//------------------------------// // Epilogue // Story: Looking Glass, P.I: Coins and Crowns // by Kavonde //------------------------------// Dear Queen Chrysallis, As I predicted, Crown Jewel overplayed his hoof. Not only has it cost him his life, it's disrupted all of the plans he made concerning the coup. Our potential alliances with the griffons and minotaur are now shaky at best. Additionally, Crown's short-sighted murder of Silver Coin despite our request, coupled with the arrest and deportation of several of our infiltrators within the First Equestrian, have brought our current operations in Fillydelphia to a rather abrupt halt. Fortunately, Your Majesty, I am not without contingencies. Several of our most highly-placed agents are still functional. As well, Crown's death and downfall have opened a power vacuum within the city that we can capitalize on. I have already begun identifying new targets among the various factions vying for control. However, I will need at least five more talented infiltrators to proceed fully. I will make arrangements for them to be brought into the city and blended until their targets can be assigned. I assure you, my queen, that despite our recent setbacks, our plans will come to fruition. Your Faithful Servant, Lady Shatarra