The Revenge of the Shadows

by YangSoulSplitted

The Nightmare Within

It was night, Luna could feel it, her horn was itching to raise the moon to its proper place in the sky and place the stars where they belonged, that urge made her wake abruptly thus making her fall from her bed, she slowly got up and looked around her, it wasn’t a prison cell, actually… it was a very comfortable place, her bed was covered by blankets made of black silk, a big window was covered in curtains made of dark blue satin and she could even see a balcony behind that window… wait... a balcony! Her moon! Her duty! Without thinking she ran to it and raised the moon up, she had to tell her sister she was okay… wait… she was… okay? She received way too many hits for her just to be okay!

“I see you’ve recovered” Luna jumped in her place and turned quickly, facing Sombra who was standing in the door.

“Sombra! You’re going to be sorry for this! As soon as I leave, you’ll never be able to get me” Sombra laughed and slowly walked to Luna, she opened her wings and flew away, she flew quick and without getting chased by anypony she was… free? “Wait…” she said to herself while stopping her flight “Sombra… Sombra wouldn’t let me go away! He had to do a lot of things…” Suddenly a hoof softly stroke her mane.

“I didn’t have to do anything, Luna, you did everything for me, I only had to fight you but you made it way too easy, you can leave, but I can rest assured, that whenever I go to your dorm you won’t attack me unless your sister is around” Luna launched a blast of lunar magic, but again, Sombra had no trouble on blocking it.

“That’s not true! Wait… how are you standing by my side? You can’t fly!” Sombra pointed down and Luna saw a bridge of dark crystal going from the balcony to the spot they were.

“It is true, Luna, but enough of that" his horn shone with a black gelam and Luna got trapped in a black bubble "We are going to get Nightmare Moon out" Luna's face went pale and started hitting the bubble, but it was too strong.

"I'll never free Nightmare Moon again, and if you think I'll cooperate you're wrong! You'll have to kill me first!" Luna's eyebrows were frowned, but Sombra just laughed while walking back to the castle.

"That my dear, won't be necessary, yet" Sombra's voice was calmed, he wasn't threating at all "Chrysalis is actually eager to see you again dear Princess"

Luna sighed and tried to find out where she was, obviously near to the Crystal Empire, Cadence's Castle could be seen, obviously far away, she could see mountains and snow, they must have been near Yakyakistan, that's it!

"Sister, I am fine, but soon I will not be, I am prisioner of Sombra and it seems that Chrysalis is with him, send Twilight and her friends as quick as possible, I am not sure the exact location but it must be near Yakyakistan, please sister, do haste she thought and formed a moonlight orb with her message inside it, it seems that the bubble didn't canceled her magic "To Canterlot, dear moonlight, please hurry the orb shone and immediately flew away, Luna sighed in relief and looked at Sombra, they were getting to the balcony.

"I sure hope you cooperate Luna, if you don't, you'll suffer, but Nightmare Moon will come outside one way or another.

"And I sure hope you are ready for what is coming at you Sombra" Luna said with disdain "That little affair of us was a reminder of what is long lost" Sombra jumped to the balcony, Chrysalis was already there, waiting.

"Well hello darling" Chrysalis said with a smirk in her face "It seems that the rebel Princess wanted to escape! Isn't that delightful?" she turned into Celestia and started laughing "Oh dear Luna! Now I see you are not as stupid and useless as I thought!" Chrysalis and Sombra laughed at that, Luna's face was becoming red with anger and shame.

"Talking seriously now Luna" said Sombra smirking "Your magic became way too weak" Crhysalis nodded.

"I remember the first time we fought" said the changeling turning into her real form "I could barely stand after that! And you were as fresh as a lettuce! From the three of us, you were the most powerful"

Sombra faded the bubble away after gently putting the Princess in the floor.

"Please, surrender before my sister banishes both of you" the two royals laughed.

"Why would she banish us?" said Crhysalis while making her horn shine green.

"When her own sister will be against her?" Sombra's horn shone black again and suddenly, Luna felt a big sword go thorugh her heart while Chrysalis and Sombra chanted something she couldn't understand, deeper and deeper, the sword touched a part in her heart she thought forgotten, a scream tore apart the silence of the night for both, Yakyakistan and the Crystal Empire, a scream of pain, then one of rage and then, the dark laughter of three Monarchs, ready to reign with an iron hand