//------------------------------// // A Greater Circle // Story: This Little World of Mine // by EtherCreation //------------------------------// Two words... What. The. [censored]. Actually that was three words but whatever who cares anyway?! Luna felt like she was back in timeout in the old days...except it was an abyssmal dark room that for some reason she cannot see through. After all she is the Princess of Night. Though here sister was beside her she could tell by that faint smudge of white next to her. But just in case she prayed that it wasn't another kind of white smudge. But the party of darkness was ruined when somebody turned on the lights. "Ack! What in Tartarus was that for?!" despite being blinded by the light, Luna yells like a mother. "Calm down sister it is just me." the light dims revealing Celestia. Suddenly a voice bellows,"HELLO AND WELCOME TO MY REALM OF THE ETHER! HOW MA-" "SHUT UP!" a slam to the gut, brought you by Celestia. Then the lights were back on. But the sight was quite impressive to see. Despite the utter nocturnal lighting the room was designed more like a cave. Rough, uneven, but quite spacey. There wasn't much to the room...if you counted the furniture being more rigid and made of stone. Though it did add a complex yet simple feel to the cave...instead of being some weird hole in the earth, or the Ether to be exact. Though there was something rather impressive about the cave, crystals of different colors, shapes, and sizes hang and dangle from the cieling, if there was only a dim amount of light the crystals would reflect off of them and perform a dazzling show of twinkling stars in the darkness. But the only thing not made of this obsidian colored mineral was a wooden cabinet where broken and shattered objects lay. But there was still a resident in this dull yet beautiful scene was a black furred jackal...he seemed very upset. The jackal had this focused and tense, they guessed that was his regular face. Even with the serious facial expression he didn't look like the "outside" person. The jackal only wore some dark gray sweatpants along with another dark gray hoodie. He didn't wear any gloves or shoes just like the last two, and he didn't have any hair or mane either. Other than that he appears older than Glacies or Genesis, probably about his early twenties with that young face with piercing glow stick green irises. "I-Is that-" Luna points to the fragments. The jackal interrupts with a soothe but focused tone, "My china collection." "How did-" "You screamed..." "Well I-I am very-" "Shut up." Oh dang. Well that wasn't very nice...the jackal himself seemed a bit angry at the sight of property destruction which could lead to a 2,000 bit fine. But does that count for him? Probably. Either way Luna didn't know what to currently do in this situation so she kept here mouth shut. The jackal sighs, where the was a new door appearing in some random direction. Gingerly he picks up the entire wooden cabinet...and sumo tosses it into the door where the sound of crunching, splintered wood is heard. But apparently someone lives there... "Hey! Why the hell did y-" and their face gets slammed on the door as it disappears. Then he suddenly introduces, "Name's Umbra..." as he takes a pawhand out of his pocket. "Um...hello Umbra my name is Luna." she shakes the pawhand. "Yes. For destroying my china collection you owe me one favor." Luna raises her eyebrow. "And what will that favor be?" The jackal walks away to some object. Since it was in the shadows neither Luna nor Celestia saw it but after Umbra had lifted the strange object into the light it appears to be a boombox. So wait a minute, they are going to do a dance off? That was on their minds at first...until he clicks the button. The boombox itself had split in half still connected by a slab of metal from within along with some suspiciously large wires. In rather suprising speed all of the wires along with the speakers made an awkward shape while the rest created a long pole with a lengthy sharp blade. In basic terms it was a 'Bass Scythe'. "A spar." he gestures the weapon before them. Suddenly a door reappears swinging wide open to find....Genesis! Being right behind the goddesses it surprised them a bit but they recover quickly. "And I'll be part of it as well." he waves to Lulu and Tia. "Make sure you don't cry when your butts get whooped by us." Luna gulped, she knew from earlier they are more powerful than they look. After all you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Celestia knew about this as well. Even the younger cat, compared to the jackal, was still leagues ahead of her. The terrain wasn't good for them either being too cramped for flying and not much space to work with in general...looks like the odds were stacked against them. But it looks like the Ether had listened to her worry... The room started to blur warping color, texture, and shape like when an artist decides to restart and just paints all over their imperfect project. None of them looked at this even, all they knew for the time being is that they were being challenged. The warping ceases into a plain white floor of an infinite blue sky stretching as far as the eye can see. The pathway of the sun was still, shining in one direction and radiating some warmth never moving across the infinite sky. "Luna, Genesis, you're up." the jackal announces. Luna steps forth tagging along with the kitty as he happily bounces into position. Both stood front of the other, they wait in their fighting positions until the signal to duel was upon them. Luna made sure she would not hold back against an opponent like Genesis. "Prepare to engage.......go!!!" Umbra swings his scythe down and steps back. Genesis dashes forward to the lunar alicorn with amazing speed catching her by surprise almost leading to a punch to the face if she hadn't recovered so quickly. But the young sister was not losing so easily...in fact both were trained in close quarters combat. Her hind hoof jabs at his leg sweeping the cat off of his balance as he stumbles on one knee trying to regain control but it was helpless as she jabs at the second one as he faceplants on the ground. 'Too easy.' she thought. Oh if she only knew... The kitty gets up quicker than she suspected, almost surprising her to be honest. The lunar princess quickly hops back defensively just in time as Genesis sweeps his legs around trying to land a mark on her if she tried approaching a different direction. Luna did have some impression, she had read those comics before where there is that one protagonist or antagonist who is insanely powerful and just is a major [censored]. But it seems that Genesis was different than those in the comics, instead of spamming his power and using his brute strength to beat everyone into submission he thought his moves out well, just like where she avoids the punch to her chest. But she knew that it will take much more than physical force to take this guy down. She used her magic to increase her physical prowess, symbolized by the tiny abyssal flames dancing underneath her hooves. The princess counters the recent punch with her front hoof jab to the eye socket the cat reeling back in the sudden increase of her strength. Young sister Luna smirks, hooves are harder than they look. She hops back again to keep their distance at maximum. Genesis recovers with a scowl, almost as if he considered that move as unfair. He brings a balled up fist back, eyeing at her forehead. What was he doing? His fist thrusts...her answer was the one she barely dodged. It was an electrical magic bolt, Luna could tell how her coat stood on edge just from being close to the projectile. When the spark hit the ground all the volts lashed out in a spherical shape the earth vibrating beneath them. Dissipating into the air nothing was left but seared ground. This was shocking, no pun intended, but impressive nonetheless. Only the Royal and Night Guard are able to cast magic bolts as fast as that. "Very nice. You can cast magic bolts as fast as the regular unicorn soldier." praises Luna. Genesis doesn't say a word. He keeps firing the electrical magic bolts from his fists and now his pawfeet, an intimidating combination indeed with four limbs to vary out which one he will cast. The princess weaves around each one with focus, with each one she maneuvers she returns fire with a midnight hued magic bolt, not as fast but more destructive, small explosions of pure magic erupting on anything it touched. Genesis carried the flexibility of a cat, bending and bobbing his way around most projectiles...until one hit him sending the feline flying a few feet into the air landing on the earth with a loud thud. Luna felt proud of herself, being the one landing the first blow. Her pride was swiped away when noticing something odd in the sky above her. It was a manipulated thunder cloud, she could tell it was being controlled by the magic circle around it glowing a bright yellow tint. 'This must be from Genesis' she thought. The sudden flash within the cloud gave her the signal, the princess bounds out of the way in time when the bolt of pure lightning rains down from the cloud onto the ground sending a little bit of shock across her coat. Dang, this cat was good in combat...she was going to end this quick. For advantage she casts a spell on herself and vanishes in thin air, with the success of confusing the cat. Luna smiled as she trips the feline just as fast as he recovered, and right before his body falls to the floor again a right uppercut to the back of the head flips him over landing face first. "And the winner is Luna.." the voice of the jackal ceases the fight. Surprisingly the white kitten gets up like nothing happened, but he was still present with some scratches and bruises. "That was a good fight! I almost hit you though, just gotta be more accurate." The young alicorn sighs, looks like she won! With pure honesty she thought she was going to lose...and she has the reasons why. Even though there might be a few things that Genesis did not reveal to the sister princess it was terrifying how he was casting so much electricity at such a fast pace..and from the little shocks that sank into her coat meant to her that there was a heck of a lot of voltage inside each bolt. If she got hit , maybe just even grazed by a single bolt, she would have numb legs...maybe it will stun her as well leaving the lunar princess helpless. The world was warped once more, back into the previous cavern which was the owner's. "How about you Umbra, aren't you here to spar as well?" Celestia narrows her eyes at the jackal. For a mere moment he says nothing, the weapon still heft on his shoulder. The was a shaking head as his scythe folds back into a boombox. Just like the last couple of times there was another door on the other side of the cavern, an aura of eerie patience seeping from whatever lied on the other side. With putting the pieces together both siblings suggested that someone on the higher chain had telepathically demanded an end to this shenanigan. Looks like this was their final stop. "The First Brother is waiting for you on the other side of this door, the default passage has been altered to swiftly bring your wish a reality." explained the Third Brother. Tia could see the truth in his eyes. "....Well that is a tremendous relief. But is there anything we must know before we further traverse?" The cat and canine exchange glances with concern, but the canine is good at masking his emotions. "Are you willing to face the suffering ahead of you? Willing to find your purpose in exchange for the guilt you will bear?" With wide eyes the blank flank of the duo shivered in revelation. On the other side of that door lies her way of finding purpose, the destiny she had been looking for. By the sentences he formed there was going to be something tragic, one that she will carry on her shoulders for a very long time. Luna may not know if it will happen immediately but this had shaken her iron determination, is she willing to sacrifice her serenity for the knowledge of her own destiny? But all her worries were washed into the sea when the eldest sister gives a reassuring touch on the shoulder. "We are more than willing, we accept and endure the suffering ahead of us. Just like a mountain life has ups and downs, things may be seeming terrible at one point but there will always be that light at the end of the tunnel." She brushes a bushel of hair from Luna's face, "And no matter what happens, I will always be there to ease her burden however I can." The blank flank almost teared up but she fights those tears and embraces her sister in a grateful hug. She was right, things may turn bad in time but eventually it will all work out in the end no matter how long it takes. Once that burden will arrive her sister will be there for her no matter what. With reforged courage Luna opens the door, the noise of the cavern being absorbed by what lies on the other side of this white haze. Celestia is by the side of Luna as they move forth into the door and was never seen from the other side, the door gone just as they were too. "...So...wanna play a game?" Genesis looks at the tall Umbra. "No. I'd rather get my collection and smoke a blunt." and he punches the kitty back to whence he came. With that finished Umbra takes out a blunt and lights it up, taking in the smoke through his lungs. "...this blunt sucks." before going into his secret room to play some modern styled games.