//------------------------------// // Chapter the First // Story: Dazzled Brushes // by lilflamewars //------------------------------// Ah, long hot showers. A luxury worthy of the gods. It's been a looong day, work and shopping and cleaning the house. Sweet Zombie Raptor Jesus, the cleaning. Life was much easier when it was just you. You never cared if you had to wade through an ocean of mess. But they do, these three girls. Why they're living with you still escapes you. Hell why they haven't been arrested or disappeared into a research lab also escapes you. But it /still/ hasn't happened to that bacon haired girl either, so it probably won't for these three. You are however very sure that it's a good thing the girls aren't actually high school aged. 4 shitty incomes are a lot better than 1. That alone makes cleaning worthwhile. "Anon are you done in there?" Aria's home? Wow you have been in here for ages. "I'm getting out now, be less than a minute." And you mean that too. Aria works as a mechanic. She loves cars and it's good money (actually the best money out of all four of you by a pretty big margin), but it's also long hours of hard, grimy work. Nobody in this house denies Aria shower access after work. Nobody. A rapid towel off later and you're out of the bathroom in less than 40 seconds. "All yours, Aria. Do you want me to warm up your dinner?" She gives you a tired smile. "Yeah, thanks." You leaver her to it. After a moment the water starts up again. Wrapped up in your warm pajamas and slippers you sit down to read a book. Sure it's not that late, but if you want to wear pajamas in your own home, then you are going to wear them. After a while you hear the water and fan turn off. You lever yourself off the chair and head into the kitchen to start up the microwave then return to your book. You glance up at the sound of footsteps. Aria comes into the lounge room. She's wrapped up in a slightly too big dressing gown she nicked from you that she insists is hers. Her skin is still a little flushed from the hot water. She's also armed with a hairbrush. Sinking into the couch she starts to slowly work at her long tresses. When the microwave goes off it doesn't look like she's going to be able to get up. "I'll get it." As you come back into the room you hear Aria softly grunt in a mix of irritation and pain. A bunch of hair has gotten knotted and isn't coming undone. You slide the gently steaming bowl onto the coffee table in front of her and present one open hand, palm up. "Give me the brush and you get to eating." She gives you an 'No. 3 Aria Look, TM'. The 'This is a new level of stupid from you.' look. You just twitch the fingers of your open hand at the hair brush. With an eye roll she hands off the brush and grabs her dinner. Food begins to disappear rapidly. You start at the bottom and slowly work your way up. Sure she already did the lower areas but her hair is like liquid silk. You take your time making sure not to let any knots form as her hair dries. With so much hair to brush you're only two thirds done by the time Aria finishes devouring her food. "Hold up a sec" Rather than the expected request for the return of the brush, Aria shifts her green and purple locks to one side and leans back against you. Even with only the upper portions remaining it's awkward brushing like this, still you're not complaining. Soon enough it's done. You place the brush next to the now empty bowl. "All done, Aria." The only response is slow, soft breathing. She actually dozed off on top of you. If she's really that tired, you shouldn't wake her. Reaching as best you can, you grab the quilt off on the couch and wrap it around you both. Aria shifts herself further backwards giving you a face full of vaguely fruity smelling hair. It might just be the aftermath of the shower but Aria is seriously warm. Deciding to let her nap, you settle yourself. If you need it your book is within arms reach. But for the moment you just close your eyes. You feel so warm. A little stiff, but deliciously warm. And a little weighed down. You hear footsteps and try to open your eyes. Oh, that's bright. With some blinking you focus your eyes and see Adagio standing in the kitchen doorway, smirking at you over a mug of coffee. She quietly slinks out before you can question her. Once she's gone though, you can see sunlight coming through the kitchen door. Oh. Then something very warm and weighty shifts on top of you. Oh. Well that explains the smirk. Your back twinges and you flex a little to alleviate it. The slight movement is enough to disturb Aria and she starts to open her eyes. With slow blinks she focuses in on you. A furious blush races across her face and she whips her face around, away from yours. "...do..do you want to get up?" "...no." With a grin Aria can't see you slide your arms around her middle and gently hug her. Aria actually squeaks and tenses up when you move but then relaxes back against you. It's a long time before either of you get up.