//------------------------------// // One-Wing // Story: Found Twins // by PhoelynFabulous //------------------------------// Twilight and Cadence were shocked and sad at the story. Celestia and Luna seemed sad from telling it. The sisters were trying as hard as they possibly could to hold back tears. They had heard this story before. They lived inside this story. The other ponies didn't notice. "I... can believe him doing that. But... maybe they could have been kinder? Asked Discord to have his own little space, and then they have theirs?" "Tried it." Shimmer said before anypony could continue. Her voice cracked and wavered. "The... the alicorns created a pocket dimension for... for him to reign chaos in... We even helped, though... though since we were four it... it didn't do much for us to help. Discord ruled with his... his chaos in it for... for two days... and then he left out of... of boredom." Shimmer began to cry quietly. Celestia realized that the story she told was like shoving Shimmer and Sizzle's nightmares and pasts in their faces. Sizzle had begun to cry quietly as well. Luna went to comfort Sizzle, while Celestia comforted Shimmer. They hugged them, and told them it was okay. Shimmer sniffled, and said "Thank you." "Okay. Now that we are away from the past, we must get back to the present. The doctors must deal with those wounds. I know how they may help Shimmer, disinfect the area and stitch the scars. But-" Celestia was interrupted by Shimmer. "No disinfecting required. While down in the caves, I got my cutie mark in health and healing from using a complex spell to remove every speck of dirt or anything that could get us infected from our wounds." Shimmer said, showing off her mark. It was a big, green health symbol, surrounded in a white glow. "Sizzle doesn't have a mark, before you ask." "Well, I guess they won't need to do that." Celestia said. "But what I'm most worried about is Sizzle's wing. Will they fix it, take if off and fix it, or just take it off?" Sizzle was now staring at Celestia, concerned. "'Take it off'? Umm, I hope..." she seemed like she was going to say 'not', but she also seemed like she was thinking about the options. Eventually, she said,"Will... it hurt?" "Not if they put you to sleep it wont." Luna said. "Well, I guess I should be prepared for somepony to take my wing off!" ----- Shimmer walked out into the waiting room, her scars covered up by stitches. It wasn't hard to tell that she was forcing a smile. "There we go! Your scars are all covered up!" said Cadence happily. Then she noticed the forced happiness. "Why are you upset?" "Not upset. Just... worried for Sizzle. They have decided to remove the wing, and are still trying to figure out if fixing it afterwards would be impossible." Shimmer said, removing the fake smile. "They have started already, around the same time I got my stitches started." Twilight went to comfort Shimmer. "Don't worry. Either way, she wont be able to feel the horrible pain that the wing must cause. She will be more happy then she's ever been before!" Shimmer gave Twilight a real smile, then they went back to the waiting room chairs to wait for Sizzle. After a while, a familiar orange alicorn walked through the door. There was something unfamiliar about her, however. Her twisted, shattered, broken wing, was no longer there, and there were bandages wrapped in it's place. They had to be wrapped diagonally to be placed the way they were, under the existing wing, and over the wound were there once was one. "Hi guys." Sizzle said in a much lighter voice than normal. Almost as if she had been holding a boulder on everything, including her voice, and than suddenly it was lifted. "Sizzle!" Shimmer said happily, and ran to hug her twin sister.