
by brandsca123


The Everfree forest, a vast expanse of trees that cover the ground in their shadows. Vines hang from the trees and bushes and other vegetation litter the ground claiming any forgotten pathway. A large number of beasts roam these woods many of which might bite the head off of any passing pony without so much as a second thought.

Deep within this dark and gloomy place a lone mare walks alone. The changling queen Chrysalis walks along the empty pathways that dot the Everfree Forest deep in thought. She had insect like wings and a twisted black horn. She herself was black and had holes near the bottom of her hooves. She had long blue hair that covered her face and her green slit eyes had a look of sadness in them. Her fanged mouth was in a small frown, for she had lost everything. Her hive was gone and she was alone, without any love to feed on she slowly felt her magic fading, soon she won't be able to change shape or even cast a simple spell. A tear of defeat rushed down her face as the realisation of the situation at hand smacked her across the face.

She didn't look where she was going, all she knew was that she had to keep moving. She tripped over a tree root and fell face first into a pile of mud. She sobbed in defeat for she was a queen no more. She was nothing but an outcast now, a shadow of her former self. She desperately wanted somepony to talk to, to love her and feed her. She was alone.

It started to rain, the trees provided some cover but she still needed shelter. She was to tired to use her wings to fly and search for a cave. So instead she chose to walk on in the cold rain. It was then she spotted a small underground cave entrance and she quickly made her way towards it. By the time she got inside, she was soaked from head to tail. She looked miserable and sad, she found a nice spot under a low lying ledge deep within the cave. Stalagtights and stalagmites littered the cave and there was a small pool of water next to the ledge. Chrysalis dropped her head down and started to drink from the pool before heading to the ledge.

As she laid down she took notice of a strange humming sound coming from deep within the cave. Curious, she trotted in the direction the sound was coming from. As she went deeper she noticed that the stone was slowly being replaced by some metallic substance. The humming started to grow louder and louder with each step she made. Soon she saw a light at the end of the tunnle that opened up into a strange room.

The room was mostly empty save for the metal engraved on the floor and ceiling. In the middle the metal lurched upwards a bit and ontop of the small hill was a strange tank of some kind.

The tank gave off a light blue glow and hummed, upon closer inspection Chrysalis noticed that there was something inside. She went closer and saw the creature in greater detail.

The creature seemed alien, it had light pink skin with very little fur save for a spot on its head that was covered in thick silver hair that spiked at odd angles. It had no hooves, instead it had five fingers and and feet. It looked like a naked hairless ape. It was being held up by wires and tubes, and its eyes were closed. The creature was in a deep sleep.

Chrysalis took interest in it and walked closer.

"You're alone, just like me." She said as she put a hoof on the glass case. Chrysalis felt something deep inside her that she couldn't understand. She felt sorry for the creature, it looked like it too needed companionship. She looked around desperately for anything she could use to break open this tank. She wanted to get to the creature, she wanted to hold it, to love it and be with it always.

She then started to buck the case, trying to shatter the glass. She gave up after several minutes of kicking and fell down to the floor exhausted. It was then her eyes fell upon a red button on the ground. She crawled to it and slammed her hoof on it with a grunt.

A hissing sound was heard as the glass on the tank slowly lifted away from the tube. She could hear the faint breath of the creature inside as a mist escaped out from the inside. She trotted over to the tank and quickly caught the creature as it fell to the ground. It was still asleep but Chrysalis didn't care, she was too tired to care at the moment. Soon she too fell asleep next to the creature. She was alone no more.