//------------------------------// // Mission accomplished // Story: Friendzone ain't magic // by Marshall_Evergreen //------------------------------// An hour after entering the bar, both Soarin and Discord have managed to coax Spike into drinking a bit and talking about his problems. Soarin and Spike continue to talk while Discord listens intently to Applejack, as she 'spills the beans' on her current mood. Though the others thought him drunk, the few cups of Cider had began to wear off on Spike (Dragons are weird that way). Maybe that's why he was still drinking more, he didn't want to have the liberty of free thought; he didn't need reality dragging him around just then. Okay, so he wasn't exactly sober, but he had enough wit about him to allow him some degree of intelligent thought. Only problem was: He hated it. It was an occupational hazard really. Having lived with Twilight his entire life, he had picked up a couple tricks on logical thinking. Then again, who wouldn't after being stuck with her for days and days on end. Frankly, it was surprising he hadn't yet adopted all of her mannerisms. In any case, either way he looked at this whole situation, he saw there was no one to really blame and it angered him. How could so much emotion come from nothing? His feelings had been real hadn't they? Maybe the numerous dreams and fantasies had been exactly that; dreams and fantasies. Now they seemed more like ghosts - threatening to haunt him forever. Maybe it wasn't meant to be. But all the time spent on Rarity, all for nothing? No. That just didn't make sense. He must have learned something, something must have been gained. In the end, he supposed, Rarity had given him a drive and a purpose. She'd made every moment special. So even if they weren't together now, that didn't make those memories any less real. Spike smiled. After four days of mulling it over, he was starting to get somewhere. But there was still pain. He needed another drink. "Another drink please, Applejack." He said in his usual perky tone of voice. Applejack turned to him with moist eyes, before composing herself and smiling. "Good ta have ya back with the living, sugarcube." She said softly, while passing him another drink, classically sliding it across the bar top for it to come directly into Spike's waiting claw. Spike kept his eyes locked with hers for a moment, before wrenching himself away to stare into his drink. Had she been crying? What was she talking to Discord about? How had he not noticed? How...oh... Spike's pupils shrank as a thought crossed his mind. He'd been here for four days. All that time he'd been a mess, with no thought or consideration for anyone else. Applejack had been there the entire time. She'd tried to help, tried to get him out of his misery but he'd merely pushed her away. He'd been so cold-blooded, and just a few hours ago, he'd yelled at her, demanding another can of Root beer. She'd hid her eyes under her hat and seemed to sob, before calling him...what was it, 'Varmint?' It all felt like years ago already. Celestia, emotion sucks... He buried his face in his claws as the torment was being heaped up on his brain. She was his friend. He'd treated her like dirt, bossing her around. Why hadn't she resisted? Why hadn't she kicked him out, or slapped him, anything! Of course, it was because she was Applejack. She'd endured so much. She was so strong, and would never let the pain show. He was her friend, she'd never hurt him. Some friend he'd been. Oh Celestia, what had he done? Tears began to well up in his eyes as he cursed himself. He'd taken everything out on her and it made him feel like an absolute wretch just thinking about it. Good. He deserved that much. He looked up and turned to see Soarin looking at him, with a look of concern, maybe pity. Just another bad reminder. His friends Soarin and Discord were trying to help him the best way they knew how. They really were the best friends any Drake could ask for. Always fun and optimistic, but also humble; ready to help a friend in need or admit their flaws. Ready to pull together to make each other stronger. It was so bittersweet. It made his heart swell with gratitude for his friends. He was so lucky. How could he have been so blind and selfish? They were great, always looking for the best in people and it made him feel like crap. So he'd lost out on Rarity, that didn't make him unloved. "Hey Spike, how are you doing?" Soarin asked. He'd been watching Spike intently for a while, studying any visible signs. Soarin himself had known Spike ever since the Equestria games, where they'd both met in a cafeteria before quickly becoming best friends. They had a couple similarities but were also very different from each other, and that's what kept their friendship fun. Plus, he knew Rainbow Dash; he'd needed an asset in his quest for her affections. And ever since Discord got in the mix, the three have been inseparable. After having learned to expand his circle of friends, Discord had found favour with a more mature and grown-up Spike. Though Spike himself couldn't use chaos based magic, he still had some insight into the various types of the Arcane arts. Having been an assistant to Princess Twilight Sparkle, he'd picked up a great understanding of various types of magic, though he himself could only breath fire. He understood Discord, being a bit of an 'outsider' himself. Being a dragon in Ponyville wasn't all rainbows and sunshine! So they were a trio. Life was a great adventure and when the Mane six were out, Spike and the crew would get together for some fun and mayhem. Only minor pranks really, but it still kept Discord happy. Spike turned, sniffed and rubbed his eyes of the tears. His eyes were slightly red in the corners and his cheeks stained from the rivulets of tears. He nodded. "Okay. No, I'm better than okay. I'm great!" He laughed, coughing a bit on the lump in his throat. He reached out and embraced Soarin. "I'm so lucky to have you guys and I'm sorry for being such a dweeb." Soarin was caught off guard by the young drake hugging him. Spike was at least a foot taller than Soarin and the sight looked like an over grown child cuddling a rather petrified Pegasus plush doll. He smiled softly before reaching around to pat the Spike on the back. "It's cool bro. We're amigos right?" Spike pulled back laughing while drawing back more tears. "Right!" Discord and Applejack both looked at this with smiles plastered to their faces. Discord stood up, summoning a dinner jacket, white gloves, a cane and a top hat. He slipped on the gloves and jacket before turning to Applejack. Cane in one hand, he bowed, dipping his body in her direction whilst sweeping his other arm low across his chest, top hat in hand. "Thank you dear, we've had a most pleasant stay. But alas, our mission is complete, thus it is time we take our leave." Discord said in all his gentlemen swagger. He stood back up and strutted toward the saloon doors, before stopping and turning back to Soarin. "Come now Soarin, best get you back to the miss'." Soarin teetered a bit before landing lazily on the floor. "coming." He gargled Discord struck his cane on the floor, getting everypony's attention. "Once again, I thank you for the fantastic service Applejack! The drinks were splendid and the conversation most engaging. I trust you to get home in one piece Spike?" Spike nodded mutely. "Splendid. Then let us take our leave, post-haste, to Cloudsdale!" Soarin took two steps forward and passed out on the floor. Discord slapped his face. "Great Scott, WHY SOARIN?" Discord yelled, annoyed. He picked up Soarin with his magic and with a *BAMF*...they were gone, leaving a dark purple cloud to dissipate in patches, along with the dank and musky smell of Brimstone. Applejack blinked in utter confusion. No matter how hard she tried, she could never understand Discord and his...erm, dramatic flare. "Don't try. Trust me, it only hurts." Applejack blinked again and turned to stare at Spike who was looking in her direction, drinking another pint of cider. "How..." She began but Spike held up a hand. "I recognize the look. After a while, you get used to it; Discord and all his finesse." Her eyes flicked from him, to the dissipating cloud, then back to spike before shaking her head and chuckling. Spike gave an amused huff before returning to his drink. He knew perfectly well that he had to talk to AJ, to apologise. Just, how do you do it? 'Hey Applejack, I'm sorry for being a giant jerk this entire time and putting you through hell!' Yeah, like that's gonna work. It sounded pathetic. He chuckled. How fitting; that was exactly how he felt.