Short Stories

by I Like Pie


Twilight Sparkle enters Rainbow Dash's house that is huge mess. Many items are spread haphazardly across the floor and dressers are turned over.

"Rainbow?" Twilight asks.

A large, red, and rubber ball soars in Twilight's direction. She ducks as the ball goes over her head and then bounces away from her.

Rainbow Dash's head then quickly and immediately pops out of a pile of many objects. A couple of items are tangled in her colorful mane and tail.

"What in all of Equestria is this!" She points at the huge mess, narrows her eyes, and raises her eyebrows.

Rainbow flies out of the mess and shakes off some objects out of her mane. "I was looking for my Daring Do plushie and I made as mess."

"Why don't you just buy a new one?" Twilight asks with a confused expression on her face.

"Mine's really rare."

"It'll probably show up eventually."

"Yeah. Or I'll just have to deal with this huge mess I created.."