An Unwelcome Change

by Night Spark



The endless beeps of machines and chatter of the doctors filled the room. Numb was hardly the right word to describe how he felt but, it was sufficient. He lost track of the hands on the clock Time was irrelevant now

The surgeons insisted that he leave but Night Spark insisted harder. Medicine and magic relieved the pain and put his sister to sleep while doctors worked on stopping internal bleeding. Night Spark did not trust them and despite his lack of medical knowledge he felt better watching them work.

A single thought poisoned his mind as he helplessly watched his sister.


Night Spark didn't know how many ponies were under his influence. He didn't care. They all were guilty now. They didn't help his sister and they broke her.

"Another round! Hurry!"

A unicorn's magic surrounded Night Tear as she woke. She spasmed and lifted her head trying desperately to scream. Only a small constrained groan came. Her eyes locked with Night Spark who gave her a nod.

I am here sister.

The unicorn nurse pumped more magic onto Tear and she fell unconscious once more. Night Spark continued to wait in silence. His thoughts raged on silently, brewing a storm that had yet to come to pass.


Celestia's head hung low as the mob in the throne room roared. She did not even bother to hide how she felt. When she and Luna reached the Griffons they confirmed that they had sent no call for aid. They griffon had merely been warned by the changelings to not interfere. Celestia begged them to help. The selfishness and fear held strong however and they told her to leave.

"Where were you?"

When they entered the city many ponies cried in joy but just as many cried in anger. Their mothers had left them to suffer. Now they all wept and the only way to heal their pain would be to allow them to continue their outcries.

"I hate you!"

Luna was sitting beside her. Her eyes seething at the ground before them. All the hateful words were taking a familiar toll. Many of those words picked at scabs that hadn’t itched in over a thousand years. Celestia could feel her sisters anger. It was the same anger that had driven the two apart. She knew Luna shared her guilt however she did not doubt that Luna was seething at the ponies before them. Celestia inhaled as she prepared to speak. Twilight however spoke first.

"Everypony be quiet!"

The mob still roared away. The few guards in the room were antsy as many ponies pushed against them. Twilight's horn shot at the crowd including the guards. Every single pony found their body wrapped in magenta magic. Her voice shook the room.

"I told you to be quiet!!!"

Celestia found herself staring at her former student . She did not know this Twilight who used magic on her subjects before marching right up to their faces.

"After all they have done for you! You have the gall to march here and spit in their faces! They are here! They are sitting still while you disrespect them! They went searching for help because this time they feared your princesses might not be enough!"

That last sentence resonated through the room. They remained still even though she had released them.

"For over a thousand years this city and ponies alike have been protected by Alicorns. The majority of that protection came from the very princesses that you are screaming at. Cadence and I have done nothing compared to what those mares have done. We have given nothing compared to what they have sacrificed for you! All they do is for you! They wake up and make sure that the moon and the sun rotate for you! They fight and kill for you! They listen to rich nobles with petty needs for you! All so you can go home and be safe with your families. They are immortal beings living their endless lives for only you."

She took a moment to look many of them in the eye. They cowered from her gaze. With a sigh she continued in a softer tone.

"The changelings are more powerful than any enemy we have faced and that is because they can attack us where it hurts. Their army can get to you if all of us are fighting their queen. If we separate than we risk their queen overpowering us. I will spare you the details but in nearly every situation we get hurt. So forgive your princesses if they are a little desperate for help. Be angry and be upset. Don't you dare call them selfish. Don't you dare tell them that they don't care. You have no right to do so and that is final! Now escort yourselves out!"

Twilight walked towards Celestia and Luna and sat before them. Luna nearly jumped from her throne and hugged Twilight.

"Thank you for you words. You are most kind, my friend."

Twilight pulled away and looked at both of them.

“I should be thanking you. I know our history and what you both have done for us. It's a debt that can't be repaid but the very least we owe you is our love and respect. I may be a princess now but I will always look up to the both of you. You are undoubtedly the greatest heroes I have ever known. They might be warming up to me more because of recent event but I will sooner banish them all to Saddle Arabia than allow them to talk to you both like that."

"They have to, Twilight."

Celestia smiled sadly.

"It hurts because I love each of them as my own. From General Midnight to your own parents. I love every pony, but some of them lost their homes. Some of them lost their friends or family members. 98 confirmed dead and 43 still missing. 111 homes destroyed and 12 businesses damaged. I don't even have a number for how many were mentally effected by the changeling. They tripped and fell and their mother was not there to pick them up."

Twilight pointed a hoof at Celestia.

"You told me that sometimes we have to scold them right? Well, I don't have any foals and I won't have any soon. I know I won't tolerate any of that kind of talk while I am princess so, unless you have a way to make these wings disappear without cutting them off I am going to yell at any pony who has the guts to insult you like that. To Tartarus of what they think too. You both can be good mama and I'll be bad mama. Honestly can we stop with this matriarch talk? It’s weird and I am not old enough for foals yet. Not that I am insinuating that you are old but it’s just that… well there is also the whole matter of multiple mothers for every pony. Not that ponies can’t have multiple mothers! It’s just that… I’ll just shut up.”

Celestia smiled. Twilight always a way of making her smile.

The waiting room was very wide and unnaturally white. Normally its size seemed daunting. Its walls and hard floor were bright and yet dull as only a hospital could be. Today this room was packed with ponies. Many with minor injuries and many waiting for loved ones in urgent care.

“None of you are required to be present. You may leave and go someplace less crowded.”

They looked at Frost and frowned. Derpy held Dinky tightly in her lap. She tightened her hug a bit as she spoke.

“I don’t have any where to go. I’d feel safer with you than just walking around.”

“Forgive me. I forget that your home was lost Ditzy.”

“I don’t care much.”

She smiled at Frost.

“All that matters to me is the filly in my lap! My Dinky is the bravest pony I know!”

Frost nodded.

“Indeed she is. She has the makings of a powerful warrior. One who I am proud to consider my friend and happy to consider my ally.”

Flash leaned forward in his seat and cleared his throat earning an immediate scowl from Night Frost.

“Listen Ditzy was it? You can stay with me at my fathers place if you’d like. After the courtesy you’ve shown my brother and Frost I am indebted to you. It’s the least I can do.”

Derpy’s eyes lit up and she looked at Dinky who simply shrugged. Derpy pulled Flash closer for a side hug which nearly crush his ribcage.

“Oh you’re so sweet! Thank’s a ton! You are in for a treat. Dinky is super helpful with chores and we can bake you muffins!”

Flash rubbed his sides and responded with a strained voice.

“Please don’t feel like you have to cook or anything. You are guest and frankly cooking is my thing. One bite of my broccoli quiche pie and you’ll move in permanently.”

He looked over at Frost and noticed her looking away from them.

“Hey you’re more than welcome too.”

She turned and scrunched her muzzle at him.

“I need nothing from you.”

With a sigh Flash stood and walked to sit next to Frost who immediately began to fidget. She shifted awkwardly and wanted to sit elsewhere but nearly every other seat was taken. She looked Flash over with narrowed eyes.

“What is this?” she said while pointing her hoof at him.

“Listen Frost, I am not a fan of what is happening. In fact I hate it. I hate what your kind is doing but I don’t hate your kind. The first several years of my life were shared with a changeling disguised as a pony. When I found out… when my family found out we failed. He ran away. My mom took my sister and disappeared and my dad quit his job. I had to learn to take care myself. You had Spark from then on I presume. We both shared a brother and I would like to at least try to become friends with you. Maybe later down the road that friendship can make me your brother too…”

Frost remained silent and turned to look at him. Flash was staring at the ground shuffling his hooves. She looked away and scoffed loudly.

“Very well, Flash. I will stay with you and I shall try as I hope you will. I have learned more than ever what it is like to have true friends and family. It’s a weakness that I am blessed to have. The unpleasant matter is that if I accept you than you would technically be my older brother…”
Flash smirked.

“What do you think I am going to try to pull the older brother card?”

“No, not if you value your life.”

Flash held up his hooves in defeat.

“No worries. It won’t happen at least for a while. Thank you by the way. I appreciate the chance and I’ll try not to mess up.”

Frost found herself smiling and turned to hide it. Her smile faded as she remembered why she was in the hospital.

When they initially arrived she saw Night Spark threaten the surgeon to allow him in the room. She doubted that he would burn down the hospital but he seemed livid enough to do anything.

Several ponies gasped and a few mumbled unkind words. Frost turned in her seat and found a white alicorn towering above her. Frost stood and faced Celestia. Frost slowly channeled her magic in preparation.

“I assume you are here to detain me?”

Celestia shook her head and placed a hoof on Night Frost's shoulder. The touch was alarming but, ultimately calmed her down

“I am here to thank you and tell you and your brother that I am sorry for how your sister was treated. Regardless of whether you are ill willed or not, no living creature should be tormented in such a manner. I expect more from my ponies.”

Frost shuffled her hooves. She no longer was concerned that Celestia was going to harm her. She gave Celestia a nod and spoke quietly.

“Thank you and I too am sorry for… your guards. They took my friend and that was my only concern. I did not have time to try and stop them any other way.”

Celestia looked at her with a neutral expression. Her eyes betrayed her and Frost could see that she was far from neutral.

“17 guards permanently handicapped and discharged. 39 killed in action. Were the circumstances different…"

Celestia's neutral gaze faltered for a single moment and Frost saw the wrathful thoughts in her. She closed her eyes and exhaled. Once more her expression held no happiness or anger.

"...but they are not.”

Her eyes turned to Flash who stood up immediately.

“Flash Sentry you deserve recognition for your efforts in securing the city alongside Twilight. You two make an efficient team. I look forward to working with you as well. With unanimous approval from your princesses I hereby promote you as the new captain of the royal guard.”

Flash simply stared at her in silence. With a small smile, she waited for a response but, none came. Celestia raised a brow and spoke again.

“Is something wrong?”

“No not at all princess it’s just that it’s well… unexpected” he said in a low voice.

A powerful white wing drew his attention.

“I believe that some of the best leaders are the ones who are humble. Those who do not allow power to disconnect them from who they are. You show great humility and remind me of Shining Armor in many ways. We are in a war against changeling and you have not allowed that to change what you believe. Even if that is a belief I myself struggle with. You willingness to serve the ponies of Equestria and ability to challenge my decision or another princesses decisions make you worth of that title. The princesses watch over the ponies, you watch over the princesses, and the ponies watch over you. No if that is all I will go speak to the doctors.”

Frost walked around Celestia and stood infant of her.

“It is my family that has done all of this. My mother… myself… my sister. Thank you for allowing her to be treated. If you truly view each of your subjects as your own. If watching their pain is anything like watching my sisters pain than I… am sorry. As you said, no creature deserves such treatment… even disgusting pony princesses.”

Celestia smiled and walked away. She proceeded towards the room where guards were stationed. As she approached the door she nearly gasped when she saw Night Spark inside. He stood still as he watched his sister. Every several seconds she could see the small shivers running up his body. His dark expression gave away more than he realized. His bloodshot eyes watch on with unblinking rage. In that moment she remembered Luna days before the infamous betrayal.

“He has been sitting like that for several hours your majesty.”

Celestia looked down at the nurse beside her.

“Tell me nurse how does it look?”

The nurse rubbed her face in exhaustion.

“Every operating room is full. The waiting room is a mess and we have well over 200 ponies who need medical attention. The only good thing is that we are fine on supplies. We are just short staffed princess.”

Celestia nodded.

“I see. I will help in any way I can my little pony. I will make sure the less serious issue are taken care of for you. Before I do so might I inquire how the changeling is doing?”

The nurse turned and looked up to Celestia.

“It’s strange princess. Internally they are identical to us. Same organs in the same place. The only difference is green blood. I am not a scientist but I can’t help but wonder if they are like distant cousins…
Celestia raised an eyebrow, her expression neutral. The nurse blushed.

Sorry… listen to me ramble on about nonsense. The doctors are working with multiple broken bones. The ones in her rear legs were completely shattered. Severe nerve damage that would have killed even a healthy farm pony. Not to mention her mouth has large laceration where the venom apparently comes from. I don’t know how this poor thing survived but it did. The angry one in their went silent once we told him she would never regain the use of her rear legs.”

Celestia furrowed her brows.

“I mean no offense nurse but you tried everything?”

The nurse nodded.

“I mean no offense as well princess but unless you can heal dead nerve tissue and put bone fragments back together than she is out of luck.”

Celestia frowned.

“Thank you for the information.”

She walked back into the waiting room. Nearly a hundred miserable looking ponies waited. She walked up to a mare with a dark bruise on her back. The mare squirmed in her chair when she saw Celestia. She looked down, her voice raspy and obvious in pain.

“What happened to you?”

The mare looked directly at the princess, she had tears running down her face.

“You left and everything went to Tartarus! My neighbor went crazy and started beating me.”

Celestia knelt down to the mare’s level and touch her horn to the bruises. She kept her eyes closed.

“I am so sorry, my little pony. I am sorry.”

Celestia cried as she healed each pony one at a time the best she could. Her apologies felt meaningless.

Twilight watched as her friends embraced their families. It had turned out that Maud and Big Mac teamed up to not only protect their families but tie them up as well. Both ponies feared losing family more than anything so once the families were secured they both used their impossible strength to protect them.

Twilight sat at a distance as her parents approached. Her friends were still upset. They didn’t say anymore but she knew. Rainbow’s occasional glare and Applejacks silence were proof enough. Twilight Velvet pulled her daughter in for a tight hug, snapping her out of her bad mood.

“Thank goodness you’re safe, Twi. Your father and I were so scared.”

Twilight laughed.

“You’re glad I am safe? I’m glad you’re safe! You would not believe all the crazy things that have happened. So many ponies have lost their homes and/or been hurt. The nobles are now switching their house insignia to my cutie mark because they think Celestia and Luna are cowards. I have got three changelings to babysit now and a lovesick captain of the guar-”

Her mother pulled away from her hug and shook her daughter while firmly gripping her shoulders.

“Listen here missy! I am your mother and this stallion is your father. No, I don’t care if you have wings, if you are taller than me, or if you can teleport to another dimension. You are my little pony and my sweet little worry wort!”

Twilight blushed in embarrassment. Her mother never could speak with an inside voice when showing affection.

“Mom… sometimes I wish I wasn’t a princess. I wish I wasn’t a star pupil or an Element of Harmony. I just wish I could be a librarian who happens to have her own lab.”

Night Light approached and wrapped a hoof around his daughter’s neck.

“Sweetie, sometimes I wish the same thing.”

Twilight shifted under him to look at him. With a sigh and small smile he continued.

“My son and my daughter… you and Shining… well you are my everything. I don’t care about anypony but my family. Your mom and I are selfish. I think that if we were alicorns we’d force you and your brother to stay with us forever. In reality we couldn’t do that. You both were so ready to tackle life in your own ways. Shining worked his way to the top of the guard and you worked your way to the top of the world. No parent can be sure that their child will be great. All they can hope for and pray for is that they be the best they can be. That’s why I am the proudest father in the world. That’s why it would be wrong of us to tell you to quit and come home. The world deserves a chance to see you Twilight. We let you go and eventually you are going to have to let things go too.”

Twilight nuzzled her father sadly.

“I don’t want to. I feel like Twilight is being replace by Princess Twilight. I don’t owe Equestria anything! I don’t want to talk to nobles and regulate law. I never wanted any of this. The only thing keeping me sane is Celestia. I owe her and I don’t know how she has done this for so long but I would feel terrible to abandon her. It’s the worst job in the world.”

“Then quit.”

Twilight looked at her mother as if she had just cursed Celestia’s name. Twilight Velvet nodded and shrugged.

“You heard me. Quit. Where is the rule book that says alicorns have to be princesses?”

“Mom there isn’t one but I cant just quit!”

Her mother flicked a hoof at her.

“You absolutely can! Then you will be the most powerful librarian in the history of the world.”

Twilight remained silent as she pulled away from her father.

“Rainbow Dash would kill me. On the other hand she might let me live and just call me the overlord egg head or something. I’m not going to quit. I wish I was a mare who would or could but I can’t. Sorry to bother you both with this.”

Both her parents watched her start to somberly walk away. They looked at each other and both galloped to their daughter and nearly tackled her.

“You could never bother us, Twilight!”

“Your issues are my issues, Sweetie and they are more interesting than your mother’s.”

Night Light yelped as his wife jabbed his side. Her parents lifted up off of her and were set down gently. Twilight pawed the ground and avoided their gaze.

“Well, if you guys really want to help I’ve got a changeling issue and a guard captain issue to tell you about.”

A brown hoof tapped his shoulder. Night Spark turned to look the pony in the eyes.

“She is stable. We’ll get her assistance for movement. I know a pony who makes the strongest wheel chairs in Equestria. It won’t be easy for her. She is extremely malnourished and is going to need help. In time she’ll be able to move on her own.”

Night Spark looked at her sleeping silently. The doctor sighed and hesitantly tapped him again.

“Look here, I am a doctor. I care for my patients. Don’t think for one-second that doesn’t include your sister. You’ve been awfully quiet. I’ve lived in this hospital for over two decades. A quiet like that only comes from a few things. Either you are still in shock and words aren’t appropriate to describe what you feel… or…”

The doctor narrowed his eyes and waved a warning hoof at Night Spark.

“…or you’re thinking about doing something stupid. Something I think about doing to the abusers, murderers, and rapists. Something I wish that I would let myself do. You’d better talk to someone about those feelings before you act on them. Now kill me or not you get out of this room and give your kin some good quality rest.”

Night Spark nodded and mentally thanked the doctor for his efforts. He would speak to some pony about his feelings. There was only one pony he could speak to.

She stood as her brother came down the hall. Flash turned and stood as well. Derpy was fast asleep in her seat along with her sister. Flash tried to wave Night Spark down but he walked past him with a grim expression. It was one that gave Night Frost chills. As her brother left the hospital Flash turned to her.

“What in the hay was that about?”

Night Frost motioned for him to leave Derpy and Dinky. They both walked outside and Frost paced.

“Flash, did you see his face?”

He nodded slowly.

“Yeah and?”

“I believe he is going to do something foolish. Pray that I am wrong but act as if I am not. Go and find one of the princesses and meet me at the dungeons.”

Flash nodded and flew away.

“You are not permitted here! Turn away!”

Night Spark looked at the three guards blocking his path. Three quick blasts of lightning brought them all down. The very dungeons Midnight’s guards has placed him in were roaring. The prisoners cheered for his return. They screamed for freedom and for blood. Night Sparks walked past cell after cell. The worst pony-kind had to offer all boxed in to one location. Every one of them were a part of the same chorus. They sang as if he was going to free the loudest prisoner.

After several cells he had found it. Considering who it held he had expected the cell to be larger. On the other hand he didn’t mind it’s containing size. All that stood between him and his sisters tormentor were thick iron bars. Their appearance betrayed their strength. Night Spark watched the general stand and walk toward the cell door.

“Let’s get right to the point. Your kind killed my daughter and I hurt your sister. How is she by the way?”

The small smirk on his face caused Night Spark’s jaw to clench. He leaned in closer to the general and looked him straight in the eyes.

“She is alive, but barely. I suppose, however that it is better than being dead. With time she can heal. She’ll have me and my family to be with. You think you've won? No, general your daughter is still dead in the ground. Your actions disgrace her but enough about that. I came here to settle the debt.”

Night Spark shot the lock off the door. The iron bars near it glowed red hot from his magic. The general pounced at him. A large bolt of lightning shot him away and into a nearby wall. The yelling turned into howls demanding blood.

“I don’t wear a title. Honor has never been something that I had claimed to have.”

With blurring speed the general tried once more to ram into him and once more he was struck by lightning.

“How does it feel, Black?! How does it feel to be helpless against your enemy? Everything around you demands your blood. Perhaps this is how your daughter felt before she died!”

Night Spark knew it was cruel but he didn't care anymore. Violet was dead and he could use her name to hurt her father more than any lightning bolt. The general glared at Night Spark. The changeling could see the failure and hate in his eyes. He didn’t even wait for the general to strike. He gave him another round of lightning and watched him collapse to the ground.

“She’ll never walk again because of you! She’ll never fly again or have control over her magic!”

Arc after arc the lighting poured onto the general whose screams were drowned out by the prisoners. The torture continued to the pleasure of all who were present save for the general himself.

Night Spark paused and watched the general twitched in the furthest corner away from Night Spark. Smoke trailed off his body and a few of the burns. Night Spark’s horn crackled with electricity as a dark thought crossed his mind.

“She’ll always know that you are alive. The thought that you will be out there walking and breathing will always be on her mind! That’s not going to happen.”

The bolt that shot forth form his horn would have pierced the general’s head and left a gaping hole were it not for a magenta hue. Night Spark turned and saw Twilight standing with Flash and Frost by her side. His eyes narrowed oat the princess and he turned back to finish the job. His horn felt numb however and he lost his ability to cast magic. A barrier wrapped itself perfectly around his horn. Night Spark growled and marched right up to Twilight.

“You have no right!”

She waved a hoof and ordered Flash to secure the general back into his cell. As Night Spark glared at Twilight expecting an answer all he received was a punch to the face. Night Frost tackled him the ground and tried to pin him. They wrestled but Night Spark broke free and stood with anger and adrenaline fueling his body.

“You are acting worse than a small foal! You selfish, inconsiderate bastard!”

Night Spark pointed a hoof the generals cell and screamed back at her.

“You saw! You saw our sister and what he did to her!”

She stomped her hoof down and the room dropped in temperature .

“I also saw Storm! I saw what you did! With all my heart I try to tell myself that it is different but it was not! The same monster is in both of you! It’s in me and every other member of our family but you…”

If she had stabbed him it would have been mercy compared to those words. Scowling in a mixture of emotions she continued while crying.

“… you are a pretender. You don’t have the courage to admit that you are no better than him. You want to flaunt you power and abuse it just as he did. You wish to see his skin boil and you are not in the least disgusted with yourself. He tortured our sister and you tortured our brother. The difference between you two is that you have the stomach and the heart to actually kill!”

It was different to him. The general and his brother were both evil. They both were hurting those he loved. He had nearly lost Derpy and her sister then. Now he nearly lost his own sister. Spark shook his head.

“Even now you try to justify it. Trying to find some convent explanation of how mutilating your on kin is acceptable and honorable even! It’s a perversion of reality that is so sickening that it drives you here to this dungeon. All things were about to come full circle and you would have sealed your fate as being the generals equal were it not for the princess.”

He glared at her.

“I am nothing like that-”

“You are but you lost your vision to see yourself! You see only what you think you need to be in order to protect those you love.”

Night Spark pushed her to the ground and walked past her. He was done with hearing her insults. Violence solved most of his issues but he only used it to ensure his friends and family were safe. He ignored Twilight and just walked passed her and proceeded to exit the dungeon.

A flash of light from behind him revealed that the night’s events were not over.

“Where do you think you are going?”

Her tone bothered him.

Suddenly you are so full of authority princess.

He ignored her and kept walking until a flash of light brought her before him.

“Night Spark, you need to calm down. You have family and friends who are here for you.”

With a scoff he tried to walk past her but she moved in front of him.

“Where are you going?”

“That is none of your concern. Go and protect the general. I will just kill him later. When Chrysalis assaults this city I imagine the chaos will provide you with much to do.”

This time she didn't try to follow him she sat and watched him continue to walk.

“You need to think about what you are doing Night Spark. You throwing everything away right now and being a selfish brat. If there is even a small chance that you are considering to leave Canterlot and return to your mother you had better think on what the consequences of that choice will be. You are more powerful that maybe any unicorn I know. You are strong but not that strong.”

Oh is that so?

He stopped moving and turned around trying to summon magic. The barrier prevented him from doing so and glowed a bright magenta. Twilight slowly walked up to him and look down at him. She was slightly taller and she was using that to her advantage.

“Now you listen to me, Night Spark. Go lay with a mare, get drunk, or punch a damn wall for all I care. Go and do whatever you need to do to calm down and get a grip otherwise you are going to end up hurt. If you try to murder another pony like that again I won’t just put a barrier around your horn.”

He got a few inches away from her face.

“You are a coward, Twilight Sparkle. You would do worse if my sister had been your brother or Princess Cadence. You would take steps to far and do something irreversible and your only punishment would be learning a silly lesson. For all that you are you share my weakness. We both struggle with killing. Knowing that our strength can permanently end something. It’s and fearful and yet exhilarating thought. ”

The two of them glared at each other. Twilight raised a brow and the magenta barrier on his horn tightened and flared. She leaned forward as Night Spark fell to his knees in pain. She watched him for a moment before rebutting.

“You idiot! The difference between us is I never go crazy with my power. I don't kill and torture out of anger! I would follow Celestia’s example and sooner banish you than watch as you squirm around in pain or blast you head off. Although maybe teaching you how it feels to be hurt and helpless would be a beneficial lesson. I could do worse you know? Torturing is easy Night Spark and it takes little skill but experimenting? How would you feel about that? Or can you only feel your horn burning?”

Night Spark siphoned love and hope from her and nearby ponies including Flash and Frost. He added it to the pool of magic that Cadence had replenished and then glared up at Twilight.

“You think… that you are so strong that… you can best me so easily?”

The magenta barrier cracked around his horn and cyan magic began to shine through. His eye raged with electricity that soon flowed around his whole body. The barrier exploded and a blinding amount of electricity erupted in all directions. The explosion sent Twilight flying 30 meters back until she broke through a dungeon wall. Windows all around shattered from the thundering blast. Flash rushed through the wall and to Twilight’s side while Frost stood in-between Night Spark and her. They exchanged glares for a moment before Night Spark spoke over her and to Twilight who was getting up.

“We are not responsible for who we become Princess Sparkle. Mere circumstances allowed you to be a star pupil just as they allowed me to be a son of Equestria’s most powerful enemy. You wish to test your strength? Lecture me? Fine! Be wary of what your actions will reap! My mother made six changelings to destroy the Elements of Harmony. Alicorn or not, do not lie to yourself thinking I cannot hurt you!”

Flash walked in front of Frost and pointed a hoof at Night Spark.

“I told my brother I’d never abandon him but, right now you aren’t acting like the Night Spark I know. Leave! Don’t come back unless you’re ready to be my brother again.”

Flash turned around and left without waiting for any of them. Twilight gave Night Spark one last concerned look before leaving herself. The moon shone on the street in front of the dungeon; its reflection off of the two changelings glimmered. The air was still and only the sounds the city in the distance could be heard.

The lack of noise allowed both to think clearly. Night Spark thought on the words spoken and the threats made. Night Spark exhaled and looked at Night Frost. Upon meeting her eyes they both knew words were not appropriate. Neither desired to speak to the other and apologies were not going to be effective so soon. Night Spark’s ears drooped and he turned away from Frost and began walking to anywhere that was far from them all.