A Whole New World

by Nick the Brony

Chapter 1: Weird Place, Weird People, Weird Ruins

"Attention passengers. We have just arrived at the coast of South America. We should arrive at our destination in about 30 minutes."

"Finally, about time we reach the coast. My back is killing me." Hello, the names Joel. I am a 14 year old teen from Canada. Most of you are problably thinking, "Why the heck are you in South America, and not at school?" Well it's kinda a long story, so I'll give you the short version. I was born into a rich family back in 1999. We lived in a beautiful house just outside the city. Most of you are thinking how lucky I was to live rich. Well let me tell you, you're the one that is lucky. Life was so boring, nothing happened around the house, the rules would work well in prison, and I never got much time to spend with my family.

When I did get the time, it was usually with my mom. She always seemed to love me more than dad, since he was so focused on work. Did I mention what he does? No, ok. He is basically an archeologist, looking for treasures from the past. He seriously reminds me of Indiana Jones. His occupation was almost the same as my dads. My dad would even say some quotes from the movies. He even carrys a whip. I swear his whole being is copyrighted.

Anyways, life seemed to get better as I spent more and more time with mom. But, the universe is jerk as you all know, and mom soon died from unknown causes. I was only 11 when that happened. That day was the worst day of my life. I don't think I ever will be able to cry as hard as I did on that day ever. What seemed to be my only hope of living a normal life, vanished.

After that day, life went down hill. Since mom was out of the picture, dad was forced to take me on his trips. We were both not happy about it, and dad would yell at me sometimes about moms death. Luckily that does not happen as much anymore.

I am pretty sure I have been on every continent so far. Well, exept Antarctica. Is it considered a continent? We are now on a trip to the jungles of South America. There have been some rumours about ruins in the jungles. Maybe even some treasure, and with dad always wanting to get richer and richer, we are heading for there right now.

"Ah quit your complaining. Your back ain't going to break, yet a least." Dad said. I think that was a threat.

"Ya whatever." I responded, not feeling threatened at all. I've been going on these trip for quite awhile now, and he has done a lot of horrible things to me. He has whipped me, punched me, and even cut me. He has done a whole lot more, but it is just that I think that he is starting to run out of ideas on how to punish me. So, I feel safe.

"Attention passengers. We are expecting turbulance to take place soon. Wait, the caption says we should hit turbulance in about 3, 2, 1."

Right on cue, the plane started to vibrate rapidly. This wasn't making my stomach feel right. After about a minute of intense shaking, it finnaly stopped. Sadley, the pain in my stomach didn't. "I think I'm ... going lose my ... lunch now, hgh."

"Well than make sure you don't make a mess. You can throw up in this bag." He than handed me the small plastic bag which I know would not help.

"Thanks a lot." I said full of sarcasm.

After about 20 minutes of flying, we finally made it to our destination. The landing could of been sooner, but that was the least of my problems. The combination of the turbulence and the bad airplane food has made its tole on my stomach. A least the flight was over.

Once we made it through the airport, we took a jeep and headed for the village we had to go to. I have to say, Rio de Janeiro looks amazing at night. The city lights make me feel nice inside oddly. After about 3 hours of driving, getting stuck, and more driving, we finally made it to the village. Ok, not trying to be racist, but this is the sketchiest place I have ever seen. This is like New York City back alley sketchy.

"Ym dad, you sure this is the right place?"

Looking at a map, dad answered, "This is the place, now look for a man that has our names on a sign."

After about a minute of walking, I saw something that made me want out of this place.

"Dad, there's a man hugging a bunch of chickens. And I think I just saw some guys showing me some pills. Can we go?" I asked. I really did want out of here.

"No, we must find the ruins, and you are going to help me if you like it or not. And don't worry, what happens here is problably normal."

I than slapped him on the face, "Dad! Thats racist!" I yelled.

"Son, racism is only in the mind of the hearer." he responded, surprisingly calm.

"You should at least give these people some respect. They have to live in poor conditions every day. I respect them for that." I said, trying to protect these people.

"Yah whatever, just keep looking." dad said. If there is any wonder why I don't like him, than you guys need some help.

We soon found the man. He was wearing shorts and a Hawaii shirt. A goat stood beside him looking at us, which isn't creepy at all.

"Mr. Berg, Joel, welcome! It is great to see you. We hope your trip to our little village was most comfortable." he said with a strong accent.

"Well besides my sore back, the bugs, and the heat, it was fine." I answered, hoping he would know what I meant. "Thats great. We are really exited to take you into the jungle."

"Hold up. What do you mean we?" I questioned. Please be a cute girl, please be a cute girl.

"Well me and Buttercup of course. She'll be taking you tomorrow." he said, patting the goat. "Wait, what! Your telling me that a goat is going to guide me through the jungle! A fucking goat!" I yelled.

"Well of course. Getting people to do it is too expansive. Plus, she is well trained in the art of guiding. She knows what plants are safe for her to eat. Isn't that right girl?" he said, hugging the animal. "Now come inside, you'll need the rest for tomorrow." he finished.

Ok, I finally had enough."Dad, you are 100% sure this is the right place, and the right guy?"

"For the last time yes. Now quit the complaining and head to bed." he said, pointing to the house.

I then headed to bed. The bed was ok, and my back started to feel better. I soon wondered what was going to happen tomorrow. Normally I wouldn't think of much since nothing new usually happens on theis trips. But, since I've got a goat as a guide, this is new for me. And I had this gut feeling that something was going to happen to me tomorrow. I ignored it a went to sleep.

Next Mourning


"What the shit!" I yelled. A scream just woke my up. I looked around to see who did it, and right there beside me was Buttercup.

"Did you just do that?!" I yelled. I was so tired I forgot that goats don't speak. "Oh yeah, goats don't speak. Well I feel like an idiot."
The next thing I noticed was that the goat had a note strapped around this neck. "What's this?" I thought to myself. It read.

Dear Son

My guide and I have left early today looking for the ruins. I decided not to wake you up since I'm getting sick and tired of shacking you. When you are ready to leave, take the path to the houses right. The goat will lead the way. We will see you soon, if you make it to use alive.

"That son of a." I was not happy now. My own dad left me behind, and he was not worried if I would not make it to him alive.

I then got out of bed, packed up my stuff. Which included a machete, water, some food, my i pad, first aid kit, some books, and finally some matches. I then ate some breckfest and made my way to the ruins.

"Well, lead the way goat." I can't believe I'm saying that. The goat then started walking into the jungle, while I followed behind.

The trip started out fine, since the cool mourning air was still around, this soon changed. The goat always seemed to be lost, and it would often stop to eat, a lot. The bugs were starting to come out now, and it started to get really hot.

"I think this goat has made us lost. Why couldn't dad spend some more money to get a real guide." I whined inside. I soon started to get exhausted, so I took out a chicken sandwich to eat. I was about to take a bite when the goat jumps on me and eats it. "Oh come on. Goats aren't even suppost to eat meat!"

The longer we walked, the more tired I became. And I soon came to the point where my vision was getting blurry. "Oh...I really need to lay down sooooooooonnnn!" I wasn't checking where I was going, and I fell down a step hill. And what felt like seconds, I hit the ground.

With most people, they would black out at this moment. But for me, it is going to take more than a long fall to knock me out. I soon got up and looked at my surroundings.

"Are those, ruins?" I was confused yet curious. So I laid out my options."The hill is to slippery to climb, plus I have lost a lot of energy. But I'm getting some strange vibes from those ruins. So lets see, I etheir climb up the hill, try to find my way to dad, all of that at the risk of passing out. Or I go into the ruins and see whats in there." The choice was pretty obvious. "Ruins it is."

Making my way to the ruins, I trip on something and fall on my face. "What did I trip on?" I then notice what seemed to be a stone slab in the ground. It seemed to have letters on it. Curiosity taking over, I pull it out. It had writing on it which read, THREE LETTERS BACK.

"The heck does that mean? And how is it in english? It looks too old to be fake. Whatever, probably means nothing. I than enter the ruins.

The first thing I notice are the abundance of statues. All of them looked like, ponies? Some had horns, some had wings, others had both, while some had none. What really confused me were the strange markings on their buts. And some of those markings do not look so ancint. I think there was one that had a balloon mark. When I was looking at the sculptors, I failed to see that there was a trap right in front of me.

"These are some weird sculpwoooaah!" I hit the trap, and spikes suddenly appeared on the floor. Luckily, I was able to put my hand between the spikes to stop my fall. I then got up and moved around the spikes.

"There're traps here! And they still work. Why would someone set up traps unless, there is something they are trying to guard. There must be treasure here." This trip just became exciting.

I made my way down the down the hall, which lead to a large room. In the middle was a scroll on a pedestal. Which was surronded by a bunch of tiles with animals on them.

"This supposed to be some kind of puzzle?" I said, setting a foot on one of the tiles. Which broke instantly. Bellow seemed to be a long drop down.

"Great, one of these puzzles. Lets see what we have here." From what I could see each tile had etheir a snake, jaguar, horse, or piranha.

"Now what is one thing these animals have or don't have in common? Hmm. I got it! All the animals eat meat exept the horse. Those must ne the safe tiles!" I concluded with excitement. "Lets hope I'm right."

I steped on the horse tile, nothing happened. "Fuck yeah, I'm right!" I then made my way to the pedestal. When I made it there, I took the scroll and opened it.

"What the heck is this!? All the words are messed up. They all don't make sense. I did all of that for this?! What a rip." I was about to throw the scroll away when a image popped up in my mind. It was the stone plate from earlier. "Three letters back. Three letters back. Three letters back! Thats it. All I got to do is just move each letter three letters back. Which should revile the message." I then got out my note pad and got to work.

I was done soon after, the message that came up was this.

In a land full of magic and wonder, and strange being will arrive. This being will become good friends with the inhabitants, and will become one with the land. When dark times arise in the beautiful word, the being will help six colourful characters stop the evil and bring peace again upon the land.

"What the heck is this, written by a five year old?" I was kinda disappointed in what I have found. However, I soon realize that the scroll was starting to glow. The more I looked at it, the more woozy I became. Soon enough, my body started to fell light and warm. I then past out.
In Equestria

Princess Celestia was sleeping soundly in her bed. Having wonderful dreams which Luna would give her. Suddenly, she felt a strong sensation enter her body, waking her up.


"Sister! Did thou just feel that?" Luna said slaming the door open. "Yes dear sister, I felt that too."

"Should we send out thy royal guards?" Luna asked. "No. I think Twilight and her friends should handle this one. I will send a letter to her immediately." Celestia responded. "Very well sister." Luna said while leaving to finish night court.

Celestia then got a piece of paper and started to write.

Dear Twilight

There is something urgent you and your friends must do.