//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Introductions // Story: My Little Pony: Transformers Prime // by LibbytheKautz //------------------------------// Twilight Sparkle waited for the metalloid to respond, but it was just staring at her with a facial expression that suggested confusion. "Come on, say something already!" Rainbow Dash urged. But the robots remained dumbfounded. "Well, I don't know why Optimus isn't talking, but my name is Smokescreen, and we're the Autobots," a white Autobot with red and blue accents said. "Ohh, so that's what an Autobot looks like. I'm Pinkie Pie. You transform, right! I can too!" exclaimed an excited pink mare with a wild darker pink mane and three balloons for a cutie mark. She rolled herself into a ball, then straightened her hind legs, brought her forelegs around to touch the ground in a circular motion, and finally brought her head up all while making a strange robotic noise. "...Yes, we do transform," said Optimus Prime, regaining himself. "Transform into what?" Twilight asked. A red and white robot sighed. "We change our appearance through the use advanced technology to mimic earth vehicles as to not shock earth civilians by our alien appearance." Twilight gasped. "You mean to say that you can reconstruct your infrastructure, changing your outward appearance? What are 'earth's' vehicles? Oo! Could we have demonstration of your transformation process?" Applejack leaned over to Rainbow Dash. "Any idea what they're sayin'?" "Nope," she whispered, grinning, "but I'm sure they'll get along juust fine." The red and white bot looked to Optimus Prime, who shrugged. "Very well." The six Autobots leapt into action, spinning gears, flipping metal limbs, and making the same robotic sound that Pinkie had made. When they were finished, the six were a little smaller in size and sat on wheels. Their arms and legs were no longer evident, and they were almost rectangular in shape. The pony crowd sat in silent awe at what just happened. "What are you supposed to be exactly?" Rainbow Dash said, her scratchy voice cutting through the silence. Twilight let out a gasp. "Oh! You all kind look like the... thing I rode in to get to the Fall Formal with my Canterlot High friends! It was called... I think it was called a limo? And Flash Sentry had a smaller one, looking more like, uh," Twilight cleared her throat, "could we make some introductions?" "Oh, yes yes yes!" Pinkie Pie shouted excitedly, "Introductions! Then a big welcome to Ponyville party!" The mane six lined up and started introductions. "I'm Rainbow Dash," "And I'm Pinkie Pie!" "I go by the name of Rarity," "You can call me Applejack," "I'm... I'm... F-Fluttershy." "And my name is Twilight Sparkle." "Your turn, your turn!" shouted Pinkie. The six Autobots transformed back into their original forms, then started introducing themselves as well. "As you already know, I'm Smokescreen," "The name's Bulkhead," "I'm Arcee," "Call me Ratchet," "Blip bleep, blowoop." "And my name, is Optimus Prime." Twilight looked in confusion at Bumblebee. "Sorry, I didn't quite catch your name," she said. "Oh, Twilight, didn't you hear? He said his name was Bumblebee! Duh! Did you know that he lost his voice in a battle, like, a loong time ago, but Ratchet was able to give him the voice he has now! But don't worry, he gets a voice that we can understand later, just you see!" The others all turned to look at Pinkie, both Autobots and ponies alike. "What?" She asked. Twilight broke the silence. "It's just Pinkie Pie. Don't question it." "Um... I can understand him, too." Fluttershy whispered, "but he didn't say anything about losing his voice." "Oh, you poor thing," Rarity said, "not being able to express your thoughts." Bumblebee let out a series of beeps. Fluttershy translated. "He said that all other, um, transformers can understand him, as well as some special people, like Pinkie Pie and um... me, as well as his friend Raf." "Is 'Raf' a pony?" Applejack inquired. "Raf, along with many of Earth's civilians, are humans," Ratchet corrected. "Uh... what are humans?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Humans are the inhabitants of the planet of earth, scientifically named Homo sapiens." Ratchet filled in. Twilight gasped. "Do you mean that there other species! I've never heard of humans, or Homo sapiens. What are they like?" Twilight Sparkle and Ratchet rambled on about planets, alternate dimensions, and Homo sapiens until everyone's heads hurt. Twilight finally turned to face them. "Girls, do you know what this means?" She asked excitedly. "Uhh..." Rainbow Dash began. "Not really," Applejack confessed. "Me neither," said Rarity. "Umm... I didn't quite understand..." Fluttershy mumbled. "Oh oh oh! I did, I did!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, jumping up and down, "That means that there could be other dimensions through the mirror, and other species in those dimensions. Humans, for one, who seem to resemble the students from Canterlot High, except they're not coloured pink and blue and yellow and such. This is so exciting!" Smokescreen cleared his throat. "Standing in the middle of a forest and talking is all very nice, but could we settle in somewhere, then continue talking?" he asked. "Of course, so sorry," Twilight said. "Let's head to Ponyville." ----- An hour later the Autobots were paired off with ponies and learning about Ponyville life. At Fluttershy's cottage, Bumblebee was meeting plenty of woodland animals. Fluttershy smiled at his gentleness. There was nothing to be afraid of. He may look scary, but he was actually very gentle and kind. Bumblebee let out a short series of beeps. "Oh, I've always been able to understand animals. It's my special talent, my cutie mark," Fluttershy answered, "I guess I can understand other creatures too." Bumblebee looked at her thoughtfully, then nodded. ----- Rainbow Dash was showing Smokescreen around, or, more specifically, they were showing each other their moves and having arguments over who was more awesome. "Oh, yeah?" Rainbow Dash argued, "I can do a sonic rainboom." "Oh, yeah?" Smokescreen argued right back, "I don't even know what that is." Rainbow Dash grinned. "It's really awesome. I'd do right now, but, I've only done it a couple times and it is very dangerous," she said proudly. "Well, I have a phaseshifter that lets me go through things," Smokescreen exclaimed, holding up his wrist. Rainbow Dash saw a silver and blue device. "So what?" She asked. "So this," he answered, turning in on and going right through a house, "and I'm taller than you." "Oh yeah, well I can fly." "But I can turn into a car." "What's a car?" ----- "Oh, I just love your colour scheme, um...," stumbled Rarity. "Arcee," she filled in. "Oh, yes. Arcee, I must remember that," Rarity said under her breath, "well, Arcee, would you like to see my latest fashion line? I must say, I am quite proud of this one." Arcee shrugged. Rarity inwardly groaned. Oh, Twilight, she thought, Couldn't I have helped one that appreciated fashion? ----- Applejack was doing her best to explain farm life to Ratchet, who seemed to be having trouble grasping the concept of apple bucking. "But considering the force you use and strength of the trees, you should shatter the trees on impact!" He pointed out. "But it doesn't, see?" She said, bucking another tree. Ratchet watched as the apples fell off the tree and into the baskets. "But that isn't scientifically possible!" Applejack shrugged. "Don't confuse me. Apple bucking has worked, works, and will always work for us all." Ratchet looked like he was about to say something, but quickly changed his mind and shook his head instead. ----- "Bulkhead! Come here!" Pinkie Pie shouted. Bulkhead rushed over to the small pink mare. "Yes, Pinkie? What is it?" "Can you reach waaay up there and get those balloons? I forgot to tie them onto something." Pinkie Pie and Bulkhead were working to throw a welcome to Ponyville party outside. A bunch of balloons had gotten stuck in a cloud. Bulkhead reached up and plucked them out. "Here you go, Pinkie," he said. "Oh, Bulkhead, you're so helpful, this party is going to be amaazing! Hey, I wonder if the cookies are ready yet!" "Cookies?" Bulkhead asked. "Yeah, cookies! I made them in the shape of you six Autobots!" She hopped insid and over to the oven. "Oo! They're ready!" She pulled the trays out and laid them on the table. "See, these ones are you!" "They're just shaped like me," Bulkhead pointed out. "That's because we haven't decorated them yet, silly!" Pinkie Pie said, opening a cupboard to reveal bottles upon bottles of coloured icing. "Let's get to decorating!" she exclaimed. ----- Optimus Prime looked to Twilight Sparkle. "The Elements of Harmony? What are those?" The two were sitting in front of her castle. Pinkie and Bulkhead could be seen in the distance planning their party. "Well, it's kind of complicated, but still simple. They are the elements of a good friendship; laughter, kindness, generosity, loyalty, honesty, and magic, but since friendship is magic, it can be said as the element of friendship instead." "What do they do?" Optimus questioned. "All ponies have magic, unicorns obviously from their horns, but pegasi also have magic in their wings which they use to fly, and earth ponies have magic that generally helps with tending the land, except Pinkie Pie. Where she lacks strength and knowledge of the land, she has... other... stuff. I can't really explain it, she has a pinkie sense... and... let's get back to the point. Equestria is not exactly a safe place. There are all sorts creatures that attack us. Sometimes the magic we have isn't strong enough to defeat them, and therefore we need the strongest magic of all, the magic of friendship. It can't be defeated unless our friendship is ruined." Twilight explained. "How do you defeat an enemy with friendship?" Optimus Prime asked in curiosity. "Friendship contains a special type of magic, more powerful than all types of magic put together. When our friendship is ignited, that magic comes to life to defeat an enemy." Twilight looked down thoughtfully, then back up. "Would you consider you and your fellow Autobots friends?" "Uh..." Optimus thought hard. Were they friends? The relationship they had more often felt like... comrades more than friends. "Twilight! Optimus! The party is ready!" Pinkie screamed from across the town. Optimus sighed in relief. He knew it was only delaying the question, but he needed more time to think about it.