An Old Friend's Return

by Thunderblast

Finding Peace

Night laid in his bed, tucked under his Lunar Guard sheets, nice and snug. He stared up at the ceiling with wide-opened eyes and was completely zoned out. The moon was bright and full that night and brought much light into his room, leaving window-shaped moonlight on the floor extending up to the other side of his quarters, near the door.

It had been three days since the gauntlet pony attacked, and the thought kept the poor pegasus up with two little naps in between. His golden eyes had turned pink and were severely bloodshot. Night let out an exhausted yawn, then quickly shut his mouth as his jaw was still bruised and in pain. He glanced over to the window and out at the city of Canterlot which was fully lit in the evening. Even more so, it was packed because of the weekend.

Security in and around the palace was still stricter than usual and more guards were seen in Canterlot as a result of the breach that miraculously didn't make it out into the public.

Night was startled slightly out of his trance when the door to his quarters opened. He jumped up and stared towards it and tensed up.

"Easy, captain. It is just me," Princess Luna stepped into the room slowly and shut the door behind her with a blue aura of magic.

Night eased his muscles when he saw the dark blue alicorn mare approaching, he sat up against the back of his bed and sighed. "What brings you here?"

"We wanted to know the condition of our captain today," she stopped. "And I wanted to see how my friend was doing."

Night smiled a bit. "You know that's basically the same thing you said twice, right?"

Princess Luna let out a soft chuckle. "Yes, we know," she walked up to Night's bed. "Does thou mind if I sit beside you?"

"Not at all," Night scooted to the side.

Princess Luna climbed onto the bed politely and seated herself next to Night Shadow, then she levitated a mane brush and began to move it through the top of his mane. Night's cheeks heated a bit, but he didn't mind the princess' occasional habit of tidying him up. "How are you feeling?"

Night shrugged a little. "Alright, I guess," his jaw ached.

"The palace nurses said thou's injuries should be fully healed by tomorrow, or Sunday."

Night nodded. "Can't come soon enough."

Princess Luna chuckled again. "However long it takes, I want you to be fully well before your duties call again."

He nodded again. "Thank you, your highness. But," he sighed quietly. "With all that is going on, I would very much prefer to be by your side until we know all is clear."

"I appreciate your concerns for me, Night Shadow, but captain Angel Beats is familiar with handling my guard on her own. She did for a while before you were promoted to my second in command. And besides, captain Fallen Star is taking on some of your duties as well. Nothing is different, but my guard still anticipates you to be back on your shifts," Princess Luna continued to brush Night's mane until no more strands stuck out.

Night nodded once more. "How is that one guard doing?"

"Which guard? The one that was pinned down three days ago?" Night nodded. "He is doing well. He suffered a broken arm but he is recovering in the hospital and should be back on duty by next week."

Night let out a soft sigh of relief. "At least he is okay."

Princess Luna nodded. "He said he would like to treat you to a hooficure or dinner to show his gratitude for saving him."

"Protecting ponies is my job, your highness," Night smiled up at her. "Whether they be fellow guards or civilians."

"Please, enough of the 'your highness' gibberish. We are friends, are we not?" Princess Luna smiled and poked Night's nose.

Night scrunched his muzzle a little. "I am too used to being formal around important ponies."

"We went through this at the Fall Gala, captain," she smiled more.

"Hey, don't be so formal," Night smirked a little and puffed his chest out.

Princess Luna rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Very well, you got me, Night Shadow."

Night's smirk turned into a warm smile. "You know, its great to be able to talk to such an important pony like yourself."

"And it is great to mingle with other ponies. After my sister's pupil and her friends returned me to my normal self, I had trouble...communicating...with anypony except for my sister of course. Even some of my own guard when my House Guard was established."

"House guard?" Night tilted his head.

Princess Luna nodded. "Just like the squad you take command of, my personal guard has two groups. As do my sister's guard. I have the Zodiacs and the House Guard, my sister has the Goldencloaks and her House Guard."

"Why not just have them all in one? You know, the Zodiacs and the House Guard?"

"Because...well," Princess Luna stopped and tapped her hoof on her chin. "That does make some sense, but the Zodiacs have been around far longer than my House Guard. It would not make much sense to combine them."

Night shrugged a bit. "If you say so. Who leads your House Guard?"

"A pony named Silent Knight. Just like you, he is my good friend."

"Your coltfriend?" Night smirked a little.

"Not exactly," Princess Luna smiled. "He is taken."

Night chuckled. "But you do share a good relationship with him, correct?"

Princess Luna nodded. "Me and him exchange conversations frequently. Personal things and other types related to our jobs, half and half really. He seems to like when I do this to him," she kept brushing Night's purple mane.

Night moved his head away. "Why do you do it?" He smiled.

"It makes me feel like a filly again, when I used to play with my dolls. I do it to each of my guards at a time. Most of them don't seem to mind, then again, they all stay quiet when I style their manes. Plus, it gives me an opportunity to get to know each and every one of the palace guards on my side, and occasionally on my sister's side too. It might also be a habit with trying to make everypony feel better after the terror I caused three years ago."

"Well, it is nice to have somepony like yourself to relax and talk to. Showing your soft side to others you care about but not in a lovey-dovey way makes a good first impression."

Princess Luna blushed a little. "I suppose you are right, Night Shadow," she then set the brush down and played with Night's ears. "Besides, it is fun to open up to ponies I am close to," she then looked out the window at the city. "Oh dear, I must have gotten too carried away with your mane. I must go as I am expected to have a spot of tea with a large business owner from San Prancisco. I hope you don't mind how much I have brushed your mane."

Night looked up at his mane, which was styled like a popular violinist in Canterlot's hair. "I'll survive," he smiled.

Princess Luna smiled and hopped off of Night's bed. "I want you to get some more rest, you look like you've been slacking off on...slacking off. Shall I return tomorrow and we could say, hit the town to do some window shopping?"

"Whatever you'd like, Princess Luna," Night smiled.

"Huzzah! I shall see you tomorrow at noon then. Sleep well, Night Shadow."

Night nodded once. "You have a great night, Princess," he smiled and watched the princess leave. He yawned, then tucked himself back into his bed.


The next morning, Night woke up to blinding sunlight that initially hurt his eyes. He covered them with his hoof and waited a few seconds for them to finally adjust, before he set his hoof back down and sat up against the back of his bed. With a yawn that bared his fangs, he stretched his wings and climbed out of his Lunar guard bed sheets and standing on all fours. He rubbed an eye with one hoof and looked towards the door leading to the hallway outside his quarters where he found no mail had come to his relief.

Remembering his plans with Princess Luna that day, his next thought was to shower and get himself ready. Night trotted into the one bathroom his home in the palace had and stepped into the shower.

Just a few minutes later, Night stepped out and dried himself off with a night-blue towel that had Princess Luna's cutie mark stitched into it. His coat puffed a bit when he finished and he chuckled to himself in the mirror, then took a hair brush and tidied his mane and tail.

Unsure of what to wear after he walked out of the bathroom, Night decided it was best to wear his armor. Technically, he was back on duty that day, but Princess Luna was considering it to be a 'friends day out' for the both of them. He wanted others to be sure that she wasn't going out on her own and putting herself in harms way, especially with the suspicion of an impending attack due to the increase in security.

As Night finished slipping on his armor, a gentle knock came to his door.

"Come in!" He said as he adjusted his helmet on his head.

The door swung open, trotting inside was Princess Luna in her usual monarchy clothing and the unusual grin. She noticed Night was busy adjusting his helmet and quietly sneaked up on him. When he least suspected it, Luna pounced.

"Boo!" She shouted in her Royal Canterlot voice.

Night leaped into the air and fell back down on his bed, he flailed his hooves and ended up getting caught in his bed sheets briefly before he kicked them off. He panted and stared forward with shrunk irises. He then blushed in embarrassment. "Princess!"

Princess Luna burst out into a laughing fit. "I would have thought my silent entrance would have sparked suspicion, captain."

"I...guess I was too focused on getting ready," Night stood up off of his bed and blushed still.

"You did not have to wear your armor uniform today, Night Shadow. But, since you are already dressed, I will not say anything else," Princess Luna smiled warmly.

Night Shadow smiled back. "Well, you do need a guard by your side, no matter what."

"If you say so. How was your night of rest?"

"It was pretty good, didn't wake up once which was a relief."

Princess Luna smiled more. "Very good. Now, let us hit the town and make this the best window-shopping day ever!"


Out on the streets and walking happily, Princess Luna smiled to the ponies of Canterlot and waved to them, some stopped to take pictures with her. Night was used to the princess having paparazzi from both newsponies and others excited to see her outside letting off steam. To his surprise, the ponies even took pictures with him and/or shook his hoof. With all of the stress he had been going through the last week, he was feeling his best.

"Come, Night Shadow. I would like to find a home goods shop to restock on some ink," Princess Luna said with determination.

Night nodded once. "Anything for you, your highness," he trotted by her side and began searching for the nearest home goods store. "What ever do you do with all of your ink, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I do some writing in my spare time. I am not always as busy as I may seem. Occasionally I draw portraits of ponies I know well or scenery of imaginary places as well," Princess Luna smiled to Night.

"Sounds interesting, your highness," Night smiled back. "But, do you ever wonder if those places are real, and you've seen them in your dreams?"

Princess Luna stared forward, her smile fading a bit. "As the alicorn of the night, I do not dream. I watch over dreams of other ponies of Equestria, and I give those with troubled dreams guidance to ridding themselves of bad vibes. Mainly young colts and fillies, but very rarely ponies your age."

"You don't dream...why?"

Princess Luna stopped for a moment. "I guess since my duty is to watch over the dreams of ponies, to guide them to good ones, I can't dream."

"Then...what is it like when you-"

"Captain, I do not wish to discuss this any further."

Night froze and pinned his ears back. "Yes your highness. My apologies. I did not mean to make you feel uncomfortable."

Princess Luna sighed, then looked to Night. "You were just curious. In the future, once I know that I can completely trust you, I will talk with you in private."

Night looked forward, then back to the night-blue alicorn beside him. He nodded a couple of times. "Yes your highness."

Princess Luna then stopped in front of the glass door of a shop. "Here we are, after you, captain!" She pulled the door open with a smile.

Night walked up and took the door in his hoof. "No, I insist, after you."

Princess Luna let out a quiet 'harrumph'. "Very well," then walked inside.

Night chuckled and followed the moon princess inside. The store owner was surprised by their visit and moved quickly to them, bowing to both. Afterwards, the owner showed them to where the ink was kept. The princess purchased five bottles of ink for ten bits and left levitating a bag in her magical aura.

"Where to next, my captain?"

"Wherever pleases you, your highness," Night smiled to her. "I do not have favored shops like mares do."

"Night Shadow, be honest with me. I've seen you once dreaming about a souvenir shop in downtown. Me and my sister have been to the exact shop, and due to the amount of realism in the dream, I would say you go there frequently."

Night stopped and tilted his head. "How long have you been watching my dreams?"

Princess Luna froze, her cheeks burning red knowing she had put herself out. "I've...only done it a couple of times. On nights where my help was not needed elsewhere."

"Uh huh," Night grinned.

"Please, keep it a secret," Princess Luna squeaked in embarrassment.

"Your secret will be well kept."

Princess Luna let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you."


"Today was very fun, captain," Princess Luna smiled as her and Night Shadow landed on her room's balcony and he opened the door for her.

"It was," he smiled warmly. "We will have to do this again some time, but we should bring someone else along. A friend of either one of us, or both."

"That is a great idea, we shall do that on our next outing!" Princess Luna trotted into her room through the door with Night following. She lit a few brighter candles with a match stick and set her shopping bags down beside her bed. "Is there anything I could get you?"

"No, thank you, your highness."

Princess Luna turned and gave a playful glare. "Call me Luna."

"Yes, your--Luna."

Princess Luna smiled. "I shall let thou return to your quarters. You are still quite behind on sleep."

Night yawned quietly. "What makes you say that?" Princess Luna cocked an eyebrow, then Night chuckled. "I won't be up too late. There's still some paperwork I need to go over."

"No paperwork, just sleep," Princess Luna poked Night's nose with a hoof and laughed.

Night rolled his eyes and smiled. "Fine, fine. Sleep before work. I will see you later."

"Likewise," Princess Luna walked Night to the door, then waved as he left.


Walking through the halls towards his quarters on the other side of the palace, Night Shadow nodded to guards as he walked past them, and eventually into the hallways where the lights were off for the night. He yawned and paced casually as he approached his quarters near the end of the corridor.

Unexpectedly, he stopped and perked his ears to a scuffle coming from behind him. He turned his head around and scanned over the corridor behind him. He grew suspicious, but kept walking.

Just then, another much closer sound caught his attention. He peered at all of his surroundings, then spoke up.

"Show yourself already, I know you are there!" Night called out.