//------------------------------// // Day One // Story: BPT: Fluttershy & Big Mac's Big Day! // by Wolven5 //------------------------------// “Oh my…” Fluttershy was walking towards Sweet Apple Acres, and with every step she felt a flitter of her nerve give way as the day of the wedding drew near. In just a few days, Fluttershy would be garbed in another of her dear friend Rarity’s finest work, surrounded by all the ponies she loved as they would watch her walk the aisle with her father towards the altar. The thought of so many watching her was among the top ten of the butter-yellow pegasus mare’s worst fears, but she was reminded of who would await her at the altar, and the sight of him working at his farm helped those flitters blow away and she wondered, But why should I feel nervous when my Mackie and I…? Fluttershy couldn’t help but sigh romantically as she thought of how handsome her beau would look in his own wedding apparel. And how those nice taut flanks will feel on our…! Fluttershy blushed redder than her fiance as she shook the thought away when she heard… “Is tha’ muh `Shy Ah see o’er there or did Celestia send me a very similar lookin’ angel?” Fluttershy’s blush remained as she looked up and saw Big Macintosh looking her way with a teasing but loving smile, waving her over. She gently flapped towards her fiance who said, “You looked like you wer’ havin’ an interestin’ think.” “Oh, um, you could… say that, Mackie,” Fluttershy nodded with a sheepish smile but felt the tension wash away when Big Macintosh gave her a nuzzle, and she closed her eyes, nuzzling him back, “I can’t deny it though, Macintosh. I’m… still a little nervous about…” “Ah know, Ah am a bit too,” Big Mac admitted, “but just remember this, `Shy - Ever since we first bumped int’ each other back when we wer’ foals, Ah never stopped thinkin’ `bout you. Ah’m jus’ sorry Ah kept ya waiting longer after mah folks wer’ gone.” “You need never apologize for that, Mackie,” Fluttershy assured him with a sympathizing smile, “The very fact that you focused on taking care of your family is but one of the many examples why you are the Element of Devotion, why I know you will be there for me whenever I need you.” Big Mac smiled gratefully and Fluttershy pulled her stallion into another nuzzle, touching foreheads and staring lovingly into those big green eyes she loved so much. But then she narrowed her eyes, “You still haven’t told me where we’re getting married.” “An’ Ah ain’t gonna,” Big Mac smiled a cheeky smile. “Ah told ya before, where wer’ gettin’ hitched is a surprise.” “Well, knowing you, Mackie,” Fluttershy gave him a tender kiss on the cheek, “it’ll be somewhere wonderful.” The blissfully betrothed share another loving nuzzle before Fluttershy broke away, “I’m going to go see the others about the preparations, and Rarity asked me to come by her shop today. See you later?” “Eeyup, and sugarcube?” Fluttershy gave Big Macintosh a curious look, “However nervous ya might get, just remember - Ah love you.” Fluttershy smiled, “I love you too, Macintosh.” As he watched his `Shy fly off, Mac couldn’t help but eye those very fine flanks. “Not bad-looking, is she...?” “Hey!” Big Mac turned to the source of the voice and saw a chuckling Midnight, holding up his hooves in surrender. “Just kidding, just kidding, big bro!” he swore with a slightly nervous smile. “It’s just you were looking very stallion-ish at her…” Big Mac narrowed his eyes at his brother, and Midnight realized he was hanging by a thread and so cleared his throat to change the subject. “Well, you’ll be glad to know the invitations have been answered and quite a lot of Apples are turning out for the event!” “...An’ th’ gazebo?” Big Mac inquired. “It’s perfectly safe, and I warded it against Fluttershy’s scrutiny with a strong distractor spell,” Midnight assured. “Thanks to that lock of her hair you gave me, the distractor spell will keep only Fluttershy away from the gazebo, so everypony will be able to set it all up for the ceremony without her catching on.” Big Mac nodded in satisfaction, “Nice job, haystack. Ah wan’ this t’ go smoother than butter on toast. Faust knows muh `Shy’s gonna be a might nervous.” “Macintosh,” Midnight placed a reassuring hoof on his brother, “Once Fluttershy sees you waiting for her at the altar, I have a feeling she’ll have nothing to fear.” Big Macintosh smiled warmly and gratefully at his brother until Midnight added, "Just as her parents needn't fear for her knowing that you'll take good care of her.” The mere mention of his Shy's folks caused Big Mac to do a very good impression of his fiance as he whispered with a worried frown, “Oh mah…!” Fluttershy strolled through town looking at all the happy ponies, some even preparing things for the wedding. She saw Daisy, Lily Valley, and Roseluck arranging large bouquets of flower types to be placed all around the ceremony, as well setting a aside a basket of petals for Apple Bloom to toss as she skipped down the aisle. She came across several distant Apple relatives who had all come to town for the wedding, all giving her a friendly wave or a hearty congratulations as she passed by. Eventually though she came across her first destination of the day, Rarity's Carousel Boutique. With a dainty little knock on the door, the pegasus politely waited for her friend to answer. Rarity had been hard at work preparing her dress for her and Fluttershy wanted to make sure the fashionista knew just how much she appreciated it. She also wanted to see how far along Rarity was with the dress but she knew her friend would have something really special for her. Still with the wedding only a few more days away, she was a little stressed to make sure it all went well. A few moments later the fashionable unicorn answered the door with a smile. "Fluttershy my dear, how delightful to see you. Please, please come in. I'm just about finished with your dress and I could use a moment to unwind and catch up with you." "Oh, thank you Rarity. I really appreciate you doing this for me. It means so much..." her gratitude was halted as Rarity placed her hoof on her muzzle, following up a smile. "Oh my dear, you needn’t thank me. You've already expressed your appreciation. Besides, as I told you, you are one of my dearest friends and I would do anything to help you for your special day. Now come and take a seat while I put on a pot of tea." Following Rarity's instructions, Fluttershy took seat in Rarity's sitting room to wait patiently for her friend's return. As she did so she looked around to notice a few changes had occurred since the last time she had seen the room. While Rarity's style and flair still kept the room as dazzling as usual, there were now several additions, such as a few vases and silver pieces that had to have come from the palace, as well as several photos showing Rarity and Blueblood over their time together in Ponyville. There was one from the first day he had arrived, standing in front of his new home giving Rarity a warm hug (the photo had a light blue feather sticking in from the corner, indicating it had likely been taken by Soarin), as well as one from Cadance's wedding and Celestia's, showing her and Blueblood dancing in their beautiful outfits that Rarity had no doubt sewn together. These items all brought a smile to the demure pegasus mare's face and a warm feeling in her heart. She was so happy with her Big Red Apple and it made her feel so good to know that her friend's were all finding happiness of their own. Blueblood seemed to bring out the little filly in Rarity, showering her in gifts and love and treating her like a princess. He was the perfect stallion for her, and she was perfect for him in return. Fluttershy gave a giggle as she considered that maybe soon she and Big Mac wouldn't be the only married couple in their friendship circle. The smile was still on her face as Rarity returned levitating a tray holding the tea set with her. Once she saw the look on the yellow mare's face though, her own smile bloomed even further. "What has you in such a good mood, my dear? It's always so lovely to see you with a smile on your muzzle." "Oh, I was just looking over the photos here you have of you and Blueblood. You look so happy together. I was just thinking about how close you two have grown, and maybe whether I won't be the only mare with an engagement jewel for very long." While Rarity blushed immensely, she couldn't hide the little titter under her breath or the demure little smile on her face. "Well who knows. I’m not expecting to walk down any wedding aisles for a while but…” - Rarity swooned with a light blush - “I will leave that to him though. It is, after all, the stallion’s decision of when to take that next step." She then leaned in close to Flutters with a loud whisper. "Of course I would certainly love if he were to come to that decision sooner rather then later." The two mares both giggled and prepared themselves some tea. For both of them, just spending this quality time together, discussing these friendly little matters, was always such a high part of their day. After calming a little and taking her first sip of tea, Rarity continued with the discussion. "It isn’t just us who're rather happy though is it. I don't believe I've ever seen Rainbow Dash as happy as I do when she's with Soarin,” Rarity noted. “She even seems to get more affectionate with now, though usually only when she thinks nopony's watching." "She can be a little silly that way, not wanting to show others she has a softer side, but I think Soarin is helping her with it. I remember after her birthday she came to visit me at my cottage while I was helping out my animal friends so she could gush about her new necklace,” Fluttershy smiled at the memory. “She was a little embarrassed at how much a piece of jewellery meant to her, because of her tough mare reputation and all, but for once she decided it didn't matter. His gift was really special to her." Rarity nodded her head, remembering how strange it had seemed for Rainbow Dash to be seen wearing the necklace for the week following her birthday, but she just ignored all the stares and wore it proudly. Now she had taken to keeping it safe in her cloud house for special occasions, but it was clear that Soarin's gift meant a lot to her. "Absolutely. Rainbow is most definitely happy being with Soarin, and I can see the same is true in reverse. I must admit that I didn't know a great deal about him before he moved to Ponyville, but in the time he's been here, the thing I can tell about him the most is how much he cares about Rainbow. He can be a little goofy and klutzy, but whenever he spends time with her, he seems to just radiate happiness. They fit each other well. Enough so that I wouldn't deny the thought of them eventually tying the knot." "It is possible, though I don't think we would see something like that for a while. Rainbow is still learning to open herself up to him, and Soarin isn't always the most confidant stallion, especially when it comes to Dashie,” Fluttershy shrugged in understanding. “Still, maybe someday. Ooh, can you imagine if Rainbow was hearing us discuss all this? She would probably get very flustered and try to fly away." Rarity placed a hoof over her muzzle giving a nod and a giggle at the small but cheeky smile on Fluttershy’s face as they both pictured the rainbow-maned pegasus getting all red in the face and stammering away madly before bursting out the window into the sky. "Yes I can see her not enjoying this conversation quite immensely. Still she isn't the only pony we can discuss. Have you noticed all the time that Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich have been spending together?” Rarity brought up. “If it wasn't Pinkie and Cheese, I would have already assumed they were dating." "Oh yes, they do seem very close,” Fluttershy agrred. “They seem to spend time with each other every day. Still it is hard to tell with them. They both give out affection so easily that it makes it difficult to tell whether it is platonic or something deeper. I guess we'll just have to wait and see." Both ponies took a moment to think over Pinkie and Cheese's interactions. The two seemed to be together almost all the time, planning parties together, singing through the streets, or just using their bizarre abilities to confuse everypony around. Still they did hug a great deal more then they hugged other ponies, so perhaps there was something between them. After a moment another thought crossed Rarity's mind. "You know, Fluttershy dear, I just realized that while some of us are in relationships, our friends Thunderlane and Applejack haven't seemed to show much interest in anypony. Applejack I can somewhat understand, as she tends to focus very heavily on her work at Sweet Apple Acres and likely wouldn't see much reason to pursue romance. Thunderlane is another matter. He does have a somewhat stressful job, but he does seem like he has both the free time and fun personality to work well in a relationship. Perhaps you and I should look into setting him up on some potential dates in the future." This suggestion however seemed to draw Fluttershy back into her shell a little. "Oh I don't know, Rarity. I think it would be wonderful if Applejack or Thunderlane went out to find a partner, but I don't think we should meddle in their private business. They’ll find somepony when they both feel ready." This caused Rarity to give a little sigh at her romantic side being shut down. Still she did understand. "You're quite right, my dear. We shouldn't push them if they aren't ready. I apologize, I tend to let my romantic side get a little carried away when I turn to matters of the heart. Still, should either of them express an interest to start dating I will be more then ready to assist them." “For that matter, Midnight and Twilight,” Fluttershy changed the subject. “Sometimes it’s hard to remember or even believe this Midnight we know now is reincarnated from the one we met!” “And that that Midnight underwent a journey through history and died!” Rarity added with a tone incredulous. “Yes, but the wings and cutie-mark aside, I can’t really distinguish the two! This Midnight is so much like the former, and his love for Twilight certainly is as strong as his old self’s was, perhaps stronger!” “Well, I agree this Midnight is a lot like the one we’ve known since the Thousandth Summer Sun celebration,” Fluttershy debated, “But… there’s something about him that… just a teensy bit odd. Why, Mackie told me that a few weeks ago, he and Applejack saw Midnight speaking with some hooded pony late at night in the orchard, like it was some big secret.” “I do admit Midnight as he is now has a whole other side of him that seems… well, not entirely forthcoming,” Rarity compromised, “but Fluttershy… We must remember that in a way, this isn’t exactly the same Midnight we knew. He’s been through so much and heaven knows how much that might have changed his outlook of life! But I have seen him with Twilight, with Twinken, and you know what I saw? A stallion who loves his mare and his little brother so much he’ll fight to his last breath to protect them.” As Fluttershy considered Rarity’s words, she had to agree, she still sensed that same warm protectiveness from Midnight, had seen that same kindness and understanding, and while he had certainly changed in ways subtle, he was still the same. “You’re right, Rarity. Midnight is still Midnight; perhaps his new title as a prince means he has his own responsibilities to do. When he’s learned to balance them with his own personal life, it’ll be just like old times.” “That’s the spirit, darling,” Rarity smiled. “And now, back to business. I think it may be best if I get back to working on your dress. I only have a few more attachments and it will be all ready for you. In fact, if you would be so good as to come around tomorrow morning, we can even give you a fitting and make sure everything fits correctly so that you look stunning for your big day." Fluttershy gave her a wide smile and nodded her head in thanks. "I can definitely be here tomorrow morning, Rarity. Thank you so much, I can't wait to see how I look with your beautiful dress on. I should get going myself. I still need to check in at Sugarcube Corner to see how Pinkie and Cheese are coming along with the catering for the reception. Thank you for the tea, Rarity." The white unicorn helped Fluttershy to her hooves, a beatific smile on her muzzle as she gently saw her pegasus friend to the door. "Oh no trouble at all, darling. I love it when you pop round for us to have our little chats. I cannot wait to see how you look in your new dress tomorrow. I guarantee you will look nothing less than stunning." The two gave each other a light hug before Fluttershy waved goodbye and stepped back out into Ponyville. Rarity watched her leave from the doorway, a happy sigh on her lips. To think, her shy little friend was getting married. She looked so happy. Hopefully soon she would know the feeling of being engaged to the stallion she loved. After leaving Carousel Boutique, Fluttershy confirmed with Daisy, Roseluck, and Lily Valley that the flowers for the wedding were coming along nicely, and so made her way next to Sugarcube Corner. I do hope Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich don’t go… overboard with the catering, she thought to herself as she approached the bakery, only to have her worry make itself apparent as one of the windows of the bakery became splattered with something from the inside. “Is that… cake batter?” Sighing, Fluttershy approached the door but before she could knock- “Hiya Flutters!” “Eep!” Fluttershy startled as the door had flown open to show a couple of messy party ponies grinning at her welcomingly. “Um, hello, Pinkie, Cheese. I, uh, I hope I haven’t come at a bad time, I just wanted to see-” “How gouda the catering is coming?” Cheese finished for her, before dragging her inside, Pinkie declaring proudly, “See for yourself!” Fluttershy placed her hoof to her lips, whispering, “...Oh my!” Before her were several different dishes: Some cupcakes with zap apple frosting, a crystal bowlful of a delectable-looking fruit salad with apple slices, a myriad of berries, walnuts, marshmallows, and honeydew, but the most impressive of them all was undoubtedly the wedding cake! It was a five-stacker, iced with buttercream frosting, decorated with frosting flowers and apples inter-connected with frosting ribbons, and the topper was a big green apple upon which sat a candy butterfly! “Pinkie! Cheese…!” Fluttershy hadn’t seen a cake so invitingly delicious since the Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness! “I-I don’t know what to say!” “You can say ‘I do’ to your beau once you see him at the altar,” Cheese chuckled in a good-natured teasing way, making Fluttershy bashful. “I am so-so-SO happy for you!” Pinkie gave Fluttershy one of her infamous vice-like hugs, Fluttershy squeaking as she felt her lungs begin to collapse, but thankyfully Pinkie let go and started crying tears of joy. With an understanding smile, Cheese Sandwich provided a hanky, which Pinkie blew on, sounding uncannily like a foghorn. “Oh Pinkie... “ Fluttershy wheezed, “I can’t thank you both enough, but… how will you keep all this food from spoiling? The wedding’s not for another few days!” “Don’t you worry `bout a thing, Flutters,” Cheese assured, Pinkie adding, “Just let your ol’ Auntie Pinkie & Uncle Cheesie take care of it.” “I’m a year older than you,” Fluttershy reminded her although she didn’t say such a thing to Cheese, as she didn’t know his age. When I think about, he can’t be that much older than Applejack or…! “Oh my goodness! I still have to go see Applejack and Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy turned for the door, saying, “I’ll see you all later-” “Whoa-oh-oh-oh!” Both Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich felt a series of sensations. “Ear flop?” “Eye flutter…” “Knee twitch!!” Both party ponies yelled, “Fluttershy! Look out for the-” *SLAM* “Hi Pinkie, hey Cheese,” Twilight said as she walked in but noticed them wincing at her as they both muttered, “Door…” “Oops!” Twilight grimace as she realized they must’ve had a Pinkie-Cheesie Sense of her opening the door and she’d flattened some poor sucker. Reluctantly, she edged the door aside to see it was ,”Fluttershy, I didn't know you were there! I am so-so sorry!” Fluttershy slunk down from the door, moaning as she shook away the daze, “Oh, it’s… alright, Twilight. You didn’t mean to… Ooh!” “Well… anyway, it’s actually a good thing I found you,” Twilight kindly helped her friend to her hooves. “Would you mind trotting with me?” “Oh not at all,” Fluttershy obliged. After the two said see-you-later to their party pony friends, they walked through the neighborhood as Twilight brought up, “Fluttershy, by any chance have you considered who will officiate the wedding ceremony?” “Well actually, Macintosh and I thought we’d ask the mayor,” Fluttershy answered, which became apparent that wasn’t what Twilight wanted to hear. “Oh… Well, it’s just… My sister-in-law, Princess Cadance,” Twilight explained, “in our last correspondence, I mentioned the wedding and invited her and my brother but Cadance replied back that she’d be honored if she could officiate the ceremony!” “Princess Cadance wants to lead the ceremony for me and Macintosh?” Fluttershy felt honored and unsure. “Oh, Twilight, that would be wonderful, but… I wouldn’t want to inconvenient Princess Cadance - I’m sure she has more important things than-” “Fluttershy, you shouldn’t say such a thing about your wedding!” Twilight said kindly. “You and Macintosh are about to proclaim your love to each other in the most meaningful way, and that is something Princess Cadance would be happy to be a part of! After all, you helped with her wedding, remember?” “That is true…” Fluttershy considered, remembering contributing to Cadance and Shining Armor’s wedding with her songbird choir. “She’s not the Princess of Love for nothing,” Twilight went on, “In fact, she’s officiated a couple weddings since she and Shining Armor took leadership of the Crystal Empire, so she has experience in wedding ceremonies. C’mon, Fluttershy, what do you say?” Fluttershy felt her feathers fidget but she saw the giving smile on her friend and the thought of the Princess of Love officiating her own with Macintosh was…! “Alright, then, Twilight,” Fluttershy nodded with a smile, “I would be happy for Princess Cadance to officiate my wedding!” “Oh! She’ll be so happy to hear that!” Twilight gave Fluttershy a thankful hug, which she warmly returned. “I’d better go send her the confirmation, see you later!” And without another word, Twilight flapped off, Fluttershy waving, “Bye-bye!” Heading for home and passing through the park, Fluttershy stumbled upon another of her friends. Lying lazily along the branch of an oak tree, her oldest friend Rainbow Dash was reading over a script of paper with an annoyed expression on her face. This drew Fluttershy’s curiosity, as generally the only written work Rainbow ever read was her reports from the weather office (which she generally tried to pawn off onto Thunderlane. Usually she failed) or her beloved Daring Do series. What Rainbow was reading over appeared to be neither. “Darn it, why is this so hard! I can’t afford to get this wrong, it’s too important!” Seeing her friend get so frustrated was upsetting to Fluttershy, so following the oath of her element, the little yellow pegasus fluttered up to the rainbow mare. “Um Rainbow?” Rainbow had been so focused that Fluttershy's interruption startled her into a to leap from the branch and tumble into a heap at the base of the tree. She gave her head a shake before looking around with a grumpy expression to see who had disturbed her. Upon discovering her yellow friend, her expression calmed and she pulled herself up. "Oh hey, `Shy. Sorry I was pretty focused there and I didn't see you." "That's alright, Rainbow. I'm so sorry for startling you. I just saw that you were getting a little frustrated and I wanted to know, is there anything I could do to help?" The rainbow mare smiled at her before pulling out the paper that had been drawing her ire. "Maybe you can help. I'm trying to write something good for my mare of honour speech; thanks again for asking me Flutters, it really means a lot; anyway I'm having a hard time coming up with anything. You know me, I'm much better with actions than words." "That's alright, Rainbow, it doesn't need to be perfect. So long as it comes from your heart I'll be happy,” Fluttershy assured but seemed only to annoy the blue pegasus. "But Fluttershy this is your wedding day! You're my oldest and closest friend and I want to have everything be perfect for you, and I won't stop trying until I get this speech right!" Fluttershy just felt the smile on her muzzle deepen as she felt the conviction in Rainbow's words. "Thank you Rainbow. That means a lot to me. If you are really having some trouble, maybe you could go over your speech with Soarin. He's probably had to make up lots of speeches during his time with the Wonderbolts. I'm sure he you ask him he'd be happy to help you." Rainbow tapped her chin with her hoof as she considered her friend's words, a slight smirk coming across her face. "Yeah, that's not a bad idea. Besides, I haven't seen the goof all day and he needs his daily dose of Vitamin RAD.” “Um, Vitamin Rad?” echoed Fluttershy, not quite understanding. Rainbow laughed, “Rainbow Awesome Dash, heh-ha! Thanks Flutters. This is gonna be an awesome speech." After quickly glancing to confirm they were alone in the park, Rainbow gave the shy mare a quick hug before taking to the air to track down her coltfriend. Fluttershy watched her, a happy feeling welling within her. Everything was going well. Rarity was getting her dress ready, Daisy, Rose Luck and Lily Valley’s flower arrangements were coming along nicely,, Pinkie and Cheese had the food well underway. Everything seemed to be falling into place. The feeling brought a smile to her face as a little skip fell into her trot. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Zip-A-Dee-A My oh my, what a wonderful day She trotted by as a group of Apples all smiled and waved to her, hearty congratulations echoing as they passed. Plenty of sunshine heading my way Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Zip-A-Dee-A She watched as high up in the clouds her rainbow friend found her coltfriend and gave him a discreet nuzzle, hoping to hide her affection. He in turn ignored her hesitancy and embraced her in a big hug, chuckling as she tittered and sputtered in embarrassment. Mister bluebird on my shoulder It's the truth It's actual Everything is satisfactual As Fluttershy trotted along, singing happily, she spotted the CMC all playing around. In her good mood, she decided to see what the little darlings were up to. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Zip-A-Dee-A Wonderful feeling Wonderful day As she finished her song, FLuttershy approached the foals observing them as Scootaloo, Sweetie Bell, Button and Rumble all coached Apple Bloom in Twinken as they practiced their roles in the wedding. Apple Bloom had been given the honor of being the flower girl, while Twinken took up the responsibility of being the ring bearer. Both seemed to be having a little difficulty preparing though. Apple Bloom seemed to alternate between losing focus tossing about her petals, or losing the tossing pattern and getting them petals everywhere. Twinken however seemed too focused, putting all his efforts into levitating the ring cushion that he didn't see where he was walking and kept tripping, usually into Apple Bloom when she lost her focus. The other foals were giving advice and trying to direct them, but it seemed the two apple kids weren't getting anywhere. Deciding to give them a hoof, Fluttershy approached. "Hello children. You seem to be having some trouble here." Twinken gave a little sigh before addressing her, the rest of the CMC turning to follow the conversation. "Hi Miss Fluttershy. Yeah Apple Bloom and I are having some problems. We just can't see to get our parts right and this is such an important day for you and my big brother. We really wanna get it all right in time for the wedding, but so far it looks hopeless." Apple Bloom seemed to echo his response and the worried look from the other four showed they weren't sure what to do to help. Seeing the sad looks on their faces caused Fluttershy's 'Kindness' powers to activate and she assertively pulled both Apple Bloom and Twinken into a hug with her wings like a loving mother bird. "Oh, don't you two worry. I remember seeing your performance at Cadance's wedding, so I know you have it in you. Apple Bloom, you’re an Apple through and through and when you get determined, nothing can stop you, and Twinken, you're one of the best magic users I've seen. You can even teleport already. If you can learn to do that, I know you have what it takes to be a wonderful ring bearer. Both of you will do fine at the wedding, I promise." The two foals smiled warmly at her words and returned their own hugs, joined shortly by the other four, also wanting to express their gratitude. Fluttershy could feel the happiness in the air and it was beautiful. Fluttershy snuggled into bed beside her big red stallion. She recalled all that had happened over her day. Meeting with Rarity for some gal time, seeing the progress the Flower sisters had made, watching Pinkie and Cheese hard at work on the food, seeing Rainbow's frustration over making her speech perfect for her best friend, and seeing the CMC's hope returned as they pushed their practice ever harder to get their rolse down. After she had returned home, she had had a lovely family meal with the apples, Midnight and Big Mac laughing and telling jokes, Applejack and Granny Smith cooking and setting up a wonderful meal, Apple Bloom and Twinken chatting about the big day and how excited they were for Big Mac and herself. Fluttershy just gave a happy sigh and she snuggled up close to Mac. Today had been a really good day, and it seemed that everything for her wedding was working out perfectly. What could possibly go wrong?