//------------------------------// // Discord // Story: Found Twins // by PhoelynFabulous //------------------------------// For the first time in over a thousand years, Sizzle and Shimmer felt safe and happy. It truly was so long since they had been happy: Happy for five years of their lives, than just battling to stay alive, hiding from a monster. It wasn't fun. "How... how's your wing, Sizzle?" Twilight said worriedly. She was constantly worried about Shimmer and Sizzle's wounds. "As good as it'd been for a thousand years. Why are you so worried?" Twilight cringed. "Even with all the villains I've defeated, I've never had to deal with... blood, or major wounds like that. Not even Discord let anypony bleed or be broken, and I watched him blow something up!" Sizzle, who was drinking a bit of water that was brought to her, spit it out in shock and turned her head towards Twilight in less than a second. "You've seen DISCORD!?" She said in shock, her sister doing the same, "I thought he was gone over a thousand years ago! AND he hurt NOPONY?!" Sizle said disgustedly "I watched him kill a pony!" Twilight and the other alicorns stared in shock at Sizzle. Celestia and Luna stopped staring. The other two, however, stayed staring in horror. "He's.... killed a pony?" Cadence said quietly, clearly terrified. "Many. There was a whole war between the alicorns and Discord, and he killed all of them except us and maybe Celestia and Luna." Sizzle said. She suddenly had tears in her eyes. "One of my first memorys I got while I was five years old, was watching Discord burn our house to the ground in a multicolored flame, our parents screaming, still inside." A tear slid down her cheek. "Oh... my..." Twilight said in horror. She didn't know what to think. "Discord... returned out of stone once... he plunged the world into chaos, and split apart my friends, but we fixed everything when we turned him to stone again... and... he didn't kill... anypony." Sizzle gave her a look of horror. "He was turned to stone? That's good, but he got OUT?! What if he does again? What if he kills all the unicorns or something this time!" Twilight cringed. "Well, you see... Discord... well, he... isn't in stone right now." "WHAT?!" Sizzle and Shimmer yelled together. "Why haven't you done something about it?! Turned him to stone again?!" Shimmer said, suddenly scared for her life. "Don't panic! We turned him into a friend! He will not hurt anypony ever again." Shimmer and Sizzle weren't believing it for a second. "I hope I never see that monster again in my life." "He's not a monster anymore. Please believe me. I'll bring him here if you don't believe me." said Twilight, giving the girls a slightly angry, yet understanding look. She understood why they hated Discord, but if they kept hating him like this, he could kill them. "DON'T! Don't bring Discord here! It doesn't matter who says it, that will forever be a TERRIBLE idea!" said Shimmer, who quickly became afraid that these ponies were secretly trying to get them killed. "Oh, so many ponies saying my name all the time. What are you ponies talking about me for?" said a voice in the ceiling. Chills ran down Sizzle and Shimmer's backs. If they imagined that voice laughing maniacally, they would create a perfect image of their parents being burned alive. Sizzle quickly ran into action, leaping off her bed, making all of the machines disconnect to her. She stood in front of her sister protectively, putting up a magic shield. "DISCORD! You will leave and never return!" said Sizzle in a powerful voice. Every alicorn had a powerful voice. It was loud and forceful, and it had a small amount of alicorn magic inside it, making most things follow the order or cower in fear. It was like Luna's voice on her first Nightmare Night. Discord, however, wasn't most things. He was only a little surprised at the voice. "Ooo! I haven't heard an alicorn talk like that in a thousand years!" He then greeted everyone. "Hello, Celestia. Luna. Cadence. Princess Twilight." He snickered. Twilight sighed. "Discord, you're scaring our new friends here. They think you killed ponies, including their parents! And, though I believe them, I don't think you deserve to be put into stone again. You already served your punishment for those things. Unless..." Twilight made an angry face at him,"You make yourself deserve it by acting this way." "Oh please, Twilight, you think I actually killed a pony? I can't believe you would even think I'd do something like that. Anyways, who are these-" He paused, and attempted to teleport into Sizzle's forcefield to finish his sentence, but failed, smashing into it's outside walls. "Holy... Lovely alicorns? I haven't seen a spell like that in a thousand years either! A chaos-blocking spell?" Celestia and Luna gasped and jumped back, which made Twilight and Cadence look at them. They quickly got back into position, trying to look like nothing happened. "I haven't seen those since that silly war with all the alicorns!" Discord finished. "I'm glad I could stop Celestia and Luna from using them, or else I would have been done for! Well, the Elements made me 'done for', but if they didn't exist, that is!" Sizzle suddenly dropped her magic shield, and instead wrapped her magic around Discord in a levitation spell. But, there was something strange about it, as Twilight noticed, because her horn was flared up and sparking. It only needed to be lit to do levitation. It only needed to be like that if she was doing a larger, more complicated spell. Twilight understood what she was doing as Discord said it out-loud. "Oh, curse you silly alicorns, trying to contain my magic!" Discord said quietly and angrily, as he attempted to break his magic through the chaos-blocking spell. Sizzle's magic only got a stronger hold. "Wait a minute!" Twilight realized something Discord had said,"'I'm glad I could stop Celestia and Luna from using them'? Did you CURSE them into not using that spell?!" "Well, maybe." Discord replied. He had stopped trying to break out of the spell, realizing that it was pointless. "And 'silly war with all the alicorns?! If there could be an 'all', then there were definitely more than six! I bet you're lying and that you DID kill alicorns! You killed almost all of them!" "Well..." Discord said, flinching. "They left me with no choice. They should have known better than to try and contain the Lord of Chaos." Twilight sighed, and said "Celestia, do you know what happened? I'm sure you'll know." Celestia opened her mouth, and closed it again. She seemed to not want to tell the tale. "Okay." she finally said,"But only if Discord leaves. He will only upset Shimmer and Sizzle more." "Now, I WOULD leave, if SOMEPONY would allow me to teleport again!" He looked and Sizzle angrily. Sizzle released him, and he teleported away. "A friend, huh?" "Sort of. It's hard to call him a friend." Twilight said. "Anyways... Celestia?" Celestia sighed, and started. "Over a thousand years ago..."