Equestria: Legacy Part 1

by Redman48

Chapter 2

Canterlot City. It has looked liked what movies from 2007 would have predicted, more or less. The air smelled like.. air and many of the buildings were either grey, greyish-grey, or greyish-grey with giant projectors, showing off ads for useless products.

“Upgrade your phone for only $40.” Which you can get for free if you jailbreak it. “Get instant cash to pay off your loans!” which will get you in even more in debt, along with the departure of your family and dreams. There were also a couple of ads from Vault-tec, the “Prepare For The Future” company, the company I heard Rarity talk to over on the phone.

The only Ad that caught my attention was that The Diolinists are heading to Canterlot. With their main members Octavia and Vinyl, The ones who found out you CAN put DJ and Classical together. The pair have made some good hits throughout the years, won a stack of music awards, and they have even teamed up with the Rainbooms a long while back. Some people even considered they are both lovers in secret, who can’t keep their hands off each other, but we all know that they’re just really good friends. Maybe.

The sky was was beginning to brighten, with the clouds moving away from the sun, bringing heat to warm up the place. The traffic lights were kind enough to give me a walking white man on every street. I picked up my pace by every minute that passed by, dodging anyone who walked in my way, until I saw the metal platform just up ahead.

As I walked up the stairs, a line of passengers were being searched by two men in uniform. It’s probably the TSA trying to “secure” the american people. Ever since this whole war started the TSA deployed five times their numbers, instead of fixing they annoyed and delayed. Today, these were two tough looking guys, with shaved heads and stubbed beards, searching everyone by detector or hand. Unlike the last two, who would just let anyone in without checking, they took their jobs seriously.

“Put all electronics and metal accessories in the bin, and keep the line moving.” The left one said, as I joined in.

The guard on the right gave me a scorn stare, but not one that could match up to Fluttershy’s. I placed my Holo-phone, bracelet, and my loose change in the plastic bin. Once the man in front was finished being searched I took one step into the metal detector.

*Beep, Beep* “She’s clean. You may proceed.”

I quickly took my stuff back and entered the train. It was public, so no ticket was required. I looked around inside, trying to find a good seat. On the right side of the car there were only a few passengers, on the left there were few familiar faces. There was Flame Cake, the boy from Bio class with the flamey hair, sitting next to a man with a briefcase, Gold luck, the man who owns 10% of the city, standing with his hand grasping a metal bar, Fluffle Puff, the girl who has enough hair to give everyone in here a pink wig, next to a window, and My friend Piedra, the girl in grey, sitting near a pink skinned women. Her father and mother both go to work early, so she has to take the train on a daily basis to get to school.

Casually I sat next to Piedra. We considered ourselves as friends, but barely have anything in common. We met around middle school and have been like this ever since. Just like her mother she quickly responses, answering the fastest way she can, and leaves it as awkward silence. I guess genes don’t really skip a generation.

“Hey, Piedra.” I greeted her.

“Hey.” She simply said, continuing using her phone.

“So how was your morning?”

“Swell.” And after ten or twenty seconds she said nothing.

“Oh.. Ok.” And I stopped talking from there. Piedra isn’t the most sociable person, but you do get some interesting facts if you stick around a little longer. Like having nice arsenal of comebacks, some that are hilarious or completely random. Guess she got that from Pinkie. With nothing left to do I played around with my phone for a while. I played a few rounds of Flappy Horse until I got bored, I didn’t even get to my high score; five. It was at this moment I realized the woman sitting next to us took a long glance at me. Like if was doing misdeeding.

“Pfft…” She scoffed, looking at my phone. “You still have the old version?” And turned on her own phone, resting on her palm. “This is the Holo phone 45.6, it can do everything and anything you ask for. Listing, charting, budgeting, it can even walk your dog. And is lava proof.” She said with a snooty voice. “A girl like you would wish to have a phone this hip.”

“Can it get YOU laid?” Piedra remarked, as I try to hold in a laugh

“Hmph, you would know how cool this phone was if you could afford one.”

“If you can afford that then why are you taking the train?” I asked, while the train slowed down for it’s next stop.

“I have to have some way to get around the city while my car is in the shop. Oh, and that reminds me, I have to pick up my Blue Diamond jewelry set. So you girls have fun, doing... whatever the hell you were doing, and we’ll meet again.” And got up then she exited the train.

“Ugh, I just hate the snooty people of this city.”

“Isn’t your aunt a bit snooty?” Piedra asked, having lighten up.

“She is, but mostly on her work not people’s lives. I mean I choosed to have this phone.”

“Like you choosed not celebrate your birthday?”

My head slowly turned towards her just as she ended her sentence. I took a moment to wonder how she found out. We were friends but never revealed each others birthdays, either for personal reasons or for not taking interest in these sorts of things.

“How do you know that?”

“Twitter.” She answered, showing me the web page.

Checking my phone I pressed the twitter app and found out Rarity made post about me. Great. Now everyone in school will know, or at least all the other girls who follow her. They’ll probably ask why and try to think of something to make my life miserable, or they will give me a present which I will regret opening. God, I hate those girls.

“So why did’nt want to celebrate?”

“I don’t know, I just didn’t feel like it.” I admitted.

“At least have this.” She said as she pulled up her sleeve and removed the colored bracelet she had on her wrist. She looked at it for a few brief seconds and handed it to me.

“What’s this?” I asked.

“Pinkie mailed us all of these rock candy bracelets, but you can have it.” And tossed it to me.

“Didn’t she made this for you?”

Piedra rolled up her other sleeve showing five more bracelets, “I have plenty.” And she smiled.

I gave her a smile back and put on the stringed candy. Piedra went back to surfing the web on her phone and I decided to do the same. Out of the front pouch of my pack I took out my headphone and browsed in my phone’s music library. I had a few singles from The Diolinists, but I decided to save the satisfaction if I ever chose to go to their concert.

Let’s see… I have a bunch of music from the 10’s, which is the reason why all the other girls call me a hipster. La Vie En Rose, other retro music, soundtracks, and I even have music from videos games. Then at the end of my library was the complete album of The Rainbooms, One of the most famous girl bands out there. You know It’s been awhile since I actually listen to one of their songs, I’ll have to admit, their music can be a little cheesy but still really enjoyable.

They disbanded way before I was born, it was mutual so no worries their. The only way I found out about them was from my mom’s memory boxes in the attic. I guess she was big fan. It contained all sorts of cool stuff in there, pictures on how she looked like in high school, how my “aunts” looked like in HS, and how she met dad. She never did tell me how her younger days were like, then again I never asked. I wonder what else did she hide from me?

Finally, after skimming through my endless library, I randomly chose a song and stared off to the streets of the city.

Things may come and things may go…

Despite the news announcing code orange many citizens still drive to their weekly arends in their eco-friendly cars, getting their morning coffee on the way. Soon I’ll be able to get my own driver’s license and do the same with my car, feeling the wind in my hair as go to the store. I failed the driving test a few times, but I have a good feeling about the next one. Maybe I’ll get one of those two-seaters cars at the car dealer, once I get license of course. I been saving quite of bit money to buy at least a used one. I don’t expect Rarity to pay for it, but would be nice if she paid part of the cost. After all, she is the one the media calls “the woman to represent generosity.”

Now that I think about it, I never really did say anything apeartiative to her in all these years. Not even a grateful thank you. She deserves to hear something from me, but what do I say? “Thanks for risking your career to raise me?” Every time I see her exhausted from work I feel guilty. I think it is time to get rid of that feeling.

One of the cars on the road collided with another, I continued to look at the crash until I lost sight. Guess someone had their morning drink. On another street the same thing happened, this time with three cars. Then all at once everything on the street came to a halt, cars colliding with one another, and pedestrians rushing into the nearest open establishment.

I didn’t what was happening, was there something at the sky? I looked up and nothing there. I look away from the window only to see passengers covering their ears and quivering in their seats. I took off my headphones and when I did I heard the wailing sound of a siren. It was the air raid siren, the alarm the city would use incase of attack. The city had drills that they promised would only last twenty seconds, this was much longer.

Then the projectors of the city, including tv monitors of the train, turned to bright blue and words in white came up. A man also appeared on the screen with a piece of paper in front of him. He was struggling to read it, not because he couldn’t read, but because he was sobbing.

This is R.E.D. News. This country has been attacked with nuclear weapons and it has been confirmed. The third World War has begun. Communications have been severely... disrupted, and the number of casualties and the extent of the damage are not yet known. We shall bring you further information as soon as possible. Meanwhile, stay tuned to this... wavelength, stay calm and stay in your own house. Remember there is nothing to be gained by trying to get away. By leaving your homes you could be exposing yourself to greater danger. If you… if you leave, you may find yourself without food, without water, without accommodation and without protection. Radioactive fallout, which follows a... nuclear explosion, is many times more dangerous if you are directly exposed to it in the open. Roofs and walls offer substantial protection. The safest place is indoors. Make sure gas... and other fuel supplies are turned off and that all fires are extinguished. If mains water is available, this can be used for fire-fighting. You should also refill all your containers for drinking water after the fires have been put out, because the mains water supply may not be available for very… very… very… I’M SORRY I CAN’T! *Technical Difficulties*

During this message no one bothered to listen any word of it. Anyone on foot ran to shelter and anyone with wheels stepped on the gas pedal like there was no tomorrow, maybe there won’t be. The train stopped at a platform and everyone swarmed out of here. I sat there waiting for my senses to come back and realize what is happening. I felt hollow and empty inside, as if someone took all of my organs out and showed them to me.

Piedra went on without me and I don’t blame her. As the last passenger went out the door I dashed on out. The ad projectors crashed leaving nothing, but words saying “Lost Signal” and everyone sprinting at every direction. I had three streets in front of me and no sense of direction. I could to left and return to the Apt. I could go to right and bunker at the school. I could go forward and join others in their looting spree. I finally just decided to run to- well I guess it doesn’t matter anymore.

Running through the streets I hear the yelling, screaming, and the downright misery of the city.

“This isn’t happening it has to be a dream!”

“We warned you!”

“Sally! Sally where are you!”

“My legs!”

I just wanted to close my ears and listen to the soothing sound of silence, but then I would risk my chances for survival. I ditched the group of people I was running with and ran alongside the curb. I looked over my shoulder and I see two people lying on the street. In my mind I wanted to help them, but my legs wouldn’t turn.


The sound above spread chills around my spine. At school they have taught us about nuclear logic, precaution, and fallout, excluding stuff like Half-life and formulas. They even showed us a simulation video of a nuke, yet the sound from the screen could not match the roar of the one above me. It had no sign or symbols, but it was as dark as a starless night with flares coming out from behind. Any hope that I had left for living swift away, while I watched the prologue to my death; coming down at a slow pace.

Oh, god. I’m going to die. There is nothing I can do to stop it or any chance of surviving this. By the time I am gone everything else in the world will be as well. I just wanted to hide somewhere, somewhere where I can go numb and forget what was happening. Out of the loss hope I just crouch down to the floor and backed up to the taxi car behind me. I buried my head in my arms to drown out the sounds of panic. My mind keep repeating the same words. “there is no hope.” “no chance for anything.”

I looked up wanting to see the glowing sun one more time only to be blocked away by the clouds the second I laid eyes on it. I dived back into my arms. I had enough with the torment. I wanted something to hold on to, something to help me get through this. Someone’s hand, a teddy bear, hell even a sewer rat would be comforting right now. Suddenly I heard footsteps out of the thousands running on the streets. It was a little girl casually walking on the road. Wait... not walking, more like skipping happily, not noticing her fate in the sky. What hell was wrong with her? There is a bomb coming down at us.

I was about to reach her when she tripped and scraped her knee. She started to tear, but no cry or wail came out. Without thinking I grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards me. I hold the child tightly. The screams of people filled me with sorrow, too much for me to bear. I closed my eyes tightly trying to think of good thoughts before the inevitable. Nothing. My head was hurting, wanting to drain out my tears. Nothing. The child in my arms teared down to her cheeks. I wished for her to stop, but she wouldn’t. Finally my eyes shed out it’s tears. I will soon see my parents again. Then everything went into a halt as I waited for my place in the void.