The Revenge of the Shadows

by YangSoulSplitted

The First Attack

It was a beautiful day in Ponyville, the sun shining, the fillies playing in the school's yard, some ponies already selling their goods in the market and Princess Twilight and company spending a little time in the throne room at Twilight's Castle.

“It’s nice to have a day off from anything that threatens Equestria, isn’t that right girls?” Twilight looked at the other 5 ponies and they nodded smiling warmly.

“I can’t remember the last time I could change my manedo!” Rarity said looking herself in the mirror "So chick I could be posing for PhotoFinish's new line of clothing!" Applejack and Rainbow Dash laughed loudly as they most of the times did.

“Honey, your mane is the same!” said Applejack rising an eyebrow “Or at least I see the same mane you've always had” Rarity sighed and shook her head in disapproval.

“Some ponies simply don’t get the trends of…” before she could finish her thought, the room's door slammed open and a messenger from Canterlot went running inside.

“Princess Twilight! Princess Twilight!” everyone jumped on their seats and looked at the desperate messenger, it was a flying messenger, but for some reason he was running, and considering the sweat in his forehead he seemed to have put extra speed on this task “Princess Celestia requires your presence in Canterlot as soon as you can! Is… Is… King Sombra… he came back! Somehow… he made it back from the death!” the room was quiet, you could hear the murmur of the ponies outside questioning themselves of what could be so important and dangerous that the messenger was pale as chalk, everypony turned to Twilight, her eye widened and you could tell she was shaking a little.

“That cannot be!” Twilight said trying to control the shake in her voice “We defeated him years ago!” the messenger nodded.

“But he is back… and I’m afraid… I’m afraid your brother is the witness to prove it…” in that moment Twilight said nothing and rushed to the window and jumped, opening her wings and flying top speed to Canterlot, was her brother hurt? Dead? No! He had to be okay! He was protected by the Crystal Heart and Cadence’s love! He couldn’t be death…

When she got there she didn’t care that her wings were sore, she didn’t care her headache and thirst, she just wanted to see her brother… but what she saw was…

“Crystal… he’s… he’s a Crystal…” Shining Armor was there, standing, his pose suggested that he was trying to escape, but… from who? His mane, his skin, everything was covered in a black crystal, his eyes were widened, and his brows were frowned and his mouth was open, after she stared to the statue a minute or so, she noticed the hanging note on his neck, Twilight rapidly took the note and read it:

To the three princesses, one shall keep her life and three shall be under my control.
Resistance is futile.
If you dare to send somepony after me they’ll end up like your beloved Royal Guardian.
King Sombra.

Twilight was frozen in her place, she couldn’t believe it… was her brother death? Obviously he wasn’t moving… meaning he couldn’t breathe! But Discord was petrified and he was still alive… so… maybe there was hope for her brother, right?

“Twilight!” she turned to the motherly voice of Princess Celestia and ran to her open wings “My dear student… I’m sorry you had to see this…[” her embrace was soft and caring but that wasn’t enough for Twilight.

“Is… Is he dead?” Celestia shook her head softly making Twilight feel slightly relieved.

“He’s not, so please, Twilight, stop troubling your head” Celestia sighed and Twilight rose her sight “It is my fault, I should have made sure that Sombra was actually death” Twilight then remembered someone as important as his brother.

“How is Cadence?!” Celestia looked down the young princess and gave a warm smile while undoing the embrace.

“Sad, frightened and confused, just like you, please, go and take a bath, you need to calm down, Shining Armor is fine, your friends will arrive soon” Twilight nodded and went to take that so much needed bath, she was sweaty and the soreness in her body started to show up… at least Shining Armor was fine.

After some hours she went outside the Bathing Hall and went to her former room as a former student in Canterlot, it still had her belongings, back at the time when the only threat was Nightmare… Moon…

“Oh no… Princess… Princess Luna” if Sombra was there again, it meant that Nightmare Moon could also break free from Luna’s control…

“How dare you, Twilight?]” Twilight jumped in her place because of the surprise and turned to the voice of the Princess of the Moon “I’d never let Nightmare Moon regain control again!]” her face was frowning with anger “I understand that you’re afraid of Sombra, but you must not worry, is Sombra alone” Twilight sighed and nodded.

“Please accept my apologies princess… is just… did… did you read the note it came with…” she swallowed the word “statue” “with my brother? It said…” Luna nodded.

“I did, but Sombra and I have nothing in common… not… not right now” Twilight looked at her, she scanned the Princess but she could only see that her eyes were had a little water in them... was she crying? “Sombra and I… we had something when we were young… that until…” a moment of silence passed before Luna cleared her throat and looked at Twilight “Don’t worry Princess Twilight… I’ll never be Nightmare Moon again, not even if my life depended on it” and with that she left, leaving Twilight alone in the hallway.
Luna was walking to her room thinking if Sombra would be so stupid to ask her to become part of his plan… of… of what?

“Of regaining our former power, my dear moonlight” she turned everywhere, magic shining in her horn.

“Show yourself Sombra! Or I’ll…” she then received a kiss on her lips, she blushed like mad but that didn’t stopped her from launching a blast of magic in front of her.

“I remember those days, you and me, alone… and your beautiful mane…” Luna received soft strokes in her mane and soft kisses in her neck “Can’t we go back in time… just for tonight?” an invisible hoof went down her back sending shivers through her spine “For the real battle begins…” Sombra appeared at her side kissing her neck “Tomorrow at sunrise…” and with those words Luna and Sombra kissed with passion and went under Luna's blankets.