had presented him with. He pulled strength from his hits and instead decided that lighter and faster strikes would allow him to keep his balance. Most if not all magical blast were reflected by his armor. This meant Frost had to use more melee combat. Overtime this proved ineffective against him and the general once more gained the upperhoof. Caught off guard he sliced against her side using a wing blade. The pain caused her to fall.

“A goof fight changeling. I will give you that much. Yet I am still amazed by your hubris. If only half my soldiers had the blind confidence you have this war would be over.”

Night Frost felt an urge to beg. The feeling disgusted her but she did not want to die. Her eyes made their way to Derpy who passed out from the cold. Night Frost’s tears did not freeze until they fell to the ground. She look at Derpy and spoke with an angry hiss.

“I will not beg. You will not have that satisfaction. Kill me if you must. When you die you will find that it is your own hubris that you should have been concerned with. Do not judge my kind off of my skill or even my brothers. When my mother decides to attack this city it will fall. She bested Celestia once and I assure you she has become many times stronger since then. Your damn princesses will fail and when your kind is hanging on too its last breath. You will know that all we were trying to do is help you. Out of pity for your kind and spite for our mother. You are nothing without your elements of harmony!”

“That’s where you’re wrong, sugar cube!”

Frost and the General standing over her looked to the doorway. Five mares, a dragon, and Shining Armor stood in a fighting stance. The general laughed. He laughed and even took a step away from Night Frost to turn and face them.

“Shining Armor I figured you wouldn’t stay out of this but these ‘elements’? The bug said it, they are nothing without their elements! A Captain turned husband, five emotional mares, and a teenage dragon. I must have truly anger some god because surely you are joking. You mares will leave at once if you value your lives. Little dragon I have butchered warriors of your kind I will have no issue killing you. Shining Armor…”

The general shook his head.

“I would not want your daughter to be fatherless. Because of this I will offer you the chance to leave only once.”

Shining took a step forward. He observed the scene. Three ponies tied to the throne and a changeling with a large wound on her side. Blood stained the ice in multiple locations. He was surprised to see some of the general’s blood too. Night Frost concerned him the most. He owed her more than anypony.

“Spike grab the ponies on the throne with Fluttershy. Take them to safety. Rarity check on Night Frost. Rainbow Dash and Applejack you’re with me.”

The general remained still but followed Spike and Fluttershy with his eyes. The grin on his face grew.

“Very well, Shining… very well.”

The general lunged forward and met the three ponies in battle. Rarity slipped around and hurried to Night Frost. The changeling groaned as Rarity kneeled by her.

“Oh, dear Celestia look at you! You are bleeding!”

Frost coughed and blood trickled out of her nostrils.

“Thank you. I hadn’t noticed. Leave me be, Lady Rarity. Go and help your friends. They will need it.”

Rarity paced around the changeling.

“Ooo I want to help you! Oh but there is so much blood! It would be a shame if I stained my coat…”

Night Frost looked up at Rarity and was about to say something particularly uncouth to the unicorn. Before she did so she took a moment to eye Rarity up and down. A rather long moment that Rarity noticed. Frost nodded after seeing the situation differently.

“Yes that… would be a shame. Staining such a smooth coat is far from my intentions.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow.

“Did you just- were you?”

Frost grinned meekly and raised a tired hoof as to direct Rarity’s attention to her body.

“You are as white as the coldest ice that I can conjure. You are also very shiny Rarity.”

“You were! Here I thought you were brought up well mannered. Ogling me in such a way! Why I never! During such a time as well! I ought to leave you here!”

Frost giggled and coughed up more. This time Rarity gave in and lifted the changelings head with her hoof. Frosts brows furrowed and she became agitated. Struggling against the pain she pushed herself gently away from Rarity and tried to stand. Her right side trembled as blood seeped from the large slit on her side.

“You impatient changeling! Stop this instant before you-“

“Rarity burn the wound shut.”


“Use your magic. Burn it. Before I submit to the wound and fall unconscious.”

“Frost, I don’t want to.”

Frost hissed as the pain flared up. She wobbled but pointed towards the direction of the General. As Frost weakened the temperature was slowly becoming normal again. Black Midnight was getting faster. Rainbow Dash was the only one able to keep up with him. Shining had already received multiple wounds but was doing his best to place a protective ward on Rainbow to act as armor. Applejack continuously tried to strike from behind but the General was to quick. He bucked her backwards and continued to fight Rainbow.

“Your friends are out matched by this pony. They will fall unless I help them. Together we can stop this enemy. Please just do it.”

Rarity frowned. She slowly pointed her horn at the large laceration.

“I am sorry. This is going to be painful.”

Frost nodded and stared at the General. A purple beam shot out from Rarity’s horn. As her magic pulled the wound together it also cauterized it. Night Frost tensed up but did not scream. Her eyes watered but she did not cry. She waited to feel that the burn went across all the way. The moment it did her eyes caught the dark blur and she shot a massive beam of white magic. It hit the General and sent him flying into the wall on the opposite side of the throne room. She kept firing off the beam. After the second try he managed to fly away quick enough to dodge it.

He did not see Rainbow's hoof slamming straight into his face and nor did he see Applejacks rear hoofs buck his falling from back across the room . A powerful bolt of magic from Rarity briefly electrocuted the General causing him to falter for just a few seconds. Night Frost jumped on him and shoved a ice blade into his side. She ripped it out and lifted it high. She aim for his throat and brought it down but a bolt of magic struck her hoof. Shining Armor’s horn was pointed at her.

“No. He will pay for his crimes. The princesses will deal with him.”

Frost growled.

“He threatened Miss Doo, Miss Sprinkle, and who ever that orange stallion is! He should die now!.

Frost placed her hoof on the General's head and pushed down. She shot magic at all of his limbs and froze him to the ground. When done she kicked his head and limped away towards the excited.

“I will kill him later…”

As she walked past Shining he placed a hoof on her. She tensed up not knowing what to expect.

“Look I have got two things to say to you and one of them is not easy. First thank you for your help. I am still in debt to you. The other news is that… General Midnight has your sister.”

Night Frost looked at Shining confused. He was going to explain but the general laughed. He turn his head to face them. He looked right at Frost and spoke.

“I broke her. Her body, her mind… her life. I have victory in at least that. You took the life of my daughter I took the life of your sister. I hope the family reunion is all you hoped it to be.”

The general laughed while Night Frost’s gaze fell. Applejack bucked him in the head knocking him unconscious. Spike came rushing in. Fluttershy and the previously captured ponies came in as well.

“You guys! Twilight's here!”

Twilight entered the room with haste and looked around. Shining noticed the blood on the bottom of her hooves. He wondered if it belonged to the guards in the castle or if it was from trying to secure the city. Twilight broke the ice around the General and lifted him with her magic. The general teleported out of the room.

“He is in the dungeons now. What a disturbed pony… Are you alright?”

None of the five mares answered her. Twilight felt a like she was back in Discord’s Equestria.

“Girls what’s-“

It was Spike who spoke on behalf of all of them.

“You lied to us Twi. The whole city went to tartarus and instead of letting your friends help you you lied.”

Twilight lowered her head.

“I just didn’t want to see you get hurt…”

Applejack shook her head.

“No, but you are fine with renderin’ us helpless while our families are still out there in the city. I don’t know where Granny , Mac, or Apple Bloom are. Rarity don’t know where her folks and sis are. Rainbow don’t know where scoots is. Pinkie and Fluttershy too. You’re like a sister to me Twi but, I could have very well lost my real sister today because you wouldn't let me make my own choice. I get it. You’re an alicorn and you can move the heavens and the earth and what not but unless you plan on being 20 places at once all that power don’t mean a thing.”

Twilight walked towards her.

“Applejack I never would insinuate-“

“You all can settles your foalish conversation at a later time. Right now do we know where my brother is? Where my sister is?”

Everypony remained silent. Frost turned to Twilight. The alicorn shook her head. She limped over to Twilight and spoke quietly.

“Your city is still at risk falling prey to my sisters' magic.”

“That’s just it though. The magic stopped. I was leading my troops through the city and suddenly I no longer felt that magic. Ponies returned to normal and the order was restored. I have seen Night Spark anywhere.”

Frost shook her head. A dizziness came over her. She fell over. Twilight began to fade and all she could see was blackness.

“Crystal… caverns…”

Night Spark walked from the caverns to the edge of the city. The distance between him and the castle was painfully obvious every time his eyes looked to it. Any pain he would go through did not worry him. He only remained grounded because and he did not want to risk hurting Night Tear. Walking with her on his back, they passed the homes of the poorer areas of the city. Angry and fearful glares were cast towards them. Night Spark felt her barely manage to tighten her grip.

“Do not mind them sister. Just focus on keeping your legs wrapped on me. Nothing else.”

A short time had passed and they eventually found themselves at a small fountain. Unlike the intricate and grand fountains of upper Canterlot society this one had been just average. The were no fancy designs or fine white stone. It was a true representation of the part of the city they were in. Night Spark carefully laid Night Tear against the fountain. Her body was broken and barely moved but her eyes searched around in fear. Several ponies stayed at a distance. Many were holding their own loved ones while others just watched the two changelings. Night Spark turned her face towards him. He smiled the best he could for her.

“I am going to clean your injuries. I am sorry I can’t get you medical help faster. This is more than likely going to sting however it is something we must do. Do you understand? I don’t want to cause you any more pain but-"

She responded by squeezing her eyes shut and slowly nodding. Night Spark cupped water with magic and began to slowly wash the blood off of her. When she winced his heart broke for her. Tears fell down her face despite how tight her eyes were shut. Night Spark guilty as his thoughts turned fearful. He applied only enough pressure to clean her injuries. Using any more may make Night Tear angry. The experience in the cave was still with him. He never wanted to feel that kind of fear again. Without more than a minute passing by it became apparent that he was not going to be able to clean her. Her wounds were too severe and she was losing too much blood. Her wincing became minimal as she began to slide gently to the side. She was passing out. Night Spark caught her in his hooves before she fell to the dirt.

“Sister! Tear!”

Her blood started to flow down on to him. Night Spark frantically looked at her unsure how to proceed. Turning his head he saw that some ponies were still just watching him.

“Help! She is bleeding! One of you go to the castle and tell Princess Twilight that I need help!”

A few of them walked away while others simply looked away. Most however just watched them. Of those who watched several appeared angry. Night Spark looked down at the dying sibling in his hooves. For his entire life he knew she existed but, he had never met her. In only a few hours she had become important to him. Her life was hell compared to his and despite everything she had remained good. She inspired him.

Angry tears fell from his eyes as he returned the glares of those who would not help him. He placed Tear down and stood to address them. His eye’s erupted with electrical surges.

“You should all be so lucky that I am traitor to my kind! Were I not I would reduce this entire city to ash along with your selfishness. If she dies… then this day is the day I join my kin against you!”

He lifted his horn up and pointed it towards the sky. Lightning flowed around his body.

“I used to look to your kind with some reverence! I thought we were the only monsters in this world. Now amidst a single day of chaos I see your true selves…”

All the lightning on him converged to a single point at the tip of his horn. It formed a blinding and strobing white ball.

“…monsters just like me!”

Cadence was pacing nervously around Crystal. Shining had told her exactly what had taken place in the castle. He sat across her as she went back and forth.

“You could have been killed! I should have gone instead. I’m sorry but, for some things you just need an alicorn!”

Shining scoffed.

“Oh that’s so not true! The only different result would be that you would have blown up have the castle instead of covering it in blood.”

She stop pacing and glared into his soul. Shining hated that glare.

“Shining Armor our filly will have both her parents. If you died… I would have put on the damn alicorn amulet that I KNOW is with that damn zebra. I would resurrect Nightmare Moon and sell Celestia to her if that’s what it took even to get a zombie version of you back. Black Midnight is a dangerous warrior but he is not me. I am an alicorn. I am a princess of equestria. I am a new mom for buck’s sake and no stupid freaking crazy stallion is going to make me a widow!”

Cadence was venting right before the balcony window. As she finished her ranted a massive lightning bolt from the far corner of Canterlot shot up into the sky. Shining stood upon seeing it and Cadence turned. The lightning continued for several seconds while illuminating the entire city. Thunder roared and rolled as both Cadence and Shining came to the same conclusion.

“Shiny that was him wasn’t it?”

Shining walked closer to her.

“Yeah, but Frost mumbled something about the Caverns. I sent troops there a while ago. The lightning looked like it came from the lower city.”

Cadence turned towards him and prodded him with her hoof.

“Well I am going to check it out while you sit here and watch our daughter.”

Shining cringed at receiving pokes to his injuries. He opened his mouth to protest but was silenced by the sun melting glare she gave him. With a pink flash she was gone.

Cadence looked around before realizing she sat in the middle of a fountain.

“Oh my.”

She stepped out and shook her legs to get the water off. The smell of burnt ozone filled the air and several of the buildings around her had shattered windows. Turning left and right she looked for Night Spark but saw nothing.

“Night Spark? Night Spark!”

“The other side of the fountain. Please…”

The strain in his voice was apparent. Cadence went around the fountain and gasped. She found him holding a changeling she didn’t recognize. The extent of the injuries were so severe Cadence found herself simply staring in disbelief. Night Spark looked at her and spoke.

“Please help her. Don’t let her die princess. I begged for help but no pony… don’t let her die.”

Cadence looked at him and then back and the changeling in his arms. She could sense his love for her. It was not just a brotherly love. The only word that came to her mind was desperate. She came closer to the two and placed a hoof on the injured changeling.

“Night Spark your kind feeds on love correct?”

Night Spark shook his head.

“Yes princess but… she feeds from the fear of others. I believe that is how she has stayed alive for so long. You will find a number of guards in those caverns. She fed on them for weeks… she…”

Cadence smiled at him. She had heard of the treacherous things Black Midnight had done. She did not know what happened in those caves but, Night Spark’s fearful expression clued her in that it must have been terrible.

“So you are telling me you don’t feed on love?”

Night Spark shook his head and looked down.

“I don’t feed. Please just focus on her. We don’t have time to speak.”

Cadence took both hooves and placed them on Night Tear. She began to pull her away from Night Spark. He was reluctant at first but, let Cadence hold her. Ignoring the blood and dirt on the changeling Cadence held her as a mother would. She closed her eyes and a cerulean aura surrounded the three of them. She thought of the sisterly love she had for Twilight. She thought of the friendly love she had for Night Frost. She thought of the love she shared with Shining Armor. Lastly she thought of the love she shared for her daughter. When she open her eyes they were glowing with magic. Night Spark felt a tingling sensation in his mind and chest. It was a sensation he had not felt since the Canterlot invasion. His eyes brimmed with tears. He looked over at Cadence whose loving gaze was fixed on Night Tear as she fed the both of them. The aches and pains in his body faded away. The fatigue left his body as his magic was not only replenished but strengthened. The aura glowed fiercely as Cadence began to weave several other spells in with her love. The smaller wounds on Night Tear’s body began to heal rapidly. Bruising seemed to fade in all but, the worst spots. The deeper and infected gashes on her body ceased bleeding but, remained. The aura faded and Cadence released a small sigh. Night Spark jaw quivered as Cadence smiled at him.

“Thought you could you use a snack ‘Mr.I-don’t-feed. She may feed on fear but, she is a changeling. She needs to eat her love if she wants a complete diet.”

Night Spark couldn’t look her in the eyes. Cadence’s horn flashed brightly and they found themselves in the medical wing of the castle. They were in a vacant room whose only other occupant was a nurse. She turned to a petrified pony and spoke firmly.

“Please find some doctors and tell them to report to me immediately.”

The nurse galloped off and Night Spark remained in shock.

“After everything my kind has done to yours. After what we did to you… I was a part of that invasion I was there. You share your love with us willingly. Are you not disturbed?”

Cadence looked down at the changeling she held.

“Changelings nearly killed me and took my husband. Changelings killed most of my subjects and nearly ended my life along with my child’s. I will not forget that… ever. Yet your sister saved my family. She gave us another chance when she had the perfect opportunity to end us.”

She gently ran her hoof along Night Tear’s mane.

“Maybe it makes me weak but, more so than my aunt I look for the good in others. I feel the love you share with your siblings Night Spark. It is innocent and speaks about you in a way words cannot. Harmony is powerful but, it is my belief that harmony can’t exist without love. You changelings are masters of magic. The world has seen when Alicorns dabble in dark arts yet the very nature of changelings; the way you transform, is dark magic. You are proof that changelings are incorruptible by dark magic.”

She turned away from Tear and looking at him. The sadness in her eyes was genuine.

“I think the only thing that can corrupt a changeling is the very thing which you survive on. Love is both your salvation and damnation. A changeling without love is cruel, jagged, and ruthless. The only thing driving them forward is their hunger. Perhaps in your mother’s case it is her love of her hive or hate of ponies I truly don’t know. A changeling with love? They are brave, powerful, and just as deserving as ponies. They are like you and I am not disgusted by you. I forgive you and will love you as one of my own subjects if that is what is takes for you to remain as you are. I more so than anyone understands your love for your friends and family. It’s a powerful love Night Spark but, forgive the cliche. Love can make you blind. Don’t allow yourself to be blind. Keep your eyes open.”

Night Spark felt so ashamed that he had once be a part of a plan to get rid of her. Bowing low he let some of the tears fall to the ground before rising to face her.

“You shame me, princess.”

“Please don’t be. You should never feel ashamed about receiving love. Oh look she is opening her eyes.”

Night Tear’s eyelids fluttered open. She saw Cadence and began to squirm in the pink alicorn’s hooves. The changeling’s mouth opened but no scream came as the pain found it’s way into her body. Night Spark rushed over and was about to comfort her but, Cadence beat him to it. She nuzzled the frail changeling and spoke gently in her ear.

“You are safe now. Nothing will harm you here. Please be still. I am going to have your wounds treated and then we are going to make sure you get rest. You have nothing to fear.”

As she repeated herself Night Tear just watched her. Minutes passed by in silence as she watched Cadence. Doctors came in and began prepping the area. Cadence paid them no attention. Instead she smiled down at the smaller changeling. Night Spark watched the princess comfort his sister wondering if there was ever a point where Chrysalis comforted her in the same manner.