Five Nights at Freddy's: Twilight Castle

by BluePony64

The Auction and the Nightmare

It was years ago, there was one restaurant, a "magical place for kids and grown-ups alike, where fantasy and fun come to life" restaurant, it was Freddy Fazbear Pizza, with character Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie the Bunny, Chica the Chicken, and Foxy the Pirate Fox, unlike any other family pizzeria, the animatronic there move all over the restaurant and interact with customers, they even have ability to detect criminal a mile away, things all went well, until a children was push too far into an animaltronic mouth and causes the incident called "The Bite of '87", the child lost the frontal lobe of his brain.

After the incident, the pizzeria lost massive business, and also restricting the animaltronic to move around only in night time to keep the servo form locking up, but now less people come to Freddy Fazbear Pizza, and eventually closes its doors for good. That until, Thrity Years Later…

"So let me get this straight,' said Flash 'you want me to take you to this auction which is near the theme park where the new horror attraction is burn down?"
"Yes" said Sunset, "I feel like I want to get something spooky, and after Fazbear Horror Attraction is burn down, this feel like it's the perfect time to get something out of that place."
"Okay first of, it's one hour away, two…"
"Okay I know, you have work to do, which reminds, who do you work for anyway."
"Some pizza company…"
Suddenly a phone rings.
"Hold on," said Flash, "yes, what do you mean I'm fired, no wait for what exactly… didn't I just… a complaint… but… this is my 3rd job… no wait.
Flash came back to Sunset in front of his house.
"When do you want to leave"?

One Hour Later…

Flash and Sunset was finally arrived and saw dozen of police investigating the burned building, while walking Flash eavesdrop on a group of them.
"…so anyway, how did this building got burn"? Said the policeman.
"We don't really, our guess is false wire, but the night guard did make it out."
"That's good to hear, is he awake"?
"Yes, but he said he kept seeing ghosts everywhere, my guess is that…"
"Hey umm… lets talk privately."
"Good idea."
With that, the police are gone, and Flash and Sunset find the perfect seat for them.
"How this place is packed, I'm guessing everyone wants some scary stuff."
Flash wasn't listening, he was wondering What does they mean ghost, was he hallucinating of something, or was it part of the attraction?
Flash look at the burn attraction one more time, and wonder what's going on exactly.
"Yo Flash," snaped Sunset, which got Flash attention "quit daydream and let's see what they got."
I don't know what's going on here, but something doesn't feel right."

With time move, they kept selling some old relics, Freddy empty suit, Foxy and Chica head, Bonnie with his light in his eye still works, then they started selling paper plates and old kids drawing, and then there was a box of mask and guitar also with arms too; and that came with the last item of the day.

"The last item we have is an old animatronic, SHOW THEM THE ANIMALTRONIC"! Said the announcer, with that the animaltronic was a skinny bunny with ripped fabric, as Flash look carefully, he saw actual endoskeleton, but not metal, something else Flash notice.
"This is something the guys found when they were looking for something unique, then they found a boarded up room, with a table and this guy on the wall. He still works and if you get him today, we'll also throw in the cameras that somehow survived the fire. Any takers?"
Sunset thought Heh… only someone who is, actually brave because he looks really scared…
"I'll pay one hundred fifty dollars for it." Said Flash, and Sunset Shimmer was really surprised with it.
"One hundred fifty, going once… going twice… sold for one hundred fifty dollars." With that Flash have bought the last item from the auction, and now with that, the auction was officially over, and Sunset have to help Flash by carrying the cameras.
"These cameras are really old, one of them looks like the lenses are broken, Flash… what umm… what are you going to do with the animaltronic"?
"I don't know, but I got an idea for this Halloween."

That Night…

Flash putted the animaltronic in the attic, even make sure it was off, it was now 5:50; Flash woke up and heard noises in the roof, he immediately got up and grabbed his flashlight, knife, and watch, look at the watch and go to the hallway, while on the way to the attic, he kept hearing breathing, he heard breathing on one door and decided to close the door and hold it, the door started to move, it was shaking. Once it was over, Flash grabbed his knife and kick the door, but it was an empty hallway, he look at the other door, the way to the attic, when he open the door wide, he didn't hear anything, but when he turn on the flashlight, he saw something big and blue ran away, Flash have no idea what's going on, but he follow it anyway.
When he reach to the end, it was just an dead end, but the way to the attic was open a little, Flash decided to open it fully and go in.

The time was now 5:58, with his flashlight on and knife pull out, Flash was walking around, looking at everything, from classic clocks to dusty couch… well he's looking for one old dusty couch, the one with the old animaltronic, he until stumbled upon a mirror, when he look at it he notice a dark little boy right behind him, he immediately look behind him and saw nothing, then look on the side and finally saw him, the old rabbit animaltronic, Flash gotten a little closer, and saw white eyes.
"Wait, I thought I turn you off, and it was not easy"? Flash said.
Then Flash was about to turn him off in his neck, the only problem was the switch on his neck was gone.
"What the…" Flash said, then the animaltronic grabbed his arm, and then all suddenly he stood up, starring in his eyes, Flash wanted to escape but his heart was beating too fast to do anything.
That until his watch was beeping, the animaltronic then went back to sitting down, once calmed, Flash look at the watch, it was 6:00 A.M., he then look at the eyes, it was just normal animaltronic eyes.

Later that day…

It was tutorials on Monday afternoon, everybody was either studying or enjoying free time, but Flash was studying, in the library looking through the internet on the computer. He's trying to find out more from the incident in Fazbear Horror Attraction.
"Well, it's Flash Sentry, how's the animaltronic." Flash look up and it was Sunset Shimmer and the others girls too.
"Animaltronic"? Said Applejack.
"Flash and I went to the Fazbear Horror Attraction Auction."
"Oh man, first I never go in it, now you two went and buy… oh did you said ANIMALTRONIC, IT'S PARTY TIME THEN"! Said Pinkie Pie, "I heard back then those machines used to party a lot but then… in fact no party."
"Good, because it was a nightmare I had last night." Flash finally said.
"About the incident with Pinkies Parties last month, yeah that was a nightmare." Said Rarity
"You got Punch on your dress," said Applejack, "Pinkie has soap to remove little stains but yet you continue to walk and then bump on the table with worse stain."
"It's not that," said Flash, "last night I hear noises, strange breathing, things walking around, and a short dark boy was looking at me, and I don't know if I hear any giggles."
"Psst… probably getting karma for buying bad stuff." Said Rainbow Dash.
"That's the problem, when I went to the attic, I saw the rabbit animaltronic, his eyes were replace by something glowing, it then grabbed me it started to sit up."
"That's sound like… ghost"? Said Fluttershy who already got scare.
"10 minutes past, and you're already scare"? Said Rainbow who looking at Fluttershy who's already scare.
"So you're saying your not scare"? Said Applejack
"Psst, som urban legend about a kid being bitten back in 1987."
"Why you brought that up, plus what in the world did you think about that"?
"Uhh… when I first hear about the new horror attraction, it was actually based on some restaurant called Freddy Fazbear Pizza," Rainbow Dash continue, "the animaltronic actually have the right to move around the restaurant, but then one kid got close with one of them, bit him on the head, lost part of his brain. Then another incident happen, something include six children missing during business hours, then later in the month parents notice about blood and mucus came out of the mask of the empty suits, plus bad odor too."
"Well somebody did their research over night." Said Rarity
"Well, that's explain what's with skinny rabbit animaltronic in a horror attraction." Said Flash as he look at the computer once more.
"Wait skinny," said Rainbow, "the rabbit isn't skinny, well the toy is but the one right now is big, plus he's purple and his name is Bonnie."
"Hold on, purple, his color is some kind of green, also Bonnie, isn't like some kind of feminine name"?
"Wait green…"
"Wow, we really usain't too much the phases hold on or wait." Said Pinkie.
"I have an idea," said Sunset, "all of you, come to Flash house before 12:00 A.M., tonight."
"Why do you want to come to my house"?
"Because we're goin

g to solve this mystery, also make small room on your walls, I'm bringing the cameras."