Knight of Bone

by nihilis3

And Low the Dead Shall Walk

Knock, knock, knock, Jeric woke to the rapid rapping on Fluttershy's front door. Some one was yelling but he couldn't make out who but it sounded somewhat urgent. Jeric reached over and grabbed his sword belt. Sitting up in bed he listened to the knocking. He belted the sword around his waist.

"Coming." Came the male voice from inside Fluttershy's house. It shocked poor little Rainbow Dash. 'She has a stallion over?' The little cyan mare thought confused. 'Wait maybe its some one with a pet emergency like me.' She tried to justify the odd occurrence. She jump a little as her friends door opened. Though she was relieved to see that it wasn't a stallion.

"What the heck are you?" The little rainbow haired mare asked hovering infront of him to look him in the eye.

"Oh my names Jeric I'm a human." He said smiling his best. "You must be Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy told me about you." He said motioning her to enter. "I think Fluttershy is still sleeping your friend Twilight kept us up late asking questions." He told her only to see her nod in sympathy.

"I can come back later. I have some concerns bout my pet but I don't think its too serious." She said looking down.

"Well I think it should be alright..." Jeric trailed off his eyes narrowing he felt it like a shockwave resounding through his soul. He sent the mental command for Skully to wake up. "Rainbow can you get to any form of guards or military. " He said hurriedly as he heard his familiar come bounding down the stairs.

"Sure Twilight can even contact the princess but what's going on." Rainbow said concerned. Jeric thought for a moment he needed to think. Think of a way to tell some one anyone what was coming some one who knew what he meant.

"Hey." He said an idea coming to him as crazy as it sounded. "Do you know an Blue alicorn that incades dreams." He asked hoping for her to say yes.

Celestia was looking forward to her impromptu trip to see her favorite student and best friend. The only reason she hadn't gone immediately when Luna had told her that the solution to her worries might be there was that she had dignitaries that wouldn't wait. Her packing was interrupted by a flash of green fire and a scroll floating in front of her. 'Oh Twilight can't you wait.' She thought playfully. That's when she noticed tha that it wasn't addressed to her but her sister.

"Ah Luna you got a letter." Celestia called confused. Luna came trotting in also looking confused. Celestia magically passed the letter to her sister. Who opened it and read.

Dear Dream Invader,
I regret to inform you that the necromancer has begun his work soon the dead shall rise. Please ready your armies. Please this important come see me in Ponyville at your earliest convenience.

P.S. Bring a map showing major grave or battle sites.

Jeric Knight Of Bone

"Sister I believe we should call the guards have them meet us at Twilight's." Luna said matter of factly. "Have the servents pack we don't have the time." She said stopping her sister cold.

"Midnight Shimmer, Would you be so kind as to inform guard captain Sonica Rain that we need her to meet us with a company of troops at Twilights." Celeslia inform a blue black unicor with white and black hair.

"Yes ma'am." The unicorn said leaving at a quick trot.

Twilight finished making sure all preparation for her teacher's arrival was done. She really wanted to know what Jeric had sent to Luna. Jeric was circling Twilight's map. He was waiting for the others to show up. Rainbow Dash had gone off to get Pinkie, Applejack, and Rarity. Twilight and Fluttershy simply sat in thier thrones watching him.

"What's wrong Jeric?" Fluttershy asked concerned by her friends dark mood. He looked at her then Twilight.

"It's really hard to explain, and you'll get the full story when you're friends arrive. What I will say is that someone very evil is building an army." He said placing a hand on the table map.

"Building an army?" Twilight said confused. "But there hasn't been any reports of recruiting." she said cocking her head.

"For now lets just say he's doesn't recuit." Jeric intoned he felt something in his palm and tattoo on his shoulder. Dam this cutiemark it itches. He thought scrathing both shoulders.

"Fluttershy why is scratching like that?" Twilight said looking at Jeric who was now getting worried.

"Uhm I might have a problem here." He said gribbing his shoulders the mild irritation turning to a full burning sensation. 'Why does this hurt so much.' He was burning up inside his armor. A purple glow bloomed around him as Twilight used her magic to get his shirts off. As soon as his shirt was off they saw his cutiemarks alight with a white black light. Twilight watched in amazement as her map began to react and a new throne formed next to hers the map suddlenly sprung to life showing a small village in the mountains and with a dark shadow encroaching. A white light struck out from between his fingers striking both the map and the chair. His mark was inscribed upon the throne and now floated as a magical projection above the village. "What was that?" Jeric asked standing back up and shrugging back into his armor.

"It means that the tree of harmony has chosen you as a new element." She said in shock. Now she had even more questions. "Why didn't you say that he had cutiemarks." She asked Fluttershy who shrugged in he meek manner not knowing how to reply.

"So what's the map thing." Jeric asked changing the topic.

"Oh it tells us where problems are and who can solve them." Fluttershy said happy for the change in topic. "Though I wonder what problem that town has." She said looking at the map.

"That's easy if I am to solve it then its the necromancer." He said looking at the growing darkness. 'It may not be his location but I'll be happy to save lives for now.' He thought now that he had something to go on.

His thoughts were interrupted by the other girls walking into the room. Along with two alicorns and quite a few bat ponies. The white alicorn and Rarity were speaking to each other.

"Princesses thank you for joining us. Also I wish to apologize for the last minute invite. But my new friend has important information for us." Twilight said as thentwo taller alicorns bow in greeting.

"Princesses, " he said with a deep bow Celestia found the new creature interesting but restained her self from questioning him. "I'm sorry to say this but your entire civilization is in danger from a threat known as a necromancy. Now I know that it will sound strange but that village is about to be attacked by dead reanimated via magical means." He said looking at the faces around him. Seeing mostly confusion and disbelief he decide to show them one example. "Know this but what I'm about to do is frowned upon in my order but you must know what we face." He said and with motion of his hands he brought a half rotten carcass in through the window. There were several exclamations of disgust especially from the necrid stench. With a sigh he placed his hand on the rat carcass he had found. He uttered the forbidden wordsasnhis hands touched the rotted flesh and he could feel the juicy bloated body.

Princess Celestia couldn't believe what she was seeing the human, as she was to understand the species was called. Was standing in the room touching a dead half decayed rat chanting. As she tried to figure it out she felt the air chill around her. As magical energy Coursed around her she felt that cold foreign energy again. The rats flesh began to melt away and a sickly blue light filled the where the eyes should have been. When the man finished his chant the rats skeleton was standing on its on and making horrid noises.

" this is necromancy and these are one of the things our enemy can create." Jeric said with a wave of his hand the rat skeleton crumble.

"Of coarse he can." Sonic Rain said glumly her face not betraying any emotions. "So how do we kill them?" She asked flaring out he bat like wings. Jeric smiled finally someone he could relate too.

"Most undead have the same weaknesses; fire, bashing in thier skulls, daylight silver, and any thing sanctified." he said laying his blade on the table. So they could see the blade.