//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: The Adventure // Story: My Little Pony: An Fluttersparkle Adventrues // by fillystian //------------------------------// In Ponyville, Fluttersparkle met Raridash and Applepie, and aslo Scootiebloom, and Nurse Big Cherimond Tiarajor Mare, or Buddy, as her friends tended to call her for some reason. If only Fluttersparkle knew that all of them actually were superheroes... For example, Raridash is Supermare, Scootieboom is Spidermare etc. Just kidding, they are not, but my story would be superboring if I didn't mention superheroes one way or another. Anyway, Fluttersparkle felt really attached to these ponies and decided to stay with them forever and ever. She even fell for one of them and even asked her out. On a date, Fluttersparkle asked this mare: "So, what are you actually up to? I mean, what do you do for living?" "Well, I suppose I am good at sewing dresses and doing awesome stunts and crusading for my cutiemark and throwing the parties etc., but my primary occupation is the Search," her new fillyfriend answered. "The Search?" Fluttersparkle asked. "It's about finding the Way," the mare explained. "Oh," Fluttersparkle responded. Spike suddenly appeared. "Fluttersparkle, princess Lunestia is worrying about you!" he said. "I don't know who he is," Fluttersparkle exclaimed, pointing at a baby dragon. "Me neither," stated Fluttersparkle fillyfriend. "But he's handsome. What's your name, little guy?" "My name is Spike and I'm straight," Spike answered. "Spike, you're supposed to be in bed right now," Fluttersparkle said quitely. "I never sleep because I'm technically a diamond dust golem," Spike said. "Also I'm not really straight because diamond dust golems can't have sexual affections." "That explains a lot!" said Fluttershy, terrified. "But diamond dust golems do have feelings," exclaimed the baby diamond dust golem dragon. "Fluttersparkle, I care for you, I love you, and I miss you a lot. Screw your new Ponyville friends and let's go back to the castle. Princess Lunestia has baked you a cake." "You... you love her?" said Buddy sadly (apparently she was the one who Fluttersparkle asked out). "But that's... not fair!" "What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked. "...I think I got a crush on him!" "Oh, wait a minute!" Fluttershy+TwilightSparkle interrupted. "We're dating here, remember? I forbid you to fall in love with Spike!" "If you love her, you must let her go," Spike said. "But what if I don't want to?" "That's a difficult question, not the one to just ask anypony, heh. Remember, when you were a little filly you stumbled across a crying baby? With no parents around, she was totally alone. The street was deserted, too, like all the world was trying to desolate the infant. So she cried, with no one around to hug her and to soothe her grief. She cried so loud that you cringed and corked your ears up with your forehooves so you couldn't hear the piercing high pitched noise the empty street was filled with. And you went through, trying not to look at the bundle the baby was nestled in, as if it was the most terryfying thing to look at. For you it was, at that moment. When you finally passed along the baby and found yourself on another street, crowded and cheerful, you inhaled with a relief, although since that day something bitter pecked you from the inside of your heart whenever you dared to think about the lonely child." "No such thing did ever happen to me," Fluttersparkle said. "Besides, this story has nothing to do with... with anything! It's nonsense!" "Your face is nonsense!" Buddy retorted and hugged baby golem dragon guy instantly. "You are just jealous that you can't be as smart as your pet son brother! Mike, that was so poetic, you totally must write the books. As the Searchist, I admire the way you see the world and insist you on sharing your perception with ponykind!" "I actually have written one book already," Spike noted modestly. "It's called... The Serpent Seen." "Wow!.." Buddy whispered enthusiastically. "Want to take a look?" "Sure!" Spike (who Buddy mistakenly referred to as Mike) put a giant manuscript folio on the table, opened it on Page One and started reading aloud.