//------------------------------// // "There was no right side of the bed!" // Story: Aria Spreads Bad Luck and Saves/Destroys Canterlot High // by Mystical Rainboom //------------------------------// Darkness, Gloom, and Anger's fire The words I speak are not of a liar Spread bad luck to every girl and boy Take away the feeling of joy Anger rises so does the trouble Make my bridge so my kingdom may DOUBLE! Aria heard voices in her dream and didn't care. She was in her pajamas and slept like an angry bear. Despite being asleep, Aria looked as if was about to strangle somebody. She kept dreaming away, until the infuriating sound of her alarm clock woke her up. "AH! Stupid little-!" Aria swore under the sound of shattering glass, because she threw the clock outside. Someone shouted in pain. Aria got up and walked to her door, but a sudden stubbed toe issued more profanity. 2 minutes up and she was already angry. She stormed into the kitchen. "Then, I jumped into the river of string cheese and raced her and won. Good morning, Ari." Sonata spoke in a perky voice that made Aria feel as if a balloon was deflating and was full of stupid phrases, which was absolutely normal. "Meh." Aria said grabbing a cup and poured some orange juice from the carton. She suddenly spat on Sonata. "What the?! What's wrong with this crud?!" "Oh. Well..." Sonata went into detail about how she squeezed oranges, lemons, and limes into the carton. She thought it wasn't hard. Aria told her to shut her mouth at least four times, but Miss Motormouth was determined to finish. "...so now we're out of oranges." Aria groaned at almost every word that passed the blue buffoon's lips. She turned to notice Adagio with earplugs on, but she didn't notice a purple glow around her. "How long have you been standing there?" "Don't know I stopped caring after she said 'good morning'." Adagio answered. "Ow! I bit my tounge." Sonata shouted in Aria ear. "Would you put a sock in it?!" Aria yelled angrily. Aria expected Sonata to say she'll put a shoe in instead, but Sonata crawled under the table and stole her sock. With a quick jab, Sonata stuffed Aria with Aria's sock. "Do you want a shoe next?" Sonata smirked. Adagio sat down and watched as the other sirens fought each other. She recorded the wrestling girls and Aria still had her purple aura. The fight carried on when Sonata tried to smother Aria with a pillow. Adagio got up and hit her head on the lower ceiling. "What in the?!" Adagio rubbed her head and broke up the fight, but not before Aria smacked Sonata with a ruler on her bright red face. The morning continued from bad to worse, resulting in Aria filling with gloom. Bad luck continued to ruin the day. Sonata brushed her teeth, but pushed to hard and put her toothbrush in Aria mouth. Aria walked out the door caused it to slam and drop things on Sonata. Adagio put her favorite socks on and had to pull. Adagio's foot ripped through. "Fantastic." Adagio said in an angry voice. She got up and stepped on one of her spiked bracelets. She bounced to the door and accidentally damaged Aria's nose. Aria fell backwards and knocked Sonata onto the cold and hard bathroom floor. Sonata didn't notice, but she tied he shoes together and didn't realise what she was doing. She fell and sent the sirens down the metal stairs in a tumble. Aria got up and stormed off in pure anger. A sudden pink blur appeared before her eyes. "Hi Twilight! Oops, you're Aria." Pinkie Pie shouted. Aria turned around to run, but Pinkie was already ahead of her! "Hey Aria, wanna hear my trombone tune?" Pinkie pulled out the golden device and blew a loud note. She began playing a song, but Aria was trying her best to avoid the new song. "Dinkie Pie, is it? Do me a favor and get out of my face." Aria was never that calm with Pinkie before. She knew that telling Pinkie to go away was like defusing a bomb. You save trouble or you start trouble. "Don't worry Aria, Sonata told me you like drums better. So, I brought my spare drum!" Pinkie pulled out a drum. Aria didn't know how Pinkie made the drum connection, but she knew talking to Pinkie is like talking to a shiny and pink wall. She ran to get to school, but Pinkie was determined to make her smile. "Get away from me!" Aria tried to speed up, but Pinkie was right behind her. "You know you like this song." Pinkie beamed. Aria could've knocked Pinkie's lights out, but she didn't want the other elements to blast her again. Aria found safety in the school. Pinkie went to her class, but left an ominous feeling of surprise. Aria stayed for what felt like ten minutes. She was flowing with purple energy, because she was sure to knock some heads for the sudden musical exorcise. She made her way to 1st period. Just as Aria was twenty seconds from her room, a small student gave her a ticket for detention. "Late for class? One hour detention." "What I'm practically right-" "Talking back. Two hour detention." "I'm right here and the bell hasn't-" The bell suddenly rang and the guy gave her another slip. "Out of class with no hall pass that's-" Aria was glowing again and the boy dropped his pencil. He bent over to pick it up, but his pants ripped and showed his underwear. He stepped back and slipped on a wet floor sign. His pants went cold and her ran off to find some cover. Aria might've laughed at him, but she made her way to the class and sat down. Miss Cheerilee passed out a few papers and sat at her desk with a cup of coffee. The class had all weekend to study for this math quiz. Naturally, the brainiacs had everything memorized, the average lackeys had put in one night of effort, the ones below didn't even know there was a quiz. Aria's frustration took over. She had every skill in her mind, but they all seemed to vanish and go on holiday. Aria was once again glowing and a purple aura escaped her body, causing Cheerilee to dribble coffee on her clothes. The coffee hurt her skin and she went to get some napkins, before she ran out she said to avoid cheating as if that wasn't going to happen. A bunch of students gathered over Princess Twilight's shoulders. Twilight dashed threw her quiz in a minute and the class copied, but Aria and a few other students sat still in place. One student opened a window and a hornet flew in. The bee immediately flew by Aria's head. Aria tried to get him to buzz off, but he kept bouncing back. "X=5...Y=15...F=...!" The hornet landed on her cheek and pinched. But before it could sting, Aria smacked it to the ground and and stomped it. Her anger was on the rise and more magic escaped her. Miss Cheerilee was on her way back and the students scrambled to get back to their seats, but someone slipped on coffee and face planted into a desk, causing the paper to fly in the air. A sudden gust of wind blew and several papers hit the door. Miss Cheerilee entered and looked over them. "I'm disappointed." She collected all of the papers and threw them away. "Classwide retakes are next week; detention for everyone on the left side of the room; extra homework for good measure." A class wide groan pulled out purple aura in everyone. Cheerilee was following a procedure set by the school, but the students were furious. Glares were directed at the boy who tripped and he was sure to run away once the bell rang. Meanwhile outside, a strange black cloud appeared over CHS. The students didn't notice the cloud, but they did notice the sour attitudes of their classmates. Sonata and Adagio were in the locker room with Aria, and were oblivious to the bad luck. Sonata stared at Aria, who was still very angry. "Smile." "No." "Laugh." "No." "Hug." "Yes." "Really?" Sonata questioned. "NO!" Aria shouted. Adagio looked at her purple acquaintance and looked back at the mirror. Derpy walked into the room and asked Sonata for some lotion. Sonata went into her bag and brought some out. Aria was glad to be left alone for a few seconds, but she knew girls can't leave the locker room for at least five minutes. Derpy always made a noise when her face was getting rubbed and couldn't help it. Sonata scooted to Derpy and filled the room for five agonizing minutes of... Adagio grabbed her headphones again and Aria was left to suffer. She was clenching her ears to stop the noise, but Derpy and Sonata were very loud. The same glow from before flew into the gym and booby trapped the entire room. Aria suddenly heard evil laughter and ignored it. She slapped Sonata and Derpy and finally shut them up. Aria entered the gym when it was time and witnessed the growing bad luck. One girl tried to walk on a beam and fell on a girl nearby. A grumpy boy ran to kick a soccer ball to a goal, but accidentally hit an enraged Bulk Biceps. The child ran and tried to escape the pounding, but he bumped into Aria when she walked forward. "Help me! You evil grouch!" The boy tugged on her shirt. Aria swiftly punched the boy in his nose and was bleeding. "Get off of me! You lousy half-baked geek!" While Aria pounded the boy to the floor, the elements of harmony and Sunset Shimmer paused their game of basketball. "I've heard of a bad day, but this is getting out of hand." Sunset Shimmer said as a boy faceplates on the warm and hard floor, while swearing. "Even I didn't get this much negativity." "Some people are naturally grouchy." Rainbow played with the basket ball. "These guys aren't." Applejack managed to steal it away and score. "They're usually smiling and chatting." "Bad days are common for at least one person a day," Sunset said as a girl slipped on sweat and her chin nearly executed her tongue. "But it's never this wide." "Well the last time this happened...um..." Fluttershy caught the rebound and held it up to her face. "The Dazzlings were behind it." Rainbow swiped the ball and finished Fluttershy's sentence. The ball disappeared from her grasp. "But they seem to have calmed down now. They also love music and fun." Pinkie balanced the ball on her nose. "Pinkie's right. The Dazzlings haven't caused any rucus other than dropping glass in chemistry and stealing relationships." Sunset agreed. "Wait, did you see that?" Rainbow asked. After Aria finished pummeling the boy, she groaned at someone who stepped on her shoes. Rainbow pointed toward the event. "Watch your step, trash mouth!" Aria shouted as a boy slipped on some fluids and landed on his butt and the bleachers. "Buzz off you lousy songbird!" The loud girl shouted. Aria gritted her teeth and a running girl lost control and bumped into Principal Celestia. "You came to me. You boring run of the mill loser!" Aria shouted back. A classic game of jump rope had whipped a girl down and she was hurt. Every time Aria was showing frustration, bad luck spread and harmed everyone and made them as angry as her. The six wanted to talk to Twilight, but they had to wait until drama class to talk. Twilight was reluctant to believe it, but the Dazzlings were unpredictable. "I trust you completely, but clumsy kids, gym accidents and whatever else can occur naturally. So there's no need to worry." Twilight calmed the nerves of her friends. She stood behind a curtain with the others to watch Octavia Melody perform a cello solo. Aria sat a distance away with Sonata, who was giggling with popcorn. "Her Ari, want some popcorn?" Sonata asked. She poked Aria numerous times. Octavia struck a note and played her song. She was determined to show her skills again. Octavia was happy to show her well known skills, but Octavia was embarrassed a moment later. Aria shoved Sonata away and had frustration in her eyes. Purple aura escaped her again and targeted Octavia. The cello suddenly changed from a lovely spring melody to an ear pounding noise. One by one, the strings snapped and left only two. The bow had been launched by her remaining strings and broke a window. Octavia actually started to sweat, but she bowed and said she would return later to fix practice. Octavia walked away in silence, but when she was hidden in the curtains she swore at her luck. "That proof enough for you?" Rainbow whispered to Twilight. "Octavia always keeps her cello in best condition, darling. You can't say this isn't odd." Rarity said to Twilight. "I guess that's true, but we'll have to wait to lunch to ask questions." Twilight blushed. Time passed and while lunch took time, the clouds over the school multiplied. A pair of eyes grew from the clouds with evil laughter. It was lunch and Aria sat with Adagio at a table in the middle, while Sonata went to get her own lunch. The entire school threw glares left and right with bone-chilling emotions behind them. By now, the misfortune and anger spread like a disease. Adagio said nothing and at her lunch, but Aria noticed how she stole a look every ten seconds. The seven finally walked closely and awkwardly greeted the two sirens. They were on friendly terms, but the Aria was anti-social and Adagio was focused on Aria. "Hi...can we ask a question?" Sunset tugged on her own hair as she spoke. "Buzz off sunbugs." Aria said with a purple glow in her eyes. "Hey we just wanna talk to you!" Rainbow eyed Aria. "Rainbow!" Applejack cleared her throat "We've just been suspicious of bad luck." "So get a horse shoe. You've got plenty of them!" Aria was getting angrier by the minute and spread disaster! Sunset had to make her move. "Listen Aria, there is a lot of disharmony today and we want to know if you're behind it." Sunset cut the chase, because at this rate everyone was gonna explode in frustration. Aria stood face to face with Sunset and pulled her fist and opened her mouth. Adagio swiftly intervened and put a hand over Aria's mouth and fist. "You'll have to excuse her. She has a bad possessive spirit in her today that feeds on grumpy energy." Adagio said in her usual leader voice. "What?!! You knew the whole time!" Aria got free yelled at Adagio. "I'll ignore you yelling in my face to explain." Adagio pushed Aria away. She explained the villain, Grouch Grump was a spirit that followed her from Equestria. He was in another world and ruled with an iron fist and tried to use he first, bit Adagio knew how to hold anger. She lives with Aria and Sonata; ignoring that kind of rage was as easy as breathing air. "You knew all along. Why didn't you say something?!" Aria asked in anger as a student pulled to open chips and fell over with his legs kicking the table over. "Because you always seem cute when you're angry." Adagio said in a teasing voice. "C'mon Aria, you scowl so often it's hard to tell." Outside a giant being of dark energy with a massive body stared at Canterlot High. The sky filled with clouds and became dreary. The being grabbed onto the school. "Ok, so where does this all end?" Rainbow asked. "Based on my magic readings, the creature will appear with an army and take over the world, but only after he conquers the area of his puppet." Twilight said. "So that means..." Sunset Shimmer grew large eyes. The gigantic creature ripped the school off the ground. In the portal past the grey sky, a dozen angry thoughts took the form of knights and marched towards the school. "Wow. Do you think the real guy hasn't shown up yet and he's just the messenger." Pinkie joke nervously. "Twilight, do you have any ideas?" Fluttershy shuddered behind Twilight. "Harmony doesn't guarantee non-grumpy days, but there is one way to beat him." Twilight assured Fluttershy. "Hurry what is it?" Rainbow Dash backed away, but still tried to look brave. "It's her!" Twilight pointed to Aria. "What do I care if this dump is destroyed!" Aria snapped. "It's simple we have to get her to smile and laugh!" Twilight pointed towards Aria. Adagio burst into laughter! Aria would've laughed too, if she wasn't grumpy. "You're joking! Aria can't laugh unless she feels like a winner!" Adagio laughed. "Well what do you suppose we do?!" Applejack came closer to Adagio, who pushed her away. "Do you really think I smiled and laughed when he was around with Sonata and Aria?!" Adagio said in a sarcastic tone. "If we forcefeed him with too much grump energy he'll blow up. That's how I beat him in two days, but Aria can do it ten minutes." "So we just have to make Aria mad. That's easy." Rainbow Dash said. "I'm already mad, Lame-o Crash." Aria was now facing away. "But I don't wanna get hurt. She'd pound me later." Fluttershy squeaked under a table. "Well someone has to-" Rainbow Dash said in a brave tone and rolling up her sleeves, but she was interrupted by a loud sound of cracking knuckles. "My time has come." Sonata had shaded eyes and big smile. She walked closer to Aria, who wasn't in the mood for Sonata's bull. Adagio nudged the seven away and left Aria with Sonata. "Surprise hug!" Sonata grabbed Aria and pulled on tight. "Let go!" Aria freed herself. "Hey Ari, wanna play tag?" Without waiting for an answer, Sonata poked Aria in multiple places. "Cut it out or I'll knock the blue out of-! Hey watch your hands!" Aria yelled. She found a handful of ice on her neck. Sonata ran off and reminded Aria of multiple fights from the past. Aria ran for Sonata, but Sonata was pretty nimble and Aria couldn't catch her. "Remeber I poured lemonade in your shirt?" 30% "Do you remember I threw some cake in your face!" 45% "What about when I was sleepwalking and barked in your ear for 5 hours!" Sonata was enjoying this and Aria was hating every second. Sonata was the perfect target to get her angry, but the monster was only gaining more power. "This isn't working. He's only getting bigger." Twilight nagged Adagio. "Give it a few more seconds." Adagio was having fun with this. Aria's blood boiled hotter and hotter; every time Sonata was close she would suddenly appear 3 feet away. She only needed a little more, then she had an idea. "Get back her blue pest." Aria stood in the center and Sonata disappeared. Sonata silently fell behind her and leaned in. "Mwah." Sonata pulled back. If there was one thing Aria would lose her crud about it's Sonata's surprise snuggles, but a kiss was the straw that broke the camel's back. The whole room went silent. Aria blushed and Sonata felt she was close to death. Sonata ran faster, but Aria was Twice as fast and wrestled her into a pile. "You lousy blue numbskull! I'm gonna knock your teeth in and leave you in a ditch, once and for all!" Aria lashed out Sonata, who had a smile, because the anger seemed to work. The creature screamed and overloaded and vanished, but it was much worse than that. The anger of Aria Blaze drove an explosion so massive it blew up the school with red energy. Aria let go of Sonata and they stood on their feet. The school had insurance for these kind of disasters. The students emerged and felt all was right. "So I saw you blushing..." Sonata said in a blush herself. "Shut up." Aria blushed. "Did you enjoy that?" Adagio chimed in. "No. I hate you." "For some hate means love." Adagio laughed. Aria kicked both laughing sirens in the legs and stole a skateboard. She dashed off in the hall, bit Miss Cherrilee called after her. "Monsters don't end the school day Aria!" She called as Aria dashed off. "This means extra detention!" Aria didn't really care at all. She went home, because she had a secret. She actually loved her life, but she still loved to pound her friends. Can't love them all the time.