My Little Pony: The Visitor

by Hopeful Soul

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Declan and the Mane Six continued to stare at the being floating in front and above them in shock and fear. The demon that had previously been locked up was now free and most of them had no idea of what to do next.
“So your…” Twilight began.
“Yes, I am Sibrella, and I have come for the Emperor’s Gem!” The demon lady proclaimed.
“And uh… I’m guessing you're not with the good guys, right?” Declan inquired.
“Hardly.” Sibrella hissed. “Now I’ll ask you one last time…”
She then pointed a finger directly at the rectangular gem around his neck.
That belongs to me. Give. It. Back.”
“Alright look, I don’t really know what your deal is lady, but I am so not giving you this Emperor’s Gem! I don’t know how we will stop you and your evil plans! And seal you away just like before! So you’ll never hurt anyone again!” Declan told her.
Sibrella’s eyes narrowed. “You pathetic mortal,” she sneered. “You have no idea how much I’ve suffered! You have no idea what it’s like! Centuries ago, my people were a proud and peaceful race. We lived in harmony with the ponies. Everything was grand, peaceful…”
Peaceful demons? Well… that’s a new one…” Declan muttered, stunned.
“Oh, we weren’t always demons, once we were human, like you.” Sibrella revealed, shocking them all and making them gasp.
“A human? Like… me?” The eleven-year old inquired, even more stunned.
“Yes, that is… until the war…” The demonic witch added, grimly.
A sad look crossed Sibrella’s face as she told her story.
“Nopony knew who struck first, whether it was the ponies or us it does not matter, not anymore…” she went on. “What mattered was that the fighting was fierce and terrifying and that neither was strong enough to defeat the other…”
“Until?” Declan added, suspecting their was more.
Sibrella looked at him annoyed. “Until we made a pact with a dark force in order to defeat you all… only… to realize that in doing so… the pact… had cursed us instead, thus transforming us into what you see before you,” she said. “Most of my kind was decimated and I, the last of my kind, was sealed away by the Emperor’s Gem.”
“Which you stole I’ll bet.” Rainbow accused.
“That gem belongs to me! It was given to me after one of my kind managed to pry it from that accursed Tree of Harmony! It help me win constantly in the war!” Sibrella said, sounding angry as she mentioned the tree before suddenly changing her tune. “Plus I wore it on my first date so it has sentimental value.”
“You on a date? Ew!” Declan commented, disgusted.
“Shut your pie hole!” Sibrella snapped, making them flinch. “Now… I might let you fools live if you do one thing for me; give me the Emperor’s Gem… now.”
“Uh… no.” Declan stated.
“You sound as if I’m giving you a choice.” Sibrella sneered.
Pinkie frowned. “Boy, you’re a real meanie, did you know that?” she asked, which earned her a glare from Sibrella.
“Oh, be quiet…” she said, annoyed before turning her attention back to Declan. By the way, boy… do you know who exactly sealed me away? Who used the Emperor’s Gem before you?”
Declan’s eyes narrowed, getting a bad feeling. “No… who was it?”
“A man named Tobias, a human. Just. Like. You.” Sibrella answered, her eyes narrowing. The others all gasped in shock.
Declan was stunned. “A human…?” he questioned, slowly.
“Yes, Declan. And that single human led the ponies against our kind! He betrayed us!” Sibrella stated, her face then became angry. “That’s why… I. HATE. HUMANS!”
Sibrella then creates a ball of burning purple fire in her clawed hand and tossed it right at Declan who screamed and raised his arms but at the last second Twilight stood in front of him and created a magical shield of her own that deflected the dark magical attack.
“Leave him alone!” Twilight exclaimed, as the others, including Spike stood in front of him.
“So, you ponies are gonna stand in my way again, eh?” Sibrella remarked.
“That’s right! And we are not going to let you hurt him anymore!” Fluttershy added, firmly. “You got that?”
Declan was surprised how loud her voice had just gotten and was a bit worried for all of them.
“Look, guys it’s ok, I can handle this… you don’t have to do this…” Declan tried to tell them.
“Oh yes we do!” Rainbow said.
“Yeah, and we’re not leaving you!” Spike stated firmly “Not for a second! So don’t try to convince us to leave you cause we won’t!”
“You’d try to protect someone who's not of this world?” Sibrella questioned.
“Declan is our friend, Demon! We don’t care where he came from, what matters is that he’s here with all of us!” Rarity replied.
“Yeah, so leave him alone you big bully!” Pinkie Pie added.
Sibrella paused then smiled evilly before she started laughing hysterically, much to everypony’s confusion.
“Uh… anypony mind telling me what the joke was?” Applejack asked. Everypony just shrugged and muttered ‘I don’t know’.
“Fools!” Sibrella spat. “You actually think you can ‘stop me’ from taking what is rightfully mine? Think again!”
After the demon raised her hand the girls and Spike soon became wreathed in a purple aura and were forcefully pulled towards Sibrella, screaming in alarm while Declan stood by helplessly.
“Girls! Spike!” Declan cried.
Sibrella laughed as she pulled them close. “I have them now!”
The Mane Six and their dragon companion struggle to move but they couldn’t even move one muscle in their bodies, they were stuck, floating in place and with Sibrella’s purple aura still surrounding them.
“Let them go!” Declan yelled.
“Ha! Or what boy?” Sibrella mocked. “You may know how to heal others and use that shield of yours for offence but you have no idea what kind of powers that Gem holds, why you’ve barely even scratched the surface!”
“I have?” Declan remarked.
“That’s right and I could teach you more… but I think it be more fun to crush your friends into nothing!” Sibrella said, with sadistic glee as she laughed evilly, though she quickly calmed down. “But there is one way you can avoid all that.”
“What?” Declan inquired.
“Give me the Emperor’s Gem now… and I will let your friends go unharmed, you have my word.” Sibrella promised. “Refuse and…”
Sibrella holds up her clawed hand and slowly starts to clench it and as she did so Declan’s friends all begin to groan and cry out in pain as if they were all being squeezed and crushed by the dark aura that surrounded them all.
As he helplessly watched this happen, Declan felt a sharp pain in his chest and put his hand on it. “What is this awful feeling? My chest is burning…” he groaned.
“So… what’s it gonna be boy? Your friends… or the Gem?” Sibrella questioned, smiling sinisterly.
Declan looked visibly upset by this ultimatum to say the least and seeing his friends in Sibrella’s clutches caused tears to start forming in his eyes. He wanted to help but didn’t know how. “I… I…” he stuttered.
“No! Don’t do it, Declan! We’re not worth it!” Fluttershy told him, sadly.
“No, your wrong… you guys… are worth everything!” Declan stated, tears threatening to pour.
“But if she get’s the Emperor’s Gem, all of Equestria is doomed!” Twilight exclaimed.
“The clock is ticking boy.” Sibrella warned him.
“No! Please! Don’t hurt them!” Declan begged.
“If that’s what you want then give me the gem.” Sibrella told him, smugly.
“No, Declan! Don’t give it to her!” Rainbow told him.
“Yeah, she’s just a big blow hard sport, don’t listen to her!” Applejack added.
“I don’t know, she sounds serious to me.” Pinkie Pie noted.
“Not helping darling…” Rarity said, a bit annoyed.
Sibrella then clenched her hand even more and squeezed them even tighter, making them cry out in pain. “Last chance,” she said.
“Stop it… please. Don't hurt them...” Declan weakly begged, tears beginning to flow.
Spike and the girls tried to breath, only for it to be more difficult as they each let out gags and gasps. They also groaned and cried out in pain as Sibrella continued to magically squeeze them all tighter and tighter, all with a wicked smile on her face. Any tighter and she would probably snap them all in two and seeing them in such pain slowly began to overwhelm Declan as he was soon filled with rage, fear and hate.
“Stop it… Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!!!” Declan yelled, loudly, unable to take anymore of it.
At that moment, something snapped, something inside of Declan, his rage had finally reached it’s breaking point causing his eyes to flash. Arching back and screaming in pain, he held his head tightly.
“Declan!” The girls and Spike cried out in alarm.
Declan dropped to his knees, groaning loudly, he seemed to be in an excruciating amount of pain. He lowered his head down and then up before lowering himself even more and grabbing a handful of the grass, which he ripped out of the ground. As this happened red steam began to emit from his body.
Everyone, including Sibrella watched this happen with stunned silence. Declan’s friends were especially worried and concerned by what was going on and at that moment, Twilight noticed that the Emperor’s Gem just shifted from white to black and began to glow dark red.
“The Emperor’s Gem! It’s turned black! And it’s glowing!” she cried.
“Yeah, we can see that!” Rainbow remarked, a bit annoyed before looking at Declan concerned.
“What’s happening to him!?” Fluttershy proclaimed, immensely worried.
“I don’t know but it ain’t good!” Applejack gulped.
“Declan!” Spike yelled.
The eleven-year old gritted his teeth and writhed in pain as he raised his upper body upwards and extended his arms while his eyes widen and suddenly his irises became bright scarlet red and then started to glow . His skin became darker and his clothes also shifted from green and dark green to scarlet and crimson while the red steam rose up around him and consumed him.
Inside his mind, the scared and innocent looking Declan floated in the middle of a pitch black area completely alone and terrified before a vortex suddenly opened up behind him and started to suck him in. He screamed before he vanished inside the dark vortex just before a sphere of darkness appears and flashed red.
Back in reality, Declan finally stopped howling in agony and lowered his head back down again before slowly getting back up. Once he raised his head back up, the red vapor cleared and everypony suddenly felt an enormous pressure coming from Declan, which caused Sibrella to release the Mane Six and Spike from her grasp as she stared at him looking very surprised.
He finally spoke only in a much deeper and menacing tone.
“You’ve gone too far…” he told Sibrella, slowly as he took off his glasses and tossed them aside.
Sibrella didn’t seem too concerned or worried. “Have I now?” she asked, indifferently.
“I… will never forgive you!” Declan snarled at Sibrella, his voice burning with rage while he approached her.
“Ha! Like I'd ask for your forgiveness, boy!” Sibrella scoffed.
Declan then stopped his approach. “Why… why do you want the Emperor’s Gem!?” he demanded. “What do you plan to use it for!?”
“That’s really none of your concern.” Sibrella stated. “But I will destroy your friends here if you don’t hand it over right now.”
“Not a chance.” Declan growled. “If you want this gem you're gonna have to take it from me!”
“Oh?” Sibrella inquired, interested.
“I won’t let you hurt my friends anymore!” Declan declared. “Fight me… fight me now!”
Everyone was deeply surprised by his words.
“Say what?” Sibrella asked.
“You heard me!” Declan yelled.
“Declan, no!” Twilight cried.
“Are you crazy?” Spike remarked, incredulously.
“She’s too strong for you, sport!” Applejack added.
“Get out of there!” Rainbow Dash called out.
“Please!” Fluttershy begged.
“Darling, listen to us; this is not the kind of opponent you want to take on, she’s…” Rarity began.
“Stay out of this!!” Declan snapped, surprising them. His body shook as he struggled to control the rage inside of him. “I’m going… to make her… suffer!”
Declan roared in anger while the sky darkened above them and in a brief moment, the ponies all saw a shadowy, red-eyed beast, almost like a manifestation of Declan’s anger, growl at them, which frightened Fluttershy and made her shake like a leaf.
“Very well, if you want to know your place so badly, I’ll show it to you and if I win you’ll give me the gem.” Sibrella smirked as her eyes glowed red as well.
“Deal!” Declan growled, as he let out a battle roar as he charged straight towards Sibrella.
“Aw, what a waste.” Sibrella commented, mockingly as she simply held up her palm and fired a dark magic blast at Declan. It created an explosion upon impact as well as a cloud of smoke.
“Declan!” Everypony cried while Sibrella smiled evilly.
But, much to their shock, when the smoke cleared Declan was shown to be unharmed and looked annoyed.
“W-What!?” Sibrella gasped, stunned by the fact that he completely shrugged off her attack. “Well then… take this little boy!”
Sibrella hit him with another dark magical attack but once it was over Declan was once again standing in the same spot looking unscathed and had a look of complete indifference on his face. Sibrella then began to become worried.
The others looked stunned and stared at their now darker looking friend.
“Whoa… this is actually starting to get pretty scary…” Rainbow Dash admitted, sounding nervous.
“I’ve never seen Declan act like this before!” Fluttershy observed, concerned and afraid.
“Nopony has… something is happening to him…!” Rarity gasped.
“Yeah… it’s like… Declan isn’t even in their anymore!” Spike realized with fear.
“Yeah… I think your right Spike…” Applejack noted, grimly.
“Oh… this is very bad…” Twilight Sparkle mused, greatly worried.
While practically sweating bullets, Sibrella was also very frustrated and growled with anger. Then she noticed the glowing red gem around his neck and quickly figured it out.
“I see… so the gem is protecting you, eh?” Sibrella deduced. “No matter, because I will crush you all the same!”
Declan didn’t seem phased by her declaration and instead just smiled a very eerie and nightmarish looking smile before chuckling darkly.