A Harmonic Sonata

by keaton-furman-prower

Chapter 3: Sonata and Spike are Interesting, Apparently

Sonata admired the many decorations in the town hall. The elegant ribbons, flowers, and other arrangements enhanced the majesty of the hall, making it a perfect place for a Princess to hold a celebration.

“So beautiful,” Spike said, his voice full of awe.

“Well, I guess it is beautiful,” said Sonata. “I mean, I’ve never been one for fancy stuff, but-”

“Not the decorations. Her.”

Sonata raised an eyebrow in confusion, and turned in the direction that Spike was looking.


Standing before them was a cream-colored earth pony mare with a light blue mane. She was wearing a purple collar with a red tie and a red flower-shaped hairclip, and her cutie mark was a purple hat. Her eyes were a particularly stunning blue color; looking into them almost felt like looking into the eyes of a begging puppy.

“I don’t get it,” said Sonata.

“Hello,” the pony said. “My name is Coco Pommel. May I help you?”

“Yes,” said Sonata. “We’re here to check the town to ensure that everything is in order for the Summer Sun Celebration, and I think everything here looks perfect!”

“Oh wow, your mane looks awful!” said a voice. “Did you get zapped by a giant bug-zapper or something?”

Sonata looked up in confusion. Standing before her was a peach-colored earth pony with a short green mane and a tennis ball cutie mark.

“Tennis Match!” yelled Coco. “You shouldn't be rude to our guests! Especially if they're important ponies sent by Princess Luna herself!”

“Oh, it's perfectly fine,” said Sonata. “And besides, i just had a bit of an accident. It’s not that bad.”

“But you can’t just go out like that!” said Tennis Match. “Here, let me help you!”

Sonata sighed.

“It’s really not a problem. You don’t have to-”

“Aw, come on! I can totally fix your mane up!”

“Are you sure that's a good idea?” asked Coco. “I mean, I don't mean to be rude, but you aren't exactly-”

“Aw, relax, sis! I can handle a little bit of combing! It's not like I'm going to give her one of your crazy extreme makeovers! And besides, I'm not much help here, so I might as well do something good somewhere else!”

As the two ponies argued, Sonata bit her lip. On one hoof, she wasn’t really in the mood for a makeover, and she certainly didn’t want to have somepony doing her favors. On the other hoof, perhaps it would give her a chance to make a new friend.

“Well, okay,” she said, causing Coco to smile nervously and Tennis Match to giggle in excitement.

“Oh, this is going to be so much fun! I’m sure this is going to be great! Follow me!”

As she galloped away with Sonata in tow, Spike turned back to look at Coco one more time.

“Goodbye my fair lady! I'll return for you someday!”

The two mares and dragon had walked over to a nearby home, one that was covered in purple and blue lace; from a distance, it would not have been hard to confuse it with a dollhouse.

“So, this is your sister's home and boutique?” Sonata asked as Tennis brushed her mane.

“That’s right,” Tennis said as she stroked a few strands of hair back into place. “Not too long ago, Coco was working with this really awful mare who stole designs from other ponies and made her employees work far too hard. Eventually she got tired and quit. Of course, she didn’t have any other plans, and so she was out of a job. Fortunately, our uncle, Filthy Rich, gave her some money so she could start up her own business, and-”

“Filthy Rich?” Sonata said in surprise. “As in, the owner of Barnyard Bargains?”

“The very same! He gave Coco everything she needed to pull herself out of her position, and so she was able to establish herself as a leading fashion expert in Ponyville.”

“Oh, I think she'll be the leader of the whole world,” Spike said, his voice full of adoration. This caused Tennis to giggle.

“Well, that's great for her,” said Sonata. “But what about you? I don't want to be rude, but you and your sister have so little in common! So... what's up with that?”

“Well, I guess I was always the sportster of the two,” explained Tennis. “But we always support each other whenever we're in trouble, and we help each other whenever we can. In fact, Coco donated plenty of money for the construction of Ponyville's tennis courts, so I feel super-obligated to help her back.”

“Is that why you were helping Coco decorate the town hall?” asked Sonata.

“Yup! I may not be able to repay her for her part in building the tennis courts just yet, but until then I can help make her work easier on her.”

“Aw, that's so nice!”

Sonata was pleased with her conversation. It seemed that she and Tennis Match were getting along pretty well. If she was lucky, she might just have a new pony to call a friend.

“What about you?” Tennis asked as she tied Sonata’s mane back into her signature ponytail. “What’s your story?”

“Oh, you know, I’m Princess Luna’s student!”

“Really? That must be so cool! What was it like when you first met her?”

Sonata felt a drop of sweat go down her forehead.

“Oh! Well, it’s kind of a long story!” she said nervously.

“Really? It must be pretty interesting!” said Tennis.

Sonata felt more and more worried.

“Oh, it’s… wait, do you have tacos?”

Tennis briefly stopped brushing Sonata’s mane.

“Why? What do tacos have to do with anything?”

“Oh wow! I just realized I could really go for something to eat!” said Sonata. “I wasted all my lunchtime discussing why tacos are better than cupcakes!”

Tennis stared at her, unsure of how to respond.

“Oh, thanks for doing my mane, Tennis! But I’d better go before I starve! See ya!”

Before the bemused mare could say anything else, Sonata grabbed Spike and ran towards the exit.

An hour later, Sonata and Spike emerged from a nearby Equest-Mex restaurant. Sonata was licking her lips, while Spike was simply groaning while saying something about having too much food.

“Mmm! Those tacos were amazing!”

“Yeah, well you wouldn’t have had to eat so much if you hadn’t been so intent on proving that tacos were better than cupcakes,” said Spike. “Also, you just blew a great opportunity to make a new friend.”

Sonata smacked her face when she realized this.

“Dangit! How am I supposed to use the elements now?!”

“There’s still hope,” said Spike. “Maybe this last pony can become your friend!”

Sonata eyed the list briefly.

“Fluttershy, in charge of music. Located at Sweet Apple Acres.”

“You know, I bet you two will get along great,” said Spike. “I mean, you and her both like music!”

A grin spread across Sonata’s face.

“You’re right! Let’s go, Spike! We’re totally gonna make friends now!”

Spike hopped onto Sonata’s back, and the two sped off.

As the two approached the orchard, Sonata admired the many trees full of juicy red apples. She took a deep breath, taking in the smell of apples that hung in the air.

“So, why does a music expert live on an apple orchard?” asked Spike.

“I dunno,” said Sonata. “Maybe she just loves apples?”

As they approached the house, the door opened, and a large red stallion walked outside.

“Can ah help you?”

“Um, hello,” Sonata said, slightly confused. “We’re looking for Fluttershy?”

“Mah fiancée?”

Oh, Sonata thought. That explains a lot.

“Yes. I’ve been sent by Princess Luna to ensure everything is in order. I was told she is in charge of music?”

“Eeyup,” the stallion replied. “She’s over by the barn.”

“Thank you!” said Sonata. She then began to walk towards the barn.

As Sonata reached the barn, her ears began to perk up. She could hear a sound similar to bird tweets, though it was much more coordinated than anything she'd heard in nature. It was almost as if somepony was instructing them on how they were supposed to tweet.

“Do you hear that, Spike? It's like the bird choirs they have in those cartoons, only they don't fly off when the cage opens!”

“Yeah, something like that,” said Spike. “I wonder if that's Fluttershy's doing?”

As if on cue, a yellow pegasus with a short pink mane walked out of the barn, followed by a large number of birds.

“Okay, everyone! That was a great performance, and I'm sure that the princess will love to hear it! Now, I'm pretty sure all of you are doing your very best, so just make sure to- Is that a baby dragon?!”

Before Spike could react, the mare was standing half an inch away from him, observing him intently.

“Oh my! I've never seen a baby dragon before! You're so cute! I'll bet since you can breathe fire you're all warm and cuddly!”

Sonata stared at the excited pegasus, unsure of how to react. Spike, on the other hoof, seemed to be taking it in stride.

“Well, I prefer to think of myself as strong and graceful. Also, my fire has magical properties, including the ability to send things across vast distances. I usually just use it to send mail, though.”

“Oh my,” said the made. “I didn't know baby dragons could do that!”

“Yeah, we're pretty awesome,” said Spike. “So, I'm guessing you're Fluttershy?”

“Oh, yes!” she said with a gasp. “How rude of me not to have introduced myself!”

“Nah, you're good,” said Spike. “We just wanted to find the pony in charge of the music for the Summer Sun Celebration tomorrow and make sure that everything was ready to go.”

“Of course!” said Fluttershy. “My birds are singing quite beautifully today, and I’m sure that the princess is going to love to hear the music!”

Sonata groaned as the two talked with each other, seemingly oblivious to her presence.

“You know,” said Spike, “I’ve never heard of bird choirs before! I mean, I’ve seen comics where the ponies tried to train them, but they always just flew away before they could do anything.”

“Well, I’ve always had a talent for understanding animals,” said Fluttershy. “I guess I’m just able to get them to understand what I want to do better than-”

Their conversation was interrupted when Sonata cleared her throat.

“I’m still here, you know.”

Fluttershy’s eyes went wide as she realized that she was being spoken to.

“Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry! I didn’t even realize you were here! I was just so excited to see a baby dragon for the first time and-”

“It’s okay,” Sonata said quickly. “My name is Sonata Dusk. It’s nice to meet you!”

Sonata waited for Fluttershy to respond. However, much to her surprised, she was met with silence.

“You know, I like music too! I’ll bet you’d love to hear some of my songs!”

Once again, she was met with silence.

“I really loved your bird chorus! They sounded absolutely beautiful!”

For a moment, Fluttershy didn’t say anything. Sonata held her breath, hoping for something, anything that would help her establish a bond of friendship.

“That’s… nice.”

Sonata groaned. Once again, her quest for friendship had ended in failure.

“Well, It was nice to talk to you, I guess. Come on, Spike.”

Spike leapt back onto Sonata’s back, and the pair began to walk back towards Ponyville. However, as they walked, Fluttershy quickly joined up with them.

“Wait! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to be rude! It’s just that I have trouble talking to ponies!”

Sonata opened her mouth to speak, but she was cut off by Spike.

“Eh, don’t worry about it. Sonata has trouble talking to ponies too.”

Sonata glared at Spike, while Fluttershy stared in awe.

“Amazing! I’ve always wanted to know more about baby dragons! Please tell me more!”

Spike smiled as the yellow mare approached him.

“Well, I live up in Canterlot Castle, with Sonata and Princess Luna.”

Sonata groaned. Why did it have to be so hard to make friends?

“And since our teeth grow back if they fall out, there’s no real risk to eating gemstones!”

“Oh my!” Fluttershy said in fascination. “I didn’t know dragons could eat gemstones!”

“Yeah, we’re pretty awesome,” said Spike. “I mean, even without our ability to breathe magical fire and resist all manner or magical attacks, we can-”

“Oh, look!” said Sonata. “Is that the library?”

The three stood in front of a large building which seemed to be made out of a large hollowed-out tree; the trunk was large enough to fit several rooms in, as evidenced by the many windows placed along its side. There was a balcony near the roof, and a door at the base. Finally, there was a large sign next to the tree, which identified it as the Golden Oaks Library.

“How did they manage to do that?” she asked. “I mean, I thought the tree would die when you carved its body out.”

“Oh, I think it has something to do with earth pony magic,” said Fluttershy. “They managed to get it to grow in a way that hollowed out the center while leaving the outer trunk intact, thus leaving them with an empty space within which they could create the library.”

“Wow,” said Sonata. “Do you think you could tell me more about that?”

Fluttershy had a slightly apprehensive look on her face.

“I’m not sure about that. I’m not an earth pony, after all.”

“Oh, but I need to know more about it!”

Sonata stared at Fluttershy with her most pleading eyes. She just had to get her to open up. If she didn’t then she would never have any friends, and then she wouldn’t be able to use the Elements, and then Hellfire Sun would burn everything.

“Well, I guess I do owe you since I was so busy talking to Spike earlier that I forgot about you.”

Sonata grinned.

“Awesomesauce!” Come on, Spike!”

Then, without any warning, she opened the door and tossed Spike in. Fluttershy gasped.

“Doesn’t that hurt poor Spike?!”

“Aw, it’s alright. He’s a dragon. He’s tougher than a week-old taco.”

Fluttershy seemed slightly green at Sonata’s analogy, but said nothing and simply followed her inside.