Knight of Bone

by nihilis3

9 Ways to Date a Man

Sonica sat on the train home. She was dreading the arrival to Ponyville. She might be separated from her very special somepony. The train pulled into the station and off loaded its passengers. Twilight and her friends stood on the tarmac. They were all smiles except Pinkie Pie she was a storm of happy. Also as she had feared standing on the tarmac was Princess Luna. She felt the sadness grow a little the prospect of being sent home to the rookery without Jeric. Luna looked at the little bat pony. She had to stifle a giggle seeing how down trodden the pony was. Sonica's dreams had already revealed her sorrows to Luna.

The dream had been quite saucy, atleast it looked like sauce. 'It was atkeast tomato based.' She thought with a smile. The dream had revolved around them bathing each other. Luna had been about to interrupt not wanting to end up seeing something she really shouldn't. When Sonica spoke.

"You still haven't shown me your scars." Sonica said looking almost as if she was about to jump him.

"The only scar I care to show is the one you've given me." The Dream Jeric said about to pull Sonica into a kiss. It was then that Midnight flare walked in and woke Sonica up. Luna sat down in her dream scape. She looked down the long hall with many doors. The doors floated within nothing an endless multicolored void made up the walls. There was one door unlike the others. She how ever knew it, while all the others where basic wooden doors, this door was heavy stone with skulls and archaic runes decorating it. There was a new addition she saw. There was now a large chain with a lock.

"Wow first time someone has locked me out." Luna said examining the lock. She spotted some writing on the lock. 'Please knock for entry.' She read nearly laughing. "He really doesn't like visitors. " she laughed knocking. The lock gave a resounding click and the chain receded.

Sonica cleared her throat pulling Luna back to the present. Sonica stood at attention along with the rest of her platoon. The seventeen bat ponies stood completely still as their Princess inspected them. Jeric walked over and saluted Luna.

"They performed their duties admirably ma'am." He said keeping a stern expression his years of training keeping him stoic. His helmet help a lot with iding emotions. "I even managed to get some of them combat experience." He reported eager to get the debriefing out of the way. Since all she did the night before was notify him the map was back to normal, and request his teams return to Ponyville.

"So I heard mister 925." Luna said chuckling as Jeric sheepishly tried to hide his embarrassment. "So seem to have left quite the impression on a quite a few ponies." Luna said beaming at how well every one was adjusting to him. She turned towards her bat ponies. "It has come to my attention that the necromancer is still at large. So I have decide to move our Rookery to Ponyville for the time being." She said smiling at there small cheer that went up from the crowed. "And don't worry we'll have plenty of tomato sauce handy." She whispered to Sonica who blushed. "Perhaps we should add a foal care." Luna mused walking away to talk to the ponies she had charged with moving the rook.

"Your highness I feel that as a knight I feel I should make this official." He said walking up to Luna. When he caught up to her, he took a knee and bowed his head. "Your highness I pledge my sword and life to your sevice." He said drawing his blade and laying his sword across his palms. Luna looked at the display in utter confusion. "Oh, right ah you would normally take the sword and perform a knighting but I guess you don't do that." He said looking up at Luna he could see gears turning in her head.

"Actually we have something like that bow once more please." Luna said with a smile. When Jeric complied she drew a little magic into her horn. "I now knight you Sir Jeric Knight of Bones." She said placing her horn on his shoulders one at a time. "Now rise my new knight." She said letting her horn go dark.

After to brief ceremony which had thrilled Sonica greatly, tat is until she realized that he outranked her again. She made her way over to Twilight and friends. She had a problem and they might be able to help.

"Hi Sonica do you need help." Twilight said noticing Sonica's approach.

"Actually I was wondering if any of you would be." She stopped think over her words and trying to squash her embarrassment. "I need to know how to get a stallion's attention. " she said in a tone almost as soft as Fluttershy's.

"Oh that's simply marvelous darling whose the lucky stallion!" Rarity said her eyes shining at the prospect.

"He's right over there." Sonic said pointing in his general direction. The girls looked over and then ack in confusion.

"You mean you like my brother?" Applejack asked to be sure.

"What?" Sonica said looking over to see Jeric and a large red pony talking. "Not the red one." She said with a sigh. 'Why is this so hard." She thought in dispare. 'Just say his name!' She screamed inside.

"Oh my." Fluttershy said catching on. She was blushing even more so then the captain. "Girls I think the captin has a serious problem." Fluttershy said in pure sympathy.

"Why is that darling does he have a marefriend." Rarity said with a gasp. It was a good and juicy scandal in her mind.

"If only that was the issue." Sonica groened.

"Then what is the problem." Pinkie pie asked.

"He's a not exactly the same species as us." She said with a blush that showed just how badly she liked him.

"I see how that could be a problem." Twilight said looking over at Jeric who was aiding Big Mac with barrel of apples. He hefted a second barrel using his free hand. 'Ok I see it.' She thought as she looked back at Sonica. "So how can we help?" Asked with a sparkle in her eyes.

"Oh I know exactly how to help." Rarity said with a seductive smile.

Sonica sat on her haunches looking a lot like a puppy. She watched as Rarity grabbed every piece of cloth she could. Rarity had first said that a makeover was in order. Luna also had tagged along to add moral support. At least that what she had said. Really, she was there to enjoy the show. Rarity finally stopped running around. She then selected a dark purple material and then began to mark out a design.

"So darling tell me what it was like, falling in love." Rarity said wistfully as she began taking Sonica's measurements.

"Well at first I didn't trust him. I mean he was so odd." She said looking back at Rarity and smiling. "But the moment I looked into his eyes, wow it felt like my mind was struck by lightning and my body was engulfed in a warm cloud. After which I couldn't do anything right and kept embarrassing my self." She said sheepishly.

"Ahhh, that's so sweet." Sweetie Bell Rarity's little sister said as she walked in carrying some gems her sister had asked for. "So who's your special somepony?" She asked putting her hooves on the daise and hopping on her back legs excitedly.

"It's a little embarrassing but uhm Jeric." Sonica said blushing andpulling one of her wings over her face. Sweetie Bell looked confused by the gesture but instantly became distract by the lack of something on Sonica's flank.

"Your a blank flank too?" She exclaimed shocked.

"Oh, I forgot I still had on my my make up." Sonica said as she used her wing to wipe her flank revealing her cutiemark, it was a bat shaped microphone with musical notes around it. "I cover it up so my fans won't bother me on duty." Sonica explain blushing again.

"Why your a star deary why did you not say so before." Rarity asked looking at her dress as it was coming together via her magic. 'Will this be good enough?' She thought.

"Its not that important besides I have enough to deal with trying to win my desired ones heart." Sonica said exasperated.

"Why not just ask him. I'm sure he would love to hear you sing." Sweetie Bell said perky as ever. Sonica sat dumbfounded she hadn't thought of that. Rarity agreed but mention that there need to be more. Saying that Sonica would need to properly court her man. She continued with the dress.

"You see Sweetie Bell Miss Rain must first get her feelings across to Sir Jeric, and unfortunately the poor dear has no clue how." Rarity said with a wink to Sonica.

"No but give here a couple gallons of tomato sauce and she can get pretty close." Luna laughed watching the confusion on the little filly's face. Sonica let out a groen and hid deeper in her wings. "Lets just say she had a very saucy dream." The blue alicorn explained playfully.

"Oh my, princess were you peeking at a personal matter." Rarity chided while laughing. "Though food is a good way to win a stallion's attention." Rarity thought aloud. Sonica was now out of he wings and sitting at attention. "Another good way is perfumes and learning what they do for fun." She continued as she finished up Sonica's dress. "Let see oh right show your vulnerable side men love to feel strong." She finished giving the dress to Sonica.

"And if that fails just throw some pasta at him." Luna laughed once more.

Jeric stood infront of one of the many restaurants in Ponyville. This particular eatery was Italian, he could smell the garlic from where he stood. He was dressed as requested in the suit Rarity had made him. The suit it self was superb. It was a light breathable black silk with red stripes down the legs. It also had a fine silver trim to compliment his sword. The white under shirt with red vest showed well against his decorative twin tail jacket. 'I feel like a fool.' He thought looking around and playing with his black silk neck tie with ruby clip. 'The princess said 8 sharp.' He shifted his weight. 'And what could we possibly be meeting about at a restaurant.' He thought watching the finely dressed patrons entering and leaving. The patrons offten gave him an odd look too.

"Don't worry deary you look smashing." Rarity said happily.

"Its not the dress I'm worried about, Anyways why an Italian place." She asked dreading the answer.

"Oh Luna suggested it. She mention something about you drawing power from the sauce." Rarity explained innocently. Sonica however was now huddled in a corner out of embarrassment. 'That's it she dies... I wonder if he likes pasta.' Sonica thought frazzled. The carriage came a stop. She peeked out felt he heart freeze and whipped back inside clinging to wall like she was falling. "What ever is the problem.

"You did this." Sonica glared at Rarity. "I thought he couldn't get any more gorgeous but no you just had to stick your hoof in and make him divine." Sonica gave a peak out her window. She felt her legs turn to jello an clung even tight to the wall. 'Oh boy does she have it bad.' Rarity thought as she magically pried Sonica from the wall.

"Listen darling I'm not going to force you out there." Rarity said she however turned toward the door. "How ever your guest has waited long enough, and besides he does look smashing in that suit." Rarity opened the carriage door. Sonica lunged the thought of the prissy mare eating with her stallion sending her over the edge. To late she realized that Rarity had tricked her, and one deft side step from the unicorn later. She found herself outside the carriage trying to maintain her balance. Jeric was at her side in moments hhelp to steady her. 'Sweet Celestia don't ever let me go!" She thought as he steadied her.

"So here forthe meeting as well, I think we are the first." He said happy to no longer be standing around. Much to her disappointment he let go. "By the way you look good." He said taking note of her oriental style dress and silver crawling shoes. In her hair she wore a single three feathered barret with a large violet crystal as its center. He also noticed her cutiemark. "So you do have one of those." He said indicating her mark.

"Why of coarse its a ponies pride and joy." Sonica said he led her to the entrance. "Why is yours covered?" She asked disappointed. 'Not that the view is lacking at all from this angle.' She thought as she lingered a little to long.

"Actually my mark in on my arm so you can stop staring at my backside." He laughed as she blushed. She gazed upon his smile and something clicked in her mind. 'I want to see that smile for eternity.' She thought all her doubt and fear leaving. 'I will be what makes him happy.'

Jeric looked down at her. She had stopped moving which concerned him. Looking down at her he saw an expression he couldn't describe directed at himself. Not knowing what to do he gave her a little head pat. She responded by nuzzling his hand. 'Wait did she just?' He thought shocked. Sonica snapped to attention and blushed.

"I ah... ah I." She fumbled with her words. "Ok I'll be straight with you." She took a deep breath. "I love I know there's no rhyme or reason and we only met a few days ago and we barely know each other but I'm wild about you. Your the most interesting pony I know your strong handsome and all you want to do is protect others. This isn't some meeting its a date that princess Luna set up and I really want to be on." Her face registered concerned. 'What if he rejects me right here?' She thought scared.

"Well ain't that just a pip and here I thought I was in for a boring dinner with a bunch of politicians. A date with you my lady sounds like a much more promising prospect." He said with a broad smile. "Oh and don't worry bout the whole cross species thing back in my world there are lot wierder couplings." He said opening the door for her. She thanked him and they entered the restaurant.

The two were seated at a prime table close to a stage where a grey mare with a treble cleft cutiemark played a chello. The waiters bustled about bringout numerous vegan dishes and pastas of all sorts.

"Man I could really go for a nice steak right now." Jeric said wistfully imagining a nice juicy steak its fatty sides slightly browned the top blackened with a nice pink center. It was about this time that he noticed the look of disgust on Sonicas face. "Sorry my race is omnivorous meaning we eat both." He explained as he picked out a nice pasta from the menu.

"Well I guess there has to be one flaw." Sonica said with a sigh. "You don't ah eat your young right?" She asked concerned. Jeric nearly choked on nothing.

"No we don't we protect and guard the young." He said then a thought struck him. "I know how bout I tell you about human social structure I think you'll find it familiar." He said, Sonica shook her head.

"Twilight would like that though she loves that stuff." Sonic said smiling. "Though I would love tobhear all about you. After all your my prize tonight." She said her eyes turning predatory.

Luna sat in the restaurant's balcony watching the show with her sister and friends. Twilight was taking notes as per the usual. Celestia was simply watching as the courtship continued. She wwas hopiing that the human would find a reason to stay. Luna how ever was more interested in the evenings entertainment value. She watched the events unfold waiting for her special guests to show up.

"So what plans do you have for after we catch the necromancer?" Sonica asked off handedly.

"Well being as I made a blind planar jump I can't just go home. See the planes are a maze and one off coordinate will send you to the wrong place some deadly just to step foot in." Jeric explained leaning back in his chair. "Besides why would I leave my present company." He smiled his best smile.

"Oh well I have pretty nice company my self." Sonica said as thier food arrived. She watched as jeric grabbed the eating utensils that unicorns used. "Those things are useful." She said pointing at his hands.with her wings.

"Yeah they really help with every day chores." He said as he splayed his finger. Looking at her he thought for a moment. 'Well why not show off.' And with a smile he cast a spell that brought into existence a beautiful silver necklace it had two unicorns holding a blood red ruby.

"How did you?" Sonica said amazed she had seen unicorns do a lot of amazing things. But conjuring something out of nothing was unheard of even alicorns hadn't done it. "Thats amazing you can create things. Even the princesses can't do that!" She exclaimed drawing the entire restaurants attention.

Luna was just staring shocked. Twilight was no longer taking notes she more then anyone was petrified her studies of magic had never revealed magic like that. Celestia was highly concerned again she had felt magic move in a strange way and this time it had happened before her. 'Jeric is far more powerful then he lets on.' She thought solemnly.

"Luna I think you may have nighted a prince." Celestai said as her sister nodded.