//------------------------------// // The Second Strike and a Melodious Return // Story: The Revenge of the Shadows // by YangSoulSplitted //------------------------------// "Princess Luna is nowhere to be found, Candence is going back to the Crystal Empire, Celestia is just sitting in her thorne like nobody's business..." Twilight was a wreck of nerves in that moment, in front of her she had a whole map of Equestria al covered in red marks, they kept looking for Cadence everywhere in Equestria, but they couldn't find Luna, the only place they couldn't reach was Yakyakistan, a strange snowstorm attacked the place and it was impossible to pass "CAN SOMETHING IN THIS DAY BE WORSE?!" the other five ponies looked at each other nervously, but Rarity decided to be the first one to talk. "I can think a lot of things that can be worse chere" she said smiling "And none of them has happened, so please, calm down, your mane is a mess and let's not talk about those bags under your eyes! tres laid" everypony went pale after Rarity said that and slowly walked away. Twilight's eyes twitched and slowly turned herself to face the white pony. "tres laid? You know what is tres laid?!" Rarity's eyes widened in surprise and she started walking backwards, Twilight was walking at her slowly, magic in her horn shining and ready "Tres laid is that your own brother is a f..." Twilight growled and spit the word out "a FUCKING crystal, that your former foal-sitter, now sister-in-law, is so sad that she can't even cast a simple spell" Twilight's eyes watered a bit but she kept shouting "Tres laid is that the mare you thought was the greatest power in Equestria can't move a finger because she is so busy with other stuff and to..." she growled more and spit the word again "and to FUCKING finish!" she said cornering Rarity completly "you know you can't do a thing because you are as useless as a filly because you can't even think of a place a stolen Princess might be" after that she fell into the floor and started crying, Rarity looked at her and sighed. "I'm so sorry darling, I was just trying to be helpful and take your mind away from this" Twilight looked at Rarity and cried more, it wasn't easy to yell at your friend, plus the pressure of the kingdom and finally the fear of what could happen with Princess Luna and still be standing at peace. "I'm such an insensible pony, I'm so sorry!" Twilight's head was buried beneath her hooves but Rarity just smiled, it must be hard to be Twilight, after all, she was Celestia's favorite! She had to cope with tons of pressure. "Chere please calm down" she said softly "come on, we'll have a nice bubble bath and tomorrow you can think of everything else" suddenly, a surprise gasp made Twilight raise her head. "Moonlight message!" Twilight's horn shone with magic and Luna's message was heard all over the castle, they had a clue, but then Twilight remembered something "Cadence!" *** The cold at the Crystal Empire was colder, the snow was colder, the hot chocolate wasn't as hot as it used to be, the bubble bath wasn't so enjoyable, the sheets of her bed were cold. "Oh Shining... I should've taken best care of you..." Cadence was crying, laying down in her bed, stroking in a circular pattern the place where Shining Armor would be laying down with her. "Oh dearie, calm down" Cadence closed her eyes and turned her head. "Chrysalis..." Cadence said without emotion, she just was laying there, useless, defenseless. "Soon, you'll be with him... soon all your troubles will go away" Chrysalis purred and smiled, Sombra appearing aside Cadence "Good night your Highness" Sombra then stabbed Cadnece in her heart and made his horn shine and Cadence's heart slowly became a dark crystal. "Enjoy your crystalized self, for us will reign for now on" Chrysalis said with actual excitment. "Long live the Shadows" Sombra purred and the last words that Cadence could say was. "Thank you..." *** Adagio, Aria and Sonata were now old women, since they took power from their necklaces and Twilight and co. did everything they could to destroy them. "My, my, you really are hedious" they looked around the alley they lived now, no one could be seen, no one could be heard, only that strange female voice "Up here you idiots!" they looked up at the moon and there she was. "Nightmare Moon!" Adagio said excitedly. "That's right, now, how about we do business" the sirens looked at the mare in the moon and smiled evilly. "What do you have in store for us?" Adagio asked raising an eyebrow. Suddenly, a necklace appeared in their necks making them recover their younger selves. "We're listening" Adagio said with a mischevious smile on her face. "First, transportation" a portal opened in front of them "Welcome back to Equestria, Dazzlings"