//------------------------------// // Family Reunited // Story: Arcane Illness // by Mocha Star //------------------------------// "Dad! It's so great to *cough cough* ugh, see you. You got here safe and all too, that's great. And honey, you're here too. I'm so glad you're still well." "Well enough anyway. I'm getting paranoid and I feel claustrophobia beginning but I should last a couple days before anything is outwardly visible." "Wait Rain, you and White are a couple? Why didn't you tell me during that whole trip here?" "Wasn't important for you to know," White shrugged as she nuzzled Rain. "Careful, it's still a contagious flu. Don't want you to get double sick now, do we?" White rolled her eyes. "You're as caring as your father, now I know where you get it from. And why you're so awkward talking to mares." "Well I got you didn't I?" Rain said before a brief coughing fit, "so, we leave in the morning. Make sure you're all ready and prepared for a trip south. Way south, like to the edge of Equestria. The Changeling territories." Sun shook his head quickly. "No! Not only are you so not well you shouldn't be traveling but if we're going by hoof we're looking at a three month trip if we trot and gallop the whole way. It isn't possible at the rate you're saying ponies will die." "Sir," White started, "he's the toughest and smartest stallion I've ever met. He'll be fine, also we have transportation: the royal guards are still here. I asked them to wait and I got the okay from Luna before we left to have them take us there. It's a three day journey." "And dad, the disease progresses over the course of almost six months. There are rare cases where ponies fall victim to it faster but our projections say there's plenty of time for us to find what's going on and get a cure to nearly every unicorn before its fatal. There may be a chance that once the magic has been dispelled the brains will rebalance and most of the effects won't be long term or may reverse to normal. It's hard to say *cough* but there's always hope." "You always did carry your moms optimism. Okay, you lead the way and let's get this over with so I can get back to the shop." All three nodded and Sun walked over to Rain to nuzzle him. A heavy coughing fit from Rain into Suns face was enough to make them all groan. "And if I get the flu from this?" "Well pops. You're not immune to everything." A round of laughter filled the room as Sun gave his son the nuzzle he wanted to give his for the past few weeks. "Okay son, are you sure you're well enough to go?" Rain was sporting a white lab coat with his name on it and a lanyard with an ID badge; White was dressed the same except she wore a light blue scarf as well. "We're ready dad, let's just get out there and fix this before things get worse," he picked up a traveling suitcase and trotted to a double door and with a flick of his neck his mane and ID badge waved by the reader unlocking the door. A little push and he was through, waiting for the other two to join him. "C'mon Sun, we have a world to save and first we have to get there." "Wrong, first we have to not be eaten by a swarm of monsters." White and Rain smiled as they began walking down the hall towards the exit. "We're not worried, that's why we have you. If my theory is right..." "Then what, son?" "You'll see," he smirked back to his father that was right behind him. "Don't be cryptic after saying something like that. What's going on?" Reaching the last door and with a cough Rain looked to White and nodded. Unlocking the door he pushed it open and took a deep breath of the fresh air. "This is a beautiful day. Let's go." Grabbing his bag Rain galloped to the wagon and hopped in making the guards stumble forward with a grunt. "C'mon snails, let's go." "He always did love to travel," Sun said as he donned a pair of shades. "Where'd you get those shades, I though you lost them?" "I guess you could say, I got them from my Sun." "Yeeah, that wasn't very funny," White rolled her eyes. "Well they can't be like Luna's eyes." "What? What does that mean?" "All gems," he beamed. "...Wow, no wonder she fell for you. Can you teach Rain some of that stuff?" "I don't have a clue what you're talking about," he mused as they boarded the wagon and strapped in. "Son, you're ready?" "Sure thing pop. As ready as an actor before a play." "Ya see Sun, he's just not as funny." "Well, it's something we'll work on. Okay?" he reassured White as the wagon took off and the city shrank beneath them. "Wow dad. It's such a great view! I've never been this high before, except for the first time I saw White." Sun nudged her and smiled. "Okay, he's not that bad,"/i] she whispered behind the wind rushing past them to Sun. "Hey Rain, did he tell you about Luna?" "Oh hush, he'll find out eventually."