A Harmonic Sonata

by keaton-furman-prower

Chapter 6: Storytime

As the six mares watched Luna fly away, Zecora pulled out several cups and a jug of liquid.

“Before we start, I suggest a drink, for this heat makes it hard to think.”

“Don’t mind if I do!” Tennis said as she grabbed a cup and started drinking. Sonata and Glides quickly followed suit, and Sugar and Fluttershy joined after that. Unsurprisingly, Amethyst seemed reluctant to join in. After a while, though, she too grabbed a cup, though she pulled out her glowing stick and passed it over the liquid inside.

“So, what exactly did the princess mean by ‘what must be done?’” asked Glides.

“Yeah,” said Sugar. “I mean, we’re just ponies. What are we supposed to do?”

“Your worries are understandable, yes,” said Zecora. “But listen and we will make progress.”

“Oh wow!” said Sonata as she finished her drink. “This is some great fruit punch! I’m not so good at making it, though. I always add too much grape juice.”

Zecora chuckled lightly, and then began to speak once more.

“Gather around, you pony folk, for what I tell you is no joke. Centuries ago, when Equestria had just begun, It was not Princess Luna who would raise the sun. She ruled with her sister, Princess Celestia, who was considered the greatest throughout all Equestria.”

“Whoa, whoa,” said Tennis. “Princess Luna had a sister?”

“Yeah, she did,” said Sonata. “It was a really long time ago, though.”

Zecora nodded and continued her story.

“The rays of the sun were welcomed by all, for without it, cold and darkness would fall. However, ponies slept through the night, for the dark gave even the bravest a fright. And so Princess Celestia was beloved by many, but Princess Luna’s admirers were few, if any. Princess Luna was thus left with nopony to care, and jealousy and resentment took over the poor mare.”

Five of the six ponies gasped in shock; the idea of their beloved ruler becoming wicked was a terrifying idea.

“The wickedness of her thoughts attracted darkness to her soon, and one fateful night, she refused to lower the moon. Her sister tried to reason with her, but it was too late; she had become a nightmare. Her power was great and her wrath was infernal, and so she vowed to bring nighttime eternal!”

“Well, that doesn’t sound so bad,” said Glides. “I mean, right now the sun is threatening to burn up all of Equestria. The moon would never do that, right?”

“No,” said Amethyst. “However, without sunlight, all plant life would eventually wither and die, and without them, all animals would eventually starve to death.”

There was a collective shudder all around the table.

“That is indeed, a fate most grim,” said Zecora. “Our chances of survival would be very slim.”

“But if Luna was the one who went evil, then why is she the one ruling over us now, and not her sister?” asked Sugar.

“An important question, if I do say so, but the answer is a secret few of us know. When Celestia fought, she never dared to hurt the one for whom she most cared. And so she chose to bear the sin that Luna had long held within. She took the evil in Luna’s soul and left her spirit pure and whole. But once this selfless act was done, Celestia became… Hellfire Sun.”

As she reached the climax of her story, Zecora filled her cup once more, and drank the contents down. Once this was done, she began to speak once more.

“With her magic alone, Luna could not win, for Hellfire Sun had the vast power of her kin. And so she called upon a greater power, one that could light up her darkest hour. She brought forth the greatest magic of all, the Elements of Harmony, with which she stood tall.”

“Elements of Harmony?”

Sonata looked around to see the other five staring at Zecora in confusion.

“The Elements could defeat villains that nothing else could, for they are the embodiment of all that is good; generosity, for those who could give it all away, loyalty, for those who always vowed to stay. Kindness, for those who never sought strife, honesty, for those who sought the truth in life. Laughter, an undervalued virtue today, for those who gave joy and reasons to play. And these five powers gather around magic, and thus bring an end to all that is tragic. Hellfire was sealed within the sun, and thus the battle was finally won. Thanks to the Elements, Luna prevailed, and ever since then, peace has been held.”

As Zecora came to the end of her tale, she looked around to see how the ponies around her were reacting to the information. Sugar had a contemplative look on her face, as did Amethyst. Glides and Tennis, on the other hoof, seemed to have been fired up by Zecora’s tale. Finally, Sonata and Fluttershy seemed apprehensive.

“So, Luna used the Elements to defeat Hellfire Sun in the past, right?” Sugar asked finally.

“Okay, so she can use them again to save us all!” said Tennis.

Sonata cringed. The fact that Luna couldn’t use the elements was now more urgent than ever before. However, she was worried about how the others would react to the news, so she kept her mouth shut, hoping that somepony would come up with a different objection.

As usual, that pony was Amethyst.

“Just one problem. When Luna flew out, she didn’t seem to be carrying anything with her. I mean, we don’t know what the elements look like, but I think we’d know if she had them.”

The other ponies looked at each other with worried looks.

“Well, maybe she’s gonna go find them?” said Fluttershy.

“Seriously?” said Tennis. “She’s busy fighting against Hellfire Sun! There’s no way she’s gonna be able to get the elements!”

“Well, you know what that means!” said Glides. “We have to go find them ourselves!”

The other ponies, with the exception of Sonata, looked at her incredulously.

“What?!” said Fluttershy.

“Are you crazy?!” said Sugar.

“Hellfire’s out there fighting Luna!” said Tennis. “We can’t just walk out going to look for some magic evil zappers!”

“And even if we were to do that, we would have no idea where to start,” Amethyst pointed out. “Unless any of you know where the Elements are located.”

“If I may be allowed to speak, I may tell you the place to seek.”

Everypony turned towards Zecora, who was now sipping from her cup once more.

“You do?!” Sonata said. “Where?!”

“The castle within the Forest of Everfree. At least, that’s what Luna told me.”

There was a collective gasp.

“We can’t go into the Everfree forest!” said Sugar.

“It’s not natural!” said Tennis.

“And it’s full of monsters!” added Fluttershy. “I don’t want to go!”

“Yeah, well, tough luck,” said Glides. “Have you looked out the window?”

The ponies all took a look out Zecora’s window. To their shock, they were indeed within the Everfree forest.

“Oh,” said Sonata, hoping the others would take her suggestion. “I guess we might as well go look for the elements, since we’re already here and whatnot!”

“NO!” yelled Fluttershy. “It’s too dangerous! We need to get back to Ponyville!”

“Yeah, but that’s where Hellfire Sun and Luna are fighting,” said Sugar. “I get the feeling that it’s not exactly going to be the best place to be at the moment.”

“I think that we should consider the fact that the sun is a lot brighter than usual right now,” said Amethyst. “Therefore, most of the beasts that usually abound in the Everfree forest are probably going to be hiding, since they prefer to be left in darkness.”

“So, it’s a lot safer than usual,” said Sonata. “So we’re probably not gonna be eaten by any horrible monsters!”

“Sounds good to me!” said Glides. “Now let’s get going!”

“Count me in,” said Tennis Match. “It’s pretty much that or wait for Hellfire Sun to burn down Equestria.”

“Well, if you’re going, I guess I’ll go too,” said Sugar. “I don’t want you girls to get in trouble.”

Sonata grinned at the three who had already decided to follow her. However, she then noticed the other two, one of whom looked doubtful, and the other utterly terrified.

“What about you?” she asked.

Amethyst rolled her eyes.

“All right, I’ll go with you guys,” she said. “But only because I want to keep Equestria intact.”

Sonata flinched at her tone.

“Well, that’s fine too, I guess. What about you, Fluttershy?”

The yellow pegasus squeaked in response. As everypony lay eyes on her, she tried to say something, but no words came out of her mouth. Finally, she sighed and hung her head.

“Okay, I’ll go with you.”

Zecora smiled at the six mares.

“It seems you are all ready for your quest. I encourage you all to do your best.”

“Can do!” said Sonata. “Come on Spike!”

Sonata waited for the young dragon to hop onto her back. However, a moment passed without him doing so.

“Spike? Where are you?”

“Um, I don’t think he’s in any condition to make the trip.”

Sonata turned towards Fluttershy, who was pointing her hoof under the table. She then looked down, and was surprised to see him sound asleep.

“Aw, Spikey,” she said. “You’ve spent a really long time awake, haven’t you?”

“You know what you have to do,” said Zecora. “but in the meantime, I shall watch him for you.”

“Thanks, Zecora!” said Sonata. “Alright, girls! Let’s go save the world!”

The small group began to make their way into the forest. However, as Sonata approached the door, she held a hoof on her shoulder. She turned backwards, and cringed at the sight of Amethyst.

“I don’t care if you’re Princess Luna’s student or not,” she warned. “If you try any funny business, you are going to be in some serious trouble.”

“Oh, don’t worry,” said Sonata. “I won’t be a problem at all! For realzies!”

“You’d better not.”

Sonata kept smiling as Amethyst walked out the door. Once she was certain nopony was watching, however, she grimaced.

Jeez, this pony has issues, she thought to herself. I hope she doesn’t cause too much trouble.

And I really hope she doesn’t figure out my real identity.