//------------------------------// // Chapter the Third // Story: Dazzled Brushes // by lilflamewars //------------------------------// When you first offered your services as a brusher of hair you were expecting jokes at your expense. And now three days after there have been no jokes. Instead you gotten two requests in the same night. Almost makes you want to try waking up, just in case. "Well I guess I can." There is a shift in the couch. You spare a glance at Aria, only to double take. She's actually glaring at Sonata. While there have been plenty of frowns and grumpiness and a couple of arguments in the time the girls have been living here, you've never seen anything provoke that sort of a response. Although you're not actually 100% sure what is doing the provocation here. Aria notices your look, her eyes flicking to yours then straight back to Sonata. She then leans further, going from resting against you to actively pressing into your shoulder. Sonata herself is standing awkwardly quiet, left arm bent behind her back cupping her right elbow. You feel like you've wandered into a minefield without noticing til you'd gotten right into the middle. Best not to disturb the resting fire then. "How about you pass me your brush then grab a pillow and sit in front of me?" She gives a nod and does so, but the vaguely uneasy look stays on her face. Once Sonata is settled on a pillow you get to work, drawing her locks up onto the couch and starting in with the brush. As you do she gives a barely audible sigh and relaxes back against the couch. Aria stiffens at this. After a moment you feel an arm slide between the couch and your back, it's hand coming to rest on your left hip. With this hold Aria pulls herself right up to your side, to sit hip to hip with her shoulder behind your own. You pause in your work to look at her but she's keeping her head turned away from you. After a momentary indecision you return to brushing. Sonata's hair is different to Aria's. Aria's hair is ruler straight, very thick and so silky it's like liquid to the touch. Sonata's tresses on the other hand while lovely and well cared for aren't quite as thick or as silky, something you put down to her adventures but will never confirm for sanities sake. Her hair also has a slight wave to it and tends to separate into locks in line with the different colour bands. If you had to guess on that oddity you'd probably go with something to do with how the follicles are arranged on her head. But who knows really? Not you. It doesn't take you quite as long to finish as it does with Aria. You pop the brush onto the table for lack of any other ideas on what to do with yourself. At some point Sonata had slipped her arms around your legs without you noticing. She gives you a quick squeeze before getting up. She gives you a subdued smile and a soft "Thanks Nonny" as she grabs her brush and leaves. You put your feet on the warm spot left on the pillow that's still on the floor. You take another sidelong look at Aria who is still looking away from you. "You wanna tell me what that was?" "...No." "You going to get up?" "...No." That brings a smile to your face. You flat out do not understand this turn of events and are sure that it could turn bad if the air isn't cleared soon. But for now, you lift your now tired right arm over and around Aria, settling behind her, hand on her side. For now, hugs are nice.