//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Heroic Fire Drill // Story: The first 6: Game Changers. // by frutineo //------------------------------// Chapter 2: Heroic Fire Drill Miles Morales stood in place, his spider sense was blaring like an old wartime horn, his muscles flexed, his breath slowed and images flashed before his eyes, his own future vision, a gift that had come with his newfound powers was that of actual precognition, in his hallucination he saw the group of villains throwing weird objects at the heroes, once each hit its mark they exploded, and 4 of the 6 of them fell to a weapon they knew nothing about just leaving him and the youngest of the group who had a shield that appeared out of nowhere. Reality came back quickly; it was just enough time to act, with the full strength in his lungs: “GET BACK, THEY STILL HAVE EXPLOSIVES!!!” all the heroes looked at the boy clad in black and heard the ruffling of the cloaks of their enemies. Spiderman jumped to the youngest of the boys and the one with injuries and grabbed them with his spider abilities to pull them to the where the mares and a small lizard laid. Once all of them got close, Miles looked at the chubby boy. “THE SHIELD, NOW!!!” Steven was confused, but in a moment he raised a flower bud made of magic and his mighty bubble shield gathered them all in a protective field. As soon as he put up the shield the explosives carried by the offenders hit its mark, the force of the explosions made the roof and the wooden floor to collapse making all the heroes to fall to the cellar. With a loud thud all of the beings in the bubble landed hard at the bottom of the barn, all the debris falling above them, yet when darkness threatened to overtook them Static Shock created a little ball of electricity as a source of light. “So… I guess we are stuck here until they dig us up or the authorities arrive; Name´s Static Shock, hero of Dakota city and you are the ones that saved my life I suppose” he said to the mares in the shield. “Thanks” “Saved your life?” asked the purple one which was answered by a simple ´long story´ “My names is Twilight Sparkle, I… am the one that adapted the spell to bring you here, here are my friends” she presented each mare and dragon. “I am sorry for bringing you all here, as you can see we are in deep trouble, I must ask you… who are the rest of you?” “I suppose, we are your heroes now” he looked at the rest of the gathered beings. “Care to present yourselves?” The turtle humanoid raised his hand, “My name is Leonardo, I´m 16 years old, I´m a mutant, and a turtle, besides being a ninja” “So…” Rainbow Dash interjected. “You are a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle?” Leonardo nodded. “Cool” the younger boys, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie said with a glint in their eyes… one of the boys had his pupils in the shape of a star somehow. “I lead and strategize for my brothers as we fight evil and train under our master and father, Splinter” “Good to hear we have a strategist on our side, got any ideas before they realize they can use their explosives to clear a way?” Static said. “If they had any more they will wait until we are in their sights, they will be quick to dig us up from here so let´s make things short. Name, Powers and abilities, I work better knowing what every member of my team can do… let´s start with you Static, I guess electricity” “Correct! Besides having thunder blasts, electrical currents, flash lights, I can also change the positive and negative charges of electricity so I can magnetize objects… though they have to be in my line of sight or I need to stand above them to work; I had a metal disk that I usually use to fly around but I think it was lost in the explosion” “Here” Pinkie Pie said hoofing a little metal disk to the blue clad hero who accepted it with a thank you. “See this is something my best friend gave me, it is a minimized version, and I only apply a current and…” said disk expanded to create a platform. “This way I can… HOW DID YOU COME BY IT?” Pinkie just shrugged and Leonardo remarked how much time it had taken him to realize such a situation. “Ok, next would be you” Leonardo said to the chubby boy. “I´m Steven Quartz Universe, I am a member of the Crystal gems, we fight the corrupted gems that plague the earth, I am also half human and half gem, My powers are creating my magic bubble shield, a magic shield that my mom used to use, I can transform a finger into a kitten and also I can fuse with other humans”1) Leonardo took the childish explanation and decided that all questions could wait. “We´ll talk about the fusion later, now what about the sword?” The wood started to rustle and scratch above them. Steven lifted the sword and put it on its scabbard “It´s my mom´s, but I barely have any training with it, it was my friend Connie who was trained to be a swordsgirl, she is really good with it” Leo nodded and then asked the boy in with the flaming gloves. “Tsawada Tsunayoshi… And somehow I am speaking in English but that can wait, I am a student in japan and I can use the flame of the Sky that belong to the Vongola mafia family, I am the chosen in the succession line and between my abilities there are, fighting, using flames on my gloves and use them to burst, dash, float and fly” “I´m Japanese as well” said the other boy with spiked hair. “I am Izuku Midoriya, I am a Superhero in training, and my power is called ´One for All´ it helps to partially grow my body parts and increases their strength” “It hurts doesn´t it?” Midoriya looked surprised at Leonardo´s remark. “You have a broken finger and your leg has been shaking for a while, it might not be broken but it certainly is strained painfully” Midoriya sighed. “Yes… before being transported I was fighting a group of supervillains and I had to sacrifice my finger in the bout” “Commendable, though I think you and Steven will have to play defensive here with the ladies, not much use when you have no offensive capabilities” he nodded to Steven. “Or you don´t have mobility, no offense to you both” “None taken” was their response. “Now, you… Spider-boy I presume” “Man!” the boy clad in black said rather defensively. “Spiderman, I became the successor of the name after the original one died at the hands of his greatest enemies; I have the proportionate strength, speed and agility of a genetically modified spider, I can climb walls, jump really high and I have a sixth sense called the ´Spider Sense´ with it I am aware of my surroundings even when I am not seeing what is happening and it tells me where the danger is and I can react accordingly… sometimes though I can predict what would happen a little bit into the future, it doesn´t always work but when it does it can save lives” “No poisonous bite?” Spiderman stifled and hung his head, Leonardo took the hint. “Forgive me, I won´t ask again; on another note, I saw that you didn´t mention webbing so I assume that wasn´t part of the package” Spiderman denied with his head and the wood above them grew louder and shifted. “Ok, first we move the girls, so we will need to create a hole in their defenses, Static, first you use a flash of light and Spiderman, you are with me, we will make a hole in their defenses that will allow Static to move the bubble and get them as far away from this place as possible, any suggestions?” Twilight Sparkle raised her voice. “I can transport us away from here, I´ve had time to rest and I think that if it´s only Steven and us I can manage to get us away from here… though not by much” Leonardo nodded. “Ok then, when the debris has been cleared Steven lowers the bubble, you teleport and we will get out by force, once Midoriya is out he will go to your side; Static, take Midoriya to the skies and deposit him where the girls transport, after that you and Tsuna are on airborne duty, try getting the feathers and ground them, Spiderman, you are with me on the ground, be careful, we don´t know how strong or resilient they are so be careful, hit them in the limbs and jaw” He looked at the mares. “Anything I might have missed?” Rarity spoke for the first time. “Careful with the unicorns, they might shoot you with blasts that will certainly destroy your swords if they are not designed to resist magic, and they might use levitation that can trap you unless you are stronger than them or if you can hit the tip of the horn it could take out their concentration, the Pegasus are resistant to lightning so are the gryphons, the Earth ponies and Minotaur are strong as can be and really hard to knock out” Leonardo thanked her. The sound grew louder. “Lights out” ordered the turtle and soon enough light came from a hole in the debris and as if by clockwork, an explosion tore the wood and nails away from the shield, one became four, then more and more until there were no more, the smoke dissipated. The leader of the group looked down on the heroes and smirked. “Give up, your shield can´t possibly be that resistant” “IT IS!” all the present looked at Steven. “You wouldn´t believe what it takes to burst this thing, not even a roller coaster could dent it” The villain was unimpressed2) “Even so… you have nowhere else to go, what are you going to do?” Leonardo said in a low voice. “this” in a second, the shield popped and the heroes started, Static instantly flew with his metal disk, turned backwards and with a great burst of electricity the dish shone like the sun itself had ignited; being shaded by hoods ended up being counter-productive for the thugs as their eyes became severely blinded. Twilight had gathered enough energy, in a bubble or space displacement energy the 6 mares, the young boy and dragon disappeared; Tsuna took Spiderman in his shoulders, and Static flew high with Midoriya hanging for dear life. Once they were high enough they realized that the girls were nowhere to be found, and that several airborne enemies had avoided the light show and were about to intercept them. “This is not looking good Midoriya! I can´t see them!” daggers came from below their cloaks, either in talons or with bands attached to the front hooves. “Tell me you see them” “How am I supposed to do so when we are looking at-” the thought died in his throat. “THERE!” he signaled the blue coated teen and to every other assailant around, all of whom rushed to the site with incredible speed, Static couldn´t fly that fast. “Any other bright ideas?” chided Static to the boy that held on for dear life. It took Izuku 3 second to answer “… Hang on” “Huh?” before he could formulate a coherent question a burst of speed made them get to the point where Twilight had transported, he barely managed to stop his momentum before making a dent with his face on the ground; looking up he saw that Steven was dazed and somehow sooty. He unceremoniously dropped Midoriya and heard a pained grunt, turning around he saw that Izuku had 3 more broken fingers, he immediately regretted his action. “Sorry for that!” he stepped down and helped the Japanese boy to his feet. “Sorry for that, it´s just that” Izuku held up his good hand. “Don´t worry, heh; I almost broke your face so let´s call it even ok?” Both boys nodded. “Help Steven up, I will keep them distracted” “So, here they were” a third voice called. “Tough luck monsters, you will be gutted alongside those ponies” Izuku and Static looked at the hawk-lion hybrid, exchanged glances and Izuku used his last good finger to throw a giant gust of wind pressure towards the gryphon making him fly through several trees until it hit a dead one at the center of a clearing… the gryphon wasn´t conscious any more “Nice shot” said the now un-dazed Steven. Izuku on the other hand was in extreme pain. “AAAAGH!” he cried. The rest of the bad guys smile as they realized that flaw on the youngster; a pat on the shoulder let him know to step back. “Sorry for the delay guys, but you´ll have to deal with me!” he heard as the bubble popped into existence; enemies rounded the young black boy and he prepared for the battle. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Lost in grief Inside the shield Izuku looked at the hero on the other side of the bubble with regret in his eyes, unable to help due to his injuries, he used his good hand to make a fist and hit the bubble in frustration. “DAMMIT! Why do I have to be useless when I´m needed it the most? Why do I have to be useless Deku once again?” The mares and dragon took pity on him, but it was the half human boy who got close to him and sat. “I used to feel useless a lot too, the Crystal Gems would always take me with them and I would end up being sent back home because it will get dangerous… I felt useless; until less than a year ago I was finally able to fend off for myself” He gave the sword and scabbard to the Japanese boy. “Recently my friend Connie and I trained to fight together, she uses the sword I cover for her using the shield, and we fight back to back so we can support each other” A thunderbolt signaled the start of the bout outside of the shield “The sword is great, but I can´t use it with only one hand, and I can´t move very well And I don´t know how to use it” the only response from Steven was sticking a finger in his mouth and salivating it earning him a few awkward glances from the rest of his companions in the bubble. “My mom had magical healing tears that could cure anything, I have the same but it’s my saliva that does it, it can even heal your eyes if you use glasses” Twilight Sparkle cooed at the prospect of studying such magic. “I don´t want to stay here, even if you and I can´t fight together at least we can try” Midoriya looked at Steven´s eyes and relented, he sucked the finger, immediately after swallowing; his fingers began to position themselves back in place, his leg felt relieved, his scars disappeared completely; Steven took the Japanese boy´s hands and placed them with the sword and guided Izuku´s body. “Widen your stance, keep your body lower, and as you defend and attack, balance is the key” even if short and lacking of any information they were both ready. A cry came from outside, Static stood corralled by enemies and he sported a huge gash on his left shoulder. “COME ON, WE DON´T HAVE TIME!” “Can you wait here for us?” Izuku asked the mares and dragon, they said yes3) “Let´s go!” “Wait!” Said Twilight Sparkle “I have an idea” After a quick plan Midoriya and Steven left the bubble from an opening below them, once outside the shield closed and they rushed to the battle. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Battle Start Static had thought that fighting a few goons in this world wouldn´t be any different from back home, ´I should be socked for thinking like that´ he quickly had forgotten how fast they could fly, Talon was a snail compared to this mythical creatures; they were playing around no doubt, being that fast they should have taken his head in that instant. “Hey guys how about we talk things out?” “Sorry boy but you caught us in the mood, and you are a real disappointment; some familiar you turned out to be” Any response Static had in his repertoire died as he heard two sets of feet running to him, he couldn´t believe it but there they were; he repressed a sigh of frustration before remembering that they were heroes as well; once they were huddled together back to back. “Great to see you guys… let me tell you that these thugs are FAST” “Don´t worry, we will try and keep them off your back” Steven said. “Though I can´t keep more than one bubble at the time” Static felt something being shoved into his pocket. From out of nowhere, every male shuddered as if they all had seen something cringe-worthy, “Weird” Static stated “what was that?” “It doesn´t matter” Izuku said. “As long as Steven can keep them safe we can fight” Static nodded and with that, the battle started for the 3 heroes; Static went airborne and 6 enemies flew up to meet him; a shout made him turn right and shot a bolt to a gryphon that flew near, shocking him with electricity, the damage made him drop his dagger and Static used his electric powers and took the blade in his right hand. A Pegasus left and the other 4 equines kept Static busy; one of them got close and started swinging with his front legs and kicking with the rear ones; Static caught one with the knife and passed a current down his opponent´s body. The gryphon from before cried and flew to meet him when Steven hit the avian on his head from below with his shield at the speed of a bullet finally knocking him out for good; Steve on the other hand… “WOOHOOO!” he fell like a rock, a rock with a purpose mind you as the Pegasus that Static had in his grasp was about to stab him and from out of nowhere Steven used him as a cushion. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Izuku was having not that bad of a time, he had used 2 fingers only (One to send the human bullet upwards and another to take out a weird mix of lion and Pegasus) a thud told him that Steven was back “You alright?” a nod to him told him everything was fine; thunder was heard from somewhere and the chubby boy jumped to meet the bolt coming from a cloud that had wings suspiciously placed above it. “Hey, not fair, you can create thunder from clouds?” “Wrong you beast!” a pegasus yelled at him while attempting to stab the half-gem, Steven parried with his shield. “All clouds have thunder mana inside, you can kick any cloud and thunder would come out” “Is that so?” a voice said from above them and a thunderbolt hit the baddie allowing Midoriya to sandwich the goon´s head between Steven´s shield and the pommel. Looking up they saw a field of thunder and sparks, the air smelled like ozone, and the clouds in the sky began to gather darkening the sky, the Pegasus in the cloud, jumped out of it as the current became too strong. Below Static; Midoriya was defending Steven from a dragon that was licking his lips and Steven covered for him when the dragon used his flames between that and the constant barrage of goons brought a never ending struggle, Midoriya had already used 2 more fingers one of which failed to hit its mark, the other had hit the dragon square in the chest but it only slowed him and took the air out of his lungs nothing else. “GIMME THAT GEM!” shouted the green and orange dragon to Steven who was now defending. “It looks so tasty!” Steven shuddered. “Dragons eat gems?” “Yes we do, and yours looks tasty, once I finish with your flesh I will eat that gem as my dessert” the reptile said salivating and creeping out the boys in the process. A gryphon attacked at full speed and managed to knock Steven to the floor distracting the dragon; Izuku took advantage and slashed the creature’s right eye garnering a howl of pain, Izuku took this to use his ´One for All´ in his left leg to propel himself at the avian foe trying to slash Steven. The Japanese boy tackled the foe away from Steven and stamped him against a tree; Steven was quick to run to his new friend side. “Izuku, what are you thinking?” “You needed help what else?” Izuku tried to get up but his spine snapped and his leg had a bone jutting out from the side “YOU FOOL!” he yelled at the Japanese boy. “WHAT ABOUT YOURSELF? If you keep going like this you might die, it won´t be worth it if we had to sacrifice one of us in order to win” the young boy´s nose and eyes were wet and pained at the prospect of losing someone. “Listen!” Midoriya grabbed Steven by the face. “We are heroes! And being heroes means that there will be times when sacrifices will have to be made, where I am from, all kinds of humans have superpowers and they often end up using them for evil, if they are not stopped people begin dying… I once found myself without powers and useless; this power, this is the form of my determination, if I can´t use to save someone, then what good is this power for?” An enemy fell from the sky, it´s wings slashed. Steven cleaned his face with his forearm while Izuku grabbed a little vial from his pocket. “I understand… but for me everyone is worth everything, if you die then we failed, please… promise me that you will not sacrifice yourself, I´ve almost lost my friends many times, I won´t allow you to do it too!” Izuku smiled at him and drank the vial of saliva; his injuries began healing though more slowly than before. “OH GAG ME!” a goon yelled to the two “You should go get a room” Steven was not alien4) to such an expression and smiled; he took out his cellphone and played an old rock tune and he got a little distance between him and his friends “Thrust me and don´t fight even if it freaks you, please” Izuku nodded, unsure of what was going to happen, the beat of the silly song moved Midoriya and Steven, even the goons were stepping to the rhythm, the mares inside the bubble were starting to sing the lyrics with gusto; Steven started to spin like a top and Izuku moved his arms in a wide motion, his legs stepped widening his stance and at the climax of the song they bro-fisted. Magic happened light enveloped the boys, Izuku shone white and red while Steven was solid pink; both figures of light melted and swirl, for a second or two it seemed as if both rejected each other; in the end a flash of light blinded the enemies and a imposing figure easily 2 and a half meters tall stood before the goons. It used an amalgam of both boys outfits, a tight red T-shirt with big yellow star with a stylized A and M inside, wide Bermuda and a pair of black boots with pink stripes; his body proportions were another story all-together: wide shoulders, muscled limbs, medium hips, unkempt and curled hair that had a bald spot in the back of the head that contoured his face and had a round flesh nub in the middle of the contour, his belly sported a six pack that held the pink gem where the belly-button should be. A flash of lightning shone and another foe fell, this one with brunt feathers and electricity making him spasm wildly. The giant smiled wide, his face angular as if made out of plastic5). “Be aware evildoers, for I am the waitress of Justice and today´s special is knuckle sandwich!” he proclaimed in a deep voice. EVERYONE6) groaned loudly and faced palmed/hoofed/pawed/clawed or otherwise, after it subsided there was one7) crucial question left to answer. “What´s your name?” asked Rainbow Dash, it caught the tall human by surprise and he stood to think about it for a few seconds, looking at his shirt he came up with a name “Alter Man” The Dragon stepped forward “More like dead meat onc-” he was cut off as an elbow caught him in the forehead making him fly several meters in the air before he used his wings to correct his fly path. “Tougher than I thought; I suppose that we can see if I have the necessary tools to get through that thick hide of yours” he took out Steven´s sword out of the scabbard and with the blunt side he all but buried another Pegasus in the rich soil of the orchard knocking the goon unconscious. Another baddie approached from behind and the bald spot transformed into a face that smiled creepily. “Attacking from behind is cheating you know?” this new face said in a childish voice. The female Pegasus reared and then fell unconscious and both face spoke in a conversation between both faces. “Huh, I thought she was made of sterner stuff” “No matter, only one more enemy to take care off” “Let´s see how much we have to hold back” “Before he falls” Both voices agreed in the last sentence. “LIKE THE REST!” -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- The skies cleared as the thunder began gathering to Static; the young boy was absorbing the electricity as if his own, uncaring of how the supposed ´mana´ of the clouds could affect him, only 3 more enemies to deal with and then he could get going to support his new friends… ´Allies´ he reminded himself, ´We´ve just met´ Going on the offensive once again Static cut a path between him and the last 2 dragons that were keeping him company, minding himself of their tails, one had a blade like end that had sliced his coat and cut off a good chunk of his metal disk, the other had a rock like lump at its end that would have more than likely taken his head had he not seen it coming before. Both Dragonesses8) inhaled a large amount of air and Static instead of avoiding the attack he gathered enough charge as to make the clouds behind the reptiles to shhot their lightning at the perfect angle to hit both of them square in the back, they fell to the ground with nothing as much as a scratch, on the ground they were engaged by the strange ´fusion´ Alter Man. Static was surprised of the cheesy music Steven had played a while ago, but the Fusion of both boys, THAT had taken his breathe away. He didn´t really had time to finish that thought as the last Pegasus tried to impale him with his daggers; Static however dodged and as he did, he magnetized both blades when he flew by, mere inches away, now the evildoer was unable to separate both limbs and in his struggle the young hero charged an immense amount of electricity, enough to leave the equine soothed and twitching, both blades steamed as they heated and burned through the flesh. Static cringed a little and unhooked both blades before the mythical creature fell over and landed on the ground with a loud *THUD* “Done!” the voice of the fusion yelled from the side of the shield bubble. “I am going to help Leonardo and the Rest, think you can tie these guys before they wake up?” “Yes I can, I saw some rope around here so don´t worry” the tall hero nodded and then, using his combined powers, he leapt the distance between the place he had deposited the mares and the place the other 3 heroes were fighting. As soon as he left though, the bubble popped and Static went to meet the mares. “Feeling better?” all of them agreed. “Can you gather them here? I am a bit tired after the exercise; and please don´t wander off, I don´t want to go rescue you” While Rainbow gritted her teeth she and the rest obeyed and it wasn´t long before they had taken the group of baddies into custody; by the time they were done Leonardo and the rest were doing the exact same thing, Tsuna had dropped by and let them know that he would be helping them pulling the bulk of goons to where they were gathering them. Static took that time to strike in a little conversation. “I must thank you guys once again, that potion from earlier really helped me” “What potion?” Tsuna asked the black boy. “It was during battle, I had a big knife wound in my shoulder and then Steven and Izuku came and secretly gave me a vial with a liquid which cured me almost instantly” “A-hem, you see Static…” Twilight said sporting a sheepish smile and a slight blush9) “It wasn´t a potion per-se” “No? Then what was it?” “A-hehehe” In the distance a Steven who had un-fused by then and was in enemy gathering task in the first battlefield, heard a yell in the distance “STEEEVEEEEEN!” he recognized Static´s voice instantly and he was not looking forward to that particular talk. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Site of the barn, at the beginning of the battle: Enter the battle Leonardo leapt with unnatural agility and skill for a turtle10); landing on the wreckage carefully he and Spiderman went full offensive as not many enemies were blinded by the light; Leo took on a Minotaur that was using a really heavy battle axe, he minded his step and in a wide swing from his opponent he managed to close the distance between themselves and sliced the half bull on both sides of the knees making the enemy cry in pain and fall backwards. Leo avoided a blast that was aimed at his head; the sound the spell made was a giveaway on its directionality, the ninja major jumped and caught an earth pony mare in the temple as he avoided blast after blast of magic missiles, a cloud of smoke and dirt rising every time the missile hit the ground. The ninja was doing great as none of the blasts hit him, but he got too carried away for he failed to notice the speeding Buffalo that rammed him from the side making him fly a dozen or so meters away, his ninjaken11) flew away from his grasp. Once he landed on his feet Leo noticed he was surrounded by 9 enemies a dozen enemies, the other half dozen were busy keeping Tsuna at bay, his flames looked like they were doused; one of the enemies, a unicorn grabbed Leo by the wrist in his magic, another earth pony, a massive grey stallion ran at full speed on a course to hit the turtle. Out of nowhere one of the swords came to life and sliced the horn that held Leo; the ninja taking this advantage ran up to the stallion who reared in his front legs ready to kick, the enemy launched his whole body weight in that single kick that failed to meet his mark but allowed Leonardo to place a counter kick to the equines crotch… every male around adverted their eyes when they heard one of the testicles pop from the force of the counter, it even made Spiderman to lose his camouflage out of the cringe of such an image. Far away from the scene, every male in the vicinity of the battlefield felt a cold shudder run down thru their spines and crotch. Leo jumped on one leg while chanting his disgust; he cleaned his foot on the soil for a few seconds before realizing that Spiderman was back; of course he had noticed that the spider teen was missing, and so did two other enemies now that he had the time to do a quick head count, Spiderman threw the sword back to his owner. Spider man continued his assault on ground troops by attacking the buffalo; it was jarring to him because the quadruped barely seemed to register his attacks, Spiderman was using almost a third of his strength and that was dangerous for any normal human, what were these creatures made of? The buffalo head-butted Miles making the boy stagger but just for a second as he increased his strength even more and used his head as well, forcing the buffalo back a few steps; his Spider sense blared and Miles jumped just in time to dodge a gryphon and attach his hand to the wings ripping feathers from the half avian foe. Tsuna skidded near Spidey heavily bruised, his flames barely alive. “What happened to your flames?” “I countered a spell with my flames, most of my flame is willpower but it seems that it is still fire, and they doused it” both boys’ dodged sword and lance strikes coming from earth ponies. “How the HELL Are they so good at using swords? They have no fingers at all” “I climb walls, the one with a gem for a bellybutton is half mineral, and there is a giant freaking turtle leading the assault and THIS is what is bothering you?” Tsuna dodged the sword and in a blink he threw the offender to the other teenager who used the defenseless stallion as a blunt weapon against his own aggressor. “… I really need to see a psychologist” It was at that moment where Leo dropped from a leap kick to an enemy´s temple that dazed the earth stallion enough for Spiderman to kick again and knock him for good “Great to know that I´m not the weirdest one here, generally it´s the other way around” the teenage turtle had both swords in hand, one of them appeared to have been melted. The teenagers carried on the battle until they were completely cornered and their enemies’ numbers was down to five: one unicorn, three earth ponies and one leopard-man that had been keeping them on their toes since the foes had reached the 10 enemy marks. Out of nowhere an explosion of dirt and grass distracted all of the combatants, in the place of the blast, once the dust settled, stood a huge mass of muscle with two faces. “HEY GUYS!” the not quite human shouted. “We already defeated the other goons; I came here to see if you needed help” All of the involved in the fight looked at the imposing creature, and it was Leonardo who made the connection. “Steven?!” “Hahahahaha; not quite…” the rough face began to speak and it became a back and forth. “We are the fusion of two individuals” “The union of our determinations” “The amalgam of our willpowers” “And the synchronization of our resolutions” Both voices melted and shouted, and the huge man crossed his arms behind his back. “WE ARE TWO PEOPLE! I AM ONE PERSON! I! AM! ALTER-MAN!” Twin plumes of dust rose to the skies from behind the fusion. “AND I´M HERE TO TAKE YOU DOWN!” Silence… that was the only result of such a display, utter and complete silence that was broken once the fusion spoke again. “Come on guys! That was an awesome intro! It only needed some music” Finally everyone got out of their reverie and one of the enemies spoke. “I… just” Leo spoke then. “Take out the leopard guy, he´s a real annoyance!” Alter Man smiled and in the time it took to say ´YIPEE KAY AY´ the fusion was giving chase to the feline. The battlefront Leon leapt and kicked one of the earth ponies who began swinging a war-hammer; Leo took full advantage of his lack of maneuverability and dodged on time, what he didn´t expect was the equine´s weapon to be made of solid steel as he tried to cut through the shaft. Spiderman took on the other 2 earth mares in a battle of hand to hoof combat; to his surprise they were a lot more flexible than normal horses, their stances changed from two to four legs and the angles in which they attacked reminded him of the late Peter Parker´s style: equal parts measured and wild. He met each blow with one of his own, being extra careful of not to inflict too much damage on them in a childish effort NOT to harm the ladies that were fighting him; after two good blows to his stomach he began to remember that the battlefield was no place for doubts or high ideals and finally side stepped to the left and crossed both incoming blows with a quick twist of opponents. When both enemies hit each other Spidey took stance and unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks upon the dazed mares, his strikes were lighting fast, and each met its mark; in the middle of the barrage Spiderman shouted fueled by the bombastic attitude of Alter-Man “MAXIMUM SPIDER!” after nearly 50 precise hits he finished both combatants with a haymaker making the mares fly off several meters across the field and land there unconscious. “So cool” whispered Alter Man who stopped for a second in his chase of the feline opponent; he immediately took a step back as the enemy tried to slash him and then they continued their game of cat and mouse. Tsuna had taken the unicorn as opponent measuring his enemy calmly now that he had taken the time to rest his flames a little bit; he kept the fact that they were back at full strength a secret, no need to tell the enemy he was holding back. The unicorn shot controlled bursts of magic at the flying boy who kept barely dodging them; the unicorn became enraged that it was incredibly difficult to catch the wimpy looking creature. Tsuna saw his chance when the unicorn began to take in a high amount of energy and with a burst of his flames he appeared before the unicorn surprising him with a kick to the neck that interrupted the spell, a knee to the lower jaw made the equine´s head whip backwards. Finally Tsuna dashed backwards and then rammed his opponent with a flying double kick to his chest at full speed, not even pausing he kept using the flames in his hands as rocket boosters and dragged the poor sod across the field and right into a plow not far away from them. It was there that Alter Man had finally caught the Leopard-man and knocked the nimble assassin out for good with a ram of his gigantic magic shield, not one to take chances he rushed and twisted the feline´s ankle just in case it got the bright idea to wake up. Finally all the heroes gathered at the place that once had been the barn. “Ok I suppose that this is what you meant by fusing Steven” The fused form began to glow and separated and both boys stood side by side, both of them completely unharmed and their clothes where impeccable. “Yeah, it seems that I can fuse with humans, my friend Connie and I did so a couple of times in the past” “Cool” was the general response from the boys around. “Now I need you to bring the enemies here, we need to tag´em, tie´em and pile´em up for when the authorities arrive, Tsuna go back to where Static is and help him if he needs it. Steven, Midoriya, even though you helped us you had your orders and for that you both are dragging the ones that are farther away from here” Both boys wanted to retort but they felt it was a punishment well deserved, after a while all the mares and supposed familiars gathered to wait for the guards to make their appearance. In no time they saw in the distance a large group of flying carriages that would be taking them to their next destination. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Far away from them, in a location secure enough not to be noticed, the lone Minotaur hid away as he made notes on the powers of each familiar; He knew they were going to fail but he never expected that they would do so in such an spectacular way; he also had a conscience and in good faith he could never let himself be an accessory to foal-napping. Walking away he decided that news of the powers of each familiar was worth the shame of having retreated from the mission without even participating.