The Lost Nightmare, and the Pony named Blazing Nova

by Vibrant Emotion

Chapter 2: Just where am I

'Chapter 2: Just where am I'

"Okay so it's not a forest it's a bucking jungle instead." Nova thought to himself which thankfully there was fruit as he continues to look for help. As he continued to find nothing he begins to thankful for having some survival instincts, and made some items to help him just incase he runs into danger.

"Just my luck!" Nova shouted "I'm on a island that has no town, village, or anything that could help me tell were I am!" As it slowly starts getting dark he gathers materials to make a small shelter with some protection from any wild life that might try to eat him "Well now I have shelter, protection from any dangerous wild life I should be safe now."

As Nova looks into the fire he made which he holds his legs together unease "I guess seance I have no idea what this island is called I'll name it The Forgotten Feather because the whole island is in a shape of a feather, and it has a lot of different fruit which luckily for me none of it dangerous and there's a spring of clean water." As he felt a chill down his back, and he heads to his shelter, and decides to get some rest only to learn he isn't truly alone as he thought.