//------------------------------// // Dance of Blood // Story: Knight of Bone // by nihilis3 //------------------------------// Jeric landed with bone jarring force before the undead army. Behind him keeping at a good fifty yards fice bat ponies, including Sonica. Watched as Jeric instructed. He wanted them to learn, they needed to see the dead as they are and to see how to fight them. The acrid stench of decay floated around him on the breeze. Jeric heard one of the ponies behind him wretch. His first time against the dead flashed in his mind. He could feel his leather armor. His first time smelling them he too had lost his lunch. He skipped most of th rest of the memory going strait to his fight alone against the enemy. The horde he was currently about to fight was getting closer he could feel the ground trembling. He let his emotions out of thier pen inside his mind he left fear wash over him worry bury it self in his soul. The raging storm threatened to consume him that was where he found what he was looking for. He grapped the red ember in his mind. It felt like fire in his mind. He let his mind go back to the memory bringing him face to face with his sister's kidnapper. He let rage consume him burning away the fear and apprehension. The enemy was now within reach. "Vex," He called hand elevated and fingers splayed. The first row of zombies froze their joints locking up as his magic took effect. They let out beastly roars at being stopped thier brains not regestering the pain. They broke thier bones trying to move the jagged white sprouting from putrid green skins. "La!" Jeric called out adding more lower behind the spell. With a simple downward hand motion he dragged the fifty enemies into the ground with enough force to cause a shockwave and blood and bile was flung skyward. Magic and rage mixed red in his eyes as he drew his blade and rushed the horde. Sonica had nev er seen anything like it in her life. Jeric had rushed in alone and with a command and gesture he had slain fifty of the decrepit ponies their flesh falling off in places. Jeric was currently using claw and sword to dance through the undead rankes. She watched as he deftly danced around claws made of former wings. It was then that she noticed that swirling around Jeric was a trail of ivory. The moment she saw the white trail he started using it as a weapon. Parts of it he used almost like darts solidifying them and kinecticly sending them through skulls. "Wow I've never seen magic like that." North Star said in amazement as Jeric used a particularly grandiose maneuver impaling several zombies and sending multiple spikes into them. "Captain he's amazing. " North stated watching her friend rip a zombies head off with his bear hands. She shuddered as her was drenched in blood and other unidentified fluids from his enemies. Jeric looked at the remainder of his enemies their shambling forms still taking up his view. He knew he only had about 400 left, after all Skully had been counting. Another zombie came lunging at him both arms raised in an attemp to grapple. Jeric kicked it in chest. With a wicked grin he sank Skully's scyth like claw into the things bloated chest. He quickly brought his other clawed foot up and severed its head from its shoulders. Witth a quick back flip he sent the headless corps over his head. From his now crouch position he used his wings to spring forward. Midnight his sword danced in his hands. Contrails of blood and chunks of flesh danced through the air around him. The combat ended no more than Six hours after he had started. When he had whittled down the enemy to a mere hundred he had let the five bat ponies help out. He made them take turns to ensure that he could cover them as they fought the undead. Sonica's turn came up again and she swooped into the fray. She let her momentum carry her as she stood on her hind legs and spread her front wide. The long blades that were strapped to her wrist cut through several of the obominations. She came to a stop panting And dropped to all fours. Movement on her left caught her attention. To her dismay a skeleton she had missed had sprung toowards her. She stumbled back unable to react. She watched in horror as the creature reached out. It hoof was nothing more then a razor blade now. She looked in its empty eye sockets. She was about to scream when a clawed hand darted over her. 'My hero.' She thought as Jeric gabbed the creatures skeletal snout and slammed it into the ground shattering the creatures skull like glass. Again she couldn't help but give into her feelings for him. With that the fight had ended. The oncoming army had been slain. "Are you ok." Jeric asked helping Sonica to her feat. "What oh yes I'm fine." She said embarrassed at her ineptitude. "I can't believe that just happened! " she groaned as they left the battlefield. 'I wonder if he dislikes clumsy girls.' She thought blushing again. Once they were back in formation Jeric relaxed. "Well I think today went rather well." He said laughing. The others lookedxat him as though he were mad. "Hey no one died, and you guys got a little training in how to fight these things." He said flaring his wings. Several chunks of rotted flesh fell from them causing North Star to crinkle her nose. "I really need a bath after that." North said using the clawwed hook on her wing to pick at some zombie entrails that was stuck on her armor. "I won't be able to get the smell out of my coat for weeks." She complained. Jeric chuckled again he had long ago learned to ignore the stench, atleast till he could wash it out. "A good tomato juice bath will get that out." He said with a smile happy that his unit had survived.They arrived in town finding everything in order. Both the mayor and the white pegasus waited to greet them. The two of the were chatting away. "He was amazing he slew almost the entire horde by himself you shuold have seen it." The white pegasus saidin hush tones. Jeric sighed he had hoped only the five would have seen it. 'Shambling hordes are the easiest to defeat, I had only hoped to inspire some of the troops and give them hope.' He thought walking up to them. "I hear you made sure that the army never even reached our borders." He said trying not to look disgusted by the smell they were eminating. Jeric saw himself in a window, 'Dear gods I'm more gore than man.' He thought chuckling again. 'Atleast we can hopefully get cleaned up.' He thought as Sonica asked the mayor for a large vat of the juice to be prepared. As soon as the she had a time estimate they walked back to the others. "Welp crisis over and in about ten minutes we can get cleaned up." Sonica said happily feelings of pride and relief swelling in her chest. "Well that's all good but lets talk about what happened out there." Midnight Flare said. He tried to look intimidating puffing his chest and flaring his wings. Midnight had not liked being showed up especially by a stranger. "Back off Flare he just showed us how to fight those things." North Star said angrily. She didn't much care for her brothers attitude. She stared down the large cream colored bat pony. "If you have any questions I can answer them if you want to complain then next time jump in sooner." Jeric said since he wasn't one to let others fight his battles. Flare nearly tripped over his own feet as Jeric let out his wings. The stallion looked terrified as he felt earthquakes with each step. "Those abominations were the weakest of thier ilk. He used them because he was low on materials and magic." He said voicing his own complaints and fears. "There are hundreds of creatures he can produce. Each with a dozen ways to kill you." He said using a clawed finger to drive his point home. "I fought monsters and the men who created them. I have watched as friends were turned or eaten. I was powerless to save my villige and my family." He said eyes going to that dark place. "I never want to see the people I care about dragged of to fates worse then death again." He breathed regaining his composure. He didn't feel like continuing not caring what the others thought of him. He decided to see if the bath was ready Skully was complaining in his mind bout how she wasn't supposed to have skin. "Most dangerous man in our world and you decide to get on his bad side." North sighed watching as Jeric walked away. "I didn't know about his family." Flare said scratching at his red mane. "And how is he the most dangerous man? I thought the necromancer was the most dangerous?" He said confused. "No stupid think about it. How can the necromancer be more dangerous if he's Jeric's prey." North Star said proudly as she went to follow Jeric. "Hey captain he probably won't be wearing his armor in the tub." She said with a mischievous grin and a wink. Jeric didn't go straight for the building that the tub was being set up in. Instead he went to the local well and pulled out a bucket of water. He splashed it over himself washing the gunk from himself. With a quick wave of his hand the grisly muck at his feet turned to ash and drifted away on the wind. Jeric sighed leaning against the well. 'I may have gone a little too far.' He thought as he slid down to a sitting position. He was tired it was the first time he had fought so many at once. 'Why'd I go take the whole army on myself its why I had the team.' He contemplated the quandry for a little while longer before chalking it up to anger. With another sigh he stood up. 'Man I hate tomato baths.'