Tarnished Silver and Clouded Diamonds

by David Silver

22 - Her Sacred Library

Silver Spoon approached the library curiously. Pictures of the goddess were set in stone and statues all around it, with a large symbol of her holy design, that of a hoof holding up a book, gracing the top of the place that served as both church and library. She felt a warmth deep in her soul that called her to enter that place, and she timidly stepped across the threshold.

Inside, she was assaulted by the many scents of books. New books, old books, leather-bound, stone-bound, and metal-bound. She was surrounded by books, and could see devout acolytes moving around to care for them and to read from them in fervent dedication to the very act of learning.

One of those acolytes approached her. The earth pony wore colorful robes that reminded Silver of Luminace's own coloring. "Hello, young one. How can I help you today?"

She fished out the book that had sent her there and showed it to the acolyte. The stallion spoke a brief spell that held the book in place as he looked it over. "Did you enjoy it, miss?"

Silver shook her head. "I didn't read it. I found it, and it said it belonged here."

He smiled at her. "You should read it. Luminace would not have placed it in your path if you weren't meant to." He pushed the book back towards her. "You're welcome here. Follow me, we'll get you a library card."

She followed after him curiously as she tucked the book away. "I... I think I'm a priest of hers."

He perked an ear back at her. "You're not sure, young one? To become a follower of a god is usually an active act."

Silver bobbed her head. "Then yes, I am... I... She saved me, and my friend. She was there when I needed somepony the most and I never gave her much in return."

He pushed into a small room and fetched a form from a desk and laid it out on the same desk, facing Silver Spoon. "She is a kind goddess, and is unlikely to begrudge you, so long as you are truly thankful to her."

Silver smiled brightly. "I am thankful! But she... I think she wants something. I feel like I came to the right place, but I don't know the right question." She advanced to the desk and looked the form over before she took a quill in her mouth and began to scribble in her information. "I don't think I've been a very good priest."

He tilted his head a little. "You are young for a priest. What has convinced you that you are in her service to begin with?"

Silver glanced around quickly as she put down the quill. She pointed at a book with a metal cover. "Luminace, bring me that please. Thanks."

The book flew quickly across the room and landed in her outstretched hoof, and she placed it carefully on the table. "See? She lets me cast spells. I can heal ponies and do other things."

The acolyte blinked in surprise. "That was the most informal spell I've ever heard, miss. But it is clear Luminace heard you, and favors you. You are twice blessed by her." He tapped his chin thoughtfully. "I know enough to know this is beyond me. Please, come with me. Let me introduce you to the head librarian. She is far wiser than I."

He took the time to place the book back, and he folded up the paper she had filled out and guided her through the library. "Please do try to be quiet. There are many people studying here at any time of the day." Silver nodded as her eyes wandered about, taking in the place of learning with a growing sense of awe.

He held up a hoof to her. "Wait here." He pushed into a small room and closed the door behind himself, leaving Silver to sit there with building anxiety. She considered her new lot in life and wondered 'What would Luminace do?' The answer came easily. She would read. Silver reached out to the nearest bookshelf and grabbed a book without reading the title.

The book was full of tips for passing an interview and getting a job. Silver Spoon browsed through it with a growing smirk. It was both appropriate and yet not, but she accepted it for what it was. She placed it back on the shelf and took a soft breath. She would accept what was to come calmly and naturally, as the book suggested.

The door opened and the acolyte peeked out. "Please, this way."

Silver trotted in to see an elderly female unicorn seated behind a large desk. She smiled at Silver in a kindly expression. "Blessed be her name. I am informed the Mistress of Friendship has seen fit to protect you, little one, when your own friend needed it quite dearly."

She gestured at herself. "I am the head librarian, and priest, of this," She gestured around, "Her sacred place, where knowledge is made available to all who would come seek it. But you are not of her world, are you?"

Silver shook her head a little. "How did you know that?"

The librarian smiled a patient smile. "Your appearance is the first tell, but your soul is not that of an Everglow pony. I have seen the like before. Tell me, do you know Twilight Sparkle?"

Silver bobbed her head quickly. "Oh, yes! I know Princess Twilight Sparkle."

"Hmm, she is truly a princess?" The librarian gestured away. "You may go." The acolyte bowed before hurrying from the room and he closed the door behind himself. "She needed our help some time ago, and we drew her back to the land of the living."

Silver's eyes widened. "She was, like, dead?"

The librarian raised a hoof. "Her body, yes, but her spirit refused to pass on. She experienced death for barely a moment in the end. Now, enough of her. I would hear of you, world walker. Did you follow her steps intentionally?"

Silver shook her head as she stepped closer. "I was sent here with my friend, Diamond Tiara. We were in a lot of trouble, and Luminace saved us. She let me use her power." Silver tapped at her cheek. "She said something about not being able to just do it herself, so she made me do it, with her power. Does that, like, make any sense?"

The head librarian gave a slow nod. "It does. It is the law of things. The gods cannot directly interfere. They must react to mortal will. It was quite bold of her to offer herself to you directly, but it sounds like you were in quite the situation. Still, she would not offer unless you meant something to her. Tell me, what of her powers have you mastered?"

Silver created light easily, and filled a small jar with water. "I can heal ponies, or protect myself." She reached out to tap the librarian and was allowed. Her mind was flooded with new information as she learned more about Everglow ponies than she even thought to ask. Silver shuddered at the powerful rush. "I... I can learn about things, by touching them. Are you all really born with your cutie marks?" When the librarian looked confused, Silver Spoon turned and pointed at her cutie mark. "This."

She smiled gently. "That is a brand of destiny. We are born with one, as decreed by the very gods, as placed by the original of the gods, Sheila, the Author." She set a pendant on the table. "Here is mine." It showed a bookshelf. The writing on the books were just squiggles. "I discovered it meant I should watch over books, and guide others towards their miracles."

Silver glanced again at hers, then looked back at the librarian. "Can you tell me what mine means? I thought it was... That it was just pretty, but now I'm not sure. It has to mean something, right? Does it really mean I'm just... pampered?" She sank a little. "That's a little destiny."

The librarian reached across the desk and rest her hoof on one of Silver's. "It means you have a blessed beginning, but the start of a journey is just that, a start. Will the silver spoon you were born with be the one you die with? Will you do something amazing with it? Only you can decide that. It has come to be here as well. The goddess gave herself to you, freely. The silver spoon slid smoothly over your tongue and comforted you in your birth. Now, a choice. Will you rise to this? Will you do something with that spoon, or will you simply enjoy it?"

Silver Spoon's breathing began to pick up as she thought over the librarian's words. They made sense and confused her in equal measure. "H-how? What do I do? I don't want to have a small destiny."

The libarian smiled that patient smile of hers. "I can't tell you that. Your destiny is not mine. I can say that you can pray to her, and do as she needs done. Be her servant, instead of letting her watch over you alone. Be her friend. That is how you can most sincerely thank her, and expand that destiny of yours."

Silver nodded stiffly as her mind whirled with how she could return the favor that her goddess had showered unto her. "Oh! Do you have a book of prayers for her?" She pulled out the original book she found. "This one is not specifically for Princess Luminace, and was all marked up by icky goblins."

The elder unicorn accepted the book. "I will see this is cleansed and housed properly. In return, here." She pointed to a book and it lifted from the shelf and floated down to Silver Spoon. "A travel-sized book of prayers and ceremonies that will please our lady. Because you deserve to know, you are a war priest. She has filled you with fervor and blessings in equal abundance, ready to be used in the thick of conflict. The gifts will protect you and those around you."

Silver rolled an ear back as she accepted the book. "I don't want to be a soldier."

The elder chuckled softly. "A beginning, not the end. Just because it has war in the name doesn't mean you have to go to war. Go where Luminace's presence is needed, and bring the word of knowledge, magic, and friendship with you. That is all the war she requests of you. Protect your friends. Protect knowledge. Protect magic. Be a protector, not a crusader. Do you understand?"

Silver Spoon went quiet as she settled to her haunches and considered the words. "I think I do. Will I be a bad, um, war priest, if I go back to Equestria?"

She laughed softly. "I should think not. If Luminace did not desire an otherworldly priest, she would not have welcomed you as she had. No, you go where you feel you are needed, and carry Luminace with you, proudly, with your head held high. Your destiny is as large as you allow it to be." She gestured with a hoof at the book. "Keep it, and the book you sought to return. They are yours now, until such time as Luminace, blessed be her name, sees fit to arrange their return."

Silver thanked her, and got a hug from her. The librarian smelled of ancient books and fresh coffee. Despite being a librarian and a sage, she gave an exceptionally warm hug, and Silver Spoon left with a smile.