A Visitor From Manehattan


Chapter 9 Tiresome

Rarity and Coco were alone in the Carousel Boutique. Coco Pomell had to get something off of her mind. "I don't get you Rarity," Coco said as they were sewing. Rarity stopped and looked at her.

"Whatever do you mean?" Rarity asked.

"You and Spike, what's with you two?" Coco asked. Rarity furrowed her brow.

"I told you already there is nothing between us, why do you care anyway?" Rarity asked.

"Don't change the subject, you said there was nothing between the two of you but all of a sudden I see your lipstick on his lips." Rarity's cheeks became red.

"I-it doesn't matter that I kissed him, I am not pursuing a relationship with somepony who is eight years younger than me," Rarity said her tone becoming a bit more aggressive.

"How do you think Spike feels? All the years he's been chasing after you just to find out that you knew all along, and to make matters worse you decide to kiss him?" She huffed "And here I thought you were a element of generosity."

"Okay don't you dare go there! My feelings for Spike are complicated so who do you think you are telling me that what I'm doing is wrong!" Rarity shouted. She walked up to Coco. "Do you really think I'm stupid? Do you think his affections fell on deaf ears? They didn't and every second I work with him I have to keep myself for going farther than a kiss on the cheek!" Coco stepped back. "I love him...I really do, but you must understand he is just too young."

She sighed "You know the law Coco, I'm twenty three and he's fifteen, I can't be with him even if he's a dragon," she sniffled. "I kept on trying to ignore his attempts. Coco he has done much for me, when in was overtaken by dark magic and forced my friends in cages, it wasn't them who saved me it was him, so naturally his feelings didn't become unrequited" Coco's ears fell to the sides of her head.

"I'm sorry I didn't know that you really felt this way about him."

"It's okay," she smiled "Besides he would be happier with you than me."

Coco blushed "How did you"

"I'm not blind, I see the way you look at him," she wiped her eyes. "You two will be great together."

Coco hugged her. "Thank you Rarity."

"It's fine.. let's just clean ourselves up before he gets back," Rarity put a tissue to her running mascara. They both continued tending their dresses. "I'm sorry for yelling Coco."

"Me too," Coco smiled "Friends?"


Spike was walking down the dirt path. "Let's see, extra pair of scissors, check, a basket full of pink diamonds, check, a confident smile? Double check," he stopped for a second to admire the clear blue sky, "I love this town."

He continued walking and made it to the Carousel Boutique's front door, "Well time to get back to work," he opened the door. "Rarity I got the things you needed," Spike said. Rarity's horn glowed blue and levitated the gems toward her.

"Thank you Spike," Rarity said.

"Did you say Spike?" he asked.

"That is your name isn't it?" Rarity said fixed on her dress.

"It's just that..never mind," he said dejectedly. He walked over to Coco's and began to assist her. "So what do we need done?"

"Not much really, but I would like to say I appreciate your help," Coco smiled. "Well there's our dress," she laid it flat on the table. Rarity walked over and nodded.

"Exquisite detail darling this'll do perfectly," she levitated the dress and placed it on the mannequin. "Thank you you're done for the day, I'll see you two tomorrow okay?"

"Of course see you later Rarity," Spike and Coco left the building. "So Coco ready to relax?"

"Definantly I am so tired," she yawned, "We did pretty good job didn't we?"

"No, you did a great job. Coco you're a really talented mare." Spike said. Coco blushed.

"You're pretty amazing too Spike," she moved a bit closer to him. He put a hand on her face.

"You're more than amazing Coco," he closed his eyes. They began to lean in. "Coco would you like to-argh!" Coco opened her eyes and saw him on the ground under a rainbow maned mare.

"Ow tough landing," she looked down and winced. "Sorry Spike," she stood up and waved over to somepony. "That was insane! Did you see that Scootaloo!" She yelled to the filly who was running towards them.

"That was awesome sis!" She glanced and saw Spike on the ground. "Oh that's gonna hurt in the morning,"

Spike sat up "This is the fifth time you've done this to me Rainbow!" She shrugged her shoulders.

"I swear I don't do it on purpose, maybe you got bad luck,"

"Yeah you probably ri-," Spike said before a hoofball collided with his stomach.

"Sorry!" A colt yelled from the distance.

"Urgh can we go home Coco?" Spike said rubbing his abdomen.

"That might be best for you," Coco picked him up.

"Why do I get hurt so often? It's like there is somepony out there who just doesn't like me" (hey I like you it's really not me) Coco brushed him off.

"Are you okay ?" she asked.

"I think so," he felt around himself for any open wounds. "Well I'm fine... for now."

"We should get you home before you get hurt worse" they began walking again. Red and orange painted over the sky. "This day went by fast."

"For you maybe, but waiting in line at a store with just a few items? That was pure indoctrinated torture." Coco giggled.

"You're silly Spike."

"I wouldn't say silly maybe just playful."

"Fine then you're playful then,"

"Coco I want you to know I haven't enjoyed spending time with somepony as much as I do with you."

"You're quite the charmer."

"I don't even have to try I'm just so smooth" Spike slipped and fell into face first into dirt. Coco giggled much to his chagrin.

"Very smooth."